• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文の添削出来る方お願いします。)


  • 教育現場で本気で子どもたちと向き合いたいと思っています。
  • 愛情を持って接することが重要です。
  • 教師はプライドや見栄を捨て、子供たちとの関係を真剣に築いていく必要があります。


  • ベストアンサー
  • pem42391
  • ベストアンサー率52% (70/134)

今日登録かぁ、夏休みも終わりますよねー、大学は少し長いとはいえ。 でも丸投げじゃないんで私も一緒に考えたいと思います > I don't know what teaching is really like at all 「教育現場」とはちょっと違うんじゃないですか? 簡単な表現なら what is going on in school とか何とかどうでしょう。「学校全般」は school と無冠詞単数系でいけると思うんです。「教育とは何か」といいたいなら、話は変わってきますね。 > who doesn't have any vanity or pride vanity が無いのはいいけど pride が何にも無いのはマズイでしょ。良い pride もあるし。 > get along with children with my affection for them full 前では doesn't となってるのにここでは get になってますね、主語は who であり、その先行詞は a teacher しょ。 my もいいんですか? それと full って必要なんでしょうか。 > and talk with them sincerely. talk with them は、ちょっと違うと思います。 日本語を直訳しないで、表現したい真意を意訳してカッコイイ英文にするのもいいですが、原文をできるだけ尊重して活かすのが添削だと思うので Although I don't know what is going on in school at all, I want to be a teacher who has no vanity, gets along with children with affection, and faces them wholeheartedly. としてみました。どうでしょう。



とても参考になりました! ありがとうございますm(_ _)m ちなみに僕は高校生です(^^;;


その他の回答 (1)


教育現場については何も知らない私だが、見えやプライド捨て子供たちに愛情を持って接し、本気で 子どもたちと向き合っていく教師になりたい。 「何も知らない」と言う部分を直訳で I don't knowと訳してしまうと、“私の知ったことじゃない”と言う感じの無責任なイメーがします。なので、ここは I am still learning として、“今はまだ知らないけれど、知るために頑張っている”のニュアンスを出した方がいいでしょう。 I'm still learning what education is. くらいでよいのでは? 続いて、”見えやプライド捨て”ですが、Vanityはともかく、Prideをn't have では、親御さんが不安になりますよ!(^ー^) Prideは省略してもよいでしょう。 get along with children with my affection for them fullは childrenはどのchildrenなのかはっきりさせた方が英語らしいです。あなたが教師であるなら、あなたが向き合う子供は、生徒ですよね? my studentsを代わりに使うのはどうでしょう? またaffectionよりloveの方が、直接的で伝わり易いです。 なので、 get along with my students with full of my love ではいかがでしょうか? ご参考になれば幸いです。



なるほど、これからは単語の選び方ももうちょっと注意しながら書きたいと思います。 ありがとうございました!



  • 英作文添削お願いできますか?

    久しぶりに英作文書いてみました。具体的に誤りや、より良い表現などを添削してもらえたら嬉しいです。当方は大学生です。 昨今の若者は、店頭で商品を買うより、できれば同じものを自動販売機で買いたがる。そうすればわざわざ店員と口をきく必要がないというわけだ。手間を省いていると言ってしまえばそれまでだが、他人との接触をわずらわしいと感ずる心理も見え隠れして、少々気になるところである。 In present days, young people tend to use a vendind machine rather than visit a shop if both of them keep same goods. The reason is that vending machines do not demand of the young the trouble to communicate with salesclerks. Although it is possible to regard the behaviour of them as saving time, I cannot help being worried about their reluctance to get in touch with others.

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします!

