• ベストアンサー


「君死にたまふことなかれ」冒頭の英訳です。 どちらもちゃんとした人が訳しているようです。 明らかすぎますか? ああ、弟よ、君を泣く、 君死にたまふことなかれ。 末に生れし君なれば 親のなさけは勝(まさ)りしも、 親は刄(やいば)をにぎらせて 人を殺せと教へしや、 人を殺して死ねよとて 廿四までを育てしや。 (1) Ah, my brother, I weep for you. Beloved, you must not die. You, the last born, and so most cherished — did our parents teach you to grasp a sword, to kill another man? Did they bring you up to twenty-four to murder, and then die? (2) Oh, my (younger) brother, how loudly I am wailing for you; Let me ask you imploringly not to throw away your life. You have won our parents' affection    more than any other siblings,    since you were born last. Have you ever been told, however,  to kill others with your blade  and to fight to the last,  by our parents    in their care-taking and education of you    throughout your life    for the past twenty-four years.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • duosonic
  • ベストアンサー率51% (585/1140)

こんにちは。 日本詩ですか。これは面白い。 (1)は正に「詩」ですよね。Beloved とは原詩にはないですが、そう挿入することによって、正に原詩の「悲壮感」を醸し出すなど、よく考えて訳されていると思います。そもそも「詩」というものは、読み手に行間を読ませるなど「情に訴える」ものですが、これは英文版になってもその要素を維持しているように感じられます。仮に原詩が英語だったとしたら、「韻」を踏んでいたのでしょう。 (2)は「詩」の形態というより、もしかして英語圏ネイティブに内容を説明するために日本語原詩を単に「意訳」しているものではないのですか?  それでこの原詩が書かれた状況、詠み手の心理状態を解説するために (younger)とか imploringly などの細かな補足が付いているのかなと思えました。 ご参考までに。



わかりやすい解説、どうもありがとうございます。 なるほどそうやって見れば、(2)に対して寛容になれるようです(笑)。 (1)は『折々のうた』なんかを英訳したりしている人の訳です。 ちょっと日本語ができるくらいのレベルでは、こうは訳せないんでしょうね。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Agee
  • ベストアンサー率42% (414/964)

>明らかすぎますか? 明らか過ぎますね。 1は簡潔で言葉一つ一つが厳しく選び抜かれていて、力強く、詩にも歌にもなっています。 2は口語的・説明的でだらだらしています。 とても勝負になりません。



どうもありがとうございます。 (2)は、口の悪い人じゃなくても、また訳詩ということを考慮しても「これが詩?」と言いたくなりますよね。 (1)の「—」ですけど、「―」を入れたんですけどうまく表示されませんでした。


  • 英文の日本語訳について。

    E・M・フォスターの言葉です。 “Did you ever dream you had a friend, Alec? Someone to last your whole life and you his. I suppose such a thing can’t really happen outside sleep.” これをわたしなりに意訳すると、 「ねえアリス、生涯続く友達がいるなんて想像したことあったかい?ぼくは、そんなことは夢の中以外ではおこらないと思うんだ。」 この訳も自信がありませんが、特に引っかかっているのは、 Someone to last your whole life and you his. の部分です。Someone to last your whole life というのは、「生涯友人でいられる誰か」と思うのですが、その後の and you his. という箇所が何を意味しているのかわかりません。 アドバイスがありましたらよろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Time travel poses, however, all sorts of problems, logical, social, and technical. The most difficult one is the so-called“grandfather paradox”:what happens if we travel back in time and kill our own grandparents or parents before we are born? This is a logical impossibility because it implies that we would not have been born and thus could not have gone back in time to commit the murder. Difficult as it may sound, there are, however, ways to resolve this paradox. First, perhaps, you simply repeat past history when you go back in time, therefore fulfilling the past. In this case, you have absolutely no free will and are forced to complete the past as you know it. Second, you have free will, so you can change the past but within limits. Your free will is not allowed to create a time paradox. Whenever you try to kill your parents before you are born, a mysterious force prevents you from actually doing this. Third, the universe splits into two universes. On one time line, the people whom you killed look just like your parents, but they are different because you are now in a parallel universe. This latter possibility, which is also explored in the famous Hollywood movie Back to the Future, seems to be consistent with the quantum theory.

