• ベストアンサー



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

 「日本の伝統的生活様式の、うれしい友好的な代表に変身した」  はじめの It がわかりませんが、雰囲気から、どういう風に発展するのか不安であったが、結果は、作者(たち?)を友達として歓迎してくれる、昔ながらの日本のよさを代表する(人、または物、または行事?)に変わった、ということじゃないでしょうかね。


  • 翻訳お願いします

    Early in the history of the country,the Japanese developed an amazing talent for saiku or"delicate craftsmanship".As the Japanese became more skilled at this talent,it branched out into other parts of Japanese life and turned into a powerful impulse to reduce things down to their essence―not just as miniatures that could be viewed and admired,but as fully functioning accessories and devices.It evenaffected the language.Overall,this reduction,born from saiku,moved toward increased convenience and usefulness. 長めですが翻訳お願いします。 サイトは使わないで:

  • 翻訳サイトで日本文を英文に訳したのは通じますか??

    英文から日本文に訳した場合、まったくもって変な日本文に訳されますが、日本文から英文に訳した場合、英語圏の方には通じるのでしょうか? 以下は上の日本文を翻訳サイトで英文に変換しました。 Although it completely has and translates into strange Japanese when it translates into Japanese from English, when it translates into English from Japanese, does it lead to the direction in the English area? 通じていますか?? 私は英語はまったく駄目なのです。

  • 三つの短文です。翻訳お願いします。

    三つの独立した短文です。 ビジネスについての話です。 日本語訳お願いします。 Increasingly,many Japanese companies are conducting joint projects with foreign companies. The purpose of this is to produce competitive and marketable products in an efficient and inexpensive way by combining the resources of both companies. Members of such international projects therefore use email often to communicate with their counterparts overseas. Within the last decade,email has virtually replaced other means of business communication such as telephone,fax,and regular mail. Also,more and more Japanese companies are holding video conferences with their business partners overseas. Thus,email and video conferencing are essential to modern international business communication. Good interpersonal relationships are very important in business,as they form the basis for our ability to negotiate effectively. In other words,skill in dealing with human relationships is key to maximizing business performance. Strong interpersonal relationships,for instance,lay the foundation for the successful launch of joint projects or ventures with business partners. Therefore,it is vital to understand the important role played by hospitality. Consequently,it is essential not only to learn etiquette but also to cultivate a spirit of hospitality in international business settings. Simply put,intercultural communication is defined as communication between persons from different cultural backgrounds. There is no doubt that communication methods are substantially influenced by culture. Today globalization is rapidly bringing together companies of different nations to conduct business together. Accordingly many workplaces are becoming increasingly multicultural. Therefore,success in such business environments is largely attributable to learning the art of cultural mediation. For this reason,it is important to consider not only language barriers,but also cultural differences that affect both business and interpersonal communication.

  • つぎの短文をワープロにとり込みました

    To you, all you have appears little; to me, all I have appears great. Your desire is unsatiable; mine has been satisfied. When children thrust their hands into a narrow-necked jar and try to get nuts and figs out, the same thing happens: if a child fills his hand, he cannot get it out, and then breaks into tears. Drop a few of them and you will get it out. You too should drop your desire; do not covet many things, and you will get what you want. When children thrust their hands into a narrow-necked jar ここのhandsはちがう訳を見るとhandと単数形です。 To (children) who put their hand into a narrow necked earthen vessel このばあい、 handsとhandどちらかがより良いということはあるのでしょうか。またはどちらかが好ましくないということはあるのでしょうか。

  • 翻訳をお願い出来ないでしょうか?

