• ベストアンサー

この文章の意味は?(米銀に対して行われるstress testについて)


  • ベストアンサー

This development is likely to mean that banks which have incurred large counterparty risks in their trading books, by cutting deals with parties that might not be rock-solid, could be forced to hold more capital in the future. の部分は  This development is likely to mean この(過程は)考えはthat以下に至る(意味する) banks which have incurred large counterparty risks in their trading books, どでかいリスクを背負った貸し出しをした銀行は by cutting deals with parties that might not be rock-solid, 与信等のない(rock-solid=確定的な=与信のある安全な)顧客への貸し出しを切り捨てることで・・ could be forced to hold more capital in the future. 資本を充実されられることがありうる。 の様なニュアンスで読みましたが。日本語は質問者のほうがしっかりしているので自分で意訳をしてください。 Bank regulators will meanwhile today explain the methodology used to assess the banks in a white paper intended to end uncertainty about the nature of the tests while reassureing sceptics that the process was rigorous. 意訳すると、『一方で(meanwhileは文頭にくる) 、銀行監視当局は、テストの性質上から生じる不確定(な事柄を)終焉させるために白書で銀行を査定する方法を説明した。その(査定の)過程が厳しいものであることは懐疑的であると認めた上で・・。』というような内容でしょうか


  • この文章の意味がつかめません

    勉強に使っているサイトのトランスクリプトにつぎのような文が載っていました。 途中まではこう訳しました「もうすぐ発売されるのJohn Avlonの著書で彼は無党派層は本来すべてが同じではなく、多くは???」 ここまでしかわかりませんでした。それ以降の文は部分的にわかっても、大意さえもつかめませんでした。特に ; simple yet bedeviling ideas for both parties which constantly play to their conservative and liberal bases. のセミコロン以下の文はわかりません。 どう解釈するのでしょうか? In his upcoming book, John Avlon argues that independents by their nature are not all the same, but many want limited spending, generous social policies and, most of all, government that listens to them; simple yet bedeviling ideas for both parties which constantly play to their conservative and liberal bases.

  • 次の文章について質問させてください

    In an experiment, 2 groups of mice---one whose diet included ginkgo extract and one that had a normal diet---were taught to navigate a maze. The mice whose diet included gikgo were more likely to remember how to navigate the maze the next day than were the other mice. However, the ginko may not have directly enhanced memory. Other studies have found that ginkgo reduces stress in mice, and lowering very high stress level is known to improve recall. この文章で、Neither the mice who received the ginkdo nor the other mice in the experiment exhibited physiological signs of higher-than-normal stress.が正しいとすると上の議論は成り立たないらしいのですが、私はどちらかというと上の議論をより証明しているのではないかと思うのですが... つまり両者とも高いストレスレベルでないのならginkgoは働かなかったのだから上のmay not have directly enhanced memoryはここでは正しい事になるのではないのでしょうか?

  • 和訳をお願いします!!

    If you do,then you have a perfectionist streak, a habit that fuels a whole variety of stress-producing qualities,including procrastination,defensiveness,fear,guilt,and failure to delegate. One sutudy reviewed reports from 9,000managers and professionals and concluded that perfectionism result in reduced job performance. The research also cited health problems that result from this form of self-induced stress.In addition,those who set their standards unachievably high tend to lose self-esteem when they fail to meet their goals,which only adds to stress.

  • このtheirの使い方と意味

    It seems to me that the Swiss enjoy and take pride in the natural beauty of their mountains. 「スイス人は、スイスの山の自然美を楽しみ、また誇りにしているように、私には思える」 この、「their mountains」の部分、どうしてtheirなんですか? よくわかりません。くわしくおしえてください。

  • 和訳テスト

    月曜日に英語のテストがあるのですが,どうしても上手く訳せない文章があるのでわかる方がいましたら教えてください。 1.Now that the county was fighting civil war, they reasoned,Lincoln could use those special powers to abolish slavery. 2.Slaverowners considered their slaves to be property, and the U.S.Constitution,which had been adopted in 1787, protected the citizen's right to own property. 1はthey reasoned「彼らは理由付けた」をどこに入れれば良いのかがしっくりこず,2は全体的に上手く訳せません。(わからない単語はないんですが…) すいませんが何方か手助けお願いします。

  • sound enough to stand on its own

    WASHINGTON ― Citigroup was close to a deal on Sunday night to be the last of the big Wall Street banks to exit the government’s bailout program, after trying to persuade regulators that it was sound enough to stand on its own. (質問) ・was close to a deal がうまく訳せません。 ・the last of the big Wall Street banks to .. は単純に「~する最後のウォール街の巨大銀行」でいいのでしょうか? ・sound enough to stand on its own がうまく訳せません。 ・出だしの WASHINGTON ―  の部分はどう訳せばいいのでしょう? (自分の訳) ワシントン ― シティグループは、日曜の夜、自立できる態勢は整ったとして、監査当局の説得を試み、政府の救済プログラムから抜け出る最後のウォール街の巨大銀行となる見込みを強めた。

  • 英語の文章を日本語訳して下さい。

    By early 1915, all the combatants had lost the illusion that the war could be won quickly, and began to consider harsher measures in order to gain an advantage. The British, with their overwhelming sea power, had established a naval blockade of Germany immediately on the outbreak of war in August 1914, and in early November 1914 declared it to be a war zone, with any ships entering the North Sea doing so at their own risk. The blockade was unusually restrictive in that even food was considered "contraband of war". The Germans regarded this as a blatant attempt to starve the German people into submission and wanted to retaliate in kind, and in fact the severity of the British blockade did not go over well in America, either.

  • この文章の意味を教えてください。

    契約書の文面で意味が分かりずらい英語があります。 本当に困っています。どなたか教えてください。 (1)PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL  これは極秘契約と訳してよいのでしょうか? (2)This Sale and Purchase Agreement is entered into and executed on this 4th January 2010 and between the following parties (3)Hereinafter referred as the “Authorized Buyer” (4)Whereas the Seller warrants with full responsibility and under penalty of perjury or fraud, that he has the authority to sell said precious AU metal and enter into this Sale and Purchase Contract; (5)Now therefore, for and in consideration of the above premises, both parties hereby agree to enter into this Sale and Purchase Agreement in their respective capacity to contract, under the terms and conditions hereunder. お願い致します。

  • この場合の「in place」の意味を教えてください

    北朝鮮のバンコデルタの口座凍結の話なんですが、以下の一つ目の文のin place on banks はどういう意味ですか。 BBCのhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/newsenglish/witn/2007/06/070615_nkorea_macau.shtml の第二パラグラフです。どうかよろしくお願いします。 In February the US agreed in principle that the money should be returned, but it didn't lift restrictions in place on banks around the world having any dealings with North Korea. The result was that no bank was willing to physically handle the money locked up in BDA and get it back to North Korea. They were worried about breaking US law.

  • この英文記事の訳したかを教えてください

    英語の勉強のためyahoo.comの記事を読んでいましたが 以下の部分後半のin part付近が分かりません。 どなたかおしえてください。 ・・・・コーヒーの過剰摂取と幻覚の関係についての調査の記述の後に・・・ Previous research has highlighted a number of important factors, such as childhood trauma. Many such factors are thought to be linked to hallucinations, in part because of their impact on the body's reaction to stress. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090114/hl_afp/britainhealthcoffeepsychology 辞書を引いて言葉ごとの訳は調べましたが、それらをつなげられないです。 in part:ひとつには because of~:~の理由で their impact on the body's reaction to stress:それらの、ストレスへの反応の影響 ↑このtheirとはなんなのかがまったくお手上げです・・・