• ベストアンサー


この二つの文で文頭にHowがありますが、どういう意味・役割をしているのでしょうか?? How he'd been marked a class A criminal, but how he was released in exchange for his intelligence network on the continent. How he then crossed over to the Chinese continent and built up an intelligence network an d a fortune in the process.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。どうして彼が A 級犯罪人としてマークされていたのか、又彼はどうして大陸での情報網への貢献と引き換えに釈放されたのか 2。次に彼がどうして中国大陸に越境し、情報網を作り上げ、その過程で金儲けをしたか  いずれも前後の関係が分かりませんが。大文字で始まって(疑問符でなく)ピリオドで終わっている訳ですから、One wonders 「~は興味を引く」とか Who knows 「~は(誰にも)分からない」と言った主文が略された how で始まる従属節です。



  • 次の文を否定文に直しなさい。

    次の文を否定文に直しなさい。 That is an old piano. Thosee flowers are very beautiful. My brother wents a new bicycle. I have an English book in my bag. We can speak Chinese very well. Tom is washing his father's car. My father read an English newspaper.

  • 次の文を日本語訳してください

    この文章を日本語訳してください>< 本当に困ってます、おねがいします! Outaka Yoshiko, as she is known today, has surely enjoyed a long and interesting life. She might best be remembered for her three terms in the Japanese Diet as an active representative. She is remembered by many for her brave service as a political reporter in Palestine and other troubled areas in the world in the 1960s. there was much more, however, to this fascinating woman’s life. She was born in Manchuria, China, in 1920, and grew up using the name Li Xianglan, though both of her parents ware Japanese. Because she was troubled by tuberculosis as a child, she took singing lessons from a Russian man who had escaped the revolution 20 years earlier. She was very talented and became a coloratura soprano. This led to a career as an actress for the attractive young woman. In 1938, she made her debut in a film called Honeymoon Express, and then starred in a famous film called Shanghai Nights. In fact, no one knew that she was Japanese; she was thought to be Chinese. She was seen as a multi-lingual, talented Chinese actress. At the end of World War 2, however, she ran into trouble. She was nearly executed by the Chinese government for treason but she narrowly escaped and returned to Japan. In Japan, she continued her singing and acting career under a new name: Yoshiko Yamaguchi. Several years later, the celebrated actress got married to a famous person: the architect, Isamu Noguchi. The two lived happily in Kamakura, where he worked furiously and she built her acting career. She starred in films abroad as well as at home. For example, she was the leading actress in Japanese War Bride, but using a third name, Shirley Yamaguchi, as she was known in America.Sadly, the couple’s demanding careers caused their marriage to fall apart.

  • 英語 次の文を言いかえてください。

    お願い致します。 1 Watching a baseball game on TV is fun. →It is (). 2 Naturally Ichiro played an active part in the game. →It is (). 3 I met Julie for the first time (at the party).()内の語を強調して →It was (). 4 Let‘s go to karaoke this evening, shall we? → How about ().

  • よろしくお願いします

    "Ken" and I have been married five years, together nine. Ken is an amazing person; he's upbeat, handsome, charming, and thoughtful, but can't seem to stick to a job. He has a master's in a high-paying technical field that cost his parents a fortune, but he hated it so much he lasted less than a year in that field. cost his parents a fortuneは何に対して法外な金がかかるといっているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 疑問文の作り方がわかりません。

    疑問文の作り方がわかりません。 正しい答えを教えていただけないでしょうか。 ▼基本文 He saw a man sitting in his car with a hose in his mouth. ▽書きたい問題&答え What did he a man doing ? (彼は何をしている男をみたのですか?   希望の答え=sitting) Where did he a man sitting in with a hose in his mouth. (彼は口にホースを加えた男をどこでみたのですか?    希望の答え=in his car) How did he see a man in his car ? (彼は車の中のどんな男を見たのですか? 希望の答え=a sitting with horse in his mouth) 答えもそのような答えを導けるのかもよくわかっていません。 親切な方、教えていただけませんか。

  • howの意味の取り方

    前置詞の目的語のhowで、「どのように」やとすると不自然なhowは どのように訳せば良いでしょうか? 例えば、 1.He used to always brag about how his ancestors were Puritans. 2.My mother would freak out if she knew I was going up there with you and I'd get the standard lecture about how she never did that kind of stuff when she was a kid. などです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の問題の理由を教えてください。

    He doesn't have the ability 〇〇〇〇 his job. A、for doing B、in doing C、to do D、in do 正解 C 辞書から抜粋 I admire his ~ to manage [=in managing] an organization.  私は彼の組織管理能力を高く買っている. 注釈)(B) in doing が不正解の理由を教えてください。

  • 会話文の答え方

    入試問題 2問 よろしくお願いします。 (1.)解答がないので わかりません。 A:I'm glad to see you again,too. How have you been? A:Just fine,thank you.And you? B:Never been ( ). 1.better 2.fine 3.pleasure 4.well 1か2だと思いますが、どちらでしょうか? (2.)数日前に質問したのですが、納得できる回答を   していただけなっかたので もう1度お願いします。   (serve)の単語の言い換えの問題です。   答えは4.です。 3の「用を伺う」はなぜだめなんでしょうか?   refuseと 関係がありますか? He wanted to buy an expensive fur coat for his wife, but he was in such a wet condition that an assitant refused to [serve] him. 1.accept 2.see 3. wait on 4.have 解説お願いします。

  • "How"の意味

    "None of us wondered what the digitizing of sound waves would mean to our business," Stan Cornyn, a longtime Warner marketing man, wrote in "Exploding," a recent history of Warner Music. "How fidelity degradation, which had held back some from making free tape copies, would no longer be a factor once sound waves got turned into digits.... Digital sound, being so casually accepted into our world, was free to cause an epidemic. It would make data copying easy, clean, free, and something that felt about as immoral as killing an ant." 文章は、CDが売れなくなって、違法コピー・ダウンロードが氾濫している、といった内容です。 上記の文の"How fidelity degradation ~"の部分の"How"はどういった意味になるのでしょうか。 文尾に「?」がないですが(省略されている?)、'How'が文頭にあるため疑問文だと思うのですが、 それにしても、'How'がどういう意味が良くわかりませんので、教えてください。

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The Federal Chancellor created a new West German state in a growing Western economic community. Thus he also became the Chancellor of a divided Germany, an outcome that is not often referred to by German historians. The way Adenauer’s ‘policy of strength’ developed contributed to an escalation in the formation of blocs. In this area he was ahead of his ‘opponent’ Ulbricht in fact and in timing. As early as March 1949 ― even before the founding of the Federal Republic ― and on several occasions in the summer and autumn of 1950, be expressed his readiness to contribute militarily within the framework of a European Army.