• ベストアンサー

trouser it



セス: ライアンとメリッサを起こした方が良かったって思ってるんだろ。 サマー: そんなことないわ。だって、二人が一緒にいると、とってもキュートでしょ。ゲロゲロ!(いやみを言っている) セス: 君って本当にセンチメンタルなんだね。(いやみを言っている) サマー: やめなさい、コーヘン。あなたの “コメディ” の時間にはまだ早いわ。(つまり、面白くないと言っている) すみません。。。どうも翻訳って上手くできなくて。。。(汗) 意味としては、最初のサマーの台詞はライアンとメリッサに対するいやみを言っています。 それに対してセスがサマーに対していやみを言います。 サマーは、そのいやみは面白くないから隠しておけ、つまり、やめておけ。。。と言っているのです。 “Trouser it.” というのは、直訳すれば 『それをズボンにしまいなさい』 になります。





  • わからない英文があります

    下記の会話文にある、"if all it takes is a couple a cheerleaders walking by and suddenly it's like Summer and we just didn't happen"の意味を教えてください。 動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRm9Nsn-dwQ&feature=related 3分18秒から。 Seth: It's a good thing I never thrown anything away, the questions are different but you get the idea Ryan: Yeah, that I'm gonna fail Seth: Hey, no you're not gonna fail ok, you have to get in. I will not spend another year at that school alone, ok please, thankyou. study. (pauses) Especially though, if all it takes is a couple a cheerleaders walking by and suddenly it's like mmm Summer and I we jus, we just didn't happen (Ryan looks at him) Seth: Sorry, you study (pause) here's the thing though Ryan (Ryan looks frustrated) we connected, right we connected and it was awesome, especially the part where she kissed me, I do believe I might've ma Ryan: Seth! I have two hours until I take this test, so unless you plan on attending Newport union high wi Seth: Right, got it less talking more study

  • このitは?

    こんにちは、 It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. このitは、形式主語でしょうか? それとも状況のitでしょうか? It's hot!とかのitですか? よろしくお願い致します。

  • rage blackouts

    summerの言ったI suffer from rage blackoutsの意味を教えてください Seth : Well, you did agree to take this little trip down to mexico. Summer : I needed a ride. Seth : We shared the same bed. Summer : I wasn't going to sleep on the couch, it smelled like these eggs Seth : You ate my toast, Summer. Summer : I like crusts, Seth. Seth : Face it, our chemistry is undeniable. Summer : You know what else is undeniable? Seth : What? Summer : the pain this fork is going to cause when i jam it into your EYE. Summer : (apologetic smile) I suffer from rage blackouts.

  • わからない英文があります

    下記の会話でSethが言っていること(両方)を訳してください! Seth: oh really...ok Ryan let me present exhibit A to you. she opted to forgo sailing to go to the crab shack. Ryan: so, not everyone likes sailing. Seth: ok lets take it to exhibit B here...intense. some would even say smoldering eye contact at the dining room table, she was mad dogging you and finally the clincher, last night in the pool house she chose to sit on your bed even though there was an empty chair available.

  • what you got caught

    Marissaの言ったWhat you got caught?の意味を教えてください (Luke and Holly are upstairs dancing intimately. They start making out, while Marissa and Ryan + Summer and Seth go to dance, Marissa sees Luke and stares with horror, as Summer and Seth a couple seconds later. Luke sees marissa and he stops dancing) Marissa : What are you doing? Luke : I'm sorry. Marissa : What that you got caught? (to Holly) Don't ever talk to me again. Summer :[to Holly] you are such a bitch!

  • この英会話を訳してください!

    Seth : We have my mom's ranger, we have a perfect alibi as i go to this comic book convention every year and we also have my entire life never doing anything wrong. Which completely allows my parents to give a false sense of trust. Ryan : And you want to give that all away for Summer in a wet t-shirt doing body shots. Seth : (pause) Sorry, i thought that was a rhetorical question. Yes, Ryan, yes. On the last weekend before school, one goes to Tijuana, it is tradition, it is a right of passage, and you know what else? What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico.

  • I've told people~の訳

    I've told people, the thing about thie movie, why it works, it has so much heart. It's not what you expect going in,but it's why you loved it so much,is you are rooting for these two. 監督と批評家が話していて、批評家が作品について褒めているようなのですが この言葉は、どのような意味になるのでしょうか。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。these twoは登場人物の男女を指しています。

  • 和訳おねがいします

    1.”What's that song you're listening to?"  ”You don't know? It's 'Yesterday' by the Beatles. You must've heard it before!” 2.I couldn't help worrying about her health because she looked pale.

  • I can relate?

    ここの会話の中にある、"...more excited about boats." "From the flight, I hate flying." "I can relate"の意味を教えてください。 全文: Gabriel: Seth and Caleb are sailing...I've never seen two people more excited about boats. Seth said you work here and I could use a cocktail Ryan: Uh...I can't serve you Gabriel: Right, your not legal. Ah, how bout a cranberry juice Ryan: That I can do. Gabriel: Alright. From the flight, I hate flying, you? Ryan: I've... never ben on a plane Gabriel: My first time I was fifteen, my mother sent me to Japan all by myself to do some modelling. Guess she figured it was easier then her having to get a job Ryan: I can relate Gabriel: I've heard

  • 日本語にそった英語かどうか・・・

    こういう質問ばかりで申し訳ないですが、更に質問です。 自分はラップの歌詞を書いていて、リリックに英語を加えたいと思い、英語で少し書いてみました。 違和感だらけだとは思いますが、訂正するべきところを教えて頂ければ幸いです。 ただ日本語の方は主の感覚で書いてるので、その感覚にそった英語が書けているかどうかを判断していただければ嬉しいです。 I want to say “I Love you.”(愛してるって言わせてくれ) You looked just like a moon. (君はまるで月のようで) ↑これは見た目がってことじゃなく「手が届きそうにない」って意味なので、やっぱりLookedを使うのはオカシイでしょうか? If it's so。。(もし、そうだったなら) I will go to the moon by Apollo 13.(俺はアポロ13号で月に行くよ) ↑ここはIf I~,I will...が適切なんですかね? I met you like a magic.(君との出逢いはまるで魔法のようだった) “Am I mummy?”You said(君は「私ってお母さんっぽい?」って聞いてきたけど) That's right maybe(たぶん、そうなんだ) Hey Baby, Listen my story.(なあ、俺の話を聞けよ) All yours!!(全部お前にくれてやる) It’s all!! All of me!!(全部だ。俺の全てを) 英語をよくわからない僕が、ラップのリリックを書いたらこんな感じになってしまいました(笑) 韻を踏むことに意識を向けてるので、文法とかもう滅茶苦茶だとは思いますが、アドバイス貰えれば嬉しいです。