• ベストアンサー


・Available 6V (super power) は、6Vで使用可(超出力) ・Lasts about 1-2 months on batteries は、電池寿命は約1、2ヶ月 という意味でいいのでしょうか? ・Runs on 2 x button cells と Runs on 1 x button cell はどのようなボタン電池なのでしょうか? 違和感なく訳せる方がいましたらお願いします。

  • 英語
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  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

・Available 6V (super power) 「6V で使用(利用)可能。」(super power の場合) super powerは「超出力」と訳してもよいと思いますが、電池の銘柄名では? <参考> * SUPER POWER 単三電池 http://yukashop.realcoms.co.jp/1000662151/ * 乾電池コレクション:スクロールするとsuper gold→super powerのように種類の違う乾電池が紹介されています。 http://www.protom.org/battery/maxell.html ・Lasts about 1-2 months on batteries は、電池寿命は約1、2ヶ月 という意味でいいのでしょうか?→「電池使用の場合1~2ヶ月持続。」と訳してもよいかも。 ・Runs on 2 x button cells 「ボタン電池2個で稼働」 ・Runs on 1 x button cell 「ボタン電池1個で稼働」





  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The tank, War Baby was powered by a 105 horse power engine. It had a revolver, loop holes, periscopes, dynamos and differentiator, and was armed with four Hotchkiss machine guns and two auxiliary guns. This tank was manned by one officer sitting beside the driver, four gunners on bike seats and two greasers. The tanks were to be deployed along the front and advance across open country where they could give shelter to the infantry following behind them. However, as the tanks became targets the infantry also suffered, and only two tanks succeeded in reaching their objectives. A supply of 4,000 rounds of 4.5-inch gas shells was received by the EEF. These were to be the first gas shells used in the Palestine campaign. A total of 25 aircraft were available in the 5th Wing, including 17 B.E.2s and eight Martinsydes which, although being the best fighters available, tended to overheat. At this time, the 5th Wing headquarters, the headquarters of No. 14 Squadron along with its "A" Flight and No. 67 Squadron A.F.C., were all stationed at Rafa. No. 14 Squadron's "B" Flight and advanced headquarters were located at Deir el Belah, while "X" Aircraft Park was across the Suez Canal at Abbassia, with the Advanced Aircraft Park on the canal at Kantara. During the three days of the second battle, EEF artillery aircraft flew 38 missions and engaged 63 targets. They located 27 batteries, despite difficulties identifying targets through the haze and dust caused by the bombardment, and being attacked by hostile aircraft.

  • リチュウムイオン電池について

    リチュウムイオン電池について Andoidタブレットを買ったのですが、電池の容量が小さく交換できないかなと思っています。 リュウムイオン電池についてぐぐって見たのですがよくわかりません。 リュウムイオン電池も入手しずらい物らしいです。 そこで携帯用のリュウムイオン電池は使えないのかなと思っています。 たとえば 2-Cell Li-Polymer Battery Pack (3.6V x 1500mAh x 2) のようなバッテリを携帯用で置き換えができるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • [英語]()に当てはまる共通語を教えて下さい>

    1. (a) Marrying someone I don't love is the () things I want to do. (b) How long will the lecture ()? 2. (a) This is the best computer available in () of both power and speed. (b) I'm not on very good () with her at the moment. 3. (a) The hurricane () about a lot of damage. (b) Mother has () up seven children. 4. (a) Don't () the water running. It is important not to waste water. (b) He took four months' () after working very hard for six months.

  • 電池マークが「x」だけど電源を抜いても動いてる。故障ですか?

