
  • 妻のつわりのため、彼女と子供は実家に滞在しており、一人で寂しい日々を過ごしています。
  • 将来、子供に日記の添削を頼まれることを考えているため、文法の添削をお願いしています。
  • 子供と離れていることで、子供の感情的なサポートを失っていると感じており、寂しさを癒すためにも妻の早い回復を願っています。
  • ベストアンサー


お願いします。下記英語の日記を特に見られてもいい内容なので文法を添削頂けると助かります。 Y(妻) has been suffering from bad morning sickness for a few weeks. Therefore, she can not take care of D(son) and herself. So, she has been staying to her parent’s house with my son since a week ago. Of course, I wanted to help her and am in constant attendance on her but since I have to work for living, I can not do that. When I go back to my home I am always alone in my home. No body greets me. Honestly, I feel cut off and lonely. I would die too alone. I wonder a person, who divorced, and lost custody of his child, how does he live without child’s emotional support. I miss my angel awfully. I hope her recover quickly and come back. 将来自分の子供が思春期になって僕にたてつくようになったらそっと彼の机の上に日記を置いてやって反応を見てやろうっていうのが思惑です(子供が生まれる半年前から書いてます)、なので将来英語が話せるであろう子供から「父さん、文法間違いだらけだね」なんていわれたくないんです。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • ybnormal
  • ベストアンサー率50% (220/437)

she has been staying to her parent’s house --> もしも両親という意味であれば、parents'になります。両親のうちどちらかしか居ないのであれば、parent'sでOKです。 I wanted to help her...の文は過去と現在が混在していますが、よろしいですか? I wonder a person, who divorced, and lost custody of his child, how does he live without child’s emotional support. --> 文法に忠実になるなら、I wonder how a person who divorced and lost custody of his child can live without child's emotional support. come back -> これが名詞として使われているなら文法的には良いですが、動詞なら主語が必要です。 I hope she'll recover quickly and come backとか。



ご回答ありがとうございました また是非よろしくお願いします


  • 英語日記25 優しさ

    すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると光栄です。 I can act by considering person's feelings. I mean that if someone has troubles I want to help them. for example, if he/she is always alone and looks lonely. I would want to talk to him/her. This is because I can understand his/her feelings. They want to talk to someone but he/she was doesn’t have the courage talk with people who has met first time. Actually, I couldn’t talk to classmate when I was a junior high school student i, so I was always alone. However, I thought that I had to change my personality. This is because I probably would be involved in many troubles if I would grow up with a morose type. I know changing of own character is difficult but I am really happy if I can help you. 私は人の気持ちを考えて行動できます。たとえばもし誰かが一人でいてさびしいそうにみえたら。私はその人としゃべりたい。なぜなら私はその人の気持ちがわかります。彼らはだれかとしゃべりたいのですが初めて会った人としゃべる勇気がないのです。実際私も中学時代はクラスメートとあまり喋れませんでした。なので、いつも一人でいました。しかし自分自身を変えなければならないと思いました。多分わつぃはたくさんのトラブルに会いますもしこのまま暗いままで育つと。自分自身を変えるには大変だということは知ってます。しかし助けになるならうれしいです。

  • 文が同じ意味になるようにしたいんですが…

    あってますか(>_<)? 1、My wife is Mary. I got married to her twenty years ago. =Mary and I (have)(been)(married) for twenty years. 2、It is two years since my aunt died. =My aunt (has)(been)(died) for two years. 3、He is blind because he lost his sight as a child. =He (has't)(been)(?) since he was a child. この問題がよく分かりません(>_<) 分かるかたお願いいたします。 中学 高校 大学 英語

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have a 1-year-old daughter. On my days off, I like to try to get together with my friend, Stacey, a stay-at-home mom, and her 2-year old daughter and 1-year-old son. About a month ago, I accepted an invitation to her house and took my daughter to play with her children. My daughter had a head-cold—runny nose, occasional cough. I didn’t think it was a big deal since I would still have taken her to day care had it been a day that I was working. had it been a day that I was workingの意味と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