    大学受験を控えた受験生です。 志望大で自由英作文が課されるので対策をしているのですがなかなかうまく書けません。出題が200語程度なので全体で35分(日本語でメモ10~15分)で書く練習はしているのですが。。。 構成の作っている段階でネタ不足になってしまったり、メモが難しくなってしまい英文として表現する際に手がとまってしまいます。 添削とアドバイス(役に立つ表現や字数稼ぎのポイント、構成の立て方、自分だったらどうゆう内容で書くかなど)をいただけると非常にありがたいです。 問題 良い教師がどのようにあるべきかあなたの意見を200語程度の英文で書きなさい。     I think that a good teacher has to have three points. First of all,It is imporatnt for a good teacher to be friendly to his students.Of course,he should sometimes scold them when they make mistakes or play a trick too far.However,If student think their is so obstinate or stern that they won't speak to him,he can't understand what his students think and worry about. socondly,It is also important not to give answers ofsome questions to his students quickly.In my experiences,my teacher who I think is the best teacher didn't give me asolution of my trouble.However,he gave me a hint,and he have me think more seriously.So he teach me how important to solve the troubles by myself. Thirdly,he should improve his teaching skills.For example,It is important to think how to teach a difficult question to his students understandably,to consult with senior teacher about his students or class.If the teaching skills of the teacher is improve,his students can learn interestingly. So teachers should have above three points to be a good teacher.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    野球は、アメリカの国民的スポーツのひとつである。多くのアメリカ人は、子供の頃、 近所の野原で野球をして大きくなる。泥まみれになり、隣の誰それは自分より上手になった とか、ならないとかいいながら、他人と共同生活を送っていくすべを身に着けていく。あるいは 他人に負かされるという屈辱感を受け入れる訓練を重ねていく。 Baseball is one of the national sports in Ameria. Many Americans play it in their childhood on near grass from their house and grow with it. By doing so, they can learn how to get along with other people in their life, being maddy, saying someone next to them became well or less than themselves in it. We can also say that they train themselves to acknowledge the regret to be beated by other pople. 大変わかりづらい文章になってしまいました。屈辱感 でかなり困りました。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    自由英作文の添削をお願いします。 テーマ:Many medical students become frustrated that the basic memory skills that allowed them to pass the entrance exam have not prepare them for the increased pace of university study. Indeed, doctors need to be highly motivated, self-directed learners to keep up with the ever-increasing changes in medical knowledge. Describe how you could be a good medical student and what your priorities will be. Detail three of your good points and three bad points clearly. 条件:3パラグラフ構成以上、150字以上、序論・本論・結論が明確であること。   It is often said that many medical students become frustrated because they have to memorize various kinds of things about human body to keep up with university study. In case with me, one of my bad points is that when cannot understand the things, I am unable to go next step until I understand them. In addition to this bad point, I also think almost all things so deep. For example, I always worry about that whether my opinions or actions hurt my friends or not. Moreover, my third bad point is that I often care about people around me too much. My sister usually told me not to take care of her so often. However, I think these bad points are also my good points. When I cannot understand something, I ask my friends or teachers how to solve the problem. This action makes our relationships better. Next, my worrying about everything and tending to take care of people around me mean I have abilities to imagine other people’s feelings and to try to help people who are in trouble. This will motivate me to become a good doctor. Although I have bad points, everyone also has them. The important thing is not that you do not have bad points, but that you have the ability to change your bad points to good points. This is needed to become a good medical student.(238words) 自分の良い点悪い点について具体例を3つずつ、ということなのですが、 どういうふうに羅列したらよいか悩みました。 いい点と悪い点を一対一対応にして書くべきなのかとも考えましたが、 3つの悪い点→全部良い点へと変換しました。 先日期待と不安の添削をしていただいたときに不安→期待の方がよいというアドバイスを頂いたことを参考にしてみました。 序論も結論も弱い気がしますがボキャブラリーや結び付け方がへただなぁと・・・ 本番まであと1週間なのでかなり焦っています(´;ω;`) よろしくお願いします

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします

    周りに添削を頼めるような人がいないので、自由英作文の添削をお願いします。ネット上で細かく添削するのは大変だと思いますので、文法上誤っている点の指摘や全体を見ての感想・アドバイスをいただけるとうれしいです。よろしくお願いします。 (問)次の意見について100文字以上の英文で意見を述べなさい。 Multicalturalism is important in today\'s world. (答) I agree with this statement. Firstly,more and more people in the world go abroad to study and to earn money these days.There are many foreign people around us.If we adopt particular culture,we can\'t get along with people who have the different culture. Secondly,they know different things from us.we can get many knowledge from them.It is a pity that we cat\'t learn many things by discrimination. Certainly,if we live in the place where thare are people who have the same culture,we feel comfortable and happy. But it is much interesting that we interact with them. Aiso,Muiticulturalism is adopted including Canada,America,and France,and those countries flourish. Thus,Multiculturalism is important in today\'s world.

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします

    周りに添削を頼めるような人がいないので、自由英作文の添削をお願いします。ネット上で細かく添削するのは大変だと思いますので、文法上誤っている点の指摘や全体を見ての感想・アドバイスをいただけるとうれしいです。 (問)次の意見について100文字以上の英文で意見を述べなさい。 Multicalturalism is important in today's world. (答) I agree with this statement. Firstly,more and more people in the world go abroad to study and to earn money these days.There are many foreign people around us.If we adopt particular culture,we can't get along with people who have the different culture. Secondly,they know different things from us.we can get many knowledge from them.It is a pity that we cat't learn many things by discrimination. Certainly,if we live in the place where thare are people who have the same culture,we feel comfortable and happy. But it is much interesting that we interact with them. Aiso,Muiticulturalism is adopted including Canada,America,and France,and those countries flourish. Thus,Multiculturalism is important in today's world.