    去年の10月に買ったばかりのMacBook Pro 15.4"(Leopard)で次のようなことが起こりました。Appleに電話したほうがよろしいでしょうか? ・3日ほど前、電源を紛失したので新しく85Wの電源を買った。(もちろんMacBook Pro専用と書いてあるのを買った) ・その次の日の朝、夜の間充電していたので電源を引っこ抜いて作業していた。(電源を抜く前にMacSafeの緑のLEDライトが消えていたと思う、でもそんなことはよくあるのであまり気にしなかった) ・ちょっと離れて戻ってきてみると、電池マークがほとんどゼロの状態になったので、慌てて電源を繋ごうとするも、そのまま落ちた。ハードディスクにメモリ領域を書き込んで電源を落とすとかではなくて、ブツンと落ちました。起動時間は30分ぐらいだったと思います。 ・それ以来電池マークが「x」の状態。クリックすると、No Batteries Availableとなっている。 ・しかし今日になって、スリープ状態にしていったん電源を1分ほど抜いてまた開くと、変な起きあがり方をした。画面が薄暗くなり、真ん中やや下あたりに何かの進行度を示すようなバーが出て、左から徐々に埋まっていき、最後まで行ったらスリープ以前の前の状態に戻った。 ・その直後は電池マークが充電中を表わすイナズマのようなマークに戻った。電源を抜くと普通に電池の減り具合を表わす状態になった。つまりまったく普通の状態に戻った。 ・満タンまで充電してしばらくすると、またいつの間にか電池マークが「x」になっていた。 ちなみに、No Batteries Availableなのに電源を抜いてみても動いています。怖いので長時間は試してみませんが。電池が壊れていたら電源を抜いて動き続けることはできないんじゃないかと思うんですよね。なのでソフトウェア的な問題ではないかと思うのですが。 今これを書いている間に電池マークが「x」から満タンを表すコンセントのマークに変わりました。ちょっとずらすとまた「x」になり、どうやらコンピューターの傾きが原因で「x」になるんじゃないかと思いながらいろいろ動かしていると、最終的にコンセントのマークで落ち着きました。 ちゃんと使えているのですが、もしかしたら故障かもしれないと思うと怖いです。どうすればいいでしょうか?

    • ベストアンサー
    • Mac
  • Excel  VBAのマクロについて

    以下のようなマクロを作りました。 P4に開始番号P6に終わりの番号があるのですが、P4=P6、つまり、一つだけのシートを作成する分には問題なく動きます。しかしP4に1、P6に5と範囲を増やすとエラーが出て動きません。どこをなおしたらよろしいでしょうか? Option Explicit Sub 一括() Dim I As Worksheet Dim SheetName As String Dim Prompt As String Dim Col As Integer Dim Cell As Range Dim Row As Long Dim hani As Long For hani = Range("P4").Value To Range("P6").Value Set I = ActiveSheet SheetName = Cells(hani + 4, "K").Value & "(" & Cells(hani + 4, "B") & ")" Prompt = SheetName & "が存在します。" Sheets("基本シート").Copy After:=Sheets("基本シート") On Error GoTo 100 ActiveSheet.Name = SheetName On Error GoTo 0 Range("X3") = I.Cells(hani + 4, "B") Range("E8") = I.Cells(hani + 4, "C") Range("A13") = I.Cells(hani + 4, "D") For Col = 0 To 8 Step 4 Set Cell = I.Cells(hani + 4, "D").Offset(, Col) If Cell > 0 Then Prompt = "該当する日付がありません。" & Cell.Address On Error GoTo 100 Row = WorksheetFunction.Match(Cell, [A:A], 0) On Error GoTo 0 Cells(Row, "E") = I.Cells(hani + 4, "E").Offset(, Col) Cells(Row, "H") = I.Cells(hani + 4, "F").Offset(, Col) If Col < 8 Then Cells(Row, "Y") = I.Cells(hani + 4, "G").Offset(, Col) End If End If Next Col Next hani End 100 If Err <> 1004 Then Error Err End End If MsgBox Prompt, vbCritical Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveSheet.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True Sheets(1).Select End Sub

