• 締切済み


Another significant problem is the Americanization of Japan. Many Japanese feel that the price of development has been the substitution of American culture and values for traditional Japanese culture and values. Wherever one goes in Japan, in rural as well as urban areas, one sees the symbols of Amer-icanization--fast-food restaurants, American music, American-style clothing, American sports, American movies, even California sake and California maki. More and more young salarimen who travel to America for business and pleasure come back with a desire for the affluence and freedom of their American counterparts. Indeed, some Japanese businessmen who are sent to the U.S. for training never come back. The desirability and inevitability of the Amer-icanization of Japan will be discussed in another chapter. Suffice it to say here that it has become the symbol of change brought on by Japan's economic success.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

  もう一つの問題は、日本のアメリカ化である。     伝統的な日本文化や価値観を、アメリカ文化で置き換える事が、発展のために支払わなければならない代償だと感じる日本人は少なくない。都市地域でも田舎でも、日本はどこに行っても、ファーストフードのレストラン、アメリカ音楽、アメリカ流の衣服、アメリカのスポーツ、アメリカ映画、果てはカリフォルニア酒、カリフォルニア巻き、にいたるまで、アメリカ化の象徴を見る。仕事や行楽のためアメリカに旅行するサラリーマンは、アメリカのサラリーマンの裕福さ、自由さを自分たちも得たいという欲望を抱いて帰国する。事実、仕事見習いのためにアメリカに派遣される日本のビジネスマンの中には、日本に帰らない者もある。日本のアメリカ化が望ましく、また不可避である事については、また章を改めて述べる。     ここでは、(アメリカナイゼーションは)日本の経済的成功がもたらした変化の象徴となった、という事に留めておく。    これもちょっと時代遅れの教科書、という感じを免れませんね。

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

もう一つの重大な問題は、日本のアメリカ化です。 多くの日本人が、発展の代償がアメリカ文化と伝統的な日本文化の入れ替えであったと感じています。(☆この文にタイプミスがあるように思えます) 日本のどこに行っても、都市ばかりでなく地方でも、以下の様なアメリカ化の象徴を目にします―ファーストフード・レストラン、アメリカの音楽、アメリカンスタイルの服装、アメリカのスポーツ、アメリカの映画、カリフォルニアの酒やカリフォルニア巻きさえあります。 仕事や遊びでアメリカに旅行するますます多くの若いサラリーマンが、彼らと同世代のアメリカ人の豊かさや自由に対する憧れをもって帰国します。 実際、研修のために米国に派遣される日本人ビジネスマンの中には、決して戻って来ない者もいます。 日本のアメリカ化の好ましさと必然性は、別の章で論じられます。 ここでは、それ(アメリカ化)が日本の経済的成功によってもたらされた変化の象徴になったと言うに留めたいと思います。 <参考> suffice it to say that http://eow.alc.co.jp/suffice+it+to+say+that/UTF-8/


  • 英文の全訳をどうかお願いします

    Secondly, the imbalance consumers had not purchased Japanese goods in such large quantities. The fact that they do indicates that American consumers are very happy with their purchases. This. in turn, would lead one to suspect that the positive attitude Amer-icans have toward Japanese products would translate into other positive attitudes toward the Japanese. It has created a greater need among Americas to know what it is about the Japanese and their culture that allows them to produce such good products. The most obvious example of this was the Japanese management boom. American business schools dras-tically increased the number of classes in Japanese management. Best-selling books such as Ouchi's Theory Z and Vogel's Japan as Number One were written about the theories of Japanese management. American scholars flocked to Japan. Concepts such as quality control, lifetime employment, bottom-up decision making, and just-in-time purchasing became part of every American businessman's vocabulary. But the need to understand went beyond the business world's need to compete. Mary average Americans who bought the products wanted to know more about the country from which they came

  • 英文の全訳をどうかお願いします

    The Japanese export boom has expanded American's awareness of Japanese culture. About 50% of all articles about Japan in the American press still deal with business and economic subject, but a growing number, well over 20%, are on Japanese culture and thought. Daily newspapers and weekly news maga-zines print regular articles on Japanese design, fash-ion, social problems, politics, and sports.Just five years ago it was very rare to see anything to do with cable networks have regular weekly half-hour shows devoted solely to what is happening in Japan. Every afternoon Japanese cartoons delight American chil-dren. The Japanese presence has been especially noticeable in television commercials. Mr. Morita of Sony holds up his American Express card and asks us, "Do you know me?" A Federal Express delivery commercial brags that Japanese executives study its operation to learn efficiency. One of the more amus-ing commercials shows a sumo stable master scolding a wrestler for liking Diet Pepsi so much he has lost weight. Kirin beer ads show Americans the pleasures of beer with sushi.

