• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

Although は接続詞ですから、その後には、SVの文が来なくてはいけないと思いますが、この文では、the high shipping costs と名詞語句が来ています。それで、Although を前置詞に変えて、 Despite the high shipping costs, the product was heavily damaged when we received it. あるいは、 In spite of the high shipping costs, ... とするのだと思います。



ありがとうございます!!! 良く考えたらそうでした… お恥ずかしい限りです。 本当にありがとうございました。


  • 英語

    1:Married men sometimes wish they () single. (1)are (2)were (3)have been (4)being 2:The play was a lot of fun. I wish you () there. (1)were (2)had been (3)have been (4)would be 3:Although he knows nothing about electronics,he speaks() an expert. (1)like his being (2)as if he were (3)even if he were (4)as though being 4:You looked() a ghost when you came out of thehouse. What happened? (1)like to have seen (2)like seeing (3)as though to have seen(4)as if you had seen 5:It's already eleven. It's high time you() in bed. (1)are (2)have been (3)were (4)will be 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 英語の問題

    1.He left this town When he was eighteen. 2.I had been reading a book for some time when he called me up. どうして1はwhenによって導かれる副詞節の中の動詞の時制が過去なのに、2は普通にhad been reading と出来るのかが分かりません 解説お願いします

  • ある英語の問題を考えていただきたいのですが。

    Even if it was cold and rainy out yesterday when got there , the entire group stripped and jumped into the lake. (A)Even if (B)out (C)yesterday when (D)into (A)~(D)のどれかが誤っているらしいんですが。 out→outsideというコトで(B)なのか、はたまたwhenとgotの間あたりが なにやらあやしい、というコトで(C)なのか… それとも、意味を 「昨日ソコに着いて、外は寒くて雨降ってたけど、みんな裸になって池に飛び込んだんだ。」 というふうにとって、Even if→Thoughなのか… whenとgotの間にはweが省略されてる、というコトなんですかねぇ?

  • 英語和訳お願いします。

    We had been playing baseball for about half an hour when it started to rain very heavily.

  • 英語に詳しいい方、翻訳おねがいします。

    英語に詳しいい方、翻訳おねがいします。 I've been a returning customer! All the bags I've bought & received were fine. But this Keepall was damaged when you fold the bag. The leather crease is bent & bit broken. What do I do? I've never had a problem with your bags.

  • 問題問いてください!【英語】

    the plane had been already taken off when the pilot realized there was a problem. この文のどこかに間違えがあるのですが教えてください!! またその間違いを訂正してください。 w hen I (1)was stolen my wallet (2)in a crowded train, (3)a kind man helped me (4)make a phone call to a police station. この文の(1)から(4)のどれか間違っています。番号を選び 訂正してください。 この二問お願いします!、

  • Even thoughとEven if、Even whenの違い

    こんにちは。英語の文法の勉強をしているのですが、Even thoughとEven if、Even whenの大きな違いがよくわかりません。例えば、Even though I was very tired, I couldn't sleep.という文章がありますが、なぜEven whenだとダメなのでしょうか?疲れている時でさえ、眠れないという意味からすると不自然ではないようなのですが、すみませんが、教えて下さい。

  • 英語の選択問題

    () the secretary was making arrangements for the meeting, the president called her to tell her that it had been postponed. a)Which b)As c)Although d)Whom 回答、解説お願いしますm(。。)m 予想は、asです…

  • 間違い探しの問題

    英文の間違いを探す問題です Owing to their superior skills,highly competitive swimmers  have been known to win contests and break records even when suffered from injuries. 答えは when が間違いになってます。 even if だと思いますが  when でも意味は合うので間違いでないような気がします。 教えてください。 和訳はついていません。

  • 英語の問題20問ありますが,よろしくお願いします。

    英語の問題20問ありますが,よろしくお願いします。 (  )内から最も適切な語(句)を選んでください。 (1)He has been working(1.till,2.before,3.since)he finished school. (2)Strike(1.after,2.while,3.till)the iron is hot. (3)We were just about to go out,(1.since,2.when,3.before)it began to rain. (4)He did not come(1.before,2.since,3.until)the meeting was half over. (5)Tom cleans his teeth(1.before,2.until,3.by the time)he goes to bed. (6)Hardly had he arrived(1.that,2.when,3.after)he started complaining. (7)(1.Since,2.Until,3.Once)you begin, you must continue. (8)(1.For,2.If,3.Because)it was too cold, we didn’t stay outside long. (9)(1.Though,2.Before,3.Since)you can’t answer the question, we had better ask someone else. (10)(1.In case,2.Such that,3.Now)he is over sixty, he is going to retire. (11)He took a taxi(1.so that,2.such that,3.for fear that)he wouldn’t late for the meeting. (12)I’ll take an umbrella(1.so that,2.in order that,3.in case)it rains. (13)They are(1.so,2.such,3.too)good friends that they share all they have. (14)You won’t be in time(1.so long as,2.unless,3.though)you start at once. (15)You may stay here(1.as far as,2.as soon as,3.as long as)you keep quiet. (16)(1.But,2.As,3.Though)his left leg was broken, he went on walking. (17)Child(1.but,2.as,3.Even,4.if)he is, he can answer the question. (18)One group of children was quiet, (1.according as,2.while,3.as though)the second group was very noisy. (19)She became more and more beautiful(1.when,2.as,3.after)she grew up. (20)(1.Either,2.Even if,3.Whether)you like it or not, you’ll have to do it.