• 締切済み


海外のネットで買い物をしました。日本にいつ届くかをメールしたらこの返事がきました! 何を確認し返事を返せばいいのでしょうか? 助けてください!! We cannot send your order out until you can tell us how much we have put back onto your card – as we have refunded a small amount back onto your card. Once you have checked with your bank they can tell you how much was put back onto the card that was used. Once that has been established you can tell us what the amount is, otherwise we cannot send you out the order has it is a very large amount and we have to do further security checks as we have had a spate of fraudulent transactions lately.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2



先日、あなたのカードに小額の返金をしたので、その返金額の連絡をいただかないと、注文の商品は送付できません。 カード会社へ確認をしたら当該カードへの返金額はわかります。<これはオンラインでもなんでもできますが、直訳です> カード会社への確認が済んだら、私供へ(カードの信頼性を証明するため)金額を知らせてください。 その連絡がない限り注文は送付できません。 昨今不正クレジットカード詐欺が頻発しており、あなたの注文数/注文額は大量/高額過ぎるので、 さらなる保証確認が必要となってしまいます。 要するに、質問者様が使用しているカードがカード詐欺で使われているかどうかの'security check'を 実際にやるのは困難なので、本人確認のために、小額返金した内容を確認して、 そのピッタリの金額を連絡すれば確認ができたこととして注文を通す、という意味です。


訳まではしませんが、要するにクレジットカードが確実にあなたのものであることを確認するために、あなたのカードに小額を入れたので、その金額をを教えてください、ということです。(以前のご質問でazarashisanさんが書いた訳のとおりです。) その金額を相手に伝えなければ商品の発送はしません(金額を伝えれば商品の発送をする)、ということです。 まず、自分のクレジットカードの取引履歴をオンラインで調べるなりして、その相手が入れた金額を調べ、それをメールで相手に伝えればよいわけです。ただし、相手の国の通貨と日本円との換算で誤差が出るとは思いますが。


  • この英文を翻訳してほしいんです

    海外のネットで買い物をしていたら謎のメールが来てしまいました。英語の詳しい方助けてください We have refunded back onto your card a small amount could you tell us how much it is, once you have told us the amount we will send you your order.

  • 訳お願いします(>_<)

    That's great. We will look into the vacation details as well as how much it will cost you. Once we have all the information I will send it to you for your parents approval. You can provide the funds when we book the vacation. の訳をお願いします(>_<)!!

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。支払いの事でメールが来ました。なんとなくはわかりましたが、正確な意味を知りたいのですみませんが意味を教えて下さい<(_ _)> Your order is ready to ship with Yamato Transport. Both invoices were combined and your shipping amount is $19.00. You can see below for the quote. Here is your invoice I have attached and sent you 2 money requests through paypal. We already captured $24.00, but we still need a total of $84.44 (which I split up since paypal will not allow me to request the full amount). Once we have received your payment we will ship out.

  • 海外通販で何かを連絡しなくてはならないのですが。

    初めて利用したサイトでこのようなメールが来て困っています。必要な情報は入力しており、何かを連絡しないといけないようなのですが・・・We have received your first order at xxxxx.com. To begin supplying you, as part of your first order we are obligated to ensure you are authorised to use the credit card submitted. We have a fast and simple process to make this possible. We will process a random amount against the card, once you are able to confirm the amount we have charged to the card, we are happy to process the order. The amount debited will be deducted from the value of your order. You should be able to see this amount charged to your card with-in 24 hours using internet banking, otherwise simply call your bank. Reply to this email with the amount we have charged to your card. We apologise for any inconvenience however this has been put in place to protect both our customers and our business from credit card fraud. You have 7 days to verify this amount before your order is cancelled. However, if you are having trouble finding the amount just email us and we will put a note on your order not to cancel. どなかか分かる方いらっしゃいませんか?宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。届いたら不良品で返金か交換のお願いをしていました。その件で返事が来たのですがすみませんが意味を教えて下さい。 thank you for your patience and understanding, please know you can email me about any issues, I will personally follow your account. As for the 3 damaged AAA they are older so I am sorry we should of checked them before we ship them out to you. If there are any imperfections we will email you first for approval. Most of our AAA are new and we have some AAA that are older but for the most part this should not happen again. I can offer you several options, please let me know and if you can think of a better solution. - We refund you $BBBB USD for the bags and you can keep them and discount them. You can send it back ( we will refund you back the cost for economy shipping ) we credit you back the amount for the AAA and shipping and you can choose other AAA and we will give you 3 free CCC of your choice

  • この英文を和訳して頂けませんか。

    In order to do this, we shall debit your card account within the next 24 hours a small amount of money (less than 」2.00 GBP). You will need to contact your card issuer and verify this payment (which will appear as a payment to Linepick Ltd T/A Bodyactive). Once you have spoken with your card issuer, you should reply to this email with the amount that was debited from your account. We will then debit your account the remainder of the payment and ship your goods.

  • 英文の翻訳を御願い致します。

    海外のサイトでネットショッピングをした主人が、 入院してしまい、英文が解らない私には理解出来ません。 355 USD included shipping cost to your door, we accept paypal as the paymen way, just tell us your paypal email address then we can send a invoice to you from paypal after that you can making the payment online,also if you want to pay other way just tell us, regards,

  • このニュアンスでいいですか?英文みてください。言葉にできないの歌詞からです

    映画手紙の歌からです。 あなたに会えて本当によかった。 Im really happy to have met you. うれしくって、うれしくって Happy,Happy (ここのうれしくってとhappyってちょっと違うのかなっておもいますが) 言葉にできない I cannot tell you how happy I am. (tellじゃないような気がしますが、tellでいいのかなとも思います・・・) お願いします

  • 訳してください。

    Unfortunately, we are unable to verify the cardholder's billing address with the card issuer. For your security, we must now perform an additional verification procedure to confirm card ownership before we can dispatch your order. We have refunded a small amount in GBP to your VISA card 0xxxxxxxxxxx1234. To verify card ownership and complete your order, please contact your card issuer and find out the EXACT amount in GBP refunded to your card. Once you have confirmed the amount, please reply to this email and provide us with this value so your order can be dispatched. Please note that it may take a few days for the amount to appear on your account. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards,

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。 送料半額を負担してくれるサービスをしてくれていたので送料返金の事でメールがきました。すみませんが英文の意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 I just wanted to ask you if you have received the bill from yamoto so we can give you 50% credit to your open invoice for #0000. Please send us a copy of the bill to create your credit and then I will let you know the remaining amount for payment.