• ベストアンサー

中1 英語 日本文→英文



What is your brother doing? He's listening to music with his CD player in his room.


  • 英語

    (1)Kumi ( )a brother. He is twenty years old.(have) (2)What are you doing now?-I'm( )the newspaper.(read) (3)The earth( )around the sun.(go) (4 )He is( )a letter in his room.(write) (5)The girs are ( )lunch in the garden .(have) 与えられた動詞をもとに適切な形にして、( )を補い

  • 直接話法から間接話法 命令文をつなぐ

    Mother said to my brother, "Go to your room and think about what you have done." →Mother told my brother to go to his room and ( to ) think about what he had done. ( to )はいりませんよね? 文が結ばれたときは、thatの省略ができないのは承知しています。 文法書で見つけられなかったので 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳してください。

    He doesn’t say anything, but there is sadness in his eyes as he turns them upon(to) the sad remains of what he had made with such pride. ↑ upon でもtoでも良いみたいです。 前の文を省略していますが、分かりますか?

  • 疑問文の作り方がわかりません。

    疑問文の作り方がわかりません。 正しい答えを教えていただけないでしょうか。 ▼基本文 He saw a man sitting in his car with a hose in his mouth. ▽書きたい問題&答え What did he a man doing ? (彼は何をしている男をみたのですか?   希望の答え=sitting) Where did he a man sitting in with a hose in his mouth. (彼は口にホースを加えた男をどこでみたのですか?    希望の答え=in his car) How did he see a man in his car ? (彼は車の中のどんな男を見たのですか? 希望の答え=a sitting with horse in his mouth) 答えもそのような答えを導けるのかもよくわかっていません。 親切な方、教えていただけませんか。

  • 英語の文法ミス指摘してください

    I like this story because there are many points, which makes me thinking about what human-being happiness is many times. Even though, Robert has a physical disability, he enjoys his life more than me. He did not imply negative contents of his physical disability. On the contrary, he has great pride in himself. For example, when the wife offered him to move his staff to his room, he said, “it can go up when I go up”. He declined her gentle offer because he wanted to do whatever he could do it by himself because of his pride. Also, he alway tries enjoying his life. When the husband offers blind man to smoke together, he accepts that offer, and he said, “There is a first time for everything”. Although it was a first time to smoke, He didn't to hesitate to do it. He likes doing new challenge, which is worth doing. That is why he enjoys his life.

  • [英語] ()に当てはまるものを教えて下さい><

    1: (a) He always does his homework before going to bed. (b) He never () to do his homework before going to bed. 2: (a) It is impossible to tell what she will do next. (b) There is () () what she will do next. 3: (a) It goes without saying that the rice crop in this area depends on the weather in August. (b) () to say, the rice crop in this area depends on the weather in August.

  • 英語 不定詞1

    あっているか教えてください。 違ったら訂正もお願いします。 ・次の各文が同じ意味になるように第2文を 完成させなさい。 1 My father said I could use his car.   My father allowed ________________________________.→me to use his car. 2 My lawyer said I shouldn't say anything to the police.   My lawyer advised_____________________________.→not me to say anything to the police. 3 He looks older when he wears glasses.   Glasses make_____________________________.→him older. 4 Don't stop him from doing what he wants.   Let_____________________________________.→him not to stop doing what he wants.

  • 上級者の皆様は以下の文をどのように訳しますか?

    上級者の皆様は以下の文をどのように訳しますか? The great teacher does not count it to put on a show for his students, indeed he can not help doing this if he would, so inseparably is he one with what he is teaching. 上の文の、indeed以下を皆様ならどのように訳しますか? この文の訳し方でその人の英語力、ひいては語学力がわかると恩師に言われてしまいました。 もちろん誇張だとは思うのですが、確かにindeed以下の文はなかなか手ごたえがあると思いました。 そこで、上級者の皆様の多様な達人芸を拝見してみたく、こちらに投稿することにいたしました。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • 間接疑問文と。

    私があなたが何をしているのか知っています。 I know what you are doing. という文があるとき、間接疑問文となりますよね。日本語から、英文に直すとき、「あ、これは間接疑問文だ」とわかるには、日本文のどこを見て理解できますか? そして、 I am listening to the radio now. という文がありますが、なぜ"the"をつけなければいけないのでしょうか?"I am listening to music."は"the"はつかないのに、"radio"はなぜ付くんでしょう? ややこしい質問でごめんなさい!よろしくお願いします。

  • この文はどう日本語で表したらいいのでしょうか?

    この文はどう日本語で表したらいいのでしょうか? 教えてください。 In Class 2-2 and 2-3, the number of the students who like listening to music is the same.