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    By 26 September the ground-holding divisions had been reorganised so that the regiments were side-by-side, covering a front of about 1,000 yd (910 m) each with the battalions one-behind-the-other, the first in the front line, one in support and the third in reserve, over a depth of 3,000 yd (2,700 m). Each of the three ground-holding divisions on the Gheluvelt Plateau had an Eingreif division in support, double the ratio on 20 September. On 25 September, a German attack on the front of the 20th Division (XIV Corps) was prevented by artillery fire but on the X Corps front south of I Anzac Corps, a bigger German attack took place. Crown Prince Rupprecht had ordered the attack to recover ground on the Gheluvelt Plateau and to try to gain time for reinforcements to be brought into the battle zone to bolster the defensive system. Two regiments of the 50th Reserve Division attacked either side of the Reutelbeek, with the support of 44 field and 20 heavy batteries of artillery, four times the usual amount of artillery for one division. The attack on a 1,800-yard (1,600 m) front from the Menin road to Polygon Wood, to recapture pillboxes and shelters in the Wilhelmstellung 500 yd (460 m) away, had been due to begin at 5:15 a.m. but the barrage fell short onto the German assembly area and the German infantry had to fall back until it began to creep forward at 5:30 a.m. The German infantry managed to advance on the flanks, about 100 yd (91 m) near the Menin road and 600 yd (550 m) north of the Reutelbeek, close to Black Watch Corner, with the help of a number of observation and ground-attack aircraft and a box-barrage, which obstructed the supply of ammunition to the British defenders, before fire from the 33rd Division troops being attacked and the 15th Australian Brigade along the southern edge of Polygon wood, forced them under cover, after recapturing some of the Wilhelmstellung pillboxes near Black Watch Corner. A number of attempts to reinforce the attacking troops failed, due to British artillery observers isolating the advanced German troops with artillery barrages.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    The British tank was next faced by two more A7Vs, supported by infantry; Mitchell's tank fired several ranging shots at the German tanks and they retreated. Mitchell's tank continued to attack the German infantry, firing case-shot. Seven of the new British Whippet medium tanks arrived, attacked the Germans, encountered some battalions "forming up in the open" and killed many infantry with their machine-guns and by running them down. Mitchell later remarked that when they returned their tracks were covered with blood. Only four of the seven Whippets came back, the rest were destroyed by artillery and five crew were killed. Being the last tank on the field and slow moving, the Mark IV became a target for German artillery and Mitchell ordered the tank back, manoeuvring to try to avoid the shells but a mortar round disabled the tracks. The crew left the tank, escaping to a British-held trench, much to the surprise of the troops in it. Leutnant Biltz and his crew boarded "Nixe" and withdrew. The tank was eventually broken up for spares in June 1918. Earlier in the day, another tank in the same group as Biltz, A7V No 506 "Mephisto", had fallen onto its side and been abandoned. The tank was recovered by Australian and British troops some three months later. Fourth Army counter-attack About noon the 1st Battalion of the Sherwood Foresters had attempted a counter-attack. The British 25th Brigade was considered for an attack but this was cancelled. A tank with troops from the 2nd Royal Berkshire made a spontaneous attack from the north, pushing the German line back about 150 yards (140 m). General Henry Rawlinson had responded even before he received orders from Marshal Ferdinand Foch to recapture the town. At 9:30 a.m. he ordered an immediate counter-attack by the Australian 13th Brigade under General Thomas William Glasgow and the 15th Brigade under General H. E. "Pompey" Elliott, both in reserve, though the 13th Brigade had suffered many casualties at Dernancourt nearby. Rawlinson intended an enveloping attack, the 15th Brigade attacking north of the town and the 13th Brigade attacking to the south. British troops would support and the 2nd Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment and the 22nd Durham Light Infantry would follow through in the gap between the Australians and "mop up" the town, once it was isolated.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The battle for a breakthrough in the Bulgarian positions began on 22 April and continued intermittently until 9 May 1917. The assault began with a bitter four-day artillery barrage in which the British fired about 100,000 shells. As a result, the earthworks and some wooden structures in the front positions were destroyed. The Bulgarians also opened fire from the batteries between Vardar and Doiran. Vladimir Vazov ordered fire day and night on the Allied positions. The initial several-hour struggle between the British and Bulgarian batteries was followed by a one-hour Bulgarian counter-barrage in which 10,000 shells were fired.The British infantry began its attack on the night of 24–25 April - 12 companies attacked the Bulgarian 2nd Brigade and after a bloody fight managed to take the "Nerezov", "Knyaz Boris" and "Pazardzhik" positions. After a Bulgarian counter-attack the British were repulsed with heavy casualties and by 8 pm had retreated. The British assaults on the right and central fronts were also repulsed with heavy casualties after help from the Bulgarian artillery. The British attacks in the next two days were defeated by constant Bulgarian fire and counter-attacks. Due to this fire the British withdrew to their initial positions on 27 April, the Bulgarians immediately started to reconstruct the destroyed fortifications. Due to criticism by their high command, the British made new attempts at a breakthrough. On 8 May, after a long artillery barrage, they began another attack. The main assault started at 9 pm with five waves of British troops attacking the Bulgarian positions. After four attacks during the night of 8–9 May the British were defeated and suffered enormous casualties. A Times correspondent wrote that the British soldiers called the "Boris" point "the valley of death". The artillery duel continued until 9 May but due to heavy casualties the British had to abandon all attacks. They lost 12,000 killed, wounded and captured of which more than 2,250 were buried by the Bulgarian defenders. The losses of the Ninth Pleven Infantry Division were 2,000 of whom 900 died from disease and wounds. Vladimir Vazov was promoted to Major-General.In the next 16 months, the front was relatively quiet apart from local skirmishes. Both sides used that time to further strengthen and consolidate their positions. In 1918 a massive Anglo-Greek attack was repulsed by the Pleven Division in the Third Battle of Doiran.

  • 単3使用デジタルカメラのACアダプタでの充電

    4、5年前の単3x2本使用のデジタルカメラを使っていますが、3VのACアダプタ入力端子も付いています。 取説にはカメラに電池を入れたまま充電出来る、とは一切書いていません。 確かに、アルカリ電池を入れたままACアダプタを繋いで充電されると危険そうです。 こういう場合、カメラ側に電池の種類を判定する機構が入っているんでしょうか? それとも、単に逆流防止ダイオードか何かが入っているんでしょうか? もしダイオードが入っているとすれば、それを外せば少しは電池寿命が延びたりするでしょうか? (ACアダプタは使わないという前提で)

  • エレキベース(アクティブ回路)の、9ボルト乾電池の寿命は?

    ウチのバンドのベースマン(=小柄な中年女性)が、 今・使っているエレキベースの買い替え行動中です。 (主因の一つは、今のが・重すぎる・からです) 有力選択肢の一つに、アクティブ(9ボルト乾電池で、 イコライザーを駆動する)サーキットのエレキベースが 有ります。(超軽量だし、大変・弾きやすい) 質問は、、、この9ボルト乾電池は、どれくらいの寿命が 有るのか?です。 メーカー(TUNEチューンの定価128,000円)のヒト に聞くと、連続継続ONなら、30時間ぐらい。。。 でも、1日に2時間程度・毎日なら、1年は・持つ。。。 でした。 このへんの落差が、イマイチ・ピンと・きません。 ちなみに、私のエレアコギター(Kヤイリ)(勿論アクティブ) は、新品購入後、1ヶ月に1回・5時間ぐらいの使用で、もう 3年間、乾電池が・ヘタリません。 また、友人の生フォークギターの、外付け・ピエゾPUの、 9ボルト乾電池も、同様の使用頻度で、なんと5年間、乾電池は ヘタッテないそうです。 けっこう頻繁に、ラウンジなどに(アマですが)出演して いますので、「毎回・直前に・念のため・新品の乾電池に交換」 ・・は、シンドイですし、かといって、ギリギリまで交換せず あげくに・演奏中に・電池切れ・も、勿論困るし・・・・・。 実際、どれぐらい、乾電池って持つのか知りたい・・・・・・ けっこう長期間持つのなら、、、、小ぶりで・大変・軽い機種 なので、これに決めよう・という方向とのことです。 何日に1回(何時間)の頻度で使用のとき、何ヶ月ぐらいの寿命 だよ・・・というような、ほんの少し具体的な・ご回答が、 うれしいです。 よろしく、ご教授ください。お願いします。