• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳)

The Power Behind the Dominance of Latin as an International Language

  • Latin became an international language throughout the Roman Empire, not because the Romans were more numerous, but because they were more powerful. Despite the decline of Roman military power, Latin remained as the international language of education for a millennium, thanks to the religious power of Roman Catholicism.
  • Language dominance is closely linked to economic, technological, and cultural power. Without a strong power-base, no language can become an international medium of communication. The success or failure of a language is tied to the success or failure of the people who speak it on the international stage.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the success of an international language is not solely based on its structural properties or literary qualities. Latin, for example, was once a major international language despite being grammatically complex. The chief reason for a language becoming globally dominant is the power of its people, particularly their political and military power.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

ラテン語はローマ帝国の時代に国際的な言語になりましたが、これは、ローマ人が彼らが征服した人々より数が多かったからではありませんでした。 彼らは、単により力が強かったのです。 後に、ローマの軍事力が衰退したとき、ラテン語は、ローマ・カトリックの宗教の力 ― と言う異なる種類の力のおかげで、千年の間、教育の国際的な言語として残りました。 言語の優位性と経済、技術、文化的な力の間の結びつきには、また、最も密接なものがあります。 強い力の基盤がなければ、どの言語も国際的なコミュニケーション手段として発展できません。 言語は、それを話す人々から離れたある種の神秘的な空間にある独立した存在ではありません。 その言語を話す人々が、国際的な舞台で成功するとき、彼らの言語も成功するのです。 彼らが衰退するとき、彼らの言語も衰退します。 この点は明らかに思えるかもしれませんが、明らかにする必要があります、なぜならば、長年にわたって多くの人気のある誤解を招く信じ込みが、なぜある言語が国際的に成功するのかに関して増大してきたからです。 その文学的な特質と表現の明快さのために、ある国際的な言語が、理想的なモデルなのだと、人々が主張するのを聞くことは、実によくあることです。 ヘブライ語、ギリシア語、ラテン語、アラビア語、フランス語は、いろいろな時代に称賛されてきた言語の仲間です、そして、英語もまた例外ではありません。 たとえば、なぜ英語が現在それほど広く使われているか説明するために、英語それ自体の構造に、美しい、または、論理的な何かがあるに違いないとしばしば指摘されます。 「それ(英語)には、他の言語より文法が少ない」と、示唆する人もいました。 これには、その言語(英語)が他の言語と比較して文法的にそれほど複雑ではないので、それが学び易いに違いないと言うことを意味する意図があります。 このような議論は間違っています。 文法的にずっと複雑に思えるけれども、ラテン語はかつて主要な国際的な言語でした。 その構造上の特性のために、あるいは、その語彙の豊富さのために、さらにまた、それがかつて大きな文化や宗教と関係していたために、ある言語が、世界的な言語になるのではありません。 言語は、伝統的に1つの主要な理由:すなわち、その言語を話す国民の力 ― 特に、その国民の政治的軍事的力のために国際的な言語になってきたのです。 (A) 2. thanks to (B) 2. Without (C) 3. because (D) 2. though



ご回答ありがとうございます。 やや長い一文だと、訳す順がおかしかったり、訳し忘れていた単語が見つかり、少々難しかったです。 設問の方もありがとうございました。助かります。



  • 英訳をお願いします!

    長いのですが訳していただけないでしょうか?? あと、(1)(2)に入る語も教えてください! 誤字あったらすみません… This point may seem obvious; ( 1 ),many popular and misleading beliefs have grown up about why a language should become internationally successful. For example, it is often suggested that there must be something inherently beautiful or logical about the structure of English, in order to explain why it is now so widely used. Some suggest that it has less grammar than other languages, so it must be easier to learn. Such arguments are misconceived. Latin was once a major language, despite its highly complicated grammatical structure. A language does not become a global language because of its structure properties, but because of the political power of the people who use it, especially their ( 2 ) power. Why did Greek become a language of international communication in the Middle East over 2,000 years ago? Not because of the intellects of Plato and Aristotle; the answer lies in the swords and spears wielded by the armies of Alexander the Great. (1) (1)however (2)therefore (3)thus (4)furthermore (2) (1)international (2)economic (3)industrial (4)democratic よろしくお願いします!

  • 英文和訳

    so intimate is the relation between a language and the people who speak it that the two can scarcely be thought of apart. A language lives only so long as there are people who speak it and use it as native tongue, and its greatness is only that given to it by these people. 質問部分 最後の部分greatness is only that given to it by these people.のitがなにを示しているのかがわかりません。 ちなみに参考書の和訳にはこういった人々によって与えられる偉大さにほかならない。と書かれています。 よろしくお願いします

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    So intimate is the relation between a language and the people who speak it that the two can scarcely be thought of apart. A language lives only so long as there are peo- ple who speak it and use it as their native tongue, and its greatness is only that given to it by these people. A language is important because the people who speak it are important-politically, economically, commercialally, social-ly, culturally. English, French, and German are great and important languages ​​because they are the languages ​​of great and important peoples; for this reason they are widely studied outside the country of their use. -A. C. BAUGH, A History of the English Language 構文分析よろしくお願い致します。 できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです🙇‍♀️

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・The reason why a language becomes internationally successful has much to do with how powerful those speakers are. ・It is clear that a nation`s military power makes its language dominant; however, there is another factor in explaining why a language becomes a global language. ・Any nation with an explosion of international marketing and advertising would have found itself leading the world`s economy and its language expanding globally.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Think of it this way. Each of us is, more or less, an egg. Each of us is a unique, irreplaceable soul enclosed in a fragile shell. This is true of me, and it is true of each of you. And each of us, to a greater or lesser degree, is "The System". The System is supposed to protect us, but sometimes it take on a life of its own, and then it begins to kill us and cause us to kill others-coldly, efficiently, systematically.

  • 長文の和訳お願いします!part1

    全部でpart4まであります。 テストで要約せよという 問題が出たのですが訳があいまいで内容がよく分かりませんでした。 ご協力お願いしますm(__)m When the British Prime Minister,Tony Blair,adressed the French parliament in March 1998,it wasn't so much what he said that impressed people and made news,as the language in which he said it. His performance was unusual because the British are generally felt to be not as good at foureign languages as other Europeans. Some people think this linguistic weakness is a symptom of the rest of the world to learn English:if they are willing to try to speak to us in our language,why bother learning theirs? British industrialists,however,argue that this laziness may become a disadvantage in an increasingly international economy.

  • 長文 和訳

    こないだテストでだされたんですが和訳した回答を配ってくれませんでした。。。自分の訳があっているか知りたいのでだいたいで良いので和訳できる人がいたらよろしくお願いします。。。 You may wonder why Hawaiians are so eager to maintain their native language. I think the answer is that language is more than just a means of exchanging information. We see the world around us through the window of our language. It enables us to share the history and culture of our people, and so it helps us find our identity. If we lose our language, we lose something of ourselves. Imagine that English has taken the place of the Japanese language here in Japan. What happens to your culture and identity? English is useful for communication in many parts of the world, but your mother tongue is an important part of your identity. In Japan ,too,there is a minority language, just as in Hawaii. The Ainu people have lose much of their language and culture. Today, they are trying to revive their traditions. In this class we are going to study English of course, but I want you to remember that your mother tongue is the most important language in the world. Mahalo for listening. 以上なんですが長文なのでかなり長いです。。。  これでも回答してくれる方お願いいたします。

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m4

    Nearly 500 languages vantshed in the 20th century in Africa and South America, and it is not only languages in developing nations that are at risk. Languages like Danish,Welsh, and Dutch are undoubtedly under threat, and the cultures of these countries and their unique world views may be lost. If all Danish people switch to English, then they will increasingly become unable to read and understand the books that have contributed to their culture and identity. This trend has been called cultural imperialism by those who view this development negatively. There have been other dominant languages in the past: Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, and others. What the have in common is that today no one speaks them as a living language. However their influene on our modern cultures is indisputable. Although Latin "died, " it evolved into Spanish,French,ltalian, Portuguese,and heavily influenced English. よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    It is scarcely too much to say that the Norman Conquest transformed the English launguage, and therefore its litereture. French became the language of the upper classes in their castles and fortified manor-houses, English the language of the hovel, where illiterate serfs modified or dropped the elaborate literary inflections, and the artificial poetic diction of the minstrels’ word-hoars was forgotten. As a result, though the twelfth century was a brilliant period of Anglo-Latin lit-erature, English prose was written mainly for the edification of the masses, and poetry scarcely at all.

  • 和訳困っています><

    This rather gloomy process is known as disengagement, based on the idea that there is an innate, biological tendency to disengage from society with age, rather like an animal creeping off to die by itself. It reflects a tendency of psychologists at that time to look for biological explanations for all human behavior. But there are many problems with this model. For one thing, the relative lack of social involvement of older people isn't anything like an animal creeping away to die, because the period of being 'an old person' or a pensioner is so very long. Nowadays, it isn't uncommon for people to live for 30 years or more after they have retired, and that's quite different from a couple of days of being ill and weak before dying-the normal state of affairs among wild animals. Activity theory That type of explanation also ignores the social factors involved in retirement. An alternative explanation for why older people don't seem to take as active a part in society as they might was put forward by Havinghurst, in 1964. Having hurst attributed it to the fact that older people have relatively few opportunities to play meaningful social roles in society. When someone is active and working, they play a large number of different social roles. These include various roles at work as well as roles to do with the family. In other words, as Hvinghurst put it, their role-count is high. But when someone retires from work, their role-count drops dramatically, because all the social roles that they played that were relevant to work -even ones as simple as being a commuter- vanish. All that is left are social roles to do with family and home. In other words, Havinghurst was arguing, people becomes less visible when they retire simply because they don't have as many opportunities to play a part in everyday social living. And this has personal consequences, as well as social ones, because people can easily come to feel apathetic and useless as a result. The way to counteract this, Havinghurst argued, is for people to replace their lost social roles deliberately, by adding new ones such as joining clubs and societies for older people, or working for organizations like Oxfam, which employ people over conventional retirement age. keeping up one's role-count, according to Havinghurst, is the way to ensure a positive experience of old age.