• ベストアンサー


「彼らは日本固有のものを(海外に)持って行くように勧めている、 例えばお面とかうちわとか、浴衣とか。」 を英訳したいのですが、 They recommended I should bring something unique of things such as mask, fan, and yukata. particular Japanese stuffsとか、specific and traditional itemsとか考えてみたのですが 良く分かりません。 申し訳ございませんが、アドバイスを頂けないでしょうか?


  • ベストアンサー

フォーマルな表現でなければ、”Japnesey things”はどうですか? http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=Japanesey http://people.tribe.net/paulac/blog/833f9cd7-2803-4b05-97e0-51d1b2a01177 Japanesey はおそらく質問者さんの辞書に載っていない比較的新しい 言い方だと思いますが、-yは単語(動詞・名詞・形容詞)の後につけ ”新形容詞化”し、日本語の「~的」 「~っぽい」に値すると思います。 類似の単語: catchy(人目をひく、すぐ覚えそうな、受けそうな), cheepy(安っぽい), cheesey(チーズっぽい)


その他の回答 (3)


They are suggesting bringing something characteristic of Japanese culture such as a fun mask, a paper fan, or a yukata (to entertain people you will meet at your destination.) something unique to Japanese cultureでいいと思いますよ. 日本語のニュアンスからするとrecommendedは「一般的な意見」になるようにrecommendの方が適当です. これらを所持する目的として「向こうで出会った人と会話がはずむように」を加えてみました.

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

They recommend bringing things unique to Japan, such as mask, fan, and yukata.  とも。 unique の代わりに native とか (一寸長ったらしいですが) autochthonous なども使えます。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=autochthonous

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

Japan's/Japanese indigenous goods http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=indigenous



  • 浴衣の説明文

    浴衣の説明文を頼まれました。 重要なので、文法的に間違っていないかチェックお願いできますか。 Yukata is a casual type of Japanese Kimono, which is made of cotton, with traditional patterns and printings on. People wear it when they go to firework festivals or other outdoor events in the hot summer months. もしこれぐらいの長さでもっと良い説明文を思いついたら、是非教えてください。 お願いします!^^

  • 日本語訳が出来ません

    子供のしつけに関する文章なんですが、国語力がないためちゃんとした日本語にできません。どなたか、訳してもらえないでしょうか? Intelligent parents,however,realize that yhe particular setting of each family is unique ,and there can be no rigid general rules. They use general information only as a guide in making decision and solving problems. For example ,they will need specific suggestions for problems such aspeech defects or backwardness in learning to walk or control of bodily function.

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いいたします。↓ ・What are the main things that Japanese companies look for in an employee? ・Many people have to work very long hours, and many of those are unpaid. ・Japanese companies often make their workers from taking long holidays together. ・Japanese, it seems, strongly discourage their workers from taking long holidays. ・Some Japanese companies expect woman to leave and get married when they reach about 25, so even highly qualified women don't get such good jobs. ・Should workers have to socialize with their bosses? ・Should workers try to keep their personal life separate from their work? ・What things make for good boss? 以上です。よろしくお願いします。

  • ヨーロッパのPC/携帯電話の日本での使い方

    ヨーロッパから日本に旅行に来る人がいます。ノートPCと携帯電話を持ち込むに当たって、互換性を聞かれています。 (1)We want to bring our notebook along which is fit for any input between 100 and 230 volt. So it should work with an adapter for the socket. 日本は100Vなので、電源プラグ変更アダプタを用意するだけで使えるのでしょうか。 (2)And concerning handys I heard that European and Japanese handys are not compatible because Japanese handys have no exchangeable sim-cards. Is that true? We thought of buying some prepaid sim-cards or cheap handys (if not compatible). Do you know what a cheap prepaid handy would cost? 「handy」とは携帯電話のことだと思うのですが、「sim-card」を変えるだけで日本で使えるのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The changes in equipment, organisation and formation were elaborated in SS 144 The Normal Formation For the Attack of February 1917, which recommended that the leading troops should push on to the final objective, when only one or two were involved but that for a greater number of objectives, when artillery covering fire was available for the depth of the intended advance, fresh platoons should "leap-frog" through the leading platoons to the next objective. The new organisations and equipment gave the infantry platoon the capacity for fire and manoeuvre, even in the absence of adequate artillery support. To bring uniformity in adoption of the methods laid down in the revised manuals and others produced over the winter, Haig established a BEF Training Directorate in January 1917, to issue manuals and oversee training. SS 143 and its companion manuals like SS 144, provided British infantry with "off-the-peg" tactics, devised from the experience of the Somme and from French Army operations, to go with the new equipment made available by increasing British and Allied war production and better understanding of the organisation necessary to exploit it in battle.

