• 締切済み

account for?

http://okwave.jp/qa/q7399044.html Researchers found that the link between too much time sitting and shortened lives stuck when they accounted for how much moderate or vigorous exercise people got as well as their weight and other measures of health. 「調査者たちは,人々の体重や他の健康指標に加え,どのくらい適度ないし激しい運動をしていたかを(調査し)説明する際,長時間座りすぎることと短命の間には確固たる関連が存在することに気づいた」 その説明をしないなら、長時間座りすぎることと短命の間には確固たる関連が存在しないのでしょうか。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数2



ネイティブ的には account for を take into account「考慮する」の意味で使うのですかね。 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AuM6P5D5wNWy3bOCz2G0p6vty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120403093327AAgdo1d 英辞郎でも1つ例が出てきます。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=account+%e8%80%83%e6%85%ae account for 「説明する」という意味もあるが、この場合は「・・・考慮して 何か行動をおこなった」という意味で使っている。 http://melma.com/backnumber_18446_1393362/ という記述も見られます。 英和辞典,英英辞典をいくつ見ても出てきません。 Yahoo! Answers の回答では stuck の方が不自然だというコメントもあります。 私としては account for の方が納得いかなかったのですが。 「調査者たちは,人々の体重や他の健康指標に加え,どのくらい適度ないし激しい運動をしていたかを考慮した上で,長時間座りすぎることと短命の間には確固たる関連が存在することに気づいた」 いずれにせよ,こういう意味合いで使っているのだと思います。 #2 でも説明したように対照実験的な役割。 ただ,座っていた時間のデータそのものだけだと,その人の健康状態とも関連してくる。 たとえば,もともと体が弱いからおのずと長時間座っていることにもなるので, 一概に座っている時間が長いことで即,短命の原因とは言えない。 そういう健康状態も考慮した上で,やはり長時間座っていることが短命につながる, ということがわかった。


説明しようと調査しているうちに気づいた。 という感じで回答しました。 実を言うと,どうもこの account for ~には納得いかない部分がありました。 ただ,英語で書いている通りに訳しました。 account for ~は「ものごとが~の原因となる」という意味合いで 「~の理由を説明する」であり,人間を主語にすると,「釈明する」的な響きがあります。 まあ,広く「原因・理由を明らかにする」ととらえてもいいと思います。 ただ,どうもしっくりこない。 日本語のニュースを見てみると, >全死因死亡リスクの上昇は患者の身体活動、体重、健康状態を考慮後も変わらなかった。 というのが見つかり,英語のものも探ってみると, >This was after taking into account their physical activity, weight, and health status. というのが見つかりました。 http://www.asianscientist.com/health-medicine/sitting-too-long-may-lead-to-increased-mortality-risk-2012/ 確かにこれは「~を考慮後」です。 すなわち,対照実験的に,「人によってさまざまな身体活動,体重,健康状態に違いがあるが, そういうデータも考慮に入れた上で,長時間座り過ぎることと短命の間に関連がある。 私の英語の知識では take into account O (普通は take O into acount ですが,O が長い場合などにこういう順序になり得ます) という場合の account は「考慮」 account for ~には「考慮」的な意味はありません。 他動詞 account に consider の意味にはなりますが, account O C で「O を C とみなす」のように用います。 どうも,account for はおかしい? ような気がします。

  • nikogoo
  • ベストアンサー率21% (18/85)



  • stuck

    こんばんは。 http://news.yahoo.com/too-much-sitting-linked-shortened-lives-160234206.html Researchers found that the link between too much time sitting and shortened lives stuck when they accounted for how much moderate or vigorous exercise people got as well as their weight and other measures of health. stuck は stick の過去形でしょうか。また、意味は何ですか。よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします!

    By some estimates, we're sleeping as much as an hour and a half less per night than we did at the turn of the century. But sleep researchers point to ills ranging from heart problems to depression. お願いします(>_<)

  • 英語の訳を教えてください

    If you could leave it with mom as I am house sitting these days and don't see you as much. この英文の訳はどうなるのでしょうか?ちなみに文章の中のitはわたしが払っていない請求書のお金のことです。asから後の訳が難しく、「わたしが近頃家にいる時、もしくはわたしがあなたと会えない場合はできるだけ母にお金を渡して置いてほしい」と言っているのか「わたしが近頃家にいる時渡してくれてもいいし、もしくはできるだけわたしはあなたに会おうとしていないのだから、母にお金を渡して置いてほしい」と訳すのがいいのか迷っています。よろしくお願いします。

  • HRとSOの意味(英語)

    HR 5, operations identified where the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at significant risk and actions to support these rights; HR 6, operations identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor and measures to contribute to eliminate child labor; SO 5, public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying 上記英文のHRとSOは何の略で意味は何でしょうか? ご指導願います。

  • 英文解釈の質問です

    英訳と、ポイントを教えていただきたいです。 Veerman says that it might make sense for doctors to start asking their patients about how much time they spend in front of the TV, and to treat TV time as they would other risk factors for poor health, such as lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet. 私が分からなくなってしまった原因は、as they wouldのところなんですが、 これはどう解釈すればよいでしょうか? 最初はtreat A as Bなのかと思いましたが違う気もします。 どなたか分かる方いらっしゃいましたら教えてください。

