• ベストアンサー


5 Days left on our fund raising campaign!! Come people give it a go. We need your blessings (and your money!)


  • ベストアンサー
  • h_flower
  • ベストアンサー率48% (65/135)

直訳ですが。。。 募金キャンペーンは残り5日!! 来た人は挑戦してね。 私たちはあなたのお恵(あなたのオカネ!)を必要とします。






  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    BIG big news guys!! We have launch a fund raising campaign. You can be a part of our progress. We are raising money to help market and promote our debut record!! Help us out!!

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    How Does Indiegogo Deal With Fraudulent Campaigns? Indiegogo has a comprehensive fraud-prevention system to protect our users. All campaigns and contributions go through a fraud review, which allows us to catch any and all cases of fraud. If we find fraudulent contributions on your campaign, we may remove them from your campaign Funds and Fulfillment pages. We may also ask you for more information, if we determine your campaign to be a high fraud risk. Finally, all campaigns that raise money go through a final examination before any funds are disbursed. Indiegogo requires campaign owners to fufill their Perks as a part of our Terms of Service. Perks are manged solely by campaign owners; we do not guarantee or take any legal responsibility for Perk fulfillment. Contributors can use our Terms of Service as a document in the court of law, should you choose to take legal action against a campaign owner for failing to fulfill a Perk.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    We've only got a few days left to raise the money for our new cd. Please check out this video and contribute if you can.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Friends, just today and tomorrow are left to contribute to Saturn Returns' record release fundraising campaign!!! Please take a minute out of your day, watch our video, and chip in whatever you can to help us get this record out!!! Thanks!!!

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Our Commitment to Trust At Indiegogo, we dedicate ourselves to your safety and peace of mind throughout the crowdfunding experience. We work hard to maintain the best environment for making contributions and managing campaigns, giving you confidence when it comes to making safe, informed decisions. If you ever need us, reach out to our Customer Happiness team any day of the week. Just send us an email at indiegogo.com, and we'll respond within 24 hours. Our team of anti-fraud experts focuses on keeping our community safe. They're responsible for developing new features to create a more secure and trustworthy environment for you. Our anti-fraud systems constantly monitor the performance of our product, helping us identify and eliminate fraudulent activity and scams. We partner with global experts in online payments to ensure your Indiegogo payments are processed securely. If you experience any problems with your payments on Indiegogo, please see our article about common contribution errors for help. If you run a campaign on Indiegogo, we also have secure systems that manage how you receive money you've raised.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    We are mounting this campaign not to raise money to pay for recording studio time but to cover duplication costs and marketing. It is our opinion that many many great records get made independently every year but without a marketing budget they go completely undiscovered.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Therefore, every dollar that is raised through this campaign will be going directly towards the tour, allowing us to rock farther and harder than ever before. Also know that we are set up for "Flex Funding," which means even if we don't reach our goal, we still get the money that is raised through the campaign. Regardless of the outcome, we love you guys, and we are hoping that through this we will be able to properly thank you. ※ 『The Sun Comes Out Tonight』はアルバム名、『Filter』はバンド名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Guys please forgive the pushy spam but our fundraiser has 5 days left so we're going to be in annoying mode all week. Please watch the video and help us out if you can!!

  • 翻訳の件

    外国の方から下記のメールが来たのですが、ネイティブな英語でないので良くわかりませんので、英語か得意な方、翻訳お願いいたします。 I would like go to Japan but it's need a reason let I will go to foreign. you shall tell me once more about your fund or money how an amount and what kind money. how and what is your target .

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Hey guys. If you like Saturn Returns go check this out- Hi Everyone, Many of you may (or may not!) know about Facebook's new plan to, basically, steal money from those who have a fan page on FB. They are throttling the views on people's news feeds, for pages they have liked, in order to force those with fan pages to pay "promotional" fees. This means every time we post something, unless we pay FB, only 15% of the people who indicated they wanted to hear from us by "liking" our fan page, are actually getting our posts. In order to have our posts reach you, and also to show FB that what they are doing is crappy, we would ask that you do the following: 1) Go to the fan page 2) Hover over "Liked" and click "Add to interests lists" This way you can see ALL our posts, not just what randomly shows up in the newsfeed. Sincerely, ※「Saturn Returns」というのは、バンド名です。

  • 兄弟姉妹への出産祝いの相場は安め
  • 2で割れる数字は縁起が悪いとされているため、3万円が相場とされる
  • しかし、相場は個人の経済状況や関係性によって異なるため、相手と相談することが重要