  • 英検準一級 英作文添削お願いしますm(_ _)m

    英検準一級 英作文添削お願いします。 1 大学で勉強するのにあたって、オンラインコースは良い方法と思うか 2 子供に携帯電話を持たせるのは必要か 3 公共機関で携帯電話を使用するのを禁止するべきか? I think online courses are a good way to study.Although many people are too busy to take enough time, online courses allow them to study anytime. Regarding your second question, I think it is necessary for children to have it. In an emergency, they contact their family. Finally, I don't think people should be banned it. E-mailing and using Internet is silent. In addition, we will have to use it in an emergency. 導入と締めは除いて添削&採点をしていただきたいです。 それぞれの答えの出だしはこのような形で良いのか? 文法的におかしいところはないか? などなどアドバイスをよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m また、使える文法なども教えていただけるとありがたいです!

  • 埼玉大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    埼玉大学 自由英作文 2012                                                                                                         条件・ 世の中には、いろいろな先生がいます。さて、あなたの理想の先生について詳しく書きなさい。(120~150字)                                                                                                               Needless to say , teachers are required the ability of teachering , but I think that the                                                               communication skill is also important. Since a school is the place where we have to leran                                                                  Japanese or English and so on, teachers need to have a lot of knowledge about that, but I think                                                               a teacher who has the good communication skill is more interesting and friendly. I have an                                                                   experience supporting my idea. When I wes a junior high school student , I joined teniss club. One                                                               day, I had a match with a student of other school. I couldn't win the match , so I was disappointed,                                                              however , my teacher said to me "Don't give up and you can do it". This word helped me very                                                                 much. I think that it is important for teachers not only to teach their students but also to                                                                    communicate with them. (142字)                                                                                                                                                                      拙い文章ですが、文法面を中心にご指導いただけるとありがたいです。添削をお願いできる方がいなくて・・・。厳しいご指摘宜しくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    自由英作文の添削をお願いします テーマ:A large earthquake event is expected in the Tokai area in the near future. Describe the preparations you would make in anticipation of such a disaster. If a disastrous earthquake were to occur while you were studing at this university, what would you do? 条件:3パラグラフ以上、150字以上、序論・本論・結論が明確であること   It is often said that a large earthquake occurs in the Tokai area in the near future. As I experienced the large earthquake in the Tohoku area the other day, I am very nervous about such disasters and highly motivated to prepare them. Through my experience, you should always prepare some degree of water and prepared food for a disastrous earthquake. It is because even a convenience store is closed just after a large earthquake. Next, if a disastrous earthquake were to occur while I were studying at this university, it would expected that many people are in panic. I know being in panic lead a second disaster. Thus, I would let students around me keep calm down, get out of this university, and move to safety area like play ground. After doing this, I would offer the leader’s instruction. This would make damages of a disaster as less as possible. Although you are often told to prepare a large disaster, you may do not know how to prepare for it. Preparing water and prepared food is necessary, of course, but it is more important that you talk about what would you do when a disastrous earthquake were to occur with people around you in daily life in advance. I believe that many people always imagine this may lessen the serious damages.(222words) 本日は英語の試験時間である90分の最初に英作文を書きはじめました(いつもは最後でした) 時間は35分近くかかってしまいましたが、自分としてはいつもの作文より筋がとおっているかな、と思っています。 添削して頂く際、この問題の配点を100点として、何点くらいの評価か、回答者様の主観でかまいませんので評価して頂けたらありがたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • ホストファミリーへの手紙(英作文お願いします!)

    英語の得意なみなさんお願いします。私の姉が子育てを しながら一生懸命返事を考えています。 手直し等お願いします!悪い所直してください。 How are you getting along? I am getting along well. (getting along ってナニ?) I am surprised to recieve the letter you sent me. Because I thought of you.  (あなたのことを考えていたから手紙を受け取った時は  驚きました) I am happy, I've managed to get through to you. (”気持ちが通じて嬉しかった”と言いたいのですが) I am surprised, Deloney, Blaje and Mason grow up. They are cute. My daughter grew up, too. (まだまだ成長し続けるであろう子供達の成長をgrowって言うのはヘンですよね?) I am busy for taking care of my child everyday. I want to go to your house with my family. (みんなに会いに行きたいではなく家に行きたいという風に強調された表現方法ではないですか?) ・・・どうかお願いします!

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