• ベストアンサー

one years


  • litsa1234
  • ベストアンサー率28% (230/795)

http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=years&r=66 8. years, a. age. b. old age: a man of years. c. time; period: the years of hardship and frustration. d. an unusually long period of time of indefinite length: I haven't spoken to them in years. の(C)を参照してください。



litsa1234様 ご回答ありがとうございます。 hardship and frustrationをYearsで数えることは理解できるのですが、今回は単純な年数であり、1 Yearsという数え方を疑問に思いご相談させていただきました。 いただいたリンクは参考にさせていただきます。ありがとうございました。


  • 中途解約の場合のペナリティーは?

    以下の英文の契約書について、教えて下さい。 ワイキキの知人が契約しているコンドですが、 A- この契約を中途解約する場合、契約期間の残り期間の家賃を全額支払うことになるのでしょうか? B- 「2. TERM」の条項にある、「Thereafter」とは「 DECEMBER 1, 2010」以降を指すのでしょうか、 それとも、契約期間6カ月が過ぎた後のことを指すのでしょうか? STANDARD RENTAL AGREEMENT 1. COMMENCEMENT DATE. This Agreement shall commence on DECEMBER 1, 2010. 2. TERM. This Agreement shall be for a Six (6) month term. Thereafter, the Agreement shall be month to month tenancy. The Tenant may end the month to month tenancy by providing Landlord written notice of intention to terminate. Such notice to terminate must be provided to Landlord at least 30 days prior to the desired date of termination of the tenancy. If at any time Landlord desires to terminate the tenancy, Landlord may do so by providing to Tenant such written notice of intention to terminate at least 30 days prior to the desired date of termination of the tenancy. 17. TENANT’S HOLD OVER. If Tenant remains in possession of the Premises with the consent of Landlord after the natural expiration of this Agreement, a new tenancy from month-to-month shall be created between Landlord and Tenant which shall be subject to all the terms and conditions hereof except that rent shall be then be due and owing at $1600.00 per month

  • 契約期間に関する英語

    お世話になります。 契約書の訳に挑戦することになったのですが、下記の契約期間に関する 英語の解釈がわからずに困っています。 まず、Initial Contact Period―これは「最初の契約期間」と訳して 良いのでしょうか。次のような文章で使用されています。 [英文] Customer’s appointment pursuant to this Agreement shall commence as of the date hereof and shall continue for a period of one year thereafter (the “Initial Contract Period”). [訳] 「本契約書」に準拠する「取引先」に関する約束事は契約日より有効とし、その後一年間有効であることとする。 次にRenewal Contact Periodですが、こちらは「契約期間の更新」と 訳してしまってよいのでしょうか。使用されているのは下記の文中です。 [英文] The Initial Contract Period, together with any and all Renewal Contract Periods, are collectively the “Contract Period”. [訳] 「最初の契約期間」はありとあらゆる「契約期間の更新」と一緒になったものを「契約期間」と呼ぶ。 以上、おわかりになる方、ご回答よろしくお願い申し上げます。

  • 契約書の記載に関しまして

    契約書を書いてみたのですが、法律の専門家でもなく英語の契約書の決まりごとにも疎いものですから下のような英文で良いものか否か判然としません。どなたか詳しい方、訂正すべきことや、追加すべきことなどございましたら、教えてください。 Company A and Company B will have a sales agreement for 18 months. For this period, Company B will neither sell its products nor give any agreement to any competing companies who sell or will sell the product to Japan. The sales agreement will be effective from 25th of February in year 2012 to 24th of August in year 2013 for the first period. In return, Company A will try to sell 1000 units of products manufactured by Company B for this period. In case Company A fails to satisfy this agreement, Company B will decide either to continue this agreement or not to. However, after the termination of this agreement, Company A will be able to buy the products so that the users of Company B's products will have service from Company A after their purchase. The penalty for Company A is to lose its exclusive selling right here in Japan. In case Company A satisfies the agreement, this agreement will be automatically extended for another one year and the following years to come in the same way. The penalty for Company B will be determined by the outcome of breach of the agreement by Company B In case a dispute arises and there is no satisfactory result after using every conceivable mean to settle, appealing the court ruling will be done under the jurisdiction of Shibuya Tokyo Japan. If either side of the parties wants to terminate the agreement, a written word should be handed to the other for further discussion and will be settled by mutual consent. Both parties give a signature to express that the aforementioned words are holding us to follow and should be respected by the parties. Company Name: Company B Company Address: Name of CEO Company Name: Company A Company Address: Name of CEO

