• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:HELP)


  • 締め切りに追われているのでお願いします。
  • 「ダンビラを振回し、教えてやるぞ目線は至極近所迷惑であり、最近は「胡乱極まる生半可モン」=「腐わさび屋」=「脳味噌OPEN壊崩ソース」も出現、笑止千万の極み」と彼は言うが、ネイティブなら絶対言わない文法めちゃめちゃの英文を書く彼こそ笑止千万だ。
  • Showing off how good they are and looking down thier nose at questioners is extremely nuisance to the neighbors, and recently the smatterers, also know as '(beeped)' and 'opensource', have made their debut--those people are highly ridiculous," he says, but it is him that I most laugh at since no native speakers of English say such ridiculously ungrammatical senteneces as his.


  • ベストアンサー

面白いですね。 長いので簡略化します。 "The shady half-baked"="the opened and ruined brain source" has showed up lately. You will see how miserable he is in his poor and immature answers.



ボキャブラリーといい、showed up lately ... how miserable... シンプル…すごい…なにものですか…



  • 翻訳お願いします

    According to a recent study, the number of non-native speakers of English is now three times as large as that of native speakers. The new English speakers aren't just studying English as a second language, but they are also changing it and even creating their own version of it.

  • 次の英文について

    HSKテスト(世界で通用する中国語能力テスト)のことについて書かれている英文です。 The new HSK Test is a standardized international Chinese proficiency test, taking non-native speakers as its object, and directed at examining students’ capability in comprehensive language and communication ability. まず、適切な日本語訳をお願いいたします。 次に、Chinese proficiency test, taking non-native speakers as its object, の部分で、 takingがどんな役割(たとえば分詞構文、それとも名詞)をしているか。 (また、takeには色々な意味があるので、ここではどう使われているかもわかりません) itsは何を指しているか。 以上について教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英問英答(2)

    The term "World Englishes" functions as a collective noun such as animals and vegetables. The category of World Englishes includes Japanese English, American English, Spanish English, and Korean English as its members. The basic point about World Englishes is that English no longer belongs exclusively to native speakers but is a global resource shared by all peoples of the world, and that the English norms are not to be decided locally but globally. This means that all these users of English have their share in the future of English. 【question】 What are included as members of World Englishes? おねがいします!

  • 英文和訳演習(上級編)伊藤氏よりパート5

    Close friends and even family members are tempted to stay away from the dying. They pretend their absence is to avoid being a nuisance when they are as relieved as most doctors and nurses to have any reasonable excuse for not confronting someone close to death. Highly moral people, who would prefer to die themselves than to lie and cheat, suddenly lose their ethical sense. Flowers, cards or gifts are as close as many dare come to a dying friend. (質問1)their absence is to avoid being a nuisance とありますが、訳が「病人のところへ以下ぬのは邪魔をせぬため」とあり、to不定詞が「目的」用法のような訳し方がしてあります。 be to不定詞の一種で This letter is to inform you that your remittance has been duly received.(英文法解説)のtoと同じような形なのでしょうか?(ロイヤルにも似たような英文と説明がありましたが、この本文のような形は(This is to~でないもの)見たことがありません。よく使われる表現ですか?さらにこの場合のisはどういう意味があるのでしょうか? (質問2)Flowers, cards or gifts are as close as many dare come to a dying friend.の訳が「花やカードや贈り物を届けることが、多くの人が死を前にした友人に対しあえてなしうる精一杯のことである」とありますが、文法的によく分からないしなぜこういった和訳になるのかそのプロセスも分かりません。説明をしていただけると幸いです。

  • 何の省略?

    The world is full of modern technological "conveniences" and everyone is expected to understand how to use them. Some people,however,are not so clever at dealing with them as they should be. これで、最後のas以下の省略は何がありますか?またasは何と とればいいでしょうか??

  • 英語教えてください

    和訳してください His novels are not as popular as they used to be. That country is three and half times as large as Japan. The expressway is less safe at night than during the day. Which computer is the more compact of the two.

  • トルコについて

    トルコ(Turkey)について調べてくる課題です・・・ On an Atlas where is this country and who are its neighbors? という設問なのですが・・・ これは「地図上ではトルコはどこにあって、隣国はどこですか?」と訳していいのでしょうか? Atlasの「A」が大文字なのが気になるのですが・・・ どなたかよろしくお願いします。

  • as tall as/the same height/identical in height

    1) Jack is as tall as John. 2) Jack is the same height as John. 3) Jack and John are identical in height. この文は厳密に言うと同じ意味なのでしょうか。私の考え方: このような使い方においては、as ... as = the same = 程度が同じ(くらい) = 全く同じではない identical = 全く同じ = 寸分も違わず つまり、1)と2)と3)を同じにするには、 1) Jack is exactly as tall as John. 2) Jack is exactly the same height as John. 3) Jack and John are identical in height. となります。 もしくは、 1)と2)を変えずに、3)を Jack and John are almost identical in height. とすればよい。ちなみに、Jack is as tall as John. = Jack is either equal to John in height or taller とする英文学者もいます。従って、同じくらいであっても、小さくはならないということでしょうか。 皆さんはどう思われますか。

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Take a look at any crime statistics of countries around the world and Japan is usually near the bottom. For example, Japan has one of the lowest homicide rates with only about one person murdered per 200,000 people each year. This figure is about 10 times lower than that of the United States. As for Japan's two closest neighbors, it is four times lower than South Korea and 40 times lower than Russia Although there are occasionally sensational murders, clearly, Japan is a very safe country.

  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    effectively のコンマの後ろas almost~in Britain.をお願いします。コンマの前はできればで構いません。 The complexities of the English language are such that even native speakers cannot always communicate effectively , as almost every American learns on his first day in Britain.