• ベストアンサー


この文章の和訳が思いつきません。どなたか説明していただけると 嬉しいです。 If you had asked me before, I never would've predicted that living alone in the city would be this difficult. 私の頭ではどう考えても If you had asked me before, I would have predicted that living alone in the city would be this difficult. の構文に直したくなります。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数5


  • ベストアンサー

こんにちは この文は三つに分けられますよね? 1. If you had asked me before, 2. I never would've predicted 3. that living alone in the city would be this difficult. この三つとも過去形である事がポイントではないでしょうか? 最初は過去完了、次は現在完了、そして過去形です。 if 構文は主節より一つ前の時制を使うことが普通ですのでこの部分は置いておいて、この文の主節は2. ですよね? (私は決して言わなかっただろう)という(話し手の気持ち)は現在完了形で思う(予想する)という行為は終了しています。 (3. の都会の一人暮らしがこのように困難であろう)という過去の推測とは違う事実が、話している今現在進行しているかも知れないという事を匂わしているとも言えます。 this difficult の言葉には幻惑されやすいですが、this は手元のものだけを指すわけではありません。 辞書を見れば《話し手の記憶の中にある人・事物を指す事もある》と載っています。 なので、全体の意味としては (もし、君がもっと前に聞いいたら、都会の一人暮らしがそんなに難しいものだとは言わなかっただろう。) というような意味だと思います。 そして、その裏には「そんなに難しいものでもなかった」という含みがあるとも取れます。(私の独断) あくまでもこの文は現在完了形であるという事で、現在はどうだと言っているわけではありません。 ご参考にしてください。



ありがとうございます。 納得できました。 私はrigretを表現しているを思い込んでいたようです。 そうではなく、if it rains, I bring an umbrella. のような 感じで構文を捉えてみたら、納得できました。

その他の回答 (3)


うん~考えすぎると頭がおかしくなりますね・・ 仮定法で過去に起きた事柄で起き得ることのない”unreal pas situations”例題を使い質問を考えてみます。 この場合の構文はIF節が(had + past particilple)で他のセンテンスが(would have + past participle)になる。 例題: If you had asked me, I would have told you. 聞いてくれたら、教えてあげたのに。(聞かなかったから、教えてあげれなかった。) このセンテンスを否定にしたら? If you had asked me, I never would've told you. 聞いてくれたら、絶対に教えなかったのに。(聞かなかったら、教えてしまった。) 難しい問題になりますが、この後者が日常生活に置いてまたは、理論形成に置いて、有り得るのかで、この構文の良し悪しが分かりますね。 もう少し訳文を噛み砕くと 聞いたら、絶対に教えなかったのに(聞かないから、教えてしまった・・・・・) 口を滑らしたときに使えるか、または聞かれることは頭の整理整頓ができるということで、聞かれなかったので、頭の整頓が出来ないまま何となくしゃべってしまった。 なんとか否定形にしても文章は成り立ちますね。 超むずかしいと思いますが、否定文は成り立つはずです。正直言って好きな文章ではないです。同じことを質問文でためされたら? ごめん、これ以上は年で、体力がついていけませ~ん。



ありがとうございます。 例文、参考になります。 日常生活で使える機会を狙ってみます。

  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

(Even) If you had asked me before, I never would've predicted that living alone in the city would be this difficult. 「もし君がぼくに前もって質問していたとしても、都会の一人暮らしがこんなに難しいとは、ぼくは予想しなかっただろうね」 これで文脈に合いますか?



ありがとうございます。 ただ、やはりEven をつけると、つけないのとでは、文脈が違ってくるように思います。 私も、そう考えた一人でしたが、ホストマザーに尋ねた所、やはり、 違う意味の文章になるそうです。

  • manyanco
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/5)

前後文がわからないのではっきり言えませんが、 これは仮定法ですよね? If you had asked me before, I never would've predicted that living alone in the city would be this difficult. 「もし前もって私に訊ねてくれていれば、この街での一人暮らしがこんなに難しいだなんて予想してなかっただろうに」 ではないでしょうか? michiさんの文も意味は同じですよね。でもそれだと訊ねても、訊ねられてなくても、なんらかの「予測」はしていたということになるのではないでしょうか? お力になれず、ごめんなさい。



早速のアドバイスありがとうございます。 ただ、やはり頭の中のもやもやがクリアになりません。 もう少し、悩んでみます。


  • 和訳してください

    If you would like to give me a list of item #s that you would like more of I will be happy to check for you and add more quantity to website if available.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします!

    I’d always have the feeling that you had be en taking a chance just on that, and that kind of love would be disappearing. というのと、 Then I’d always feel that you kept on writing to me only because you were lonely and had no one else. この2つです! 和訳お願いします!

  • 和訳

    A year or two ago a college teacher carried out an experiment. He asked his class to eat some biscuits which he had brought to the classroom and which he described as a kind that was soon to be sold in grocery stores. The biscuits were in plain paper boxes without any printing to tell what kind they were. When the students had finished eating,the teacher asked them to write down how they thought the food tasted. Most of the students wrote that they liked the biscuits. They felt that the flavor of the biscuits was interesting and that the public would buy them. The next day the teacher brought the same kind of biscuits to the class again. But this time the boxes were properly labeled. Each box had the words “DOG BISCUITS” printed on it. Some of the students would not even taste the biscuits. Those who tasted thought that they were unpleasant to eat. This experiment shows an important point: People are influenced by words. If someone served you a tasty-looking steak(perhaps garnished with onions or mushrooms),do you think that you would like it? You probably would. However,if someone told you that it was horse,dog,or snake meat,many of you surely would refuse to eat it. Some of you might even feel ill if you did eat it. And why would you feel this way? You would feel this way because of the power of words. The printed and spoken word can actually influences and change your feelings and your behavior. 和訳していただけたら嬉しいです。

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳で分からないところ、自信のないところがありますので、お助けください。 When I entered the classroom I would always discover that he had arrived before me, and the blackboard would be covered with strings of kanji that he had written, quotations from the authors he would discuss. *私が教室に入ったときに、一歩彼が私の前に来ていて、黒板は彼が書いた漢字。のちに議論する著者からの引用で覆い尽くされておりました。(自信ありません) One day he informed us that if anyone of us ever mentioned outside the office that he was engaged in translating captured documents, this would constitute an offense punishable by death, and he would personally do what he could to ensure that such a person was hanged. *ある日、彼は私たちに我々の時代が、自分は捕獲された文章を翻訳することに関係しているなどと口外にいつか漏らそうものなら、これは死刑に値する違反を構成することから、彼は個人的にそうしたものは、絞首刑にされると確かめうる限りのことを個人的にすると私たちに告げたのであります。 以上、宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします…

    和訳お願いします… FFのEyes on meとゆう曲です。 Whenever sang my songs On the stage, on my own Whenever said my words Wishing they would be heard I saw you smiling at me Was it real or just my fantasy You'd always be there in the corner Of this tiny little bar My last night here for you Same old songs, just once more My last night here with you? Maybe yes, maybe no I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me did you ever kuow? That I had mine on you Darling, so there you are With that look on your face As if you're never hurt As if you're never down Shall I be the one for you Who pinches you softly but sure If frown is shown then I will know that you are no dreamer So let me come to you Close as I wanted to be Close enough for me To feel your heart beating fast Aud stay there as I whisper How I loved your peaceful eyes on me Did you ever know That I had mine on you Darling, so share with me Your love if you have enough Your tears if you're holding back Or pain if that's what it is How can I let you know I'm more than the dress and the voice Just reach me out then You will know that you're not dreaming Darling, so there you are With that look on your face As if you're never hurt As if you're never down Shall I be the one for you Who pinches you softly but sure If frown is shown then I will know that you are no dreamer

  • 英語初級者で訳す事が出来ず困っています。

    ☆Anytime you want to write before that is fine. ☆It would be good if you didn't send me any messages at that time. ☆Just to let you know.

  • 仮定法でのthat節内の時制

    If you asked the question, they would think you were insane. なぜthat節内のbe動詞が過去形になるのですか? どなたか教えて下さい。

  • 和訳お願いします

    you kind of caught me of guard with some of your questions. How can I know that there are not other things you havent told me? I don't want to doubt you have given me a reason to be skeptical (wonder about it). It's difficult and kind of unfair that I developed feelings for you before you told me about it. I focus on making the best of each day and letting things happen over time. I don't think I can handle that kind of guilt. I guess I am kind of an independent spirit/person so it takes me a while to really open up and say the kinds of things that you asked me about.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします!

    appointment with loveというお話の一場面なのですが、イマイチ良く分からないので和訳お願いします! The woman ’s face had a pleasant smile. ”Well, I don't know what this is all about, young man, ”she answered. ”That young lady in the green suit──yes,the one who just went by ──asked me to wear this red rose on my coat. And she said that if yndu asked me to go out with you, I should tell you that she’s waiting for you in that big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of a test. I’ve got a boy in the army myself, so, of course, I didn't mind helping you.” 以上です。 とても長くて申し訳無いのですが、宜しくお願い致します!

  • ◆今日中に(__) 文法問題 添削

    次の問題の()に適当なものを入れて下さい。 なぜそうなるのかも教えていただけたら嬉しいです! 1.Your teacher would have given you some practical advice, if you ((2)) her that you had trouble with your family. (1)would have told (2)had told (3)would have asked (4)had asked 2.No answer ((3)), we had no choice but to attack the suspicious-looking ship. (1)receiving (2)having been received (3)was received (4)had received 3.The long and heated discussion ended ((4)) no conclusion reached. (1)as (2)when (3)and (4)with 4.Paul made his way ((3)) he believed to be the right direction. (1)how (2)where (3)in which (4)in what 5."If I do a good job on this project, is there any possibility ((1))?" he asked. (1)of me get a raise (2)that I got a raise (3)of my getting a raise (4)to getting a raise