  • 和訳と英訳お願いします。

    ・「私の絵柄で描いてしまったけど、気に入ってくれると嬉しい」 ・「海外にも知ってる(日本のアニメなどを)人がいてとても嬉しい」 ・「Whenever you open for requests, I'll be there. Watching you sleep」 ・「Challenge your imagination to reach fantastical heights for the chance to win very real cash and prizes! Our Mythical Creatures T-Shirt Design Challenge is open to all deviants with a flair for fantasy and whimsy. But hurry -- the last day to submit is July 24, 2012!」 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の詩らしいのですが、どなたか訳していただけないでしょうか

    塾で私が受け持っている生徒が持ってきたのですが、詩を訳したことがないので、上手に訳してあげることが出来ません^^; どなたかお力を貸していただけないでしょうか。 If I knew that you showed me signs of your affection, and of what I feel for you, you felt but a tiny fraction; that your greeting in return met my greeting halfway even and your lips did likewise yearn to return my kisses given, then, o heavens, without thought would my heart be brightly flaming! Life and limb be not for nought at disposal of your claiming! Favour shown is favour found, given love will be returning and inflames a fire unbound where just cinders would be burning.

  • 英訳これであってますか?

    友達がサプライズで両親を驚かせる計画をたてていたのですが、それがうまくいったか聞きたいとき… Did your plan that you surprise your parents come off well? であっていますか?

  • 詩を訳してください!

    こんにちは。ドイツ人の友人(ミュージシャン志望)が作った曲の歌詞の一部です。 単語は調べたものの、恥ずかしながら詩となると直訳では意味がわからず、想像力も必要ですね、、、。何卒よろしくお願いします。 「Smilling like the sun tell me where you're gone? I’m always missing you Noone did look back to see where you are fallen and to help you up from earth. And you... You saw no path to run you found no rock to hide and noone who did fight for you and me」 以上、送られた詩の通りです。去ってしまった恋人を想う詩かなって感じますが、、、。

  • 英語を日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    For you ○○,i will make the world stop and make time last for ever, so i can give you the best day of your life.... because for me .the best thing is to see you smile. というメッセージを頂きましたが、どう訳して良いのか分かりません。 World stopという辺りがどう解釈して良いのか... 英語に詳しい方教えて下さい。

  • 次の文章を日本語にしてもらえませんか?

    補足:私が売ったカメラをこどもと言っているようです。 I wish to have found you well with my late but all resuming letter Hope since we spoke last, you and your family have been enjoying life I have to ask for apologies as it is because of circumstances during the last few days Which have brought questions to my mind and then its positive outcomes and results Having received the child I did not switch the knob that illuminates the prism just Then I have practised the camera at work with a couple of films, to make sure shutter performs at all modes The camera works and lights and does not leak indeed and it was always that belief and certainty which I own On the grounds of respectful feelings towards the nature of your culture and singly being kindly advised to trust I admire the way you have spoken and dealt with me and I see us and our children remain at work and for life

  • 日本語に訳してください

    いつもこちらの回答に頼りっぱなしで申し訳ありません。 どなたか翻訳をお願いします。 His Mars trines your Uranus. This means your relationship with this man will always be always unique and exciting because you encourage each other to be yourselves, to be innovative and inventive, and to live to your fullest potential. You encourage each others strengths and talents in life and the ability to t take a risk in these things and in so doing to change your life a little in a positive way that can be built on. He will give you the courage or inspiration to reach out for what you want. To take your ambitions, your talents, your true desires and to go for it. To take the chance or opportunities and to carve a path out for yourself.. He inspires you to become positive, exciting. His Saturn conjuncts your Pluto. Underneath he feels a little threatened by you. You can also feel that he is often too distant. But this is a good aspect. It means if you have to, you can survive great hardship as a couple. Saturn often has to with endings, it can wreck devastation in life where the past is gone, and the future seems bleak. This can mean personal devastation, such as going through deaths or great material loss. Or it can be things like national disasters. Events that effect not only you but others around you. But Pluto is new beginnings and gives the ability and strength to rise together from the ashes of the past, when these two planets are combined in synastry it gives the couple great fortitude, and the ability to rebuild life anew. Saturn and Pluto mean that an unforeseen fate will have a hand in this relationship, or in the sudden way it eventually end. For all relationships however long they last have an ending. That fate or circumstance you have no control over will suddenly intervene in your lives.

  • 英訳をお願いします><

    アメリカのホストファミリーからのメールです。 一部自分では訳せない部分があったので、 英語が得意な方、訳すのを手伝っていただけませんでしょうか。 お願いします! We have enjoyed having Yuri here. It has brought back many fond memories of our association with you last summer and made us miss you all the more. I told Virginia yesterday as we took Yuri to Yellowstone that I wished we could have had the opportunity to do some of these things with you. I guess that is why you need to come to the US again. If you or you and your family are ever able to come to the US we would hope you would come and see us again. Well I should wrap up for now. 特にYellowstoneというのがよく分からないです>< よろしくお願いします!