• 締切済み

Why no one bother to help

I write question so i can get an answer,no one help me,is it because i'm a foreigner?How many people seen this,check it out fruitcakes! or piss off


  • halojones
  • ベストアンサー率46% (336/716)

Hi. I'm not good at english much, but I try to answer. First,what is your question? This site isn't a space to chat or appeal, discuss, give publicity to something. But to ask question simply, to answer simply. I think you need to make your question clear. `Watch this video or works' is not a question. And many japanese don't understand the interview in english. Me niether. We cannot answer. It's not for you're a foreigner. For we don't know what your question is, and for many japanese don't understand the interview in english. Me neither. Why don't you use another english site? Or make your question simple. Did you understand my poor english? Bye for now.


  • a(an)とone

    (1)How many notebooks do you have in your hand? - I have a notebook.  (あなたは手に何冊のノートを持っていますか? - 私は1冊のノートを持っています。) (2)How many eggs did Ken eat this morning? - He ate an egg.  (健は今朝に何個の卵を食べましたか? - 彼は1つの卵を食べました。) (1)の「a」や(2)の「an」を「one」にしてもいいですか?

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    I am for the service because we can help many foreign people. Sometimes small changes can make a big difference.

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  • 英語が正しいかどうか教えてください。

    Many people want to be success. Many people have dreams and become happy. I also want to be success. And I have a dream. It is not easy to success. And many people have felt sad because they can’t success. I don’t think people can’t succeed that it is because of hard work. I suppose that luck is very important for succeed. I argue about exam and I was read a book. この文の英語に間違いなどあれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • How to use " replace" in Japanese

    Actually this is a Japanese question. Can anyone tell me how to say " The bus was used for the replacement of the car. Because there were too many people and the car is too small for everyone to fit in.) please help!

  • ほぼ同じ内容にしてください

    I don't know how I should answer your question I don't know - - answer your question ほぼ同じ内容にしてください 早い方にベストアンサー差し上げます。

  • ing とtoとどちらが正しいですか?

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