The Role of Status in Men's Relations and its Impact on Work Dynamics

  • Understanding the key role played by status in men's relations and its impact on work dynamics.
  • The discomfort and hierarchy highlighted when asking a boss about chances for promotion.
  • Insight into the puzzling transformation of a leader after being promoted to district manager.
  • ベストアンサー


Understanding the key role played by status in men's relations made it all come clear. Asking a boss about chances for promotion highlights the hierarchy in the relationship,reminding them both that the employee's future is in the boss's hands. Taking the low-status position made this man intensely uncomfortable. Although his wife didn't especially relish taking the role of supplicant with respect to her boss,it didn't set off alarms in her head,as it did in his. In a similar flash of insight, a woman who works in sales exclaimed that now she understood the puzzling transformation that the leader of her sales team had undergone when he was promoted to district manager. She had been sure he would make a perfect boss because he had a healthy disregard for authority. As team leader,he had rarely bothered to go to meetings called by management and had encouraged team members to exercise their own judgment,eagerly using his power to waive regulations on their behalf. But after he became district manager,this man was unrecognizable.He instituted more regulations than anyone had dreamed of,and insisted that exceptions could be made only on the basis of written requests to him.

  • gdgdd
  • お礼率9% (7/76)
  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

#2.です。 #1.さんの訳を拝見すると、自分の無能さを痛感します。私の訳は、無視して下さい。失礼しました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

男性の関係で地位が果たす重要な役割を理解することは、それのすべてを明白にしました。 昇進の可能性について上司に尋ねることは、その関係でヒエラルキー(階層)を強調します。そして、従業員の将来が上司の手の中にあると彼ら双方に思い出させます。地位の低い立場をとることは、強烈にこの男性を不快にしました。 彼の妻は、彼女の上司に関して嘆願者の役割を引き受けるのをあまり好まなかったが、彼の様には、それは彼女の頭で警告を発しませんでした。 洞察の類似したひらめきにおいて、彼が地区マネージャに昇進したとき、営業部隊のリーダーが経験した不可解な変化を、やっと彼女が理解したと、営業部門で働く女性は、叫びました。 彼が権限を健全に無視したので、彼が完璧な上司になると、彼女は確信しました。チームのリーダーとして、彼は経営陣によって招集される会議にめったに行こうとしないで、チーム・メンバーが彼ら自身で判断することを奨励しました。そして、熱心に、彼らのために規則を撤回するために彼の力を使いました。しかし、彼が地区マネージャになったあと、この男性はわからなくなりました。彼は、誰も夢にも思わなかったほど多くの規則を設けて、例外は、彼に文書による要請に基づいている場合のみ、認められると主張しました。 *** 一応訳してみましたが、すっきりしません。参考になればと思って投稿します。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 地位の差によって男性間の関係が決まると言うことで万事が明瞭になった。  上司に昇給の見込みがあるか尋ねる時、上司にも部下にも、雇われ人の将来は上司の手中にあることが改めて強調され、間柄に置ける階級制度が、はっきりする。低い地位に置かれたことで、この男はひどい不安感を持った。  彼の妻は上司に比べて下の役を与えられたことは大して気にしておらず、夫の頭の中の様に警鐘は鳴らなかった。  似たような場合であるが、販売部の女性が、販売部のリーダーが地域マネジャーに‘昇進した時、なぜ不可解な変身をしたか分かった、と言った。  彼は、権威を無視する傾向があったので、素晴らしい上司になると彼女は確信していた。リーダー時代の彼は、上層部が主催する会議には殆ど出席せず、彼の一存で規則を曲げられる時には、部員に勝手に行動することを勧めた。しかし一旦地域マネージャーになると彼は全くの別人になった。誰もが想像したことも無い新しい規則を多く作り、例外は彼に書面で要請した場合にのみ許されると強要した。  ざっと言うとこんな話です。


  • 和訳お願いします

    Maxim didn't run to New York and give his opinion to a newspaper,but went to his laboratory and began trying to make a lamp after Edison's ideas.He had no success,however,and after a few weeks sent to Menlo Park an emissary who got in touch with Boehm.It was also said that the agent approached another of our men.The deportment of Boehm changed perceptibly and soon begame suspicious. Hw was changing his allegiance to that of Maxim.In fact,he soon departed Menlo Park and entered that electrician's employ.This as far I am aware was the only defection that ever occured at our laboratory in those early days.In a few months Boehm managed to place the Maxim laboratory incondition so that it was able to produce some incandescent lamps that had their light-giving element made of paper.While at Menlo Park Boehm had had the oppotunity of watching all the various processes by which Edison made a practical lamp,and that acquired knowledge he imparted to Maxim.With the compensation he received,he was enabled to return to Germany and study.After receiving the degree of Ph.D. from the University of Freiburg in 1886,he returned to America.

  • 英文です!得意な方ぜひお願いします。

    wind-chimes in the likeness of her lost friend's only present to her, made of bits of string and scraps, in the centre of which once hung a precious jade peony. このwhich の使っている文がよくわかりません。。 解説してもらえると助かります。。 There was every reason why T, as he was afterwards referred to, should have been an object of mockery---there was his name, the fact that his father, a former architect and present clerk, had "come down in the world" and that his mother considered herself better than the neighbours. 最初のreferred to が the fact that...につながっているのでしょうか? あと---(本当は一本の長いハイフン)がどのような役割を果たしているのでしょうか? 文章を解説してもらえると助かります。 最後に、 what's fanny is he said that... と言うのはおかしいでしょうか。。? what's fanny is his way of talkinとかなら意味は伝わると思うのですが、この場合はどうなるのでしょうか? 質問ばかりですみません! 一問でも答えて頂けたら嬉しいです( `・ω・´ )

  • Would that he had.の意味は?

    ある本を今読んでいますが、その中で分からない部分があります。 He took away his son, and that was the last XXX had heard of JJJ, even though, in the years following,he made a number of his own discreet inquiries to try to determine what had happened. Finally word came that the boy had died. Sitting across from him, XXX couldn't help thinking, Would that he had. The buzzing in XXX's ears, ......... XXXとJJJは人の名前です。 "Would that he had." は斜体フォントになっています。 質問は次の三つです。 1."Would that he had."の解釈。 2.何故、"Would"がここで大文字のWになっているのか。 3.何故、"Would that he had."が斜体フォントになっているのか。 難しいと思いますが、よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m2

    After the regular season was over, Roberto returned to Puerto Rico as the greatest sports hero in all of Latin America. He was not only a great player on the field, but also an even Greater person off the field. He won fame and money through baseball, but never forgot that most people in Latin America were poor. He always told his family that he had a duty to help those who had not been as lucky as he had been. During the off-season that year, Roberto volunteered to manage a baseball team of young Puerto Ricans. While he and his team were staying in Managua, Nicaragua, Roberto heard about a fourteen-year-old boy named Julio. He had lost both his legs in an accident, but had no money for artificial legs. Roberto arranged to get them for Julio. Roberto went to see him and told him that he would be able to walk again. It was usual for Roberto to give a helping hand to people like Julio.

  • 長文の訳お願いします

    Fortunately, we know who made this term and the occasion upon which he first used it. Noah Webster, the famous dictionary maker, coined demoralize. Although he spent fifty years of his life studying words and defining them in dictionaries, this is the only one he ever made. In 1794 he wrote about the French Revolution, and in this he emphasized the bad effects of war, especially civil war, on the morals of the people involved. He referred to these effects as demoralizing. Webster knew he had added a word to the language. He watched to see if others would adopt it, and was pleased to see that the term soon became popular. Before he died in 1843 he knew demoralize had become firmly established in the language. His word has had an unusual thing happen to it. As soon as people began to notice the term, some of them supposed Webster had borrowed it form the French word demoraliser, but in a dictionary he brought out in 1828 Webster explained he had made it by placing the common prefix de on moralize or moral. And this explanation he stuck to as long as he lived. Not long after his death, however, his word was explained as being derived from French, and some dictionaries still give this explanation of it. How does your dictionary say demoralize originated?

