Married men sometimes wish they were single

  • Married men sometimes wish they were single.
  • The play was a lot of fun. I wish you were there.
  • Although he knows nothing about electronics, he speaks like an expert.
  • ベストアンサー


1:Married men sometimes wish they () single. (1)are (2)were (3)have been (4)being 2:The play was a lot of fun. I wish you () there. (1)were (2)had been (3)have been (4)would be 3:Although he knows nothing about electronics,he speaks() an expert. (1)like his being (2)as if he were (3)even if he were (4)as though being 4:You looked() a ghost when you came out of thehouse. What happened? (1)like to have seen (2)like seeing (3)as though to have seen(4)as if you had seen 5:It's already eleven. It's high time you() in bed. (1)are (2)have been (3)were (4)will be 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1.既婚男性は、独身ならいいのにと思う時がある。 解答:(2)were 2.その劇はとても面白かった。 あなたが、そこにいればよかったのに。 解答:(2)had been 3.彼は電子工学について何も知らないのに、まるで専門家のような口ぶりだ。 解答:(2)as if he were 4.あなたが、その家から出てきた時、まるで幽霊を見たかのような顔つきでした。 解答:(4)as if you had seen 5.もう11時です。 あなたは、もう寝ていていい時間ですよ。 解答:(3)were

その他の回答 (3)

  • wyeatearp
  • ベストアンサー率43% (110/254)

訂正: 5 寝て → 寝る

  • wyeatearp
  • ベストアンサー率43% (110/254)

1:Married men sometimes wish they (were) single. 既婚男性はときに独身だったらと願うものだ。 2:The play was a lot of fun. I wish you (were) there. 素晴らしい劇だった。あなたもいたらよかった。 3:Although he knows nothing about electronics,he speaks (as if he were) an expert. 電子関係に疎いはずの彼が専門家気取りで話すのだ。 4:You looked (as if you had seen ) a ghost when you came out of the house. What happened? 君があの家を出てきたときの顔をいったらまるでお化けでも見たようだった。なにかあったのか? 5:It's already eleven. It's high time you (were) in bed. もう11時、そろそろ寝て時間だよ。(この It's high time S+V では is と were に時間差があるように見えますがこれは慣用的な構文で were は過去を表してはいないことに注意して:寝ていた時刻ではなく寝る時刻で現在時制で訳します。) ご参考まで。

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

1:Married men sometimes wish they (were) single. 既婚男性は得てして独身に戻りたいと感じたりする。 2:The play was a lot of fun. I wish you (have been) there. 素晴らしい演目だったよ。行けば良かったのに。 3:Although he knows nothing about electronics,he speaks (as if he were) an expert. 電子関係にはシロウトの癖に彼ったら、専門家みたいな口叩くんだよね。 4:You looked (like to have seen) a ghost when you came out of the house. What happened? お化けでも見たような顔して家から出てきたけど、なんかあったの。 5:It's already eleven. It's high time you (were) in bed. もう11時よ。とっくに寝てる時間でしょ。


  • 意味の違い教えてください

    意味の違いがわかるように和訳教えてください 1 I hope you are strong and healthy. I wish you were strong and healthy. 2 If he had started yesterday, he would be in time. If he had started yesterday , he' have been in time. よろしくお願いします

  • 意味の違い教えてください

    意味の違いがわかるように和訳をお願いします 1-1 I hope you are strong and healthy. 1-2 I wish you were strong and healty. 2-1 If you help him,he will be happy. 2-2 If you had helped him , he would have been happy. 3-1 If he had started yesterday, he would be in time. 3-2 If he had started yesterday, he' have been in time. 4-1 Two more days would be enough for the work. 4-2 In another week, I would have been back at home. よろしくお願いします

  • 仮定法の時制

    仮定法の時制についてです。よく、 1) I wish I were rich now. 2) I wish I had been rich then. 3) I wished I were rich then. 4) I wished I had been rich then. や、 1)You look as if you saw a ghost 2) You look as if you had seen a ghost. 3You looked as if saw a ghost. 4)You looked as if you had seen a ghost. などを例に、 「仮定していることが主節(wish, look)と同時期なら過去形、主節より前なら過去完了形」という説明があると思います。これと同じものはwish、as if以外に、仮定法で他にありますか。 I wonder if~ではこのような説明はありますか。 教えていただければと思います。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!

