Why Do South Asian Languages Use Compound Expressions for Cousins?

  • South Asian languages have compound expressions to indicate cousins as siblings, causing confusion in English schools.
  • Translating the compound expression into English and shortening it to 'cousin' is difficult due to the richer resources in South Asian languages for discussing cousins.
  • The 'cousin' terminology includes various relationships like 'father's older sister's child' and 'mother's younger brother's child'.
  • ベストアンサー


和訳をお願いします。 僕の英語力があまりに乏しい為、自分自身で解決できず、困っています。 みなさんのお力を貸して下さい。 よろしくお願いします。 This can cause confusion when Panjabi-speaking children attend English schools, and appear to refer to cousins as siblings. However South Asian languages do have the resources to indicate that a “brother” is in fact what we in English call a “cousin”; they do this by using a compound expression meaning “cousin-brother”. So why don't the speakers translate this into English, and shorten it to “cousin”? After all, if they want to distinguish a “cousin-brother” from a “cousin-sister” they can always say “male (or female) cousin”. But there is a difficulty, because South Asian languages have much richer resources than English for talking about cousins. They have separate words according to whether your “cousin” is the child of your uncle or your aunt. And as your uncle (or your aunt) may be your father's (or your mother's) siblings, there are separate words for each case. But that's not all. Your parent's sibling may be older (or younger) than your parent, so this too has to be reflected in the “cousin” terminology. The “cousin” relationship therefore includes “father's older sister's child”, “mother's younger brother's child”, etc. No wonder that the “cousin-” prefix is normally dropped by South Asian children, both in their own languages and when the use English, with the relative concerned becoming a plain “brother” or “sister”!

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

このことはパンジャブ語を話す子供が英語を使用する学校に入って、いとこを兄弟姉妹として紹介しているように見える時に混乱が起きる。 南アジアの言語では、我々が英語で cousin (いとこ) と呼ぶ者を 「兄弟」 と呼ぶ場合がある。 その場合、sousin-brother (「いとこ-兄弟」) という言い方をする。 我々が英語に訳すとすると、それを単に cousin (いとこ) と短くしてしまう。 要するに、かれらは 「女のいとこ」 を 「男のいとこ」 と区別しようとしているのだが、それなら単に male (or female) cousin (男の [女の] いとこ) といえばいい。 だが、ことはそれほど容易ではない。というのは、南アジアの言語は、いとこを表すのに、英語よりも多様な表現方法があるからだ。 南アジアの言語では、あなたの 「いとこ」 があなたの叔父の子供なのか、叔母の子供なのかによって、違う言い方をする。 そして、その叔父 (もしくは叔母) が、あなたの父親 (もしくは母親) の、どちらの兄弟姉妹であるかによって、言い方が異なるのだ。 それだけにとどまらない。 あなたの両親の兄弟姉妹があなたの両親よりも年上であるか年下であるかによっても、その 「いとこ」 を表す言い方が異なるのだ。 だから一口に cousin (いとこ) とはいっても、「父の姉の子供」 とか 「母の弟の子供」 とか、それぞれの言い方があるのである。 「いとこの・・・」 という接頭辞は普通南アジアの子供のことをいう時には脱落してしまう。それは彼らの言語においても、英語で表現する場合においてもである。そうして、単なる brother (兄弟) とか sister (姉妹) という言い方になってしまう。



回答ありがとうございました。 とても分かりやすい訳で感謝しています。

その他の回答 (1)

  • kerneru
  • ベストアンサー率37% (45/120)