  • 英語で日記。

    英語で日記。 英語で日記を書いてみました。間違っているところ、表現が分からないところ、表現がおかしいところなど教えてください。 Today, my boyfriends will come home early. So, we are planning to drive! But the weather is bad... I know! I should visit my family, and get some books! I want to read those books again. I've been addicted to read books lately. I read 'hashire merosu' yesterday. 日本語(こう書きたいんです。) 今日、彼氏が早く帰ってくるの。 だからドライブを計画している。 しかし、お天気が悪い・・・。 そうだ! 実家に行って本をいくつか取ってこなきゃ。 最近本を読むのにはまっているの。 昨日は走れメロスを読んだよ。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • pull me down

    I am a young guy in university undergoing a gender transition. Since coming out at the start of this academic year, I have never been so centered and calm — and I am happy with life. I have finally gotten to a point where I can allow myself to get into a serious relationship with someone who truly respects my identity and sees me as nothing but male. The only issue I have is that my mum is in total denial. She has known now for two and a half years but will not respect my pronouns or my new name. I tried to bring her along in the transition from the beginning, but after two years trying to convince her this is real, I couldn't wait any longer and I finally started hormones. All of our arguments center on her being uncomfortable with my transition. It's framed as concern for me. My mum has never been happy in her life, and I cannot allow her to pull me down with her. I struggle terribly knowing that I am betraying her perception of me and taking away her little girl. But this is who I am; I can't do anything about it. The stuff she says is offensive and wrong and try as I might to understand, I am losing respect for her. pull me downと try as I might to understandはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 日記風に書いて、ここgooだけで英語の勉強をしています。添削をお願いしたいのです、よろしくお願いいたします。

    Hi, my Crystal! What are you doing now? I came here again because I wanted to talk with you. Do you have time now? I talked about my miniature rose. Then she was very weak, but now she is better than before. I am very glad she becomes well. Now she has a lot of new leaves and buds! In this morning I saw two flowers blooming, they were so cute! Every morning I say to her silently from my heart “Good morning! You are so beautiful, pretty, gorgeous and cute! I love you!” And sometimes I kiss her. I want you to see her someday. Crystal, thank you for your time. Now I am feeling a little sleepy because this morning I woke up 5o'clock. So I say to you “Good night, my Crystal.”

  • naive

    My widowed mother is 79 years old and has been diagnosed with mild dementia that is getting progressively worse. She lives alone, and I am 10 minutes away. Here's my question: What is the best way to care for my mother? When will I know the time is right to place her in a nursing home? What kind of facility is best? I have a sister, but she has nothing to do with me. I feel alone and naive about Mom's care. naive about Mom's careはどのように訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    Yesterday my boyfriend’s mother offered to pay for some classes in cake decorating for me so that I can further my experience in baking to get a better job. I’m unemployed looking for a bakery job right now, which is why she offered to pay, and she wants me to pay her back by doing housework for her over the weekends. As much as I would love to take this opportunity, our relationship has been strained because of the circumstances of how her son and I came to be. strainedとhow her son and I came to beの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語日記2 東日本大震災

    英語日記2 東日本大震災 すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いす。 What can we do now about the severe earthquake. We are facing a great big challenging now. On the 11th of March, we had seen the terrible scene what we couldn’t believe it. But it was really, we are not into dream. Fortunately, my family and my relatives were not there. I don’t know what I can have a light to say it. But if I had been there, I couldn’t have escaped the earthquake. But please don’t forget. We had been able to get over more big challenges. We can do it until we believe us. And think about what we can do now. 内容はあまりきにしないでください。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am getting married next spring, and my fiancé and I are very excited to move to the next phase of our relationship. Wedding planning has been surprisingly easy, save for my mother. My mother has an opinion on everything in that she wants everything to involve her. She wants to pick out music for her to be seated to. pick out music for her to be seated toの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします