• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:すみません・・・・この文を訳してください。英会話で明日スピーチがあるの)



  • ベストアンサー
  • yoko_iga
  • ベストアンサー率56% (14/25)

こんにちは。 スピーチの準備に間に合うでしょうか...? ===== 2.このように考えてみなさい...誰が治療費を支払うか(それはとても高額か)? 4.赤ん坊はどうだろうか...もしあなたのお母さんが、あなたを産んだ時40歳を超えていたら、彼女は今60歳近いでしょう...それは子供にとってどうだろうか? 5.また、使用されるであろうテクノロジーとそれがどう関わってくるかなどについてももう少し言及してもいいかもしれない。 この課題は、単に健康面だけでなく様々な観点から見ていく必要があります。また、恐らくすでに参考文献一覧は作ったことでしょう。 スピーチでは全ての事が言えるようにしなさい。もし手助けが必要だったら、明日私に聞いてくれれば手助けします。


  • 英会話の中でわからない英文があります

    英会話の中でわからない英文があります A: Listen, I was thinking. How would you like some free legal advice? B:You want to be my lawyer? How long do you want to send me away for? A: I got way too big an ego for that. B: Oh. That's true. A: No. I wouldn't be representing you. I've got a friend who is a securities attorney. But I could help you put together the case. *how long do you want to send me away for *I got way too big an ego for that *put together the case ↑この3つの文の意味を教えてください

  • 翻訳していただける方

    翻訳していただけますか?宜しくお願いします You are sensitive and vulnerable that is why you find it difficulty adjusting to men who fall short of your expectations. Indecision in matters of love, but a good marriage when it at last occurs. You also have a subconscious need to sacrifice yourself in love, to suffer for a hopeless cause. So sometimes are attracted to those who need your help or who are unfortunate, weak or unhappy or bad in some way. Those who need your help to reform them and raise them into what they could be. You see the potential in people, you hope for an ideal, a soul mate. You will get one eventually.

  • どなたか英語を日本語に翻訳してください!

    For this I was wondering if you could please send me a reply to the question: “who inspires you?” We are looking for name(s) of people who have inspired and/or influenced you in your work – it could be architects or not, one person or more. It would be great also if you could send me a CV and some examples of your work – both graduate thesis work and professional work if you have it please would be fantastic.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 For example, if the electric company represented a bill as bits instead of a printed sheet of paper, it could send it to you as email so that it would reach you within minutes, instead of in the mail after many days. If you could pay your bills using bits in email, you could program your computer to pay your bills automatically when they became due. If everyone were to use computer networks to pay their bills, we would no longer need to cut down millions of trees for bills, envelopes, and stamps! It would also make life easier for the electric company, the bank, and you. 翻訳お願いします。

  • 英会話で、理科の問題をやっていいるのですが・・・どうしても問題の1と2

    英会話で、理科の問題をやっていいるのですが・・・どうしても問題の1と2がわかりません。どうやって答えるのか教えてください。薬師もつけていたけるとうれしいです。 Conplete the following questions. to do this will need to product reserch. Q1: Baldness in humans is influenced by the sex of the individual. The gene for baldness is dominant in males, but recessiive for females. thus hybrid males Bb would be bald, but hybrid females Bb would not. use this information to explain why baldness is more common in males. Is baldness a sex-linked gene? Q2: Haemophilia is a blood disorder caused by the presence of sex-linked recessive gene. Haemophiliacs are often called 'bleeders' because their blood will not clot. the dominant gene is for normal blood clotting. Image the following situation. You know that you are hybrid disorder (assume you are girl) and therefore decide not to have any children. your partner has normal blood. your mother cannot understand your decision, as she wants to have grandchildren. explain to your mother why you would want to make such a decision.

  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    That would sound plausible but the result was done without a proxy, correct? Has to be that your current download speed, or that your internet provider is throttling your speed. Or could be the cache and cookies if you haven't tried that yet?

  • 会話文 訳すのを手伝ってください

    A:Let's pack the boxes with the things we need for the school fair. B:OK.I've labeld them already from one to six dollars. A:Great.That will be easier for the buyers. B:How much for these used books? A:Let's put those in the dollar box, and the used clothes in the three-dollar one. B:I think the clothes should be four dollars. A:All right. Let's put these toys in the five-dollar one. B:Hmm. What could we sell for two and three dollars? A:How about the boxes of candy for two, and three dollars? B:OK. That leaves the jewelry to put in the six-dollar box. この文章がぜんぜん読めません。 自分訳です かなりひどいことになっています。 A:スクールフェアーに必要なものを箱につめましょう B:わかった。ここのlabeという単語がわかりません。 A:すばらしい。バイザーにとって簡単でしょう。 B:中古の本はいくらだったのですか?この文のforもよくわかりません。 A:dollarの訳がよくわかりません。このあたりからもう文章を読むのが嫌になります。 B:私は、その洋服は4ドルはすると思います。 A:その通り、3つのおもちゃにひとつ5ドルとつけましょう。 B:なにか2ドルか3ドルで売りませんか? A: B: 文章がぜんぜんつながってないです。 どなたか全訳つけてください。 お願いします。

  • 解説お願いします 英会話

    どなたか 解説お願いできませんか。 Stella: I will be baking a pie. How are your cooking skills? Do you want to help me? Jack: Sure, why not! Well I probably would not be accepted to be a restaurant's chef, but my friends say I cook well. この I probably would not be accepted to be a restaurant's chef の部分の意味がわかりません。 誰がレストランシェフで 誰がacceptするのか? ジャックはレストランシェフなのか? but my friends say I cook well といっているので、友達はおいしいというけど レストラン的には受け入れてもらえない、でもそこそこの腕前だよと言いたいのか??? 頭こんがらがってきてわかりません(涙) どなたかスッキリ解説していただけたらありがたいです。

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    海外の友達からメールをいただいたのですが 分からない表現がいくつかあるので 翻訳をお願いします。 Ah, I see, Thanks for that... Oh really?, Wow I am surprised I thought you would have already started your Christmas Holiday already So How Long will your break be?? Do you have a plan for your holiday?? :)

  • 英作してみました。間違ってますか?

    中学2年生の姪っ子が英語を勉強しているということで、年賀状にメッセージを書いてみたのですが、正しいかみていただけないでしょうか? How are you doing on oshogatsu ? Thank you for the last year ! You passed Eiken grade 3. I am so proud of you. This year, you will be in the third grade in junior high school. I want to help you when you need. Good luck ! おかしいですか?