  • こちらも書き換えお願いします

    次の英文を( )に当てはまるように書き換えてください お願いします こちらも至急です [1] He insists that they are innocent. → He insists ( )( ) being innocent. [2] He repents that he was idle in his youth. → He repents ( )( ) been idle in his youth. [3] He is ashamed that she ( ) her promise. → He is ashamed ( ) having broken her promise. [4] He was afraid that someone might oppose his plan. → He was afraid of ( )( ) his plan. [5] There was no doubt that he had heard the news. → There was no doubt of ( )( )( ) the news. [6] This bridge is not strong. The truck cannot cross it. → This bridge is not ( )( )( )( )( ) to cross. [7] They are discussing what they should do next. → They are discussing ( )( )( ) next. 基本的な問題ばかりですみません・・・

  • ロシアのクリミア侵攻

    以下の文はロシアがクリミアに侵攻したことについて、プーチン大統領はなぜ侵攻したかについてある学者が答えていたものです。 “From his point of view, it would be a far more substantial legacy than the Sochi Olympics, which everybody has been talking about as something that he wanted to be his legacy. But to have brought Crimea back into the historical place that it has had in the fold of Mother Russia, I think he sees this as probably the single most important thing that he will accomplish as president.” 質問が3つあります。 1. as something that he wanted to be his legacy この部分の意味がよくわかりません。 2. But to have brought...は in order to have brought...と言うことなのでしょうか。それならなぜ現在完了の形になっているのでしょうか 3.  the historical place that it has had in the fold of Mother Russiaのitは何を指すのでしょうか。 以上解説をお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (22) Caesar then restored Cleopatra to her throne and defeated her brother in battle. On his way back to Rome, Caesar passed through Asia. There, he squashed a rebellion in Asia Minor (modern Turkey). In a letter to a friend, he made light of the victory. The letter had only three words: “Veni, vidi, vici.” (“I came, I saw, I conquered.”) Plutarch says that this brief message matched “the sharpness and speed of the battle itself.” Caesar's fans later made placards with these three words written on them, which they carried in his triumphal procession into Rome. (23) When Caesar returned to Rome, he was proclaimed dictator. Then he began the work of healing Rome's terrible war wounds. He gave 100 denarii to every citizen and pardoned his own enemies, even those who had supported Pompey against him, including Cicero and Brutus. (Caesar was especially fond of Brutus. In his youth, Caesar had been in love with Brutus's mother, and he always looked out for her son. Brutus did not return the favor.) (24) During four years of almost absolute power, Caesar passed many laws to control debt, reduce unemployment, and regulate traffic in Rome. He levied taxes on foreign imports to boost Rome's economy. He put unemployed Romans to work building a new Forum and a large public building named in his family's honor: the Basilica Julia. He planned the first public library and built embankments along the Tiber to protect the city against floods. He revised the old Roman calendar, replacing it with the one that we use today, beginning with January. (25) Julius Caesar was perhaps the most extraordinary of all ancient Romans─a senator, military leader, and dictator of Rome. But he was also a poet, a brilliant historian who wrote about his military victories, and the only orator of his day who could compete with Cicero. His personal charm brought him the loyalty of men and the love of women.

  • お願いします!!これを日本語にしてください!!

    Nevertheless, Fujita became a hero back in Japan as the only man to fly a mission against the U.S.mainland. But he always had deep regrets about the war and his role in it. He spent the last 35 years of his life as a symbol of peace and mutual admiraition between Japan and America. He made several trips to Brookings, and entertained many Brookings citizens in his home. なんですけど。。。何の話か分からないので訳しにくいとは思いますが。。どうかお願いします!!!!!

  • 英語 整序問題

    1, Nonody ((1)have(2)his abilities(3)likes(4)questioned(5)to) by his boss. 2, After the American Revolution of 1776, those who had supported Britain ((1)found(2)unable(3)to(4)stay(5)themselves) in the new United States. 3, We are talking about a famous film which is on next week and I say to a friend of mine : "Let's go ((1)that(2)and(3)be(4)supposed(5)see(6)film(7)to) very good." 4, The secretary ((1)tell(2)what had happened(3)forget to(4)while he(5)her boss) was away. 上記4つの整序問題の答えを教えて下さい。