    音楽評論の様な内容です。 文の切れ目が分かりづらく、四苦八苦しています。 お力添え願えませんでしょうか?  It is a way of giving in order to reciive, just like her more recent interest in performers of older generations, such as Tom, Bob or John who bring with them the values of a different era.  Marry operates with in this existential vision of music, which insted of abstract perfection seeks the essence of truth, and she continues to pursue values and emotions that grasp art's fundamental sense of coming into being.  It was in context that Fred put his plan for Marry project into action in 2002, with the support of the ABC bank and DEF Rete due.  The chosen location was NY, a place that has historically been welcoming territory for pianists.  For ten years now, in the month of June, this event has allowed Marry to create a busy community in NY, gathering around her artists from various backgrounds and types of experience.  Some are celebrated, some are not, but all are fired by the spirit of making music in a sort of cloistered envionment, and share with the great pianist an awareness of the valuable lessons in sensitivity that can be learnt though a repertoire that often reveals hidden aspects in the great composers as well as unsuspected qualities in minor figures. 長文で申し訳ないですが、英語に詳しい方、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 浴衣の説明文

    浴衣の説明文を頼まれました。 重要なので、文法的に間違っていないかチェックお願いできますか。 Yukata is a casual type of Japanese Kimono, which is made of cotton, with traditional patterns and printings on. People wear it when they go to firework festivals or other outdoor events in the hot summer months. もしこれぐらいの長さでもっと良い説明文を思いついたら、是非教えてください。 お願いします!^^

  • 英和翻訳をお願いします

    私の日本語を書き直してくれますか?よろしくお願いします ---------------- You may argue that this is Japan and a Japanese law however that is incorrect. Although written in the Japanese constitution, the “the right to remain silent” came from common law. In other words, it wasn't debated and created by the courts of Japan. Instead it was forced into the constitution after the war by the foreign ruling authority of Japan. ---------------- これは日本の法律だと主張するかもしれないが、それは正しくない。黙秘権は日本国憲法に書かれているが、コモンローから来ています。つまり、黙秘権は日本の裁判所によって論議し制定されていないではなく、戦後外国の支配下で黙秘権は日本国憲法に課された。

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 若干難解な文章かもしれませんが、わかりません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 What the chart always portrays is your next serious and predestined chance of love. It shows the person who you will meet and fall in love with. The person who will be your next serious chance of making a long term relationship. This love is going is deep and predestined. It may transform your life. I hope it does and into a more wonderful life. But understand the just because a love is shown in the stars as your fate, it does not automatically make it happy and free of problems or pain. This chart is one step of fate, and it is like one rose on a tree. It is the only step of fate dealt with in the reading.

  • 論文を翻訳して頂きたいです。

    下の英文が訳せませず困っています。 自分でも訳してみたのですが、さっぱりわからなくて・・・。 どなたか、英語の得意な方に訳して頂きたいです。 よろしくお願い致します。 One strategy for efficacious chemoprevention and chemotherapy would be to find chemicals that reduce the risk of cancer through various mechanisms, such a?s preventing mutational events, induction of differentiation in transformed cells, and inhibition of oxidative stress.

  • 翻訳が正しいか教えてください。

    下記の文はロングマンの「Impact Issues3」に載っている会話です。 男性AとBの会話です。Aは自分の彼女のボディピアスについて悩んでいます。 その彼女から「あなたもピアスあければいいじゃない」と言われたあとの会話です。 Bの2文の翻訳が正しいか教えてください。 A : She said I would look really good with pierced ears. B : If it turns her on,why not do it? A : Are you serious? B : You can't let something so minor get between you and the woman of your dreams. Bの1文目 If it turns her on,why not do it? は 「もしそれ(ピアスを空ける)をすれば、彼女はお前にしびれるぜ(ちょっと古い言い方ですが)。なんでしないんだよ。」(それは彼女を目覚めさせるというような感じでしょうか) Bの2文目 You can't let something so minor get between you and the woman of your dreams. は "get between you and the woman"は「get between A and B」で「AとBの間にはさまる」なので、 「お前は、おまえが夢に抱いている?男女間のめちゃくちゃ小さなことが許せないんだよ。」 なんかしっくりきません。チェックお願いいたします。