  • 英文の全訳をどうかお願いします

    Japanese culture is now "in", especially as the demand for Japanese products has spread from the showroom to supermarket shelves and restaurants. Sushi has become a national fad. New York City has literally hundreds of Japanese restaurants, but you can find them in small towns as well. Tofu is everywhere and is even used as a base for substitute ice cream. On a recent trip to a supermarket in southern New Hampshire I found the following items: Cup Noodles, Sapporo Ichi-ban romen, daikon, shoga, miso, gyoza, skins, shoyu, taro-imo, gobo, and shiso. Futon have become popular as alternative mattresses and in some cities you can even have tatami installed in your floors by Japanese craftsmen. The growing strength of Japan has also had a drastic effect on the Japanese perception of America and Americans. Japan has never before approached this kind of equality with the U.S. and sometimes has difficulty coping with the new reality. Now that Japan has attained great power status in the postwar world, it sometimes seems as if the Japanese do not know what to do with that status. Certainly there is a great deal of well-deserved pride in what has been accomplished, but there is also an unfortunate tend-ency to took down on the United States as a fallen giant. It is almost as if some Japanese could not believe that they could have achieved equality with the U.S.; the U.S. must have fallen to their level.

  • 英文の邦訳

    At the same time Robert Jackson, who sits on the Securities and ExchangeCommission, and Steven Davidoff Solomon of the University of California,Berkeley, have called in a New York Times article for more transparency andaccountability and for lawmakers to take on a more active oversight role. This is amultitrillion story that will not go away. 上記英文の最後の一節をお訳し下さい。

  • 英文訳お願いいたします。

    Positive Influences Although the initial reaction to the increased strength of the Japanese economy was negative, there have since been many positive effects on the Japanese-American relationship. Most important of all, it has for the first time allowed americans to identify with Japan, and forced Americans to under-stand Japan as a real country. When America was dominant or in conflict, it was easy to dismiss Japan with superficial stereotypes. Before the introduction of high-quality consumer goods into the american market Japan had been a remote, exotic, psychologi-cally inaccessible place most amercans. It was, now Americans found themselves forced to compete directly with the Japanese and to understand them. That, in a sense, has made the Japanese less exotic, more immediate, and, in some ways, more Western. Americans perceived similarities as they were forced to get to know the Japanese better, especially in the superficialities of urban life --clothing, food, environ-ment, daily commute. The rapidly increasing number of Americans who traveled to Japan for business and pleasure noted the similarities they found. These were partly a result of the Americanization of Japan since the occupation and partly the similarities that exist between any two industrially developed countries.

  • 英語 長文の和訳を教えてください。

    Perhaps more importantly, the seeds of japanese culture were spread in the united states by the almost two million americans who came to japan during the occupation. While they represented only about one percent of the population, they had a tremendous influence on the american image of japan. As each of them returned to the U.S., they brought tales of life in this strange, exotic country which spread to their friends, relatives and neighbors.

  • 英文の全訳をチェックしてほしいです

    入試の問題の過去問に出ている文を全訳してみたのですが 怪しいところがかなりあるのでチェックしてほしいです。 From August 29th to 31st the city of Nagoya will be filled with the enthusiasm of young people coming from all over Japan, and you should not miss the chance to see their creative performances. 8月29から30日に名古屋市は日本中から来た若い人の熱狂で埋め尽くされるだろう。そしてあなたは彼らの創造的なパフォーマンスを見るチャンスを逃すべきではない。 The event is titled Nippon Domannaka Matsuri, and this year will be the fifth one. そのイベントは日本ど真ん中祭りという名前で、今年その5回目が行われる予定である。 Nippon Domannaka means right in the center of Japan - which is just where Nagoya is locdated. 日本ど真ん中は日本のちょうど真ん中を意味し、そこはちょうど名古屋がある場所である。 This festival was started five years ago by 60 university and college students from Nagoya who participated as a dancing group in the Yosakoi Soran Matsuri of Hokkaido in the summer of 1996. この祭りは5年前に名古屋の短期大学や大学の60の学生により5年前に始められ、彼らは1996年の夏に北海道のよさこいソーラン祭りにダンスグループとして参加していた。 (英作文)They were impressed and excited with festival of Hokkaido and they want to do same thing here,(ここまで英作文) something to get the heart pumping and show the passion of Nagoya. (英作文)彼らは北海道の祭りにあまりに印象付けられそして興奮させられたので、彼らはここで同様のことをしたくなった。(ここまで英作文) こころを活き活きさせる何かを、そして名古屋の情熱を見せたかった。 The Nippon Domannaka Matsuri, often called Domatsuri, has been a successful collaboration with the people of Nagoya who support the student’s efforts. 日本ど真ん中祭りはよくど祭りと呼ばれ、学生の努力を支える名古屋の人々との協力は成功した。 Last year more then one hundred teams from all over Japan and Korea participated and sites for dancing were in Sakae, Osu, Kanayama, Port of Nagoya, Endo-ji in Nishi-ku, Kakuozan in Chikusa-ku, Narumi in Midori-ku and Yanagira-dori in Kita-ku. 去年100以上の日本と韓国中からのチームが参加し、西区の栄、大須、金山、名古屋港、円頓寺、千種区の覚王山、緑区の鳴海、北区の柳ら通りで踊った。 Rules for the dances are to: include at least one phrase of a local folk in the music; dance with clappers in hand. ダンスのルールは少なくとも1つのフレーズは地元の民謡を含むこと、鳴子を持って踊ることである。 The music and dance can be created by the participants themselves or they can ask professional musicians to arrange a familiar local folk song in styles such as hip-hop or jazz. その音楽と踊りは参加者自身が作るか、プロの音楽家に有名な地元の民謡をヒップホップやジャズのようなスタイルにアレンジしてもらうことができる。 The costumes and make-up are not to be missed. その衣装と化粧は失敗できない。 (英作文)If you aren’t a member of the even so you can participate the festival.(ここまで英作文) (英作文)もしあなたが踊りのグループの中の1つのグループのメンバーにならないとしても、それでも参加することができる。(ここまで英作文) Just dance and smile to the tune of Sutotoco, an original Nagoya style of music that invites all people to join in. ただ名古屋独特の音楽の形式ですべての人々を招き、参加させるためのSutotocoのメロディーにあわせて踊り、笑いなさい。 The sponsors hope to make this festival representative of Nagoya first, and then representative of Japan in the world. スポンサーはこの祭りを名古屋の初めての代表的なものにし、そして世界の中で日本を代表するものになることを期待する。 英語が問題の本文で日本語は自分がつけた訳です。 (英作文)(ここまで英作文)となっているのはこの部分の日本語を英語に訳せという問題で英語が自分で考えた英文ですがここはおそらく間違っているのでスルーしていただいてかまいません。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳2

    If I don't like living here,I will soon leave andeither go back to my own country of find another country where I can be more comfortable. It is true that some foreigners come to Japan to live but find that,after a short while, they don't like it and so decide to leave. But it seems to me that these people are few and the causes for their unhappiness in Japan are usually to be found in their own characters and not Japan itself. 和訳をお願いします>< この英文の前にも文章がありますが、hereは「ここ」などと訳してもらって構いませんので。

  • 関係代名詞 whoの使い方

    こんにちは、関係代名詞を使った英文を作ったのですがこれで合っているでしょうか。 I wanna say thank you to people who I met in USA and japanese friends and my familly who waited for me when I come back in Japan. 私はアメリカで出会った人と日本で私が帰るのを待っていた日本の友達と家族にありがとうと言いたい。 Who の関係代名詞が二つつくのはおかしいでしょうか?and の後はwaited for me.だけでよいでしょうか?

  • 次の英文の訳を教えてください。

    Owing to the prevalence of a belief among those who then had the direction of our affairs in Japan that a knowledge of Chinese was a necessary preliminary to the study of Japanese, my fellow-student, R. A. Jamieson, and myself were at first stationed for a few months at Peking, where we were joined early in 1862 by Russell Robertson, who also belonged to the Japan establishment. Ernest Satowの「A Diplomat in Japan」からの引用です。 最初の部分だけ自分で訳してみましたが、who then had the direction of our affairs in Japan の部分の訳が自信がありません。後、構文は正しく取れていると思いますか? 当時、日本における業務の指揮権を持っていた者たちの間で、中国語を知っていることは日本語を研究するための下準備として必要であるという考えが優勢だったために よろしくお願いします。