• 締切済み


A year or two ago a college teacher carried out an experiment. He asked his class to eat some biscuits which he had brought to the classroom and which he described as a kind that was soon to be sold in grocery stores. The biscuits were in plain paper boxes without any printing to tell what kind they were. When the students had finished eating,the teacher asked them to write down how they thought the food tasted. Most of the students wrote that they liked the biscuits. They felt that the flavor of the biscuits was interesting and that the public would buy them. The next day the teacher brought the same kind of biscuits to the class again. But this time the boxes were properly labeled. Each box had the words “DOG BISCUITS” printed on it. Some of the students would not even taste the biscuits. Those who tasted thought that they were unpleasant to eat. This experiment shows an important point: People are influenced by words. If someone served you a tasty-looking steak(perhaps garnished with onions or mushrooms),do you think that you would like it? You probably would. However,if someone told you that it was horse,dog,or snake meat,many of you surely would refuse to eat it. Some of you might even feel ill if you did eat it. And why would you feel this way? You would feel this way because of the power of words. The printed and spoken word can actually influences and change your feelings and your behavior. 和訳していただけたら嬉しいです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

<訳例> 1,2年前に、一人の大学の教師が実験を行った。彼は、クラスの学生たちに、彼が教室に持ってきて、食料品店で間もなく販売される種類だと述べた、ビスケットを食べるように頼んだ。そのビスケットは、どんな種類かを示す印刷が全くないただの紙の箱に入っていた。学生たちが食べ終わった時、教師はその食べ物の味をどう思ったか、書きとめるように彼らに頼んだ。 学生たちのほとんどが、そのビスケットが気にいったと書いた。彼らはそのビスケットのフレーバー(香り)が面白く、だから、一般の人々はそれらを買うだろうと感じた。 翌日、その教師は、再びクラスに同じ種類のビスケットを持ってきた。しかし、今回は、箱にはちゃんとラベルが貼られていた。それぞれの箱には、「犬用ビスケット」の文字が印刷されていた。学生たちの中には、そのビスケットの味見をしようとさえしないものもいた。味見をした者たちも、それらが食べ辛いと思った。この実験は、重要な点を示している。人々は、言葉によって影響されるのだ。 誰かがあなた達に美味しそうに見えるステーキ(おそらく玉ねぎやマッシュルームの付け合わせが付いている)を出してくれるならば、それを気にいると思いますか?おそらくあなた達は気にいるでしょう。しかしながら、誰かがあなた達にそれが馬、犬、あるいは、蛇の肉だと言えば、あなた達の多くがそれを食べることを拒むでしょう。あなた達の中には、もしそれを実際食べれば気分が悪くなる人さえいるかもしれません。そして、なぜあなた達はこの様に感じるのでしょう?言葉の力によってあなた達はこの様に感じるのです。印刷されたり話された言葉が、実際あなた達の感情や行動に影響したり、それらを変えたりする可能性があるのです。


  • 和訳お願いします。

    Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2155, she wrote, 'Today Tommy found a real book." It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather had heard about books like it when he was a little boy. He once said his grandfather had told them that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages, which were yellow. It was very funny to read the words. They stood still, instead of moving the way they were supposed to - on a screen, you know. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it. It was just the same as it had been when they read it the first time.

  • 長文の和訳 お願いします

    長文の和訳 お願いします a lot of young people became victims of the battle of ofokinawa. some of the most well known are the girls in the himeyuri student corps. their story has been told in movies and books. Student corps were units that the japanese army created for the battle of okinawa. the himeyuri corpy was made of students and teachers from the okinawa first girl's high school and the female division of the okinawa normal school. in decembar 1944, the japanese military felt that it was impossible to prevent the Americans from landing in okinawa. they organized some studebt corps to help wounded soldiers. at the end of march 1945, the himeyuri students were sent to the army field hospital in haebaru . this was just a few days before the americans landede. the himeyuri corps was formed of 240 members : 222 were students from ages 15 to 19 , and 18 were teachers. they were so busy taking care of wounded soldiers that they didn't even have time to sleep. the war situation got worse. in late may, the himeyuri corps retreated to the south. the last fierce battle of the battle of okinawa was fought in the southern part of okinawa island. when the japanese military knew they were losing he battle, they ordered the himeyuri corps to disband. on june 18 , the girls were thrown out onto the battlefield. more than one hundred of the himeyuri students sent to the battlefield lost their lives. the name "himeyuri" sounds peaceful , but the reality they had to face was far from peace. we must never forget the tragedy of the himeyuri student corps.

