
  • ペットを飼うことにより、子供たちは他者への依存心を育むことができます。
  • ペットを飼うことの利点の1つはより自由な時間があることです。
  • ペットの世話をすることは、若者が性格形成を助けることができます。
  • ベストアンサー


和訳をお願いします 1 Children develop greater dependence on others by having pets. 2 More freedom is one of the benefits of pets ownership. 3 Taking care of pets helps young people build character. 4 Those who have pets find it more difficult to make friends. 5 Animal shelters are to blame for abandoned cats and dogs. 6 Families with pets should move to rural areas. 7 Owning pets is an bligation that should be taken seriously. 8 No steps should be taken to limit the reproduction of cats and dogs. 9 In their own way,our pets taken care of us just as we take care of them. 10 Senior citizen who have pets tend to keep to the themselves. 11 Studies show that HAVI pets may have an unfavorable impact on health. 12 We have many chances to meet with others to discuss our pets health. The editors would like to thank everyone who submitted opinions for this week's column,and we regret That we didn't have space print all of your letters. 長くてすみません(>_<)

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. 子供たちは、ペットを飼うことによって、他人により依存するようになります。 2. より多くの自由が、ペット所有の利点の1つです。 3. ペットの世話をすることは、若者が人格を形成する助けとなります。 4. ペットを飼う人々は、友達を作るのがより困難だと思います。 5. 動物の避難所は、捨てられた猫と犬に対して責めを負うべきです。 6. ペットのいる家族は、田舎に引っ越すべきです。 7. ペットを所有することは、真面目に考えるべき義務です。 8. 猫や犬が子供を産むことを制限する処置は取られるべきではありません。 9. 各自のやり方で、私たちがペットの世話をするのとちょうど同じように、私たちのペットは私たちの事を気にかけてくれます。 10. ペットを飼っている高齢者は人付き合いを避ける傾向があります。 11. ペットを飼うことは健康に好ましからぬ影響を及ぼすかもしれないことを、調査は示しています。 12. 私たちには、私たちのペットの健康を話し合うために他の人に会う多くの機会があります。 * 編集者から今週のコラムのために意見を提出していただいた皆さんに感謝申し上げます、そして、あなた方の手紙の全てを印刷するためのスペースがなかったことを、我々は残念に思います。





  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) Susan Morton submitted the third opinion selected for publication. Research has shown that there are health benefits to having pets, and that is an important advantage of pet ownership that is often overlookd when discussing the pros and cons of pets. Studies have found that they can lower people's blood pressure and cholesterol levels and ease feelings of loneliness. There are other health benefits as well. Walking a dog provides exercise for both the dog's owner and the dog. Many elderly people who live alone find that a cat or dog makes an excellent companion, and studies have found that elderly people with pets have lower rates of depression. In this way, pets benefit both our physical and mental health.

  • 至急!英検2級の英作文添削お願いしたいです

    英検2級の英作文の添削をお願いしたいです!! (添削だけでもいいのですが、もし可能な方がいらっしゃったら、採点までお願いしたいです>_< ) TOPIC Some people say that more apartment buildings should allow pets such as dogs and cats. Do you agree with this opinion? I disagree that more apartment buildings should allow pets such as dogs and cats. I have two reasons. The first reason is that it is stressful for neighbors. This is because such as dogs and cats sometimes ran noisily around the room. Therefore, neighbors feel stress by it sound. The second reason is that such as dogs and cats have a possibility to scratch the wall. As a result, they destroy the wall. Therefore, room environment is likely to get worse to worse. In conclusion, I strongly disagree with this opinion. (90語)

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    出来るものだけでも構いません。 1.私たちは言語をあまりにも日常的に使っているので、呼吸や瞬きと同じように、それをほとんど無意識で自然な行動だと見なしてしまいがちだ。 We use languages too daily. So we often regard it as almost unconscious and natural activity the same as breathing and a blink. 2.音楽は過去を思い出させてくれる。以前好きだった歌を聞くと当時の出来事が生き生きとよみがえってくるから不思議だ。 Music reminds me of the past. When I hear the song I liked, it is wonder that I can remember the things obviously that happened those days. 3.(問題文)Many abandoned cats and dogs are killed every week in Tokyo because their owners have rejected them. How would you solve this problem? I would like to tell their owners that they have to have the responsibility of having pets. Once they have pets, they have the duty to keep their pets until their pets die. So cats and dogs, including their pets, will not be killed in vain. 分かりやすいように一文ごとに改行しています。 文法的なミスや不適切な表現などのご指摘よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳

    学生なのですが 英語の和訳がわからないので よかったら教えてください! People often feel that cats are staring at them. Perhaps this is because cats'eyesare very big. Compared to their body size,they have the biggest eyes of all mammals. They can see six times better in the dark than people can. Cat owners also find that their pets spend a lot of time sleeping. Both domestic and wild cats sleep for sixteen to twenty hours a day. Sometimes cats which are playing suddenly lie down and fall asleep. But they can wake up right away and be ready to chase their prey at any time. Cat owners love watching their cats play with a string or a ball. It's true that humans first tamed cats because they were useful. But today,we keep cats as pets because they have cute looks and mysterious personalities. よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) Our next opinion was sent in by Mark Navarrone, who writes: Pets make great companios, and that's the main reason why more than half of household in the United States have pets today, but there are also a number of problems associated with pet ownership. It would be great if everyone were responsible, but unfortunately many people don't take good care of their pets. Some people allow their pets to run loose in the neighborhood orabandon them when they move. Many people also fail to take measures to prevent their dogs or cats from reproducing. This lends to the birth of many unwanted puppies and kittens, which often end up at animal shelters or, even worse,are simply dumped in rural areas. These irresponsible pet owners are a big problem. There must be strict penalties for the abandonment of animals.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) For over 1,800 years, pepople have had animals as pets. Dogs and cats are the ones which are kept the most, but some people keep fish, rabbits, snakes and robopets. Then, you may say, “What are robopets?” Over the years, science has developed and now we have robot pets. Some of them can show “feelings,”such as joy, sadness and anger, by using body movements, sounds and the lights in their eyes. Some can even decide how to things by themselves, as well as remember hundreds of words and talk to us in languages such as English, Japanese and Spanish. Robopets have some better points than animal pets. They don't make loud noises and we don't need to feed them, give them a bath or take them for a walk. Also, they never make the carpet or floor dirty, so we don't have to clean up after them. And they don't get sick or die ! Many people aren't interersted in having robopets, however. They can't feel any warm relationship between a robot and themselves. They feel that when they have an animal as a pets, they can have friendly relationship with it. When animals get sick or die, we learn an important lesson : we wil be gone some day. So we love them more and learn how important ― and sometimes short ―life is. People now have a choice about pets. They can choose a pet that is very convenient, or they can choose a pet that is living. Which kind would you choose?

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single trainer who will be entirely responsible for the job. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do, and are capable of a (considerable, considered, considerate) degree of personal affection. There are even stories of (half-trained, half-train, half-training) elephant calves who have refused to feed and pined to death when by some unavoidable circumstance they have been deprived of their own trainer. Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and trainer is the key to successful training. 宜しくお願いします!

  • 和訳

     和訳例をお願いします。  Just look at today's magazines, TV shows, websites, self-help booksーand where we put our dollers. As a country, we make up about 4 percent of the world's total population, yet we use almost half of all the money spent on medical care. We should be pretty healthy.  Yet I have always been amazed at how poorly the US ranks in health when compared with other countries. When I began medical school in 1970 we stood at about 15th in what I call the Health Olympics, the ranking of countries by life expectancy or infant mortality. Twenty years later we were about 20th, and in recent years we have gone back to around 25th, behind almost all rich countries and a few poor ones. For the richest and most powerful country in the world's history, this is a disgrace.  Research during this last decade has shown that the health of a group of people is not affected considerably by individual aehaviors such as smoking, diet, and exercize, by genetics, or by the use of health care. In countries where basic goods are readily available, people's life span depends on the hierarchical structure of their society; that is, the size of the gap between rich and poor.  We can learn something by looking at countries that do well in the Health Olympics. In 1960 Japan stood 23rd, but by 1977 it had overtaken all the others in the health race. Today, at No.1, Japanese people have a life expectancy on average three and half years longer than Americans. Twice as many Japanese men as American men smoke, yet the deaths probably caused by smoking are half of ours. Why? After the Second World War, the hierarchical structure of Japan was reorganized so all citizens shared more equally in the economy. Today Japanese CEOs make 15 to 20 times what entry-level workers make, not the almost 500-fold difference in the US. During their recent economic crisis, CEOs and managers in Japan took cuts in pay rather than lay off workers. That the structure of society is key to health becomes evident when we look at Japanese who emigrate; their health declines to the level of the inhabitants of the new country. 以上になります。

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    It should be borne in mind,' says Dr. Buckland, that the object of the account was, not to state in what manner, but by whom the world was made.' Every one must see that this is an unfounded assertion, inasmuch as the greater part of the narrative consists in a minute and orderly description of the manner in which things were made. We can know nothing as to the object of the account, except from the account itself. What the writer meant to state is just that which he has stated, for all that we can know to the contrary. Or can we seriously beleive that if appealed to by one of his Hebrew hearers or readers as to his intention, he would have replied, My only object in what I have written is to inform you that God made the world; as to the manner of His doing it, of which I have given so exact an account, I have no intention that my words should be taken in their literal meaning? We come then to this, that if we sift the Mosaic narrative of all definite meaning, and only allow it to be the expression of the most vague generalities, if we avow that it admits of no certain interpretation, of none that may not be shifted and altered as often as we see fit, and as the exigencies of geology may require, then may we reconcile it with what science teaches. This mode of dealing with the subject has been broadly advocated by a recent writer of mathematical eminence, who adopts the Bucklandian hypothesis, a passage from whose work we shall quote.

  • 和訳がどうしてもわかりません

    英文の和訳お願いします!!! Not even the best of schools can educate a child whose will to work has not first been learnt at home. Not even the best of health services can make up for the damage done to a child by a mother's bad care. There are millions of people who prefer the company of animals to people,which is understandable,because animals are far less demanding. When we talk of the cleverness of insects,we ought always to keep in mind that this cleverness is what is called instinctive,and differs considerably from the cleverness of which man is so proud. Perhaps one of the reasons we all have so much difficulty in defining and explaining words is that we continue to think of the dictionary as the final authority about them.