Different Calendars Around the World: Preserving Traditions

  • Explore the fascinating world of calendars and their importance in preserving traditional customs.
  • Discover the various New Year's Days celebrated in Malaysia and how they are based on different calendars.
  • Learn why the Western calendar is considered the global calendar and the significance of other calendars in non-Christian countries.
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英訳をお願いします 困っています

There are many different calendars around the world because some people want to use their own calendars to preserve their traditional customs, for example. in Malaysia, people can enjoy four different New years Days: the first one is based on the Western calendar, the second one on a lunar calendar, the third one on the Hindu calendar, and the fourth one on the lslamic calendar. the Western calendar is the global calendar. the first year of that calendar is the year When Christ was born. in some countries that are not Christian. however, their own calendars are more important

  • 英語
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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

世界中には多くの異なるカレンダーがあります、というのは、昔から行われている習慣を残すために、自分自身のカレンダーを使いたがる人もいるからです、例えば、マレーシアでは、人々は4つの異なる元日を楽しむことができます:一つ目は西洋のカレンダーに基づきます、2番目は陰暦のカレンダー、3つ目はヒンズー教のカレンダー、4つ目はイスラム教のカレンダーに基づいています。 西洋のカレンダーは世界中で使われているカレンダーです。 そのカレンダーの最初の年は、キリストが生まれた年です。 しかし、キリスト教徒でないいくつかの国々では、彼ら自身のカレンダーがより重要です。


  • 急いでます!英訳お願いします!

    「あなたは、日本人がなぜ西洋の国々とその人々(Western countries and their people)に良いイメージをもっているのかということに興味がありますか?」 は英訳するとどうなりますか? 自分でしてみると、「Are you interested in why Japanese people have good images of Western countries and their people?」となりましたがどうですかね。

  • 英訳助けてください><お願いします★

    There are some big problems with this type of approach to studying adulthood. One of them is that it is very culturally specific━it is probably fine for describing the lives of middle-class white North Americanmen, but things may be rather different for people of different backgrounds, where the normal course ofliving takes different forms . Another is that it doesn't account for individial differences. Some people don'tleave home until much later in life;some people don't experience a lengthy period of independence but marryfrom their family home ;and some come across these transitions at very different ages. So it would be difficult to say how the model applied to them. Insight We will all experience several life- transitions , but they will be different for each of us. It is more useful to try to explore the psychological processes involved as we tackle our life-transitions,than to try to predict categorically what those life-transitions will be. If there are so many problems with this type of model, why should we bother with it at all? Well, mainly because it's a start. By identifying the kinds of things that are missing from a model like this, we can move towards developing better theories. Psychology doesn't have all the answers: it is continually changing, and trying to improve its theories and ideas. When a new area is first opened up, the initial theories are often quite liited;but they provide a useful basis for further research which can help us to develop a deeper understanding.

  • 英訳…一文だけお願いします

    タイトルの通りです。 以下の英文を、どなたか訳していただけませんか? 特に最初の What is important , them , is that というのが、どうやって訳していいのか、わかりません;; What is important , them , is that teachers develop their own preferred classroom practices based on what works best for them in their own particular situation and circumstances and given the learners they have at the time. お願いします;;

  • 英訳

    The essential function of human community is to arrive at some agreement on what we need, what life ought to be, and then teabh our children so they can go on the right way. 人間の社会の重要な機能は~までしか分かりません。分かっても断片的にしか分かりません。 Lager communities, such as cities, open up room for peoplf to imagin alternatives, learn from people of different traditions, and invent their own ways to live. 都市のような大きな社会は代わりのイメージのために人々に…?よく分かりません。 教えて下さい。

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致します

    Some people say that their schooldays were the happiest of their lives. They may be right, but I always look with suspicion upon those whom I hear saying this. It is hard enough to know whether one is happy or unhappy now, and still harder to compare the relative happiness or unhappiness of different times of one's life; the utmost that can be said is that we are fairly happy so long as we are not distinctly aware of being miserable. できるだけ丁寧にお願いしたいです。 例えば、andはこことここが繋がっているよ! とか、これは関係代名詞だよ!! と教えていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

  • 英訳…お願いします

    What is important , them , is that teachers develop their own preferred classroom practices based on what works best for them in their own particular situation and circumstances and given the learners they have at the time. タイトルの通りなんですが、長文すぎて、英語が苦手な私には、とても訳せません;; どなたか、英語が得意な方、訳をお願いできないでしょうか? おねがいします;;

  • 英訳のお手伝いお願いします。

    Today is the five year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9-11. It is a very sad day for Americans. I remember when it happened, our whole country was united as one. Now, political groups and special interest groups have forgotten that unity, and we are so divided now. People are angry at the President, and angry about the war, and angry about anything they can think of. It makes me so sad to think that the same people who cried "Go to War!!" are now saying "War is wrong!!" just because they want to get elected into office. I HATE politics, all of it, because they say one thing and do another, just to get their way. これは私のe-mail友達のアメリカ人からのお手紙です。 一番最後の文のI HATE politics, all of it, because they say one thing and do another, just to get their way.の、they say one thing and do another, just to get their wayが全く解りません。私が訳すると"彼らは同じことを言っていたのに違うことを今はしている。"になりますが、次のjust to get their wayはわかりません。 どなたかお願いします。 以前に違う名前で質問を沢山させていただいたのですが、登録がなぜか消えてしまいお礼を言えなかった方がいました。ここでお詫びをさせて下さい<m(__)m>

  • カレンダーについての英文。 

    Calendar usually makes us realize the date, a day of the week and our schedule. So calendar is very useful for us to check the date, a day of the week and our schedule. A week is made up 5 week days and 2 holidays. Week days are from Monday to Friday for students and holidays are Saturday and Sunday. Week days are written by black figure and Saturday is written by blue it and Sunday is written by red it most calendars. Each country is different from to start a day of the week in a week. Most Japanese style calendars is written from Sunday to Saturday in a week. On another side Chinese style calendar is written from Monday to Sunday in a week. Each month is different from date. Some months have 31 days, some months have 30 days. Especially February has 28 days, every 4 years it has 29 days. These day many people use digital calendar, for example smart phone. On another side many people use paper calendar too. I prefer paper calendar to digital calendar because I’m not good at operating machine and paper calendar is easy to write. こちらの添削及び追加したほうがよい事項があれば、英文でかいていただけるとうれしいです

  • 和文英訳お願いします。

    Rational actor theories suggest that individuals, organizations, and nation-states are motivated by a desire to maximize their material interests. Based on this type of theory, we might hypothesize that voters select candidates that further their own economic interest. です。ちょっと手に負えません(-_-;)よろしくお願いします!!

  • 英訳です。教えてください。

    The small star-shaped glia cells are scattered among the neurons more or less in the same manner throughout the nervous system; if one were to look only at them, forgetting the nerve cells, a much more uniform description of the different parts of the nervous system would be obtained than one based on a description of the neurons. If the aim is to relate different structures to different tasks, one is certainly better off concentrating on the neurons.