  • 添削よろしくお願いします

    朝日新聞の4コマ漫画の描写を英語にして英作文を練習している者です。 次の英文から状況が読み取れるかお聞きしたいです。また、文法間違い英語表現の間違いなどご指摘していただけるとありがたいです。 One day a teacher was smoking in back of a school building. Her students, a usual trio, found it by chance. She gave them some candies for hush money. When they were licking the candies, three girls came up and said, "(1)You, bad. You are licking candies." The usual trio thought it would be terrible if this came out to everyone, so that they told the teacher's secret. Three girls went to the teacher and said, "(2)We were told that for hush money." 特に、(1)「あんた達、悪いんだ。アメなめてやがる。」と(2)「口止め料の 代りに教えてもらったんだ。」と言いたいのですが、上の英文はどうでしょうか?アドバイスよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    入院と自動車学校で勉強出来なくて、テストが5日後にあります。 お力をお貸しください。 Lawrence got he belts of explosive ready,but before he could begin to fix them,there was a sudden clatter of noise from high above him.One of the machine gunners had dropped his rifle. The Turkish sentry shouted a challenge,then fired his rifle at the place from where the noise had seemed to come.The other Turks came running out of the guard tent.Soon asmall battle was raging.The Arabs carrying the explosive belts knew that if a bullet hit one of the belts,it would go off and blow them to pieces.So they dumped the explosive into the gorge and ran.Lawrence followed them and within a few minutes they were all trotting away on their camels,the raid afailure. But even so in had caused confusion.The Turks hated raids like this.They did not know where the Arabs would strike next,so they had to keep lots of troops everywhere.They could not stop the trains altogether because their souldiers in desert posts depended on them for supplies.The one thing they felt sure of was that Lawrence would attack only trains.He would not risk a full-scale battle.Lawrence soon proved them wrong. If you look at the map you will find,at the top of an inlet off the Red Sea,a port called Akaba. In 1917 the Turks held it. they felt secure from an attack by Lawrence and the Arabs because it was a well-fortified port and they would be able to beat off any attempt to land troops from the landward side would be impossible because hundreds of miles of desert lay between Akaba and the nearest Arab forces.Lawrence knew that the Turks would think this,so he and the Arabs decided to do the impossible.They would march across this desert and attack Akaba from the rear. Lawrence,Auda, and thirty camel riders armed with rifles set out to persuade the desert tribesmen to join them.Lawrence carried twenty thousand gold sovereigns in his saddlebags to pay recruits.The arabs tribesmen were happy to see Lawrence and Auda.Their arrival was the occasion for a feast