  • mustとshouldの違いについて

    中学で mustは「~しなければならない」、shouldは「~すべきだ」の意味だと教わりました。 どちらも、日本語では似たような意味だし、英語と日本語のズレも考えたら mustとshouldの違いは 訳語の意味の違いに還元できる問題ではないと思います。それについては、この間、関連する質問の とある回答で “I think it's only Japanese who treat "you should go" and "you must go" in the same way. Actually, it is not. It can't be, because "should" doesn't have any power to order someone to do something for your favor.” という一節がありました。 そこで質問ですが、mustとshouldの根本的な意味の違いって何でしょうか?

  • 下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    Besides the size of homes, ideas about newness are another difference. In Japan, a house or apartment building that is older than about 30 years is considered old. This is partly because the traditional material for building Japanese houses is wood, which has a short life span. Another reason is that Japanese tend to put a greater emphasis on new things compared to North Americans. This need for new things may come from the Buddhist idea that nothing is permanent, or perhaps it originated with Shinto ideas about purity. As a result, homes more than about 30 years old are usually destroyed and replaced by new ones. North Americans are less concerned about the age of their homes. This is because they are often made of more solid materials such as brick, which lasts a long time. In fact, older homes are often made of better quality materials than new homes. Naturally, the interior goes out of date, so many owners renovate the inside of their homes. In this way, some houses last for more than 100 or 200 years. Another major difference involves the behavior of people towards their homes. Japanese have had a long tradition of cleanliness. IN the third century, Chinese travelers to Japan commented on the cleanliness of the Japanese. Early European travelers made similar comments. In the home, Japanese have some rather unique characteristics related to cleanliness. For instance, no one wears shoes inside, an important part of Japanese culture related to group identity. On the other hand, North Americans often wear shoes in the house, even in the bathroom and bedroom. Another difference that shows the cleanliness of Japanese is the separation of the toilet and the bathroom. In North America, they are usually in the same room. ※renovate「更新する」 make a distinction 「~を区別する」

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    長文ですが翻訳の出来る方よろしくお願いします。 He is a man who likes music and may have musical hobbies, or could play an instrument, or like composing and singing and recording. He is good at composing but also what transcends his ability to compose is to interpret other work. II think he like music of a classical kind. Also traditional rock Ballard music. Music that he feels has something important to say about life. Guitar music. He likes words and language and may have learned some other language, or be studying it and the culture and music, that goes with that country and language. Domestic life will appeal, and he likes to spend time with his family and pets. Traditional oriental things appeal to him. Both customs and items. He will enjoy cooking and making food, he may have an interest in foods and wines, and will enjoy dinning out too. He will like to attend feasts and festivals. There may be a musical and also a military background in has family that ha inspired him. He also likes military things, involvement in the outdoors, or some militant cause, local environment and its issues, to take a leading part in the community, things like residents associations, local politics, communities issues, he may fight intellectually for his beliefs, likes a great reformer and fighter for his community. Or his military interests may be more out door, arts of self defense, scout leader, outward bound clubs, territorial army, this sort of volunteer soldiering hobby.

  • 長文ですが、難しくはないです。添削お願いいたします。

    英語のプリントを読んだ感想を英語で書かなくては、上手くできません。 一応以下のように考えてみたのですが、添削お願いいたします。 (文字数の関係で、特に不安なところ以外は日本語を省きましたが、必要なら補足させていただきます。) Reading those prints, I could understand traditional American's values very well, and I thought about it again(←改めて考えてみると), I thought that I didn’t understand traditional Japanese value in detail. So, it is not possible for me to compare American values with Japanese values very much. Therefore, I thought that I had to study traditional Japanese values more. I think Japanese tend to imitate American. It may not be only that reason, but particularly in late years I think Japanese comes to put weight in American values such as individualism. (←それだけの理由だけではないかもしれないが、特に近年、日本人は個人主義などのアメリカの価値観に重きを置くようになっていると思う。) Only a good point of the values is apt to be emphasized, but there is a bad point too, so we should take it into consideration. After that, I thought we had to take in the values. American’s traditional values seem to be individualisms, equality of an opportunity and so on, but I wonder whether there would be no differences between races.(←人種による違いはないのかなと思った。) If there are them, (←もしあるとしたら)I wonder what kind of differences are there. まとまりごとの繋がりがないことは、気にしなくて大丈夫です。 また、ある程度言いたいことが同じであれば、英文が大幅に変わっても構いません。 長文で大変お手数ですが、宜しくお願いたします。

  • 間に入る言葉教えてください。

    間に入る言葉教えてください。 1._____________:opposition to someone in authority or to normal ways of doing things. 2._____________:to make someone do what you want by influencing them 3._____________:to be considered to be (something) 4._____________:to appear or come out from somewhere 5._____________:the shape and size of your body 6._____________:cruel , strict and not nice 7._____________:a fixed general image of a particular type of person or thing 8._____________:to change *alter *constitute *physique *harsh *rebellion *stereotype *manipulate *emerge

  • 【MFC-J850 DN】の無線ラン設定方法について教えてください。
  • NEC PA-WG2600HS2を使用して無線ランの設定方法を教えてください。
  • お使いの環境や接続方法に応じたMFC-J850DNの無線ラン設定方法をご教示ください。