• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:この英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか。)


  • 翻訳サイトやソフトを使用しても正確な翻訳ができず、意味が分からない。
  • Daedalusを使用した友人が、新しいファームウェアでの互換性の問題を報告しており、私はそれが彼のローダーのバグだと思っていましたが、TN Henでも同じ問題があるようです。
  • HENを使用している方にこのビルドを試していただき、ホームボタンが正常に動作するかどうか、そしてチラつきがなくなったかどうかを教えていただけませんか?


  • ベストアンサー
  • MXT500
  • ベストアンサー率67% (101/149)

 Sony の携帯ゲーム機 PSP のお話のようですね。 PSPに自作のアプリケーションを実行させよう HEN TN プロジェクトが WorldWide で進行中のようです。 ttp://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/HEN ttp://amaebi.net/archives/1631217.html 下のリンクでは、自作アプリの例で 2ch ブラウザーなどの例が紹介されておりますが、 kernelbuttons.prx もそうした自作アプリの1例になるのではないでしょうか。 (.prx とは Windows の.exe に相当する実行ファイル)  ただ、このプロジェクトは、Sony の公式なものではないために、PSPのハードウェアとROM(Firmware)のバージョン次第で互換性問題(compatibility)が発生することは避けられません。「自作プログラム」作成はハードウェアとROMが従来と変わらぬものであろう、という前提で進められるのが普通です。もし、製作者側でハードウェア・ROMを少々変更すれば、その情報は公式の開発業者には伝わりますが、「自作」関連の方にはすぐに届きません。よって、不具合(画面のちらつき)のある自作系プログラムが出回っても不思議ではないでしょう。  以上の背景を踏まえて、問題の文の訳に取り組んでみましたが、既出の回答に限りなく近づきましたので、掲載しません。 特に、No.4さんの回答を参考にして頂くのがよろしいかと。


その他の回答 (5)


 #1です。  これ以上は、UNIX関係を扱っているカテで質問したほうがいいと思いますが、少しだけ解説を付け加えます。 フリッカー:多分、モニターのちらつきでしょう。 kernel:カーネル。UNIXでOSの基本部分を言う。kernelbuttons.prxは、その関連のソフトと思われます。 ファームウエア:コンピュータに組み込まれたハードウエアの制御ソフト ビルド:この場合は、ソースコードをコンパイル、リンクして作成した実行可能ソフトウエアを指す。その行為を、ビルドする、などとも言う。 ディレクトリ:WindowsやMacで言うフォルダのこと。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 我々の kernelbuttons.prx と、新しくなった firmwares とが一緒に使えないのがフリッカーの原因です。大分前、未公表の HEN に Daedalus を使おうとした友達は、それと同じようなことを僕に言って、僕はローダーに bug があるな、と思った。しかし今回は TN Hen にも(同様な現象が)見られるので、ソニーが何か変えたのだろう。  hen を持っている人が、この出来を試験してみて、ホームボタンがうまく働き、フリッカーがなくなるか僕に教えてくれないだろうか。  とにかくあなたの directory から kernelbutton.prx を削除してEBOOT.PBP と imposectrl.prx をもう一度コピーし直すことだ。  これで意味が通じますか?


 ごめんなさい、typoもありました。 ×>注意点は、ディテクトリから ○>注意点は、ディレクトリから


 すんません、ミスです。 ×>ビルド(おそらく実行ソフトウエアを作ること) ○>ビルド(おそらくメール主が作った実行ソフトウエア)


 UNIX関係ですかね。用語は私も知りませんが。ですので、用語は質問者様にお任せします。……誰か詳しい人、専門家の方、出てきて助けて! 「フリッカー(ちかちkする光?)は、僕らのkernelbuttons.prx(何かのファイル名らしい)が、今度の新しいファームウエアと互換性がないかららしいんだ。こないだ、Daedalusをリリース前のHENで試した友達がそう言ってた。僕は彼のローダーのバグじゃないかと思うんだけど。TN Henでフリッカーが起こるのは、ソニーが何か変えたんじゃないかなあ? 誰かhenでこのビルド(おそらく実行ソフトウエアを作ること)を試して、ホームボタンが正常に動作してフリッカーが消えるかどうか、教えてくれないだろうか? 注意点は、ディテクトリからkernelbuttons.prxを削除して、EBOOT.PBPとimposectrl.prxの両方を上書きコピーすることだよ。」



