• 締切済み



  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> If something happens immediately, it happens at once.  何かがすぐに起きるというのなら、今すぐにも起きるだろう。 > Religion is belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief in a church or temple.  宗教とは、単一のもしくは複数の神を信じることであり、教会もしくは寺院に対する信仰と結びついている行為である。


  • すみません。この訳もしてください。

    Something that appears to exist or be a particular thing but does not actuallly exist or is in reality something else. It is also a false idea or belief. 本当に申し訳ありません。 ちょっと、訳がしにくいです。

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (10) Aulus Gellius, a Roman lawyer of the second century CE, writes about Vesta's priestesses. A girl chosen to be a Vestal Virgin must...be no younger than six and no older than ten years old.... As soon as a girl is chosen, she is taken to the House of Vesta and handed over to the priests. She immediately leaves her father's control. (11) The chief duty of the Vestal Virgins was to keep Vesta's flame burning. If the flame went out, it meant that one of the Vestal Virgins had been careless in her sacred duties or had broken her vow of chastity. Either way, the Romans believed that the city was in great danger and could be destroyed. They dressed the offending priestess in funeral clothes and carried her to an underground cell, leaving her to die. (12) The earliest Romans were farmers who saw the gods in all the forces of nature. They believed that gods ruled the sun, the moon, and the planets and that gods lived within the trees, in wind, and in rivers. These early, simple beliefs played a part in Rome's later religion as well. But as Rome became more connected with other peoples through war and trade, its religion became more complex. (13) The Romans were as quick to borrow language and inventions. If they encountered a new god that they thought might be useful, they adopted him or her. For example, when the Romans attacked the Etruscan city of Veii in 396 BCE, they begged Juno, their enemy's goddess, to help them in battle. “To you, Juno Regina, who now lives in Veii, I pray that after our victory you will accompany us to our city─soon to be your city─to be received in a temple worthy of your greatness.” When the Romans conquered Veii, they assumed that Juno had helped them. To thank the goddess, they built a temple in her honor in Rome.

  • 日本語訳を! 5-(2)

    お願いします。 (4) Different towns in Egypt worshipped differnt gods. The leaders of the town would try to convince everyone that their god was the most powerful. If their god was powerful, it meant they were powerful, too. Before Upper and Lower Egypt were unified, each had its own capital with its own goddess. Upper Egypt's goddess looked like a vulture. Lower Egypt's goddess looked like a cobra. After Upper and Lower Egypt unified, the kings wore a crown with both a vulture and a cobra to symbolize the joining of the regions. (5) One of the pharaoh's most important jobs was to take care of the gods. If the gods were happy, the Egyptians figured they would be happy, too. The crops would grow, the Nile would flood to the right level, and Egypt would be at peace with its neighbors. Life would be in balance, or ma'at. The pharaohs built great temples to show respect to the gods. Inside each temple, in the innermost room, they placed a shrine. And inside the shrine, they kept a statue of the god for whom the temple had been built. Every day the priests served the statue as if it were alive. (6) One pharaoh, King Neferhotep (who ruled about 1741 to 1730 BCE), paid special attention to the temple at Abydos. King Neferhotep wanted to be sure the priests were taking care of the statue exactly as they were supposed to take care of it. After all, those priests were the king's representatives. So if they displeased the gods, then the gods were displeased with the king as well. Ma'at would be thrown all out of whack.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (14) Rome borrowed the Olympian gods from Greece, Where they were thought to live on Mount Olympus. Eventually, the Romans had gods for almost everything. They prayed to Juno for help with the birth of a baby, to Mars for help in battle, to Jupiter before planting their crops, and to Ceres for a good yield of grain. (15) Roman religion, government, and family were all closely connected. Each reflected the other. Jupiter ruled over the gods as father and king─just as kinds and consuls ruled the Roman state and fathers ruled their families.