  • fresh goodsとfresh period

    こんにちは。 以下の文章の解釈に悩んでいます。 A shall be fresh goods having at least 85% fresh period of 5 years shelf life. Aに当たるのは薬なのですが、85%のfresh periodとはなんなのか、 fresh goodsとは未使用製品でいいのか・・?この2点についてとても悩んでいます。 宜しくお願いします

  • どの様に訳すべきか教えてください

    The notice shall be performed within the latest period of 7 days prior to date of the second meeting. を直訳しますと、 「第2回会合の日の7日前の”最新の期間”内に通知をすること」 と訳せますが、これでは意味が解りません。 "within the latest period" の訳し方に問題があると考えますが、どのように訳すべきでしょうか? 教えて頂ければ幸いです。

  • 和訳することが出来ますか? (NDA)

    11. Survivability. Each party agrees that all of its obligations undertaken herein as a Receiving Party shall survive and continue to survive 3 (three) years after the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 12. Governing Law and Arbitration. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, and any claim, dispute or controversy arising between the parties out of or in relation to this Agreement, or breach thereof, which cannot be satisfactorily settled by the parties, shall be finally settled by arbitration upon the written request of either party, in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association. The place of arbitration and judgement shall be Kyoto, Japan. The arbitration proceeding shall be conducted in English. The award shall be final and binding upon both parties. Judgement upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 13. Miscellaneous. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding among the parties hereto as to the INFORMATION and supersedes all prior discussions between them relating thereto. No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid or binding on the parties unless made in writing and signed on behalf of each of the parties by its authorized officer or representative. No party may assign or transfer, in whole or in part, any of its rights, obligations or duties under this Agreement. The failure or delay of any party to enforce at any time any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such party's right thereafter to enforce each and every provision of this Agreement. In the event that any of the terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement are held to be illegal, unenforceable or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, conditions or provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. 14. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall be deemed to constitute the Agreement when a duly authorized representative of each party has signed a counterpart.

  • 翻訳の勉強をしています。Save as foresaidはどういう意味

    翻訳の勉強をしています。Save as foresaidはどういう意味でしょうか? 以下の文に出てきます。Save as aforesaid, the terms of this Agreement shall be binding immediately. foresaidが前述のという意味である事は分かるのですが。よろしくお願いします。

  • The Country Supplement

    The Country Supplement annexed hereto forms an integral part of this Agreement and in relation to the provision of any aspect of the Service in country(ies) specified in the Country Supplement, the terms of the Country Supplement shall be construed as amending or supplementing the terms of this Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between this Agreement and the Country Supplement, the Country Supplement shall prevail. The Country Supplementは本契約の付属契約にも関らず、本契約とズレが生じた場合、The Country Supplementを優先するのはなぜでしょうか。

  • 契約書の翻訳に困っております。下記の訳分かる方いましたらお願い致します

    契約書の翻訳に困っております。下記の訳分かる方いましたらお願い致します。 1.all other terms and conditions of this Agreement will remain in force and effect excerpt those terms and conditions, which relate to exclusivity and the sales target, which shall be null and void. 2.It can be shown to be developed by ABC ltd, completely independent of any disclosure from XYZ ltd. 分かる方だけでも構いません。宜しくお願い致します。

  • years old と year old

    こんにちは。 お世話になります。 英語初学者です。 下記に挙げます二つの英文の違いが分からず、困り果てております。 1,She lived sixteen miles from London in the village of Highbury and at nearly twenty-one-years old she thought her life was perfect. 2,Seventeen-year old Harriet Smith had been a pupil at the school in Highbury. 教えていただきたいのですが、なぜ、1の英文では 「twenty-one-years old」とyearの後ろにsが付くのに、2の英文ではsがつかないのでしょうか? どなたか、教えてはいただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。