• ベストアンサー


お願いします。 "Doing business with a country in transition from one political system to another can be risky." "With interdependence can come pressure on countries to change their political, economic and cultural practices."

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 #1です。補足です。 >>2つ目の文ですが、最初の"With"はなんの役割を果たしているんですか? あってもなくても良いんですか?  いえ、違いがあります。 1。with があると、with interdependence が副詞句になり、pressure が主語になります。 2。with がないと、自動詞 come の前後に interdependence と pressure の二つの名詞があって文法的に奇妙な文になります。  ご質問ですが、"With" は、副詞句、それも文頭に置かれて「、、、によって」と多少強調された「、、、があると」と言う「条件」に近い強さを持つ副詞句を作る重要な役割をしています。

その他の回答 (2)

  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

一つの政治システムから異なる政治システムへ移行しようとしている国とビジネスをするのには危険が伴う。 相互依存関係を保つことをきっかけに、国は自国の政治、経済、および文化の見直しを迫られることがある。




  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 一つの政治形態から、別の政治形態に移行する途中の国と取引をする時は、時として困難な時がある。  相互依存の圧力で、両国の政治、経済、文化の慣習を変わってしまうことがある。



2つ目の文ですが、最初の"With"はなんの役割を果たしているんですか? あってもなくても良いんですか?


  • この英文を訳してください!

    この英文を訳してください! "The exporter must also be prepared to overcome the challenges such as establishing a company presence in the country to which it wants to export, developing sufficient production capacity to manufacture goods for export, coping with the high costs of doing business in other countries, and understanding the way that business is done in the target country."

  • 英文の和訳2

    If I don't like living here,I will soon leave andeither go back to my own country of find another country where I can be more comfortable. It is true that some foreigners come to Japan to live but find that,after a short while, they don't like it and so decide to leave. But it seems to me that these people are few and the causes for their unhappiness in Japan are usually to be found in their own characters and not Japan itself. 和訳をお願いします>< この英文の前にも文章がありますが、hereは「ここ」などと訳してもらって構いませんので。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    •WTO is too powerful, in that it can in effect compel sovereign states to change laws and regulations by declaring these to be in violation of free trade rules. •WTO is run by the rich for the rich and does not give significant weight to the problems of developing countries. For example, rich countries have not fully opened their markets to products from poor countries. •WTO is indifferent to the impact of free trade on workers' rights, child labour, the environment and health. •WTO lacks democratic accountability, in that its hearings on trade disputes are closed to the public and the media.                   http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/country_profiles/2429503.stmより

  • SQL inner join 構文について

    以下の質問がどうしても解けません。 私の構文をどなたか見ていただけませんでしょうか? 2つのテーブルは写真を参照してください。 質問: 1) A new animal has come in, with the following details: name - "Slim", type - "Giraffe", country_id - 1 Add him to the Animals table. 2) You want to make a complete list of the animals for the zoo’s visitors. Write a query to output a new table with each animal's name, type and country fields, sorted by countries. 私の構文: insert into Animals values(Slim, Giraffe, 1) SELECT Animals.name, Animals.type, Countries.country FROM Countries INNER JOIN Animals ON Countries.id = Animals.country_id group by Countries.country

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    Under pressure from the Germans at Verdun in early 1916, the French Commander-in-Chief Joseph Joffre pressed his allies to launch offensives of their own to draw forces away from Verdun wherever possible and to place Central Powers forces under increased pressure (a policy agreed during the Chantilly Conference of December 1915). Britain responded - belatedly - with the Battle of the Somme in July; the Italians with another Isonzo battle. Russia, under Chief of Staff Alexeev, responded with an offensive drive in the Vilna-Naroch area (Lithuania today).

  • 英文の訳がうまくできず、困ってます;;;

    英文の訳を教えてほしいです. ●Aren't people supposed to care and to protect what is their own? ●Don't you find it funny how we can perform in every other country without any problems except for our own home country? 翻訳機、辞書を使ってもなかなかうまく訳ができず困ってます;; よろしくおねがいします

  • どなたか下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか。

    ↓よろしくお願いいたします。 hiiii...how ru?? listen i m along with friends trying to make a charity fund for our friend country" japan".. how can we approach?? can u give me some idea?

  • 英文和訳の質問です

    英語の教科書で以下の様な文がありました。 After a long day at the office, a country home with its peace and quiet is a greate place to come home to. 最後のtoは, "to come home to a person" の " a person" を省略したものと考え、 会社で長時間を過ごした後、平穏で静かな田舎の家は素晴らしい所だ(と痛切に感じられる → to~toの部分) と訳しました。はっきりとした自信がありません。講評を頂けたら幸いです。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。発送の集荷の件で相手からメールがきました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 I'm having trouble with the website and I can't find a customer service email to contact them. Do you think you can double check with YAMATO if they are going to be inside the (場所) so that when the show is over AAAAさん can just go there with the boxes and ship to you? If not can they come pick up? If you can give us a contact email would be great .

  • 以下の英文はどう訳しますか?

    以下の英文はどう訳しますか? Much of this book is concerned with agricultural change, involving a certain amount of historical reconstruction. It is important to set doctrinal assumptions aside and, in particular, not to assume without evidence the existence of any process such as degradation or intensification. Change can take many forms, and the adoption of practices that are more intensive in use of capital or labor is only one form. Comparatively, it is useful to describe one system as more intensive than another, but the terms to intensify and intensification are used loosely in the literature. I introduce the theory of intensification in chapter 4 but discuss it in some depth only chapter 11. Elsewhere in the book, I avoid these terms as far as possible. Certain other themes are also of major significance. 長いのですが、よろしくおねがいいたします!!!!