翻訳サイトを使えば、おおかた何が言いたいのかはわかりますよ。 http://www.excite.co.jp/world/ 変換後 これは、パンジャブを話す子供がイギリスの学校に通うとき、混乱を引き起こして、いとこを兄弟と呼ぶように見えることができます。 しかしながら、南アジア言語には、事実上、「兄弟」が英語の私たちが「いとこ」と呼ぶものであることを示すリソースがあります。 彼らは、複合式意味「いとこ兄弟」を使用することによって、これをします。 それで、スピーカーは、なぜこれを英訳して、「いとこ」にそれを短くしませんか? 結局、「いとこ姉妹」と「いとこ兄弟」を区別したいなら、彼らはいつも「男性の、そして、(女性)のいとこ」を言うことができます。 しかし、南アジア言語にはいとこに関して話すことに対する英語よりはるかに豊かなリソースがあるので、困難があります。 彼らには、あなたの「いとこ」があなたのおじかあなたのおばの子供であるかどうかによると、別々の単語があります。 そして、あなたのおじ(または、あなたのおば)があなたのお父さんの(または、あなたのお母さんのもの)兄弟であるかもしれないので、各ケースに対する別々の単語があります。 しかし、それがすべてそうであるというわけではありません。 あなたの親の兄弟が、より古い、そして、(あなたの親より若い)であるかもしれないので、これも「いとこ」用語に反映されなければなりません。 したがって、「いとこ」関係は「父親の姉の子供」、「母親の弟の子供」などを含んでいます。 通常、「いとこ」接頭語が南アジア子供によって落とされるのは、驚きではありません、それら自身の言語と親類に伴うイギリスの使用が、いつ明瞭な「兄弟」か「姉妹」になるのが関係があったかとき! うーん ちょっと難しいかな?



回答ありがとうございました。 そうですね、今度から英語の長文で困ったときは、まず一度翻訳サイトを利用してみようと思いました。


  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m

    It is easy to say that English will be the dominant language of the 21st century. After all, it is the main language of the world's biggest economy, the United States, and the common language of business. A large percent of the information on the Internet is in English, and worldwide, many countries are rushing to learn English, since they regard it as vital for economic success.For example, English is the working language of the Asian trade group ASEAN. ln addition, in Malaysia English recently replaced Malay as the language used to teach mathematics and science in schools. The dream of many is that English will develop into a truly global language so that wherever we go, we can understand and be understood. This would ease cultural misunderstandings, encourage tourism, enable trade to work smoothly,reduce the conflict between nations, and lead to a more peaceful world. たくさん投稿しますが、よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳お願いします;

    Look at this man, standing bravely like a god. This was your husbandーa real man! Compare that man with this one. Your new husband is like a dying plant, poisoning the memory of his perfect brother with his smell. Can't you see? What judgement has taken you from this to this? What has robbed you of your senses? Oh, crime, where is your punishment? If judgement is as weak as this in a sensible woman's heart, what hope is there of goodness in the world? すみません。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • この英文の和訳をお願いしたいのですが…。

    この英文を和訳して頂きたいんですが…。 英語はどうも苦手で、本当にからっきしダメなので…。 どなたか英語が得意な方、お力を貸して頂けませんか? 前回こちらで英文の和訳をお願いしたところ、とても分かりやすい和訳と説明を頂けたので、またお力を貸して頂けたらと思い、投稿しました。 本当に困っているので、助けてくださいm(__)m Greetings, Meals, other social routines ― they may not seem very big matters in themselves, but they remind us, once again, that using language is a social act, and dictionaries and grammar books are inadequate guides to performing social acts! And besides learning how to behave well, linguistically, we must also learn to avoid behaving badly. We do not normally want to cause offence, by the things we say, or the way we say them. Can you ask your host family how old they are, or how much money they earn? What counts as swearing, what is considered obscene? Things that we must avoid talking about are known as “taboo” subjects, words not to be uttered are “taboo” words. All these matters vary from society to society, and it is part of your jobs learners to find out the local rules. I’d like to give you an example of the sort of cross-cultural misunderstanding that can occur as result of language used by a non-native speaker who is not aware of the rules. South Asian languages do not have a commonly used word for “please”. A native speaker of English would make a polite request by saying “Would you do this please?” A speaker of a South Asian language, resident in England, speaking English but influenced by pattern of their own language, would make the same request by saying “Do this”. エキサイト翻訳や、その他翻訳サイトを利用して訳された文章は日本語が不自然になってしまうので、そういったサイトを利用して訳した文章を回答する事は控えて頂けるとありがたいです。 よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 お願いしたいのは(4)の文です。 前後の文脈が合ったほうがいいかと思うので、 載せておきます。 (1)What are rights? (2)If you ask ordinary people what exactly a right is, they'll probably be at a loss, and won't be able to give a clear answer. (3)They may know what it is to violate someone's rights. (4)They may also know what it is to have their own right to this or that denied or ignored by others. (5)But what exactly is it that is being violated or wrongly denied? (6)Is it something you acquire or something you inherit at birth? よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳を教えて下さい(´;ω;`)

