
  • 若者たちの間で流行したファッションとスタイルの選択について、具体的な例を取り上げてみましょう。
  • 「モッズ」と呼ばれる若者たちは、モダンを意味する「modern」からその名前を取りました。
  • 彼らは首元まで髪を下ろし、しばしば「ページボーイカット」と呼ばれる前髪をおでこにかかるようにした髪型を好みました。彼らはスタイリッシュな服を着用しました:カラーレスシャツ、スーツ、スポーツジャケット。彼らの移動手段はモータースクーターで、当時の欧州の若者たちのトレンドに沿っていました。
  • ベストアンサー


Take the respective choices of fashion and style, for instance. The "Mods" took their name presumably from "modern". They preferred to wear their hair down to the collar and often with a "page-boy" cut with bangs over the forehead, not unlike the style one can see on the covers of early Beatles albums. They wore "stylish" clothes: collarless shirts, suits and sports jackets. Their preferred mode of travel was on motor scooters, which followed the trend among youth in continental Europe in those days. "page-boy" cut;ホテルのウェイター風の髪型 bang;切り下げの前髪

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  • ベストアンサー

たとえば、それぞれのグループのファッションやスタイルを見てみよう。 ”モッズ”という名前は、おそらく”モダン(現代的)”という言葉に由来すると思われる。 彼らは髪を襟元まで伸ばし、おでこに前髪を垂らした”ページボーイ”風の髪型を好んだ。 ビートルズの初期のアルバムジャケットで見るような髪形と、言えなくもない。 彼らが身につけるのは、たとえば襟なしシャツやスーツ、スポーツジャケットなど、”スタイリッシュ”な服装だった。 また、彼らが好む移動スタイルはスクーターで、これは当時ヨーロッパ大陸中の若者の流行となった。 みたいな感じだと思います。 ご参考まで。



ありがとうございます!! とても助かりました!


  • 和訳お願いします

    The "Rockers", on the other hand, adopted a look more like that of the idols of rebellious American youth in the 50s: jeans, T-shirts, and leather jackets. Their hair was either cut short or sometimes in a "duck-tail" style with hair well greased and combed out above the forehead; then combed back on each side, similar to the images of young rebels in the American film and music of the 50s. Like the actor, James Dean, "Rockers" chose to ride on powerful motorcycles rather than scooters. rebellious:反抗的な "duck-tail" style:アヒルの尾のような髪型(リーゼントに近似)

  • 助けてください和訳していただければ・・・

    全然わからないんです。困ってます。 In Singapore, for most teenagers, hanging out at shopping complexes with friends, chatting online, keeping up with the latest fashion trends are very popular among the youngsters. As for those in their mid-twenties, like my friends, they don't keep up with trends, what they keep up is how to cut back on their budget to finance their housing loan and preparations for their wedding this year. Another friend of mine is trying hard to save up in the next three years so that they can be financially stable when they decide to have a child of their own. Hmm, WAP phone is the latest in the market but it's expensive now, not many people are using those. WAP phones gives additional function in that the user will be able to access websites online and check their email boxes. However, those in business prefer carrying a palm top, one that allows them free access to their schedules, appointments and replying of email messages instantly. The rest, like my family members and friends, uses the normal hand-phones. Users are able to forward messages to their friends via the "SMS Messaging system", but these phones aren't able to access Internet websites, thus in terms of cost, they come more cheaply.

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    Coming-of-Age Day Coming of Age Day is a national holiday which falls on January 15. This national holiday was created in 1948 and a described in the N ational Holidays Act as the day when young people are made aware of their achievement of adulthood and are congratulated. On this day large-scale ceremonies are held in all parts of Japan. The local cities and communities play host at the celbration ceremonies to all the young men and women who have had their twentieth birthday during the past year. The new adults gather together to hear congratulatory messages from the heads of their local government. Then one of the young people, speaking on behalf of the others, formally acknowledges that they have reached adulthood and pledges their determination to become good members of society. At the age of twenty young people receive the right to vote, smoke and drink, and obtain the freedom to marry without their parents' consent, but, at the same time, they must bear the responsibilities of adults.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Pericles' Funeral Oration 431 BC: "...In the fighting, they thought it more honourable to stand their ground and suffer death than to give in and save their lives. So they fled from the reproaches of men, abiding with life and limb the brunt of battle, and in a small moment of time, the climax of their lives, a culmination of glory, not of fear, were swept away from us." 後半が分かりません。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    A new era began when the LaTene Celts invaded Britain in the fifth century B C and, armed with iron swords against which the soft bronze weapons of the natives were useless, established themselves as a feudal aristocracy. Iron, however, al-though it revolutionized warfare and industry, is less beauti-ful than gold and bronze, and for ornaments these were the metals they mainly demanded of their craftsmen. It was an age of domestic squalor and barbaric splendour, for these Celtic warriors cared little for their homes and lavished their wealth on personal adornment: bronze scabbaeds, helmets, and shields, necklaces of twisted gold, bronze mirrors for their women, bronze masks and trappings for their horses. They enriched the geometric design of the Bronze Age with new motifs derived from Italy, in particular the tendril and anthemion, the formalized honeysuckle ornament of classsical Greece, and developed a flowing curvilinear form that has the coiled energy of a spring.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    As they race down the highway of their life, like so many other characters in so many other movies, they are forced to come to grips with themselves, find out who they really are, and ultimately take responsibility for their lives and actions. Thelma & Louise is a road movie, yes, but it's really a journey of enlightenment, a journey of self-discovery. And it begins with the incident, the hub of the wheel of action. 考えてはみたものの、英語がかなり苦手で和訳できませんでした。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    German forces under Sergeants Weissenberger and Steffens counter-attacked, killing one French soldier and pushing the rest back to their lines. They left a force of a dozen soldiers in the village to prevent another Allied attack. On 1 September, the Allies brought up larger artillery pieces and resumed their bombardment of the positions on the slopes of the mountain. The next day 42 French soldiers again attacked Kilwe and were repulsed, leaving seven dead. General Frederick Hugh Cunliffe, commander of Allied forces in northern Kamerun, began to push for stronger efforts to defeat the Germans on the Moraberg. On 7 September Allied guns opened a heavy bombardment concentrating on Mora's northernmost outposts, which were commanded by Lieutenant Kallmeyer. The barrage continued throughout the night, followed by a British infantry assault in the morning. The attack fell apart under heavy fire from Kallmeyer's men, with a British captain and 15 African soldiers killed, and five Germans wounded. Two more attempts to storm this German post were undertaken at night, but collapsed in confusion as troops became lost in the darkness. After this series of assaults failed, Cunliffe elected to reduce the size and frequency of infantry attacks and instead concentrate on hammering enemy positions on Mora with increasing amounts of artillery. Captain von Raben was wounded by a bullet to the head on 30 September, while visiting German forward positions. Due to the lack of adequate medicine at Mora, he was confined to a sickbed while his second in command, Lieutenant Siegfried Kallmeyer, took temporary control of the company. Food stocks continued to dwindle, and on 8 December British troops burned the village of Wudume, which had been supplying food to the Germans. In early 1916, the German forces had been under siege for almost a year and a half. Their food stocks had been exhausted, although their munitions were still plentiful (they still had 37,000 rounds of ammunition). On 15 February 1916, Captain Ernst von Raben received a letter from General Cunliffe offering to return the Askaris safely to their homes, and the Europeans to internment in England. At this point, Kamerun had been effectively surrendered to the Allies, as the colonial government and most of the remaining army had fled to the neutral Spanish colony of Río Muni. Realizing their situation was dire, and that any continued resistance would be fruitless, the German commander agreed to capitulate, asking that the British, in addition to safe passage, provide him with £2000 with which to pay his Askaris - which they did. Von Raben surrendered along with the remaining 155 men under his command on 18 February 1916. The surrender of the German force at Mora signaled the end of German resistance in Kamerun and the beginning of the British and French occupation of the country. The Treaty of Versailles in 1919 partitioned the colony between the two powers, creating the new colonies of British Cameroon and French Cameroon.

