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DELL Streak スマートフォンのGingerbreadへのバージョンアップに関する記事

  • DELLのStreakは、Android 2.2のOSバージョンから2.3(Gingerbread)へのバージョンアップの可能性についての記事です。
  • StreakDroid 2.0(またはGingerStreak)がリリースされ、Android 1.6(Donut)からAndroid 2.3.3(Gingerbread)へのアップデートを可能にしました。
  • カスタムROMにはいくつかの問題がありますが、最新のAndroidバージョンを使用したい場合は利用できます。公式ビルドを待ちたい場合は、StreakDroidもさらにバージョンアップされるでしょう。


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  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> Forget the Rapture.  → Rupture のことは忘れていい。 > A warm Gingerbread man descended upon the Dell Streak over the weekend and saved its users from spending eternity in frigid Froyo.  → Dell Streak で動く Gingerbread が週末に出たから、どうしようもない Froyo を何とかまともに扱うのに四苦八苦しなくてすむようになる。 > DJ_Steve unleashed StreakDroid 2.0 (also known as GingerStreak) to the rooted masses, bringing the pocket tablet that launched with Android 1.6 (Donut) last year to Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread).  → DJ_Steve が StreakDroid 2.0 (GingerStreak という名でも知られる) を一般ユーザー向けにリリースした。去年出された Android 1.6 (Donut) OS のポケット・タブレットは Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread) へと進化した。 > This comes just days after the dev we'd be lost without delivered Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) to the Streak 7, so to say that Steve is dedicated definitey wouldn't do justice to his tireless efforts and hard work.  → これは Streak 7 を動かす Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) の開発版から何日も経たないうちに出るんだから、スティーブは文字通り不眠不休だ。 > The man is a machine!  → 人間業とは思えない。 > The build has a few issues, as is often the case with custom ROMs, but if you insist on having the latest version of Android running on your Streak, have at it below.  → ビルドするにはちいと手間がかかるが、カスタムの ROM じゃ毎度のことだ。Streak の上で Android の最新版を動かしたいなら、下記からダウロードを。 > And if you prefer to wait for an official build from Dell . . . well, let's just say StreakDroid will be on version 4 (Jelly Roll?) by then.  → 何だって、Dell が正式版を出すまで待ちたいだって? でも、その頃には StreakDroid が第4版(Jelly Roll?) になってんじゃねぇかな。



大変わかりやすい和訳ありがとうございました。 とても助かりました!



  • 和訳をお願いします

    At the same time the dogs,familiar with feeding on dead flesh close to man,would tend to drive off the smaller searchers and protest loudly should anything larger and more dangerous approach. を和訳してください! よろしくお願いします 多分、manは人間という意味だと思います

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 1,we should spend more money on energy conservation. 2.to go to the country where a foreigh language is spoken is one of the best ways to acquire it. 3,she is a famous arts magazine editor,reporting on film,music,books and the visual arts.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Work was carried forward and largely completed during the imperial period, substituting a superior material, limestone, for the volcanic tuff of the original project. What is striking is the piecemeal nature of the development, which produced facades on different alignments and plans with shifts of orientation. The Macellum, the principal food-market, at the northeast corner of the forum, is not securely dated and it too could belong to the Julio-Claudian phase. Although there had been an early attempt to build a colonnade round the piazza, dated, on the basis of an inscription, to the 8os BC, this may never have got much further than the southern end.

  • 和訳

    On the planet lived a man who drank to forget his drinking habit. 和訳したいのですが上手く訳せません。 ・a man が主語だと思うのですが、livedの後ろにあるのは何故ですか? ・関係詞節のdrank to が不定詞なのだと思うのですが、drink to で調べた所「祝杯を上げる」 という意味も出てきて、どう訳せばいいのかわかりません。 どうやって見分ければ良いのですか?? 正しい訳と解説をお願いします。

  • 英語 和訳

    The man is a tourist and the woman is an engineer working in Norway. この文の和訳をどなたかお願いします。 あと、可能であるならば、文の構造も説明いただけると嬉しいです。

  • 和訳お願いします!

    どうしても和訳できないので 和訳お願いします。 We can count on delighted grandparents, close relatives, and friends to show our baby that he is indeed special and worthy of love. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳を教えてください

    次の文章の3行目以降の和訳を教えてください 特別な構文などはないと思うのですが、なにを言っているのかさっぱりわかりません(汗 The sweetest and most desirable three words in English language are "I love you." The four worst have to be the dreaded "I love you,but...." It would be heartless for anyone to say that to another person. What makes it so harmful is that it comes from a loved one and is always followed by something hateful, like "this is the worst meat loaf I've ever tasted" or "I want a divorce."

  • 少々長文で恐縮ですがどなたか和訳を教えて下さい。

    A man must be a sportsman on and off the court to stay in the game. Tennis needs no paid umpires to keep order and conform the rules. The players are always willing to trust their opponents to give them fairest decision on all points. “The sportsmanship of tennis is so high that it carries with it a great value as a character builder. A man who is held up to the best and finest of his nature while on the court go off it and be a mucker. The game lifts the man to its level, or, if the man does not meet that level of sportsmanship, he drops out of the game. The keynote of tennis sportsmanship is generosity to your opponent.

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? In addition to improving existing products, nanotechnology is expected to enable people create raw materials and food from atoms and molecules. Today, manufacturers make goods from raw materials like wood, metal, and cotton and we eat fruits, vegetables, and grains that are grown on farms. One goal of nanotechnology is to create wood from atoms instead of cutting trees and to make vegetables by combining atoms that will grow and reproduce themselves in portable nanofactories called molecular synthesizers. Food synthesizers would enable us to create delicious foods in machines at home instead of growing them on farms. Therefore, far fewer raw materials would be necessary for our existence.

  • 和訳お願いします!

    流暢な日本語文に和訳して頂けますか?お願いします。 Based on a very authentic approach to Indian food and using only the highest quality ingredients, our cuisine originates from family recipes handed down from generations of cooks and adapted by Anis Wills and our team of professional chefs.