  • 構文分析

    Researchers, in the paper on music and spatial task performance, reorted that listening to as little as ten minutes of Mozart’s music produced an elevantion in brain power lasting ten to fifteen minutes, a finding that triggered much of the current interest in the positive effect of music on learning.  構文分析があまりとれません。特にas little as はどうつかわれているのですか? あとa finding以下が解釈できません。お願いします。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    New research finds link between frequency of exercise and stroke risk Here’s yet another reason to get off the couch: new research findings suggest that regularly breaking a sweat may lower the risk of having a stroke. A stroke can occur when a blood vessel in the brain gets blocked. As a result, nearby brain cells will die after not getting enough oxygen and other nutrients. A number of risk factors for stroke have been identified, including smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and being inactive. For this study, published in the journal Stroke, Michelle N. McDonnell, Ph.D., from the University of South Australia, Adelaide and her colleagues obtained data from the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study. REGARDS is a large, long-term study funded by the NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) to look at the reasons behind the higher rates of stroke mortality among African-Americans and other residents living in the Southeastern United States. “Epidemiological studies such as REGARDS provide an important opportunity to explore race, genetics, environmental, and lifestyle choices as stroke risk factors,” said Claudia Moy, Ph.D., program director at NINDS. Over 30,000 participants supplied their medical history over the phone. The researchers also visited them to obtain health measures such as body mass index and blood pressure. At the beginning of the study, the researchers asked participants how many times per week they exercised vigorously enough to work up a sweat. The researchers contacted participants every six months to see if they had experienced a stroke or a mini-stroke known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA). To confirm their responses, the researchers reviewed participants’ medical records. The researchers reported data for over 27,000 participants who were stroke-free at the start of the study and followed for an average of 5.7 years. One-third of participants reported exercising less than once a week. Study subjects who were inactive were 20 percent more likely to experience a stroke or TIA than participants who exercised four or more times a week. The findings revealed that regular, moderately vigorous exercise, enough to break a sweat, was linked to reduced risk of stroke. Part of the protective effect was due to lower rates of known stroke risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity and smoking. “Our results confirm other research findings but our study has the distinct advantage of including larger numbers, especially larger numbers of women as well as blacks, in a national population sample so these provide somewhat more generalizable results than other studies,” said Virginia Howard, Ph.D., senior author of the study from the School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

  • [英語]()に当てはまるもの教えて下さい><

    1. Under no circumstances () it without her permission. (1) you should not do (2) you should do (3) should you not do (4) should you do 2. The man () we believed was a murderer proved to be innocent. (1) who (2) whose (3) whom (4) what 3. You can use my bike () you bring it back tomorrow. (1) as long as (2) as far as (3) as well as (4) as much as 4. This computer needs (). (1) to fix (2) to have fixed (3) fixed (4) fixing 5. The store is open () on Fridays. (1) faster (2) late (3) lately (4) sooner 6. I was () to suggest a satisfactory solution to him. (1) unable (2) difficult (3) necessary (4) impossible 7. Roy, Ben and I went out together, but I went jogging while () played tennis. (1) other (2) some (3) the other (4) the others 8. Mr. Kaufman was a strict teacher and gave his students (). (1) too much homework (2) many piece of homework (3) too many homeworks (4) a lot of homeworks 9. I () in my room for the past half an hour wondering how I'm going to begin this work. (1) had been sitting (2) was sitting (3) would sit (4) have been sitting 10. This watch () three minutes a day, so I'm going to have it fixed. (1) delays (2) recedes (3) loses (4) slows

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    The researchers also looked at the data according to gender. After the researchers accounted for age, race, socioeconomic factors (education and income) and stroke risk factors, the results revealed that men who exercised at least four times a week still had a lower risk of stroke than men who exercised one to three times per week. In contrast, there was no association between frequency of exercise and stroke risk among women in the study. However, there was a trend towards a similar reduction in stroke risk for those who exercised one to three times a week and four or more times a week compared to those who were inactive. “This could be related to differences in the type, duration, and intensity of physical activity between men and women,” said Dr. Howard. “This could also be due to differences in the perception of what is intense physical activity enough to work up a sweat.” The results should encourage doctors to stress the importance of exercise when speaking with their patients, Dr. Howard said. “Physical inactivity is a major modifiable risk factor for stroke. This should be emphasized in routine physician check-ups along with general education about the benefits of exercise on stroke risk factors including high blood pressure, diabetes and being overweight or obese,” she said. The study suggests that men should consider exercising at least four times a week. REGARDS will continue to assess stroke risk factors to look for long-term patterns in the study population. “Findings from this study, including the current physical activity results, will ultimately help us to identify potential targets for immediate intervention as well as for future clinical trials aimed at preventing stroke and its consequences,” said Dr. Moy.

  • Weasel wordsとは?翻訳お願いします。

    ある英文の文献なのですが、Weasel wordsについて書いてあります。 Weasel wordsで検索したら、”二枚舌”などと出てきたのですが、この以下の意味が 全くわかりません。わかる方翻訳お願いします。 Weasel words These are terms whose meanings are slippery and difficult to pin down. Good examples can be easily found in commercials as when Medicine A works “better” than Medicine B but fails to specify how much or in what respect Medicine A performs better. It’s quite possible that Medicine A performs better in one respect but less effectively according to nine other measures. Other weasel words are help, virtually, as much as, like (as in “it will make you feel like new”), and more economical. Ask yourself, “Exactly what is being claimed?” For example, “What does ‘may reduce cholesterol’ mean? What exactly is being asserted?”