  • 和訳です。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 途中、並び替えがあります。 スペルには気をつけましたが、ミスがあったら指摘していただいて結構です。お願いします。  It is often said that the Japanese are shy or mysterious and that it is impossible to guess what they are thinking. In many cases, however, they may simply be trying to behave politely according to their own custums. Japanese people do have their own opinions, but they tend to wait their turn to speak out. If they completely disagree with somebody, they will usually listen with an air of acceptance at first, then disagree in a rather vague and roundabout way. This is considered the polite way to do things in Japan. On the other hand, because Western people consider directness and the honest expression of one's opinions more important, they tend to express their ideas more crearly. Even though quarrels sometimes take place, they do not usually affect people's relationships, except in extreme cases. In Japan, however, if you go against someone and create a bad atmosphere, your relations may break off completely. People tend to react emotionally, and most (afraid,are,being,excluded,from,of,the group).  Silence can be also be concidered a kind of ambiguity. Between the Japanese and Westerners, there is a different understanding of silence. For the Japanese, silence indicates deep thinking or consideration, but too much silence often makes non-Japanese uncomfortable. Whereas the Japanese consider silence as rather good and people generally feel sympathetic toward it, non-Japanese sometimes feel that it is an indication of indifference. Too many words, however, are a kind of pressure for many Japanese and make them nervous and ill-at-ease.  Aimai can result in misunderstandings, and people from other countries sometimes become irritated because the Japanese seem unable to answer “yes” or “no” directly. For example, if asked, “Which will you have, tea or coffee?” a Japanese person will often reply, “Either is OK.” This is a reserved and polite answer, but it often causes the host or hostess trouble. In fact, the word that Japanese most often have difficulty in using is“no” and their use of vague denials may lead to a great deal of friction and misunderstanding. To solve this problem, the Japanese need to become aware of their sense of ambiguity because many of them simply do not realize that it causes problems. With this awareness, they can try to express their opinions more clearly. On the other hand, non-Japanese should try to understand the Japanese mentality and the importance of the role that ambiguity plays in Japanese life. 以上になります。 あまり難しくないように思えましたが、長い文になると、意外と見落としている語があったり、訳していて、おそらく訳す順が変で、しっくり来ない部分があり、少し自信が無かったです。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of Lake Naroch, an offensive on the Eastern Front by the Russian army during World War I, ends on this day in 1916 after achieving little success against German positions near Lake Naroch and the Russian town of Vilna (in modern-day Lithuania). With French forces under heavy attack at the fortress town of Verdun, French Commander in Chief Joseph Joffre called on his allies in early 1916 to launch offensive operations of their own in order to divert German resources and ease pressure on Verdun. Britain’s answer to this entreaty would come only months later, at the Somme in June. Czar Nicholas II and the Russian chief of staff, General Mikhail Alekseyev, responded more quickly, with a planned offensive drive in the Vilna-Naroch region, where 1.5 million Russian soldiers would face just 1 million combined German and Austro-Hungarian troops. In their haste to come to France’s aid, however, the Russian command seemed to overestimate the capability and preparedness of their own troops, especially against the well-trained, well-organized German army machine.

  • 和訳 困っています><

    SOCIAL LABELLING Dyson(1980) interviewed a large number of people about their experiences of retirement, and challenged the idea that people see it as a fair exchange. Dyson's respondents saw it as fair for old people in general, but not in their own personal cases. They felt that, for the most part, sosiety had thrown them on the junk heap too early, when they were still perfectly capable of making an active and useful contribution to society. But they did think it was probably fair for other old people, and for old people in general. Dyson's research gave some interesting hints about the emergence of a new perspective on ageing, which developed during the 1980s. This view sees the lower visibility of older people in society as a product of old people are very strong-even though most of us are personally acquainted with individuals who don't fit those stereotypes at all. But it is very difficult for an individual to berak through the social stereotyping and be regarded as an intelligent person with something useful to contribute, because too often they are seen as someone who is old, and therefore useless. Or they think this is how they will be seen, and so they don't bother trying.