  • 英文和訳

    And should we defeat every enemy, and should we double our wealth and conquer the stars, and still be unequal to this issue, then we will have failed as a people and as a nation. For, with a country as with a person, "what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" There is no Negro problem. There is no Southern problem. There is no Northern problem. There is only an American problem.This was the first nation in the history of the world to be founded with a purpose. The great phrases of that purpose still sound in every American heart, North and South: "All men are created equal." "Government by consent of the governed." "Give me liberty or give me death." And those are not just clever words, and those are not just empty theories. In their name Americans have fought and died for two centuries and tonight around the world they stand there as guardians of our liberty risking their lives. Those words are promised to every citizen that he shall share in the dignity of man. This dignity cannot be found in a man's possessions. It cannot be found in his power or in his position. It really rests on his right to be treated as a man equal in opportunity to all others. It says that he shall share in freedom. He shall choose his leaders, educate his children, provide for his family according to his ability and his merits as a human being. To apply any other test, to deny a man his hopes because of his color or race or his religion or the place of his birth is not only to do injustice, it is to deny Americans and to dishonor the dead who gave their lives for American freedom. どなたかお願いします。

  • 英文について教えてください。

    Moreover-taking the word "tragedy" in its most ordinary modern sense-it is Gretchen who suffers the tragedy, which Faust takes in his stride. We never see him hunted by the furies, like Orestes: no sooner has Part Two begun than spirits "remove the burning arrows of remorse, and cleanse his mind of memories." And though he dies blind like Oedipus, (1)【he does not blind himself with clasps plucked in a passion from the corpse of his beloved, resolved to live in infamy and night.】 Rather, he loses his sight when he is a hundred years old, just before he dies in a moment of elation. Faust's sufferings are incidental. He is not a tragic hero like Orestes, who is called upon to kill his mother, or like Oedipus, who owes it to his city to find out who killed his predecessor and who thus discovers that he killed his father and is wedded to his mother. In Faust, tragedy engulfs not the hero but representatives of unheroic, non-outstanding, suffering humanity: Gretchen, Philemon and Baucis, Gretchen's mother. The death of Philemon and Baucis in the fifth act of Part Two involves no tragic conflict in Faust's mind: he has given different instructions; their death is a hideous surprise to him; but again he takes it in his stride.(2)【 It is another episode, no more.】(3)【 In retrospect we realize, if it was not clear to us all along, that Gretchen's tragedy, too, was a mere episode.】 The drama is epic, the effect cumulative. 『Goethe's Faust by Walter Kaufmann』 上記の英文の(1)【】、(2)【】、(3)【】の部分について質問です。 (1)【he does not blind himself with clasps plucked in a passion from the corpse of his beloved, resolved to live in infamy and night.】 *clasps pluckedとはどういう意味にとればよいのでしょうか? *全体はどういう訳になりますか? (2)【 It is another episode, no more.】 *これはどういうことを言っているのでしょうか? another episodeとは? (3)【 In retrospect we realize, if it was not clear to us all along, that Gretchen's tragedy, too, was a mere episode.】 *文の構造がよくわかりません。 if節があって、帰結はGretchen's tragedy, too, was a mere episodeだと思うのですが、Gretchen's tragedyの前にthatがついているのがわかりません。 *また、it was not clear to us all alongのitは何をさしているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この英文を訳してください。

    この英文を訳してください。 励ましのメッセージのようなんですが、どことどこがどうつながっているのか、わけがわかりません・・・ just be positive. i guess a lot of people might not understand you but it is just a matter of time (with your effort ) that you can show everybody that you (and everyone else) has his/her own time and place and that we all can be great in our own little way...

  • この英文誰が何の本に書いたか教えてください。

    (1)what is history?is that it is a continuous process of interaction between the historian and his facts,an unending dialogue between the present and the past.  (2)it is thought that happiness consists in leisure.that is, we accept unleisure that we may have leisuer, as we make war that we may enjoy peace. この和訳、文の出典(著者名と著書名)、著者について知ってることを教えてください。

  • 英文の和訳

    以下二つの英文をうまく訳すことができません。お願いします。 (1) His company sends him to conferences all over India and is rewarding him with a three day vacation in Dubai. (2) Helping to drive this trend is the sense that financial success is not enough ; the perception lingers that social status comes only with true comfort in English.

  • 英文添削をお願いします。

    英語の再勉強中です。 英文を作成しましたので添削をお願いします。 There was also an affair today. Of course, that result was our big boss. After our boss reported his work to him, he took a joke, ‘the man who gave me this info told me that this is so expensive.’ This word aroused him and yelled. Then he himself called on the man who said it and clamed about it like child in the presence of us. It was really unbelievable scene. There is a problem wherever he is.