  • 和訳

    英語の和訳例をお願いします。  何度か : が付いた箇所や、何となくで訳してしまった箇所がありました。一文が結構長い部分等もあり、少し難しかったです。 意訳をしなければならないところはあまりないとは思いますが、出来るだけ自然な形での訳をお願いできますでしょうか。  The demographics of my students have completely changed in the past 10 years. Until several years ago, the majority of my students were interested in commerce : they were businesspeople, lawyers and doctors. Now, the students enroll in my classes because they are interested in anime, manga, Japanese pop culture, or even video games. Some of the students are also interested in joining the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program. As a result, my classes have become more youthful.  I get a completely different atmosphere from these students compared to previous ones. While most have never visited Japan, I feel I can relate to them better. The earlier students, even those who had been to Japan, didn't have as good an understanding of it. Although they often had a lot of knowledge about Japanese culture, they retained a certain detached attitude toward it. However, my new students come into the classroom listening to J-pop and toting backpacks adorned with anime characters. They informally say, “Sensei, ohayo!” On tests, they draw their favorite anime characters and after class they exchange anime DVDs and music.  I began to realize that these students were absorbing Japanese language and customs directly with their eyes and ears, not trying to intellectualize their experience in the way my previous students often did. Some of the kids learn Japanese information and grammar through anime. Of course, this creates problems at times. For example, I'll teach: “Kyo wa ii tenki desu ne,” and they'll respond “Ii tenki dayoooo,” as if they were anime characters themselvesーcharming, but somewhat inappropriate in this context.  “Why do you like anime?” I inquired. A few of the many answers are: “Because it's fan!” “The pictures are so pretty!” “Because there's actually a plot and a story." One of my students said: “I find the unusual storylines refreshing in comparison with the redundant ones of American television and cinema. The characters in anime seem to be more fully developed. The characters fail, learn and grow, so I feel that I can really relate. Animation may be the initial attraction for many fans, but it's the creative plots and unique storylines that keep us interested.”

  • 和訳おねがいします

    翻訳機は使わないでください^^; So she said to Tammy, "Why would anyone write about school?" Tommy looked at her. "Because it's not our kind of school, stupid. This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds of years ago." He added, saying the word carefully, " Centuries ago." Margie was hurt. "Well, I don't know what kind of school they had all that time ago." She read the book over his shoulder for a while. Then she said, "Anyway, they had a teacher." "Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn't a regular teacher. It was a man." "A man? How could a man be a teacher?" "Well, he just told the boys and girls things. He gave them homework and asked them questions." "A man isn't smart enough." "Sure he is. My father knows as much as my teacher." "He can't. A man can't know as much as a teacher." "He knows almost as much, I'm sure." Margie wasn't prepared to argue. She said, "I wouldn't want a strange man in my house to teach me." Tommy laughed. 'You don't know much, Margie. The teachers didn't live in the house. They had a special building, and all the kids went there." "And all the kids learned the same thing?' "Sure, if they were the same age." "But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches. Each kid has to be taught in different ways." "Just the same, they didn't do it that way then. If you don't like it, you don't have to read the book." "I didn't say I didn't like it," Margie said quickly. She wanted to read about those funny schools. They weren't even half finished when Margie's mother called, "Margie! School!" Margie looked up. "Not yet, Mama." "Now," said Mrs. Jones. "And it's probably time for Tommy, too." Margie said to Tommy, "Can I read the book some more with you after school?' "Maybe," he said. He walked away whistling, the book under his arm.

  • 和訳して下さい!!(^_^;)

    (1) Most people , when they are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice , are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing. And whatever they decide on , they are troubled by the feeling that something else would have been pleasanter. (2) Athletes do not perform or compete in social vacuums. One could even argue that modern athletics would not exist without audiences and sport fans. How many athletes would continue to train and compete if no spectators were present in athletic event? Probably none. (3) As a student of Japan and things Japanese , I find this country and its inhabitants to be a living study. Instead of being thousands of miles away as they would be were I to live in my homeland , all the materials for research lie close at hand. All that is necessary is to find the time and to put in the effort. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Advertisers ask psychologists for advice. These experts tell adver-tisers about the concepts of fear and self-image. They also inform them of new studies on colors and words. Psychologists have found that certain colors on the packages of a product will cause people to choose that product. Also, certain words attract our attention. For example, the words "new," "improved," "natural," and "bigger size" are very popular and seem to draw our eyes toward the package. Many people believe that advertising does not affect them. They feel that they have freedom of choice, and they like to think they make wise choices. Unfortunately, they probably don't realize the powerful effect of advertising. Do you believe that ads don't influence your choice of products? Just look at the brands in your house. お願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします

    This study was designed to discern whether reluctance to waste, perceived progress, or both explanations jointly are responsible for observed endowed progress effects. Method Subjects. Participants were 146 undergraduate business students at a major West Coast university who participated in this along with several other studies for course credit. Stimuli and Design. The design was a 2 (progress: onethird or one-sixth complete)#2 (endowment value: $12.50 or $30.00) between-subjects, full-factorial design with a separate control condition. To disentangle the competing explanations of wasted investment versus perceived progress, our design specifies a dollar value for the endowed progress. Participants in this study completed a scenario-based, paper-and-pencil study. The study explained that a popular restaurant on campus was considering instituting a frequent buyer program. This study captures the essential decision making that likely occurs when consumers are confronted with enrolling in a frequency program, whether it requires signing up or just keeping the loyalty card in one’s wallet. In the control surveys, customers had to purchases 10 lunches in order to earn a free lunch of identical value. Customers had not yet made any purchases, such that there was no progress toward their goal, real or perceived. There were four such scenarios that differed only in the required cost of each purchase ($2.50, $6.00, $6.25, or $15.00). These studies provided a baseline measure. In the four scenarios that comprised the test conditions or cells, the amount of purchases required, the size of the endowment, and the cost of each purchase were each varied in order to manipulate perceived progress and endowment value simultaneously. In two scenarios, participants were told that because they were first-time patrons they would receive two of 12 credits toward the reward (each credit worth the equivalent of one purchase in dollars), and, in the other two scenarios, they were told they would receive five of 15 credits, such that they were endowed with progress of one-sixth or one-third, respectively. These endowments manipulate the fraction of the task yet to complete; in the former, five-sixths must still be completed, and in the latter, only four-sixths remain. The dollar amount of a purchase varied and was crossed such that the total dollar value of the endowment was either $12.50 or $30.00 (5#$2.50 p 2#$6.25 p $12.50, 5#$6.00 p 2#$15.00 p $30.00). See table 1 for a detailed summary of the design. Respondents were then asked how likely they would be to register for the program, how attractive they thought the program would be to diners, and how likely they would be to earn the reward on a nine-point scale. These measures served as the dependent variable.

  • 和訳お願いします

    I teach Japanese at community colleges outside Philadelphia in the United States The demographics of my students have completely changed in the past 10 years Until several years ago, the majority of my students were interested in commerce: they were businesspeople, lawyers and doctors. Now, the students enroll in my classes because they are interested in anime, manga, Japanese pop culture, or even video games. Some of the students are also interested in joining the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program. As a result, my classes have become more youthful. I get a completely different atmosphere from these students compared to previous ones. While most have never visited Japan, I feel I can relate to them better. The earlier students, even those who had been to Japan, didn't have as good an understanding of git. Although they often had a lot of knowledge about Japanese culture, they retained a certain detached attitude toward it. However, my new students come into the classroom listening to J-pop and toting backpacks adorned with nime characters. They informally say, "Sensei, ohayo!” On tests, they draw their favorite anime characters and after class they exchange anime DVDs and music I began to realize that these students were absorbing Japanese language and customs directly with their eyes and ears, not trying to intellectualize their experience in the way my previous students often did. Some of the kids learn Japanese intonation and grammar through anime. Of course, this creates problems at time For example, I'll teach: "Kyo wa ii tenki desu ne," and they'll respond "li tenki dayoooo. as if they were anime characters themselves charming, but somewhat inappropriate in this context. you like anime?" I inquired. A few of the many answers are: "Because One of my students said: "I find the unusual storylines refreshing in comparison with racters in anime seem it's fun! "The pictures are so pretty" "Because there's actually a plot and a story the redundant ones of American television and cinema. The characters in anime seem to be more fully developed. The characters fail, learn and grow, so I feel that I can really late. Animation may be the initial attraction for many fans, but its the creative plots and unique storylines that keep us interested