• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:面白お手本希望!パン(Bum)しか注文しないから…)



  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

CとHの問題はあれだね、たとえるなら「よくできた仕出屋と客」だな。 仕出屋は本当によくできていて、和洋中と一流なのに、Hがパン(Bum)しか注文しないから、Cが怒っちゃった。 俺はこう思う。 まだまだの試訳: You know what, I understand the relationship problem between C and H. I suppose, C is to H what a chef is to a customer. It's like C is a fist class chef and she could make whatever H wants, but H always orders a bum. That's made C angry. [一案] You've heard about the breakup between C and H right? You know what, I think I know what the problem is. Let's suppose C is to H, what a chef is to a customer. It's like C is a first class chef and can make whatever H chooses, but H always orders a bum. The frustrated C goes, "I've had enough of this bum!" ヒュー・ヘフナー氏とクリスタル・ハリスの結婚破談のことは知りませんが、面白いジョークですね。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 英語カテのエリートの方々には、ヒュー・ヘフナー氏の名前など聞いた事もない方が殆どだと思います。 むしろヒュー・ヘフナー氏と聞いてすぐに誰だか分かってしまうばかりか、「え?クリスタル・ハリス! 何人も女を囲っときながら、3枚目を選び、しかも振られたか!」と分かってしまう質問者の方が恥ずかしいのであるが、、それにしても、bumの使い方に関して、一枚も二枚も回答者様の上手のようですね。 「一案」ということは、まさか他にも、、と期待しているわけでは有りませんが、、、期待していないわけでもありません。 本当です。


  • 意訳ですが、誤りがあれば教えてください。

    こんにちは。 "If I were asked to say what is at once the most important production of Art and the thing most to be longed for, I should answer: A beautiful House." これは大体以下のような訳でよいでしょうか? 意訳ですが、文法的に大きな間違いがあれば教えてください。 また、 If I were asked what is ~~ というのに対し If I were asked to say what is ~~ は、慣用的な表現なのでしょうか? 試訳 「もしわたしが最も重要な芸術作品と、もっとも乞い求めるものは何かと同時に訊かれたら、わたしは「美しい家だ」と答えるだろう」

  • 和文英訳 使う構文は?

    『フロイトが心理学に対してしたことはニュートンが力学と物理学に、またダーウィンが生物学に対してしたことと同じである。』 これを英作する時に、「A is to B what C is to D」を使うかな?と思ったのですがこの選択はあっているのでしょうか。 またこれを使って what E is to F を加えようと思ったら、上の文の後ろにandをつけてつなげればいいのでしょうか? この場合A is to BのA、Bには何を持ってくればいいのでしょうか? Frued studies to psychology what Newton studies to dynamics and physics, and what Darwin studies to biology. のようにisのところに一般動詞を持ってきてもいいのでしょうか? 以上よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳希望です

    翻訳をしていただけるかた、 お願いできますか? ミスがあるかもしれませんが、 よろしくお願いします。 What will become of it long term?, For this we need to move away from the ascendant, for the ascendant is the beginning of the chart and the background the long term period of the relationship. To get the further future and find how this deep love will unfold and end we must move to another part of the horoscope. Lets come to the seventh house next, His house of marriage and see what is revealed. The planets in this area of the horoscope can reveal if marriage/ a permanent relationship is a possibility, or it is more likely to break up.

  • A is to B what C is to Dの構文で質問です

    A is to B what C is to Dという構文は、A to B is what C to D is.という語順じゃいけないのはなぜですか?どうしてわざわざbeの後にto B、to Dがこなくてはならないのか分かりません。

  • 和訳希望

    Every glimpse I hope you feel it as I do, for it is what I am and ever I will be. 特に後半はチンプンカンプンです。和訳をお願いします。

  • 助詞「と」について 英語で回答希望

    日本語の助詞についておしえてください。 日本語のテストあります。これは2回目の同じ質問?です。英語で教えてほしいです。 This is my second time to ask for your help, I am in the middle of studying japanese for JLPT3 and I need your assistance for figure them out. Here is the 2 questions. (1)because of you I became stronger So I wrote: 毎日私は強いなります。 Someone said it meant strong like fighting. and "よろしくお願いします” to be about studying. I didn't know the kanji/words it's using. I would like to know why it is and what it is. (2)Thinking "my japanese is slowly better because of you". I wrote 私の日本語がゆっくり良いのであなたです。 Someone said 私の日本語がだんだんと良くなるのは、あなたのおかげです。is correct. But also some are said it is a little awkward and they would say they can omit と and だんだん~になる seems more natural to say. I have no idea which is correct and why it is. That's when I realized, I need なる to make it "becomes better". I also knew "だんだん" but I didn't know why it used "と" or why と"? Why not just "だんだん良くなる?" I didn't understand why that particle(と) was there and why the sentence was made the way it was. Your assistance would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

  • 和訳希望

    - Do you think it is a wise idea to go into business with your partner (a kind of business that you and your man will operate together although having a mind set that what stays for business stays for business and what is for home stay at home because it is a two different thing altogether) - Do you believe in an opened relationship? (this doesn't work for me as I believe in just one relationship cos I don't appreciate jumping from one bed to another) お願いします。

  • 日記風に、昨日の事を英語で書いてみました、添削をおねがいしたいのです。

    Hi,Crystal! Sorry, I did not come here for a long day. I know I have to talk with you everyday for my dream. You know my dream, don't you. Everyday I say in my heart like this, “I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday!”This is my dream. You help me a lot about it! I have been thanking you, Crystal! BTW, yesterday was the special day for me. Do you want to know what was the day yesterday? It was the wedding anniversary. I could hear “Congratulations!” Thank you, Crystal! Yesterday was day-off for me and my husband. So we played golf in Gunma prefecture. It was far a way to my home. But I could see mountains with snow and mountains covered with new green leaves. And cute and beatiful flowers! Everything were so beautiful! I wanted to show them to you. We touched a lot of natures not only played golf. It was a nice and special day. I have been thanking that we are well. I hope it will be forever. Wow,It is 11:55. I have to prepare a lunch for my family! Have a nice Sunday, Crystal!

  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文(前半部分ですが)を翻訳していただけるかた、 お願いできますでしょうか。 誤植があると思いますので意訳でもかまいません。 よろしくお願いいたします。 His sun is in Capricorn and yours is in Virgo. These signs belong to the same ellement, the ellement of earth so there is a natural affinity. Both of you are very practical, well-grounded people. You are responsible tidy, trustworthy, discreet and mature. He is a little more selfish and calculating than you in the relationship. He puts his own advantage first, but again in practical ways. He is economic, and can get the most out of every situation. He is able to look ahead and work things out. Decide what he thinks is the best course. While you more allow fate to take its coursed, you are more accepting, inwardly anxious but outwardly accommodating. You let things happen, rather than trying to control circumstance. You are efficient at dealing with circumstance that arise and tend to love unconditionally. He is cautious, enduring, tries to be sensible and practical and yet has a capricious quirky side that can suddenly do the unexpected.

  • 英語で説明希望 日本語助詞「と」

    日本語の助詞についておしえてください。 日本語のテストありますので。 I am in the middle of studying japanese for JLPT3 and I need your assistance for figure them out. Here is the 2 questions. (1)because of you I became stronger (in Japanese!) So I wrote: 毎日私は強いなります。 Someone said it meant strong like fighting. and "よろしくお願いします” to be about studying! I didn't know the kanji/words it's using. I would like to know why it is and what it is. (2)Thinking "my japanese is slowly better because of you". I wrote 私の日本語がゆっくり良いのであなたです。 Someone said 私の日本語がだんだんと良くなるのは、あなたのおかげです。is correct. But most of people said it is a little awkward and they would say they can omit と and だんだん~になる seems more natural to say. I have no idea which is correct and why it is. That's when I realized, , I need なる to make it "becomes better". I also knew "だんだん" but I didn't know why it used "と" or why と"? Why not just "だんだん良くなる?" Your assistance would be highly appreciated. Thank you.