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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の解説をお願いします。)



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  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。私は下記のように『stacked up against the wall next to the shower』と『I see a pile of six or seven cameras』の部分で倒置が起きているのではないかと考えていますが、あっているのでしょうか?  あっています。 2。また、あっているとすれば、なぜ倒置が起きているのか教えて下さい。  書いた人が「場所もあろうに(カメラにシャワーのような湿気の高い所は禁物ですから)シャワーの横の壁に、おまけに重ねて(カメラを重ねて置くのは素人です)」という呆れた状態を強調したいからでしょう。勿論今はデジカメの時代なので要らなくなったフィルムカメラを積み上げていたのかも知れませんが、、、  倒置の理由は、まさにこの異常な状態を前に出して読者に印象づけるためだと思います。自然な方向でいけば「シャワーの横の壁に積み上げて」が先に来れば、「何が」あったのか、という好奇心がそそられます。僅かながらでもサスペンスが起きます。  これを「私はカメラを見た」が先に来てはきては、初歩の文法教科書です。





  • 英文の解説をお願いします。

    下記の英文の中にある【should】について以下の質問にお答えいただけないでしょうか。 (1)ここでのshouldはどういう意味なのか。 (2)文法的にどいう使われ方なのか。 These funds will be accessible to you as of February 17th, should you or your spouse come up against any unforeseen financial difficulties. 2月17日以降、あなたと配偶者が思わぬ家計の悪化に陥った場合、当基金をご利用いただけます。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の訳をお願いします!

    三問あるのですがお願いします! 1.Judging from the fluency of Yumi's English, she must have studied English hard when she was in Boston. 2.Generally Speaking, people should have as much education as they want. 3.How long has it been since you gave up smoking?―Six months. I don't feel like smoking any more. 以上です! すみませんがお願いします!

  • 英文の添削をお願いします

    英文の添削をお願いします 今度オーストラリアに行きます。ホテルは既に予約していますが、そのホテルの部屋についてホテル側にメールで質問したいと思っています。具体的には、ホテルのバスルームについてです。シャワーなんですが、シャワーヘッドが上の方に固定されているのは嫌なのです。シャワーヘッドを手に持って(可動式とでもいうのでしょうか?)シャワーを浴びたいと思っています。日本のホテルなら、殆どシャワーヘッドを手に持ってシャワーが浴びれますよね? それでこんな英文を考えています。もっといい英文がないでしょうか?お知恵をお貸しください。 My name is ***, and I have already reserved your hotel room from **July for five nights. I would like to get to know about the bath room of my room. Could you please give me information whether I can take a shower with holding a shower head? It means that I would like to confirm that the shower head is not fixed on the wall of the bath room. Thank you for your assistance. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 【至急】英文の和訳です。よろしくお願いします。

    It is now generally accepted that the child's reading ability progresses through several periods of reading development. The first period, known as "reading readiness," begins at birth and continues normally until the age of about six or seven. Reading readiness includes the physical ability to see and hear, and the mental ability to remember words and their letters, and to use simple sentences. In the second period of reading development, children learn to read very simple materials. In the United States, children usually will be able to read perhaps 300 or 400 words by the end of the first year. By the end of this period., pupils are expected to be reading and enjoying simple books by themselves without help from teachers or parents.

  • 分りづらい英文・・・

    色々調べたのですが、この英文がうまく訳せません。分る方いましたら訳を教えて下さいお願いします。これは自分の好きなタイプの人のはなしをしてるのだと思いますが・・・ someone that is afraid to go against the norms of life or do things because its right or know its right for them and understand that i will always be there for them no matter what.

  • 英文がわかりません。

      We walked round the new concrete verge of the old lake, and she continued the story of how she was led to give up general medical practice and take up psychology; and I looked at her as she spoke, through my dark glasses, and because of the softening effect these have upon things I saw her again as I had seen her looking up from the lake, and again as in my childhood. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 because of the softening effect these have upon things I saw her again as I had seen her looking up from the lake, and again as in my childhood.の英文がわからないのですが、 ●as I had seen her looking up from the lakeのasと as in my childhoodのasは、 「~のように」ですか? ●この英文は どのような構造になっているのでしょうか? because of the softening effect 、軟化効果のために、という出だしはわかるのですが。 前文は  "Must you wear those glasses?"  "Well, yes. The glare."  "The wearing of dark glasses," she said, "is a modern psychological phenomenon. It signifies the trend towards impersonalization, the weapon of the modern Inquisitor, it--"  "There's a lot in what you say." But I did not remove my glasses, for I had not asked for her company in the first place, and there is a limit to what one can listen to with the naked eye. となっています。 教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 下記の英文について教えてください。

    When I think of old wives' tales and superstitions I think of childhood, which is naturally when I first encountered them, usually as warnings from adults. Whether from parents, grandparents, other people's parents, or even teachers, the authority of whomever told me that walking under a ladder was courting disaster, or that it was unlucky to tread on cracks in the pavement, or that if I broke a mirror it would bring seven years of misfortune, was enough to make me accept this unquestioningly. 出典 Black Cats & Four-Leaf Clovers whomever は文法的に間違いで、whoever です。文の骨格は the authority was enough to make me accept this unquestioningly. というのは分かるのですが、of whomever をどのように訳すと日本語らしくなるのかがわかりません。教えてください。

  • 英文が正しいか教えてください。

    英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。 First, I talk about my friends. We can meet new person in school. And we can favor them. I didn’t know anybody when I went to high school at first time. I wanted to make friends. So I was speaking her who next to me sat down. Now we are friends. But we don’t always talk. Then I thought her who is very kind by external appearances. Of course, she is kind. But rather than she is very cheer up. I can’t know she is very cheer up only external appearances. I know that I talked to her a lot of things. Then I judge a person by external appearances. But, the fact, she is very cheer up. この初めの文のfirstは、firstよりもfirstlyの方がいいのでしょうか? 違いがあれば、教えてください。 あと、訂正などあれば教えてほしいです。

  • 至急英文和訳お願いします。

    Choosing words is part of the process of realization, of defining our thoughts and feelings for ourselves, as well as for those who hear or read our words. Someone once remarked: `How can I know what I think till I see what I say?' 訳していて、途中で挫折してしまいました。 何方か力を貸してください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を教えてください。

    Altesa is in the rain, the rain starts as the bus rumbles down from the head of the valley towards the coast, fat drops spattering on the window against which I rest my face, and it is still falling when the bus pulls away, tyres hissing on the slick flagstones, leaving me standing on the north side of the square. It is a little after five in the afternoon, and the square is almost deserted. A young man is taking in chairs and tables under the awning of the café-bar across from me: he is the only person I can see. I stand in the partial shelter of a plane tree, the suitcase with the pictures propped against my leg. I see myself for a moment as part of the scene, in the way I sometimes do, and realize I look like someone lost—a middle-aged man who has fallen asleep on his bus and, waking in a panic, jumped off at the wrong stop. An out-of-season tourist who has lost his coach party. Guy BurtのThe Dandelion Clockからの英文です。 *********************************************************** I see myself for a moment as part of the scene, in the way I sometimes do, and realize I look like someone lost—a middle-aged man who has fallen asleep on his bus and, waking in a panic, jumped off at the wrong stop. この英文がわからないのですが、 in the way I sometimes do 私がときどきする方法の中で? and realize I look like someone lost— lostはどこかつながるのでしょうか? それともそこで文が切れて、a middle-aged man who has fallen asleep on his bus and, waking in a panic, jumped off at the wrong stop.が一続きですか? someone lost 誰かが失った? 失われた誰か? lostがどうなっているのかわかりません。 最後のAn out-of-season tourist who has lost his coach party.のcoach partyの意味がわかりません。 教えてください。よろしくお願いします。