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  • この英文を和訳してもらえますか?

    下の英文はメールを送ったときに返事としてきた物ですが、訳が分からないので教えていただけますか? This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message was not delivered because the destination computer refused to accept it (the error message is reproduced below). This type of error is usually due to a mis-configured account or mail delivery system on the destination computer; however, it could be caused by your message since some mail systems refuse messages with invalid header information, or if they are too large. Your message was rejected by mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp for the following reason:

  • 和訳&英訳お願いします!

    Antis refused to eat, drink, or move until his master returned, even for a week. The ghost disappeared under very eyes. When it comes to heart trouble, I suggest you go see Dr.Suzuki. このような人たちは、当然厳しく罰せられるべきだ。 会を閉じてはどうでしょう。 回答よろしくお願いします!

  • 英文和訳

    If you want to know the truth about gasoline prices, here it is: the exploding demand for oil, especially in places like China, is overwhelming the rate of new discoveries by so much that oil prices are almost certain to continue upward over time no matter what the oil companies promise. And politicians cannot bring gasoline prices down in the short term bygiving more money to oil companies. However, there is one extremely effective way to bring the costs of driving a car way down within a few short years. The way to bring gas prices down is to end our dependence on oil and use the renewable sources that can give us the equivalent of $1 per gallon gasoline and we need to get busy creating that system now. Al・Goreの演説の一部です。どなたか和訳お願いしますm(__)m

  • keepを使った英作文

    「隣の家がうるさくて、夜の2時まで眠れませんでした」 という文を私は↓のように英訳しました。 「The noise of the next house kept me from getting to sleep until two.」 解答は「The noise from the house next door kept me awake until two.」となっているのですが、やはり私の英文は良くないのでしょうか?具体的にはfromではなくofにしていたり、「隣の家」をthe next houseとしていたりするところが気になります・・・ わかる方がおられましたら教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    The Spanish bishops persueded the emperor Maximus to condemn Pricillianus to death, but Mrtin, bishop of Tours, who was present at Trier, protested the heretic's punishment by state authorities and insisted excommunication was enough. Martin refused to leave the city until the emperor promised to spare Priscillianus, but as soon as Martin left, the bishops persuaded the emperor to behead Priscillianus and one of his followers.

  • 英文とその日本語訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    1.Turning to the left, you will find the office of the Net Audio Company next to the New Port Hotel. 2.Inflation being high, many people are worried about the increase in the price of gas during the holiday season. 3.Because we believe in the quality of our products, all of our merchandise is completely guaranteed. 4.The research found that demand for frozen food products differed considerably from season to season. 和訳 1.左に曲がると、ニューポートホテルの隣にネット・オーディオ・カンパニーのオフィスがあります。 2.インフレが上昇しているので、多くの人が長期休暇中のガソリン価格の値上がりを心配しています。 3.私どもの商品の品質に間違いはないと思っておりますので、製品すべてが100%品質保証でございます。 4.その研究で冷凍食品の需要が季節ごとに大幅に違うことがわかった。

  • 和訳お願いします・・・

    ある公演の録画についての問い合わせをし、それに対する回答です。 充分に理解する能力がまだないので助けて頂けないでしょうか・・・ 宜しくお願いします。 The show had been recorded of course...and we are working pass the copyright hurdles to make it.......I had the first rushes and they looked great. however, until this is fixed...there will be no DVD of the whole show.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The line here remained intact until the very end of the war in Macedonia, when the forces occupying it had to retreat due to the breakthrough at Dobro Pole. The offensive however also provided some satisfaction as the Serbian troops were able to return to the border of their country. The Bulgarians and Germans alike were also satisfied with their resistance to the superior numbers of the Entente. General Nikola Zhekov went as far as to describe the Battle of the River Cherna as "legendary" in terms of the tenacity of the Bulgarian defense - "conducted without regard of casualties".

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    下記の文の穴埋めと指定部分の和訳をお願いします。 Two beakers were ( 1 ) with water. In each beaker a glass cylinder was immersed, across the bottom of which a membrane was tied. The membrane allowed water to pass through it freely, but it would not allow molecules of dissolved protein to pass which ( 2 ) molecules to pass through it is known as permeable membrane. However, since the membranes used in this experiment allowed only molecules of the solvent to pass through, they are ( 3 ) as semi-permeable membranes. Two protein solutions were then made up, one at a concentration of 5g dm^-3,and the other at 10 g dm^-3. Some of the 5 g dm^-3 solution was ( 4 ) into one of the glass cylinders, and some of the 10 g dm^-3 solution into the other cylinder. The levels of the water in the beakers and the protein solutions in the glass cylinders were ( 5 ) until they were all equal. The experiment was then left for a period of twenty-four hours. After twenty-four hours, it was ( 6 ) that the levels of the water and protein solutions were considerably different from when the experiment was ( 7 ). The level of liquid in the cylinders was seen to be higher than the level of the water in the beakers. Moreover, when the height of the liquid in each cylinder was ( 8 ), /ここから和訳/ it was found that the height of the column of liquid in the cylinder containing the more concentrated solution was twice the height of the other solution. ( )内は以下の語群から、適切な形に変えて選ぶ begin/pour/know/observe/fill/allow/adjust/measure よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    The German economy was so weak that only a small percentage of reparations was paid in hard currency. Nonetheless, even the payment of this small percentage of the original reparations (132 billion gold marks) still placed a significant burden on the German economy. Although the causes of the devastating post-war hyperinflation are complex and disputed, Germans blamed the near-collapse of their economy on the treaty, and some economists estimated that the reparations accounted for as much as one-third of the hyper-inflation. In March 1921, French and Belgian troops occupied Duisburg, which formed part of the demilitarized Rhineland, according to the Treaty of Versailles.[citation needed] In January 1923, French and Belgian forces occupied the rest of the Ruhr area as a reprisal after Germany failed to fulfill reparation payments demanded by the Versailles Treaty. The German government answered with "passive resistance", which meant that coal miners and railway workers refused to obey any instructions by the occupation forces. Production and transportation came to a standstill, but the financial consequences contributed to German hyperinflation and completely ruined public finances in Germany. Consequently, passive resistance was called off in late 1923. The end of passive resistance in the Ruhr allowed Germany to undertake a currency reform and to negotiate the Dawes Plan, which led to the withdrawal of French and Belgian troops from the Ruhr Area in 1925.In 1920, the head of the Reichswehr Hans von Seeckt clandestinely re-established the General Staff, by expanding the Truppenamt (Troop Office); purportedly a human resources section of the army. In March, 18,000 German troops entered the Rhineland under the guise of attempting to quell possible unrest by communists and in doing so violated the demilitarized zone. In response, French troops advanced further into Germany until the German troops withdrew. German officials conspired systematically to evade the clauses of the treaty, by failing to meet disarmament deadlines, refusing Allied officials access to military facilities, and maintaining and hiding weapon production. As the treaty did not ban German companies from producing war material outside of Germany, companies moved to the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Sweden. Bofors was bought by Krupp, and in 1921 German troops were sent to Sweden to test weapons. The establishment of diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union, via the Genoa Conference and Treaty of Rapallo, was also used to circumvent the Treaty of Versailles. Publicly, these diplomatic exchanges were largely in regards to trade and future economic cooperation. However, secret military clauses were included that allowed for Germany to develop weapons inside the Soviet Union. Furthermore, it allowed for Germany to establish three training areas for aviation, chemical and tank warfare.