  • Parmenidesについての英文

    Parmenides of Elea c. 510–? 440BC ‘One cannot know that which is not –that is impossible’ Little is known of Parmenides’ life and background, and fragments of a poem entitled On Nature are all that survive of his work. Nevertheless, it contains one of the first examples of reasoned argument in which, perhaps as a reaction to Heraclitus, Parmenides attempts to prove that change is impossible and that reality is singular, undivided and homogenous. In the first part of his poem, ‘The Way of Truth’, which was revealed to him, he claims, in meeting with a goddess, Parmenides distinguishes between an inquiry into what is and an inquiry into what is not. The latter, he says, is impossible. ‘One cannot know that which is not –that is impossible –nor utter it; for it is the same thing that can be thought, that is’. The essence of this somewhat cryptic argument is that in order to think of something which is not –let us say, ‘a unicorn’ for example –one must be thinking of something: there must be some idea present to the mind, presumably the idea of a unicorn. But to think of a unicorn means that the unicorn (or the idea of a unicorn) exists in the mind, and therefore it cannot be truly said that unicorns completely fail to exist. The argument turns principally on two complex issues. 冒頭の ‘One cannot know that which is not –that is impossible’ について 「人はそれが存在していないことを知ることができない。それは不可能である。」という意味ですか?thatは代名詞、whichは関係代名詞ですか? ‘One cannot know that which is not –that is impossible –nor utter it; for it is the same thing that can be thought, that is’. について for it is the same thing that can be thought, that is’.のthat isはthat is impossibleですか? 最後のit cannot be truly said that unicorns completely fail to exist. について fail toは、~し損なう、という意味だと思うのですが、 fail to existで、「存在し損なう」と訳すと意味が取りにくいです。ここのfail to~はどういう意味合いになるのでしょうか? 以下次の英文が続きます。 First, exactly what is meant by ‘exists’ here? What is the difference between existing in the world and existing in the mind? This begins a controversy that will reappear throughout much of the history of philosophy in many different contexts, but most notoriously in Anselm’s ontological argument, some 1500 years later. Second, what are the connections between thoughts, words, and things? If that debate started with Parmenides, it has taxed almost every major thinker ever since, up to and including the seminal works of the twentieth century by philosophers such as Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein and W.V. Quine. よろしくお願いたします。

  • 下記英文の解釈について質問があります 2

    You could have just continued down with your solo efforts. What made you come together for a new Lokai album nonetheless? I like to work with Stefan a lot. For me it´s a very unique way of creating music. At the same time, we are both continuing with our solos. My second solo album is almost ready. I am looking for the right place to release it right now. It is called KMET and it´s an electronic Singer-Songwriter project. In the studio I write, record, play and sing it all. Also on stage, it works as a one man show with the support of a little live sampler. I think with "transition", lokai have found their very own sound and aesthetic. So that alone offers to me something no other project can. We have very different personalities (even though some people think we are brothers) and this can be quite fruitful. With lokai, it´s is clear that certain sounds or structures will not fit. So it is a restriction that makes the world a little smaller and for me that is a great way to work. Complete musical freedom and variety are aspects I can entertain as a solo artist. So that alone offers to me something no other project can. この一文は倒置?でしょうか? もともとはどうなるのでしょうか? With lokai, it´s is clear that certain sounds or structures will not fit. So it is a restriction that makes the world a little smaller and for me that is a great way to work. 結構この人の文章では、with~, というのがありますが、これは上記の場合Lokaiでは、という風に訳せばよいでしょうか? その次のit's の it はthat以降ですよね。That certain sounds or structures will not fit is clear.その次の文章がわかりません。soは後のthatと因果関係があるのでしょうか? それと、上記とは別に This second album was really a lot about getting our own "lokai sound". この文章ですが、 シンプルな構造にすると this second album was getting our own lokai soundということでしょうか? そうすると、aboutがうまく解釈できないのですが・・・。 以上となります。長いですがよろしくお願いいたします…。

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 再び挨拶の部分に入ったようです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 This reading is a totally hand crafted astrological reading done in the traditional way. Now Tomoko I will begin your Soulmate Two. This is the next long chapter in your Soul mate reading, and I promise it will be as enchanting, moving and illuminating as the original one was. It will add to the portrait and enhance the details, so that you can see him more clearly in your mind eye. In looking at this reading you are looking at the future with me, as if looking at a film on a blank screen. My English is poor and my words inadequate but I will do my utmost to faithfully describe him, his life and the details that the chart reveals. Your future and past are pictured here in your Natal chart. He is part of that future. Love is your destiny.

  • 英文書き換え教えてください

    英文書き換え教えてください 1.It is no use trying to run away from difficulties. (不定詞を使って) 2.This book is very difficulut,and you can't understand it. (不定詞を使って) 3.He is proud that his father was educated in London. (単文に) 4.Please tell me his address as soon as you have received his letter. (動名詞を使って) 5.It had rained all the night, and the road was wet. (分詞構文に) 6.As the door was open.we walked in. (分詞構文に) 7.As I did not feel well,I stayed at home all day. (分詞構文に) 和訳もお願いします!

  • レンタルルーターを接続してもネットWifiが利用できない状況になっています。
  • 会員ページに表示されるぷららv6エクスプレスが未開通の状態であるため、ネットWifiの利用ができません。
  • お申し込みを押してもエラーが発生するため、ネットWifiの利用ができません。