• ベストアンサー


Automated safety control systems shall be designed to ensure their adequate availability and reliability. 宜しくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • speglo
  • ベストアンサー率47% (167/353)

自動安全管理システムは、適切な利用可能性(アベイラビリティー)と信頼性が確認できるよう設計される。 availability という言葉は、日本語では 「利用可能」という億劫な言葉ですので、 カタカナの方がよい場合もあります。


その他の回答 (2)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

どう見てもこの文章は、一般の会話やお母さんのメモ書きなどではなく、規格あるいはスタンダード、規則、ルールを表示した文章です。 そうした内容においてshallを単なる未来形にして日本語訳するということは全く意味を成しません。 それどころか、せっかくの規制事項要求が伝達解釈不能となってしまいます。 ISO,JISを含む日本の規格業界の慣習的ルールとして、このようなケースでのshallの翻訳取扱は 「~でなければならない」 とすることは最早常識となって久しい旨申し添えさせて頂きます。

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)




  • 次の英文の意味を教えてください。

    Adequate equipment shall be provided at the reprocessing facility to ensure that there is adequate radiation monitoring in operational states and, as far as is practicable, in accident conditions. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 次の二つの英文の和訳を教えてください。

    The choice and safety of the use of fire extinguishing media, e.g.water, shall be addressed. The consideration shall be given to the potential for internal and external flooding. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 次の英文の和訳お願いします。

    Provision for in-service inspection and testing of equipment installed in high active areas shall be defined according to the official requirements on pressurized equipment. Safety measures to minimize the consequences of potential failure or leak in high active area shall be implemented. わかる範囲でかまいません。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳と英文解釈をお願いします。

    Special attention shall be paid to ensuring that no commissioning tests are performed that might place the plant in an unanalyzed condition. Each safety function shall be verified as fully as practicable before the stage in which the function becomes necessary to ensure safe commissioning. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 技術文書の和訳です。宜しくお願いします。

    A spent fuel acceptance and reprocessing feed programme of a reprocessing facility shall be prepared and assessed to ensure that the requirements established in the safety assessment are met throughout the reprocessing processes, and to ensure no unacceptable impact on the reprocessing facility products and waste.

  • 英文和訳のお願いです。技術文書です。

    Procedures shall be developed to ensure that radioactive material received at the facility is appropriately characterized and acceptable before it is allowed to be stored or used within the facility.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    An Automated External Defibrillator is a simple to use device that uses computer technology to help a person whose heart has stopped heating. It analyzes the heart rhythm of a victim, and then advises the user whether a shock is required. AEDs are designed to be used by common people, who require little training to operate the devices correctly. AEDs are usually limited to just delivering shocks for VF(ventricular fibrillation) and VT(ventricular tachycardia) rhythms. There are 2 types of AEDs : Fully Automated and Semi Automated. Most AEDs are semi automated. A semi automated AED automatically diagnoses heart rhythms and determines if a shock is necessary. If a shock is advised, the person using the device must then push a button to give the shock. A fully automated AED automatically diagnoses the heart rhythm and advises the user to stand back while the shock is automatically given. Also, some types of AEDs come with advanced features, such as a manual override or an ECG display. In order to make them highly visible, public access AEDs are often brightly colored, and are mounted in protective cases near the entrance of buildings. When these protective cases are opened, and the defibrillator is removed, it might make an alarm sound to alert nearby staff that it has been removed. All trained AED operators should phone for an ambulance when sending for or using an AED. Because the patient will be unconscious, this always requires an ambulance to come.

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    Sub: Fire chemical industrial safety management The potential for fire and the control of ignition sources and potential combustible materials, including process chemicals, shall be carefully considered, included during maintenance operations. 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 難解英文

    是非、お教えください。 RECOMMENDS that governmnents formulate national policies and regulations with respect to the import, local production, sale, and distribution of drugs and biologicals so as to ensure that essential drugs are available at the various levels of primary health care at the lowest feasible cost; that specific measures to taken to prevent the over utilization of medicines; that proved traditional remedies be incorporated; and that effective administrative and supply systems be stablished. measures to taken のところなんですが、なぜ、measures to be taken あるいは、measures be takenにならないのでしょうか? かなりフォーマルな文書からの引用ですので、適当な英文ではないと思います。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文契約書の訳が分かりません。

    英文契約書の訳が分かりません。 契約書に使用される英文を勉強しています。 そこで例文でわからない表現があるので、ご教授していただきたいです。 例文は以下です。 Article 20 (FORCE MAJEURE) Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any loss or damages due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of the party, including but not limited to strike, insurrection, change of law, war, or similar events which the contracting parties are unable to prevent or neutralize despite the required care and adequate expenses. 不可抗力についての文章ですが、最後の「despite the required care and adequate expenses.」という表現がよく分かりません。 何方かご教授して頂けませんでしょうか。 宜しくお願い致します。 m(_ _)m