• ベストアンサー

英語 会話

私→あなたかあなたのご先祖様はヨーロッパ出身なのですか?いつか訪問できるといいですね。 相手→Most of my ancestors were from Europe.But I want to go more because of things I've heard about it.I'd like to go to Israel too. この相手の文を翻訳して頂きたいです。できれば返事の仕方も教えていただけたら嬉しいです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    「私の先祖のほとんどはヨーロッパ出身です。しかし私が(ヨーロッパへ行きたいのは先祖の出身地と言うより)は、いろいろ?(ヨーロッパについて)聞いたからです。イスラエルにも行きたいです。」 Thank you I want to go to Europe (Israel) too. 「ありがとう私もヨーロッパ(イスラエル)にいきたい。」     と仮にしておきました。    1。ヨーロッパだけに行きたければ      Thank you I want to go to Europe too.    2。イスラエルだけに行きたければ      Thank you I want to go to Israel too.    3。 両方に行きたければ       Thank you I want to go to both Europe and Israel too.     4。どちらにも行きたくなければ        Thank you I don't want to go to Europe nor Israel.  など、






  • 英語 会話

    何回もすいません… Japan is one of the places I would to go. I would also like to go to Europe. There even parts of my own country that I've never been to and would like to see この文はどうゆう意味なんでしょうか。また返事の仕方も教えて頂けるとありがたいです。

  • 至急。英語について

    相手がAlso before I forget to tell you, I want to go to Disney Sea.と言って来たことに対して、 『Ok! (どうせなら)seaもlandもどっちも行こうよ♪』と言いたいのですが OK! Why don't we go to The Disney Land, too and enjoy both of them. They are very close.←おかしいでしょうか?

  • 英語の歌の題名と歌詞の...のところが知りたい。 1.I've got

    英語の歌の題名と歌詞の...のところが知りたい。 1.I've got lots of friends in my ... I've got lots of friends in my ... I've got lots of things,things to ... I've got lots of things,things to ... I'm so happy life's so good I'm so happy life's so good.

  • 中学英語なのですが…

    わかりません。 質問お願いします。 中学英語を復習しています。 (1)I'm going to go to a concert. この文の主語はIで、動詞はbe going toのあとのgoであっていますか? (2)I've lived in Japan for five years, and I've loved Japanese music since I heard it for the first time. 主語と動詞は、 I lived I loved I heard で一つの文に3つずつありますか? この文は現在完了形の文なのは理解できます。 でも文が少し長くて混乱します。 こういう少し長い文を読むときに理解しやすいポイントとかはありますか? 文法に詳しい方が居たらお願いします。

  • 長文ですが英語を訳していただきたいです

    No, I'd pass www Your hair it isn't really short, at least for me, it is in good size :3 How much do you will be going to cut? By the way, may I ask, what is a bob? w Thanks! No, I'm pretty the opposite, I'm kinda unpopular ww orz I'm glad that I've convinced you more :3 Yeah, most of the beaches on Rio de Janeiro and in the state of Sao Paulo are indeed great. Specially the sea! You will like it! Also, you will really need an umbrella before you go to Sao Paulo Unless if you want to swim here in the rainy days too www Interesting to know that the city is known for it's spas I think I know someone who will like that fact wwww After seeing more photos, I agree with you. Oita isn't really too much urbanized, it looks more calm than most of the cities that I heard :3 It'll be nice to know these natural resources. Funny and great the fact that we are at the opposite sides of the earth each other :3 But... > I can hardly imagine! I didn't understood well this line, sorry (>.<)

  • 英語の間違いについて(3)

    英文に間違いがあれば教えてください。 Second, let me talk about dreams. I have dreams. Many people have dreams, too. I suppose that to try new things is close dreams. If I don't have a dream and to try new things, I could find a dream. To try new things is precious experience in our life. I think it is important have a lot of experience. If I have a dream, I think it is useful for my dream. I'm sure to try new things have take risks. But I think risks to be important experience. That's why I want to try new things and take risks. I want to challenge anytime. よろしくお願いします。

  • どの英語の方がいいか教えて下さいm(__)m

    色々話をしていて.... 相手)I'm happy too:) You can come visit me anytime:p 私)Yippee! Thank you* When I have a chance to go to America, I will go to see you. And you can also come to my place whenever you like. 最後に相手から 相手)Yay Thank you :) I would love to go there.と来ていて, 面接などで色々忙しく返事ができていなくて、 やっと今返せる時間があるので返事を返したいのですが、 『忙しくて返事できなかった(>_<)ごめんね。 是非来てください♪ アメリカは大好きだけど、まだ一回も行ったことがないから 私も行ってみたいです* というか、いつか住みたい(笑)』 って言いたいんですけど、 どちらの英語の方が上の文章に近いですか? (1)I was busy so I couldn't reply. Sorry... Come and visit us, by all means. I love USA very much, but I have never been there. So I want to go there. Rather I want to live there someday:) lol (2)I was busy so I couldn't reply. Sorry... Come and visit us, by all means. I love the United States but I've never been there. I'd like to visit there some day. Well, I rather want to live there:) lol あと、 Yay Thank you :) I would love to go there.に、 (1)~(2)のような返事はおかしいでしょうか?

  • 英語「I want to go to the AA

    英語「I want to go to the AAA.」は文法がおかしいですか? ~したい と 行く を同時に言いたいんですが。AAAに行きたいです。 「I want to go the AAA.」か「I want to go to the AAA.」か教えてください。 どっちが正しいのか分かりません。

  • 【英語】「want to go」と「want to

    【英語】「want to go」と「want to go to」の違い。 例1: I want to go AAA store. 私はAAAストアに行きたい。 例2: I want to go to AAA store. 私はAAAストアに行きたい。 例1と例2の最後のtoの有無しの違いって何ですか?

  • 英語が苦手なので、メールの英文の翻訳をお願いします

    I've noticed some other options too, I'm going to make myself a back up plan should the prosecutor thing not turn out ya know? 返信メール文中のこの英文がよく分かりません。英語が得意な方、どうか翻訳をお願い致します。 全文: Good I am glad to hear you won't give up it ^_^ It would then we'd have more to talk about ha ha ha. No problem, I tend to encourage everyone a lot it's kind of just a habit. Oh a proverb. I've never heard that one. ha ha, yea I've Always wanted to be a prosecutor but I've noticed some other options too, I'm going to make myself a back up plan should the prosecutor thing not turn out ya know? What about you? If you succeed in becoming a lawyer what kind did you want to be? You have a great day too! :)