    In spite of all your child's efforts and desire to become independent and your best efforts to let go ,there may be other forces that complicate or slow your beat-Iaid plans . Your child may have some persistent problem areas that prevent moving forward ,or you may be trying to handle other stresses in your life (e.g., marital, health, or financial problems) that interfere with your best intentions. There also may be obstacles in the community -a lack of resources or resources or resistant attitudes that make your child's transition into the world outside the parental home a dif-ficult and frustrating experience .

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) A situation comedy,or sitcom, is a type of comedy program that is popular in the U.S. The stories are often about everyday events in daily life and take place in a common setting such as a home or office. In many sitcoms, we hear people not on the screen laughing at the funny parts of the show. This is called a laugh track. It is a separate sound track added to the program. This gives viewers the feeling that they are in atheater with a lot of other people. Sitcoms are popular not only in America but also in many English-speaking countries around the world.

  • 至急和訳をお願いします!!2

    すいません。アメリカの親戚からメールが届いて、至急返信を返さなければいけなく、辞書を引いても、凄く難しい文構造で、中2の僕では解読不能です。 文は、 Hi there. Its your cousin from america Daniel. Is there anything special you would like to do this summer? Say like going to mount rushmore it is a symbol of freedom. In america. We would probable have to drive there it takes a long time like 13 hours or so. Another possibility is gong to an amusment park or a water park it all depends on what you would like to do. I think you will have a fun and great experience. 本当にあつかましくてすいません。 道か宜しくお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    1、Getting a driver's license is one of the most exciting things to happen to young people. A driver's license means freedom, maturity, fun, excitement, and most important of all, responsibility. 2、Even if young people in both Japan and United States view getting a driver's license with a great deal of expectation, the way to go get a driver's license in these countries is very different. 3、American teenagers begin dreaming of their driver's license when they are about fifteen years old. When a high school student is over fifteen, he or she is able to sign up for the "driver's education" program sponsored by the school. In this class, the student learns the rules of the road, as well as the dangers of drunk driving and speeding. Three months later, if the student passes the class, he or she receives a certificate. The student can take this certificate to the Department of motor Vehicles, and these take a written test that contains about twenty-five multiple-choice questions. If the student passes this test, he or she receives s "learner's permit." By this permit, the student is allowed to drive a car on the road with a licensed driver over the age of eighteen. The student then registers in the school-sponsored "driver's training" program. This program consists of about ten lessons where the student actually drives on the road. The first drive is probably around a parking lot, and then into quiet streets. When students become pass this course, they can try for their driver's license as soon as they reach their sixteenth birthday. Most people pass the driving test the first time they take it. It is hard for Japanese students to believe that it is so easy to get a driver's license. In Japan, public transportation is so extensive that it really isn't necessary to have a driver's license in many areas. On the other hand, the United States has very limited public transportation, and people must use cars to get from one place to another. 番号は段落です(*・ω・*) よろしくお願いします人´Д`*)

  • 和訳お願いします

    パソコンが最近おかしくなっています。 エラーメッセージが全文英語で和訳しにくいです。 エラーメッセージは下のようになっていました。 A problem has been dete cted and windows hasbeen shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you’re seen this stop error screen,restart your  computer. If this screen appears again,follow these steps: Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation,ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems couninue,disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe Mode to remove or disable components,restart your computer,press F8 to select Advanced startup Options,and then select safe Mode. Beginning dump of physical memory complete. Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further  assistance. 長文ですがよろしくお願いします。 なお、英文にミスがありましたら、その1文は訳さなくてもかまいません。

  • この英文を和訳してもらえますか?

    下の英文はメールを送ったときに返事としてきた物ですが、訳が分からないので教えていただけますか? This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message was not delivered because the destination computer refused to accept it (the error message is reproduced below). This type of error is usually due to a mis-configured account or mail delivery system on the destination computer; however, it could be caused by your message since some mail systems refuse messages with invalid header information, or if they are too large. Your message was rejected by mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp for the following reason: