• ベストアンサー

Out of~について


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

The team used an innovative approach to their bridge which was built entirely out of timber. そのチームは、完全に材木から造られる彼らの橋に対して革新的な方法を使いました。 * out of【前置詞】5.(材料を表わして)~から、~によって http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/out+of



ご回答ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m


  • wit out of me

    wit out of me "The prefects managed to scare the wits out of me with their impressions of dead inmates in an ancient asylum." scare the wits out of meってどういう意味なんでしょうか?

  • out of this wordってなんですか?

    The apple pie was magnificent,and the strawberry were out of this word. という文がありました。 女性と男性がふたりでお食事に来ている 場面なのですが out of this wordって おいしすぎて言葉もでないよっていうことなのでしょうか? 言葉もでないほどに という意味でしょうか

  • Of の使い方について

    The phenomenon of anthropomorphism is OF great interest to specialists as an illustration of the way humans view the world which exists around them. The phenomenon of anthropomorphism is OF ←このOFの使い方がよくわかりません。訳は人間が自分の周りの世界をどうのように見ているかを示すものとして、擬人化現象は専門家にとって非常に興味深いものである。 とあり、Ofがどの部分にあたるのかいまいちわかりません。この訳文も  ではOFがなくても成り立つような感じがします。教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The general was not entirely convinced, but as the artillery barrage was supposed to continue while the infantry was approaching the line, he ordered the commanders of the 3/4, 1/4 and 1/1 infantry brigades to begin the attack, and all officers to make an example by personally leading their men in the assault. Later this order was also received by von Hammerstein and the commander of the 47 Infantry Regiment. According to plan, Colonel Kmetov's brigade attacked forts 5 and 6, which were defended by the Romanian 79th Infantry Regiment.

  • histric nature of

    The South Carolina primary was the first contest of the year in which race rose to the forefront. While Mr. Obama seldom directly mentioned the historic nature of his candidacy, it was not lost on the thousands of voters who turned out to see him in all regions of the state. historic nature of his candidacyの大意を推測でも良いので教えてください。natureとかに慣れたいと思います。

  • "out of"の用法について

    こんにちは。英作文の問題集の模範解答を見ていて、解せなかった点があります。 Then I want to take you to Tokyo Disneyland, which is the most active one out of all the Disneylands. という文章なのですが、この"out of"は"of"の強調のような用法でしょうか? 辞書を見てもそのような用法がなかったため、皆様に質問させていただきました。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • itが指すものは?

    The aristocracies ritualized their time: there was a season to go hunting, a season to socialize, etc. The masses are more likely to replace an unchanging ritual by fashion which it will be in the economic interest of certain people to change as often as possibl. 長くてすみません。 which it will beのitはto以下を指すのでしょうか。

  • Sentence Combining

    いくつかの短いセンテンスを1つのセンテンスでコンパクトにまとめる練習をしているのですが、分からないところがあるので、教えてください。 ☆←短いセンテンス   ★←私が1文にしたセンテンス です ※←私が疑問に思っている点です ☆People used spices in place of money. It was convenient. That was because they were small. They were also not as heavy as metal coins. ★It was convenient for people to have used spices in place of money because they were not only small but also not as heavy as metal coins. ※they were not only small but also not as heavy as metal coinsのところで、and でつなぐ文は前後が同じ形になっていないといけないということをきいたのですが、どうしたら同じ形にできますか? ★Tamura Eiko is my aunt. She is an interesting person. She was born in Taiwan. She went to school in New York. Now she lives in Russia. ☆My aunt,Eiko Tamura is an interesting person, who was born in Taiwan and went to school in New York is now lives in Russsia. ※コンマ のつけ方はあっていますか? ★The culture festival is an important event. It is the most important event in our school life. Many students spend more than six months for this event. For more than six months, they prepare for this event. ☆The culture festival for which many students spent more than six months to prepare is the most important event in our school life. ※これであっているでしょうか? ★A Tv station carried out a survey recently. The result was this. Japanese high school students study more than their American counterparts. Also, they do not sleep as long as their American counterparts. ☆According to the survey which was carried out by a TV station recently, Japanese students study more and less sleep than their American counterparts. ※recentlyの位置、less Sleepという表現はあっていますか? ★My hometown is Maebashi. It is in Gumma. It is located about 100 km northwest of Tokyo. It is a beautiful city. It has a population of 300,000. ☆My hometown, Maebashi in Gumma is beautiful city which is located about 100 km northwest of Tokyo has a population of 3oo,ooo. ※この文章でいいでしょうか? ★Sendai has a lot of turist spots. The most famous one is Aoba Castle. The castle was built by Date Masamune. ☆Sendai has a lot of turist spots. The most famous one is Aoba Castle which is built by Date Masamune. ※どうしても2文になってしまうのですが、どうしたら1文にすっきりまとめられるでしょうか? とても長い質問ですみません…。

  • but out of  訳し方

    The country to have suffered the greatest from this year’s coronavirus outbreak is China, where the virus first appeared in humans. But the second-most affected country is Italy. It’s not clear whether the first case came from China or Germany, but out of all the countries in Europe, Italy has the strongest connections to China—the most tourism, the most international flights to China of any European country. 上の文の「but out of all the countries in Europe」はどのように訳すのが適切でしょうか。検索するとbut =~を除く、out of =~のうち、というのがあてはまりそうですが。ヨーロッパの全ての国を除く、でしょうか。 そしてこれはGermanyを修飾しているのでしょうか。

  • 、although~のかかる位置

    「It was found possible to induce many of them to accept an ethic according to which it was their duty to work hard、although part of their work went to support others in idleness.」 という英文で、although~は it was にかかるのでしょうか It was found にかかるのでしょうか induce にかかるのでしょうか althoughの前にわざわざカンマがうたれているので it was にはかからないと考えると 意味からinduceにかかるような気がするのですが あっているでしょうか? 根拠(なるべく文法的立場からしていただけるとうれしいのですが・・・)とともに回答していただけると うれしいです よろしくお願いします<(_ _*)>ぺコリ