    1)If I (were) not ill, I (would) go fishing with my younger brother. 2)She loves him (as if) he (were) her own son. 3)If I (had known) it, I (can) have told you. 4)I (wish) you (had not) told the plan to your father. 5)You can listen to the music (as far as) you like. 6)(If) you like it (may) not, you have to decide what to do. 7)I studied hard in my high school days; (unless) I would have failed the examination. 8)No (sooner had) he gone to bed than he fell asleep. 9)I'll lend you the money (for) the condition that you return it within six months. 10)It's about time you (have seen) a Shakespearian play. ()内でおかしいところがあったら添削をお願いしたいです。 よかったら解説も加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 私は受験のために英語を勉強しています。でも、理解できない部分がでてきま

    私は受験のために英語を勉強しています。でも、理解できない部分がでてきました。英語の仮定法の置き換えです。もし、英語の得意な人やわかる人がいたら、ぜひ私に教えてください! 書き換えの内容です。 (1) If I had much money, I could go abroad. (2) If he were honest, I would employ him. (3) If I had not caught him by the arm, he would have been drowned. (4) If Cleopatra's nose had been shorter, the history of Rome would have been different. (1)~(4)を’Because’を先頭にして書き換え。 (5) I wish I were as healthy as he. (6) I wish I had not given up the plan. (7) I wish it didn't rain now. (5)~(7)を’I am afraid(sorry)’から始まる文に書き換え。 もしできれば今後の勉強にも生かしたいので、説明もしていただけると、うれしいです。 みなさん、よろしくお願いします<m(__)m>

  • 英語 仮定法

    自分の答えが合っているかと 間違っていた問題も合っていた問題も訳や説明をいただけると嬉しいです ・My father (give/smoking/up/wishes/could/he). →wishes he could give up smoking ・I (I/when/had been/Tom/called on/him/at home/wish). →wish Tom had been at home when I called on him. ・You (seen/a ghost/look/if/had/as/you). →look as if you had seen a ghost. ・"Why didn't you tell me she married him?" "()" 1 I have told you because I had known it. 2 I told you because I married her. 3 I would have told you if I had known it. 4 She married him because I had known it.→1 ・If () not for his help, I would not be able to finish the work. 1 I had 2 it were 3 there were 4 they had→2 ・Ken must have had an accident on his way home; (), he would have been here by now. 1 otherwise 2 if 3 but 4 for→1 わからなかった問題です ・並び替え 1 (you/would/she/do/if/what)won a goal medal in the Olympics. 2 (about/we/is/on/set/time/off/it) a camping holiday. ・間違った部分を選んで直す 1 (1 Were) the would (2 to come) to an end, we (3 will) carry (4 on) the plan. 2 Had I (1 knew) that she (2 didn't feel) very well yesterday, I wouldn't have (3 asked) her to(4 work late).

  • 英語ができる方、問題をお願いします。

    英文中の空所に入る適切な語、または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。またその英文を訳しなさい。 1. It's started raining. If it ( ) raining, we could go on a picnic. (1)is (2)isn't (3)was (4)weren't 2. If the weather were too hot or too cold, plants ( ) grow. (1)could (2)would not (3)had to (4)won't 3. We would have gone to see the movie last night of we ( ) it was so funny. (1)know (2)would know (3)had known (4)could know 4. If I had known about the good news earlier, I ( ) to congratulate you. (1)would call (2)must have called (3)would have called (4)should call 5. If my son had taken my advice, he ( ) successful now. (1)is (2)was (3)would be (4)would have been 6. I wish I ( ) back the clock and do it all over again. (1)can turn (2)could tuen (3)had turned (4)have turned 7. I wish ( ) much more when I was young. (1)study (2)studied (3)have studied (4)had studied 8. If ( ) he had told her the truth. (1)timely (2)only (3)plainry (4)suddenly 9. It's time Bill ( ) home. (1)go (2)will go (3)goes (4)went 10. ( ) his idleness, he would be a nice fellow. (1)If he would be (2)If he were not (3)If it were not for (4)If it was 11. ( ) for the examination, I could have gone shopping with my friends. (1)Without (2)If (3)But (4)With 12. ( ) for your support, we wouldn't be here. (1)Not were it (2)It were not (3)Were not it (4)Were it not 13. ( ) I known more about the man, I would have gone shopping with my friends. (1)If (2)As (3)Were (4)Had 14. ( ) anything happen to you, you can always call me on my mobile phone. (1)If (2)Should (3)Unless (4)Would 15. ( ) your help, we would have failed. (1)Were it not been for (2)Had it not been for (3)If it had been for (4)Without being 同じ意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れなさい。また、(a)の文を訳しなさい。 1. (a) Because of the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. (b) If ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) for the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. 2. (a) If he had helped us, we could have succeeded. (b) ( ) his help, we could have succeeded. 3. (a) If you heard him talk, you would think that he was a new student. (b) ( ) ( ) him talk, you would think that he was a new student. 4. (a) If he the university students had not started at once, they would have missed the train bound for Tokyo. (b) The university students started at once; ( ) they would have missed the train bound for Tokyo. 以上です。 お手数をおかけしますが、どうかよろしくお願いいたします。 ミスなどがありましたらお知らせください。

  • 英語

    1:I like my job,but I wish I made more money. Me too. If I (),I could buy a new car. (1)did (2)do (3)had (4)have 2:If I ()you, I would not accept that kind of offer. (1)am (2)have been (3)were (4)will be 3:If I() a camera with me I would have taken a picture of the lake. (1)have (2)had (3)had had (4)have had 4:Would you have taken the job if you() how terrible the conditions were? (1)knew (2)had known (3)have known (4)would have known 5:If she() late,give her this message. (1)were coming (2)would come (3)should come (4)shall come 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 英語の質問です。

    採点をお願いします。 1.あなたの経済的な支援がなければ、私は事業に失敗していたでしょう。  ( your / but / help / for / financial ), I would have failed in my business. →But for help your financial,I would have failed in my business. 2.ハムレットはあたかも幽霊を見たような顔つきをしている。  Hamlet ( had / as / looks / seen / though / he ) a ghost. →Hamlet looks as though he had seen a ghost. 3.万一私の助けが必要になれば、いつでもいいから電話してください。   ( help / should / need / you / my ), please call me anytime, →You should need my help, please all me anytime. 4.もし好きなところに行けるとしたら、どこに行きますか?  ( anywhere / supposing / could / you / you / go ) like, where whould you go? →Supposing you could go anywhere you like, where would you go? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語

    1It's already ten. It's high time you ( ) in bed. アare イhave been ウwere エwill be 2If it were not for the rain, we ( ) hiking today. アcan go イwould go ウmay well go エwere able to go 3( ) greenhouse effect, the climate on the earth would be much colder. アAgainst イWithout ウUnless エNot 4( ) for the doctor's great skill in the operation, he wouldn't be alive now. アWithout イUnless ウBut エNot 5But for the medicine, the patient ( ). アhas been dead イhad been dead ウmay have been dead エmight have been dead 6Had I known you were coming to Tokyo, I ( ) to the station to meet you. アwent イwould have gone うhad gone エ would go 7I could tell who he was from his accent; ( ) I wouldn't have known it was him. アhowever イtherefore ウfor エotherwise 8Jack had a skiing accident yesterday, but he's all right. He is lucky, because he ( ) hurt himself badly. アcould have イmight ウshould エwill have 9I'm sorry to hear about your problem. But if you had taken my advice, you ( ) in such a trouble now. アhaven't イwould be ウwould havd been エwouldn't be 3,4辺りが良く分かりませんでした。