• ベストアンサー


いつもお世話になりありがとうございます。 病気上がりの人がウォーキングを頑張ろうとしているので、 「毎日少しずつ行くのを勧める。焦らないで」と言いたいのですが、これでいいでしょうか? I suggest to you go to walking a little more each day.  Please take things one day at a time.


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

I suggest you go to walking little by little every day.  Better be steady and slow down. 「毎日少しづつのウォーキングをお奨めします。一歩一歩焦らず参りましょう」



年末は素敵な訳をありがとうございました!m(__)m また今回もすぐのご回答をありがとうございました。 助かりました!m(__)m



  • 英訳および教えてください

    彼に誕生日にもらったカードの言葉ですがa little bit moreを上手に訳せませんので、教えてください。 I'm a little bit more in love with you each morning when I wake up. I'm a little bit more in love with you every time you say my name. I'm a little bit more in love with you every time you walk into the room… I'm a little bit more in love with you every day and every year. Happy Birthday sweetheart.

  • よろしくお願いします

    In today’s day and age, we celebrate the big things: graduations, new jobs, new additions to your family, weddings. Amidst the big accomplishments, there are also little things that you can take just as much, if not more pride in. https://gentwenty.com/stop-comparing-myself-to-others/ there are also little things that you can take just as much, if not more pride in.の和訳を教えてください。あと、if not more pride inの文法的解説もよろしくお願いします

  • 英文間違い探し

    間違い探しです。問題一つにつき、【】のうちの一つが間違っています。ふたつともじゃなくていいので、一つでもわかったら教えていただきたいです。 1…The students 【were】 told to take 【one book each】. Anyone who took two books 【was told】 to 【return back】 the extra one. 2…Would you 【please】【don't】use flashes in the workshop【while】you【take】this factory tour? 私は、1番は 【one book each】→【a book each】で、2番は 【don't】→【not】だと思いました。

  • 英訳困っています >< 助けてくださ~い><

    The third stage is what Duvall referred to as the authority period , in which the family are bringing up pre-school children , with the oldest between two and five years old. Essentially, the parents have to train their pre-schoolers to behave in a socially acceptable way , and not like tyrannical little monsters! This, too, can be a deeply demanding phase for the parents. Things often ease up a little when the family enters the interpretive preriod , in which the oldest child is between five and 13 years old , and at school. (The reason why Duvall categorizes these stages from the age of the oldest child is mainly because this signals the need for the parents to learn new behaviours. They have already learned most of the behaviours they will need for younger children-although each child is different, of cource.) The fifth period in the family life cycle is the interdependent period, which consists of families with teenagers. At this time it becomes possible for the teenagers to take more of a share in the emotional and physical aspects of the family , and the relationship between parents and child can become a two-way, interdependent one rather than a simple, one-way , denpendent one.

  • 英訳お願いします。

    (1)The last item on the programme was a grand display of fireworks, to be let off exactly at midnight. The little Princess had never seen a firework in her life, so the King had given orders that the Royal Pyrotechnist should be in attendance on the day of her marriage. (2)“What are fireworks like?” she had asked the Prince, one morning, as she was walking on the terrace. (3)“They are like the Aurora Borealis,” said the King, who always answered questions that were addressed to other people, “only much more natural. I prefer them to stars myself, as you always know when they are going to appear, and they are as delightful as my own flute-playing. You must certainly see them” (4)So at the end of the King's garden a great stand had been set up, and as soon as the Royal Pyrotechnist had put everything in its proper place, the fireworks began to talk to each other. (5)“The world is certainly very beautiful,” cried a little Squib. “Just look at those yellow tulips Why ! if they were real crackers they could not be lovelier. I am very glad I have travelled. Travel improves the mind wonderfully, and does away with all one's prejudices.” (6)“The King's garden is not the world, you foolish squib,” said a big Roman Candle: “the world is an enormous place, and it would take you three days to see it thoroughly.”

  • 英訳お願いします。

    「どうする?もうちょっと泳がせておく?」 を英語にしたくて自分なりに翻訳機使って頑張ってみました。 でも↓これなんかやっぱり違いますよね? What are we gonna do? Let someone go free a little more? 泳がせるというのは、もう少自由にさせておく?みたいな意味です。

  • 英訳 お願いします・・

    英訳してみました。合っていますでしょうか? あんなひどい事を言われたのは初めてだ。 This is the first time that I've been told terrible things like that. もっとお互いを知り合うべきと思う。 I think we should get to know more of each other.

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 字数制限の為、敷き詰めですみません。 Monica my cleaning lady broke one my toilets. She uses a lot of paper towels to clean everything and I think she tried to flush them away ... sigh trouble ...very annoying situation. Tomorrow I will have to arrange for a repair person to fix it. An annoying situation ... Please allow me to give you some recommendations. - If you come with Air France (Paris) it's OK to take the train Brussels. It's very easy, it's inside the airport and the people from Air France will welcome and help you with your luggage. It's very convenient and fast (shinkansen type). And they have a flight that leave at ●● at night ... so you arrive in Europe in the morning and you can still enjoy the whole day. - If you come via other airports it's better to take the plane (it doesn't cost more or less). Taking the bus from Amsterdam to Brussels ... I won't let you do this. I would rather go to Amsterdam to pick you up. After such a long flight it's not nice if you still need to take a bus ... no if you prefer to take JAL I'll come to Amsterdam Oh KLM and Air France they all have a few Japanese flight attendants on the airplane. So you don't need to be afraid :) If you don't mind or the prices are cheaper on the website I gave you. I can also make the booking for you. Of course you would have to indicated which flight you prefer. It's really no problem for me. If there is anything I can to make things easier for you or help you, please let me know.

  • この説明の意味

    英英辞典でbetweenをひくと with one thing or person on each side と出てきます。直訳すると「それぞれのサイドの一つの事、物と一緒に」と何かよく意味がわかりません。 なんでone thingなんですか?with two things or more thingsみたいにtwo thingsと考えていたんですが。 オンライン英英辞典では in or through the space that separates two things, people, or places: とわかりやすいのですが。 なんでone thingなのですか?またわかりやすい訳はどうなりますか?

  • 休みの表現について

    例えば、   「彼は怠惰だ。走らない。歩きさえしない。」 を、若干論理的に見ると、体の健康の度合いを観点にして   歩くことさえしないのだから、当然走らない。   歩かないなら、走らない B:歩く A:走る ¬B->¬A(歩かないなら、走らない) この対偶を取ると A->B(走る人なら歩くことも出来るだろう) つまりA⊂Bとなる。 さて、"even"の使い方を私の年代物の文法書で調べると、次の例文を発見しました。 He would not go on a holiday from work, or even take one day off. (彼は仕事を休もうとしなかったし, 1日の休暇でさえとろうとしなかった) これの対偶を取ると B:take a day off A:go on a holiday go on a holiday ⊂ take a day off となります。この観点は何ですか。take a day offであるためにgo on a holidayは十分条件となりそうですが、何故そうなるのでしょうか。日本語にすると両者とも「休む」です。

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  • 電話回線の種類はひかり回線です。ブラザー製品に関するお問い合わせです。