  • ある英文の訳について

    The belief in the merits of a daily drink or two dates back to ~. 訳;日常的にアルコールを一杯か二杯飲むと~ と書いてあるのですが、なぜa daily drink or two の訳がこうなるのかがわかりません。 よろしくおねがいします。

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    And when you look at Vatican in the XIV-XVIII you can see, Popes that drink, have a whores, whoreshop Nobles that pays the church, so God can forgive them, is it by the rules of God, I question myself? いつも御世話になっています。またまたセルビアの人からのメールなんですが、一行目のXIV-XVIII ってなんでしょう??調べてみてもさっぱりわかりません(>_<)誰かわかる人お願いします<(_ _)>

  • 日本語訳を! 5-(1)

    番号で分けているのでお願いします。 (1) The ancient Egyptians had a god for everything. That palm tree set back from the Nile sprouting on the rise behind your cousin's house? It had a god. The make-up your father applied from his palette in the morning? It had a god, too. More than 2,000 names of gods have been found written in limestone, on papyrus, and scratched on mud-brick walls. Some gods were powerful and worshipped by many, and some were wispy spirits known to just a few. There were gods whose spirits lived inside real things, such as the Nile, the sun , the sky, and the earth. And there were gods for protection against dangers, such as the bites of crocodiles, scorpions, and snakes. There were gods who stood for learning―the art of music and medicine; and there were gods who stood for the learned―the scribes and the architects. You name it, the Egyptians had a god for it. (2) There were good gods and bad gods, and fierce gods to protect you from the bad gods. There were gods for the living and gods for the dead. Some gods were human, some were animal, and some were a little of both. The bulls of one breed were so sacred that they lived like kings, and when they died the Egyptians mummified them, just like they would a pharaoh. They covered the bulls in jewels and placed them in coffins carved out of solid blocks of granite each weighing 80 tons. These sacred bulls even had their own cemeteries. At a burial site at Saqqara archaeologists have found 24 bulls, each in an elaborately carved coffin. (3) The most important god in Egypt was the sun god. The Egyptians pictured the sun god pushing the sun across the sky just as the scarab beetles pushed tiny dirt balls across the ground. Every morning the Egyptians were grateful when the sun was born again like the tiny scarab eggs hatching in the dirt ball. And every evening when the sun set, they worried that an evil snake would swallow the sun as it passed through the Underworld.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Total isolation results in high rates of depression and mental illness. (“Rate” means the number of times something happens, or the number of examples of something within a certain period.)

  • 英文の訳・・・・

    In a series of experiments they asked people to assemble IKEA boxes-a boring , banal task - or to engage in the more pleasurable activities of folding origami or building Lego sets. The participants then had to bid small suns for the products of their labour , or for a custom - or expert - made equivalent . Readers Digestの記事の文なのですが、 訳していくうちによく分からなくなってしまいました・・・ もしよければ、 この英文の訳を教えていただきたいです。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??(3)

    First, I can see how one would think that atheists have a mental block. However, I think that if you don't agree with something, you're not going to believe it's the right way of thinking, and therefore may believe the person that does believe it is not capable of seeing the flaws in the religion, or lack thereof. I've had to try very hard to see why people can believe somethings, such as Catholics, or even the people that join cults! How can they believe it?! But then I stop and try to realize that they are just looking for something in their life, and for them, maybe it best suits their personality or needs at the time. こんにちは。これはアメリカ人からのメールで無神論者と信仰者についての話しなんですけれどいまいち何がいいたいのかわかりません。ちなみに彼女は無神論者で私は仏教徒です。 (1)I can see how one would think that atheists have a mental block. のmental blockは思考の停止と訳してよいのでしょうか??無神論者は精神的に成長する段階で壁があるということでしょうか? (2) However, I think that if you don't agree with something, you're not going to believe it's the right way of thinking, and therefore may believe the person that does believe it is not capable of seeing the flaws in the religion, or lack thereof. 貴方が何かに賛成しなければ、貴方はそれが正しい考え方と信じないでしょう。それゆえに貴方は宗教は欠点がないとを信じる人を信じるでしょう。 といった意味でしょうか?とても長い文章ですがどなたかお願いします<(_ _)>