• ベストアンサー


Far too many people are falling victim to costly surprises from mysterious charges, fees and ringtone subscriptions [that] they learn about for the first time when they see their mobile phone bill.ですが costly surprises は「高額な請求に対する驚き」で合ってます?  あとthey learn about はどこにかかりますか?ringtone subscriptions っぽいですが訳が分からないです よろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • teacherx
  • ベストアンサー率50% (4/8)

モービルフォンの請求書を見た時に、意味不明なサービスの変更や料金、リングトーンサブスクリプションの事を初めてを知り、高額料金に驚かされる事になる人がはるかに多いのです。 costly surprises自体は直訳すると”高価な驚き”ですが訳して理解するとなると”高額な請求に対する驚き”で良いと思います。 they learn aboutはringtone subscriptionsだけに留まらず、その前にあるmysterious charges, feesも含まれます。ですから文中のmysterious charges, fees and ringtone subscriptionsまでワンセットとしてthey learn aboutにかかります。日本語で言うと、ミステリアスな(意味不明な)サービスの変更や料金、リングトーンサブスクリプションがワンセットとして考え、その事をthey learn about”知る事になる”です。


その他の回答 (1)

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

costly surprises は「高額な請求に対する驚き」で合ってます?  合っていますよ。 直訳は「高く付く驚き」ですね、「高く付く驚きの犠牲者」→意訳して「法外な請求書金額にびっくりする犠牲者」云々,で宜しかろうと。 they learn about (for the first time) ringtone subscription 何のことか分からずに「リングトーン設定」をしたお客が請求書をみてこれが何を意味するかその時初めて分かって、っで良いんではないでしょうか? learn about ringtone 「リングトーンについて分かる」



  • 至急この英文の訳をお願いします

    至急この英文の訳をお願いします Let's hear from someone else,Kirk? I am concerned about children who are too busy with piano lessons,ballet classes,tennis practice,after-school study programs, ets. Arts and sports are important,but in my opinion,all these activities put too much focus on self-improvement. The focusin on how many skills you can gain or how much you can improve-yourself. What about doing something for others? What can you do to contribute to society? Everyone should be involed in the world we live in.Agood strting point for young people may be helping their families. By doing household chores,children can learn the importance of helping others every day. They can also learn about the responsibilities they must bear as adults. Aren't these more important? That is an interesting observation. .

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    Many people think that scientists make make great discoveries only while they are working hard in a laboratory. But sometimes scientists, mathematicians, and inventors find the answers to difficult problems while they are relaxing or even sleeping. For example, the great physicist Isaac Newton had been trying for a long time to discover the laws of gravity. For a while his work went well, and he worked out two of the laws.But then he seemed to come to a dead end.Finally, one day , as he was relaxing under an apple tree, an apple landed on the ground in front of him. The falling apple apple gave him the clue he needed, and the last of the laws of the laws of gravity fell into place, too. 1worked out と同じ意味のもの 1looked for 2devised 3understood 4sought 2come to a dead end と同じ意味のもの 1come as far as the end 2be able to find the last one 3find to exit 4find no entrance お願いします!

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The British were able to consolidate these gains and push forward towards Monchy-le-Preux, although they suffered heavy casualties in fighting near the village. One reason for the success of the offensive in this sector was the failure of German commander von Falkenhausen to employ a defence in depth. In theory, the enemy would be allowed to make initial gains, thus stretching their lines of communication. Reserves held close to the battlefield would be committed once the initial advance had bogged down, before enemy reinforcements could be brought up. The defenders would thus be able to counter-attack and regain any lost territory. In this sector, Falkenhausen kept his reserve troops too far from the front and they were too late for a useful counter-attack on either 10 or 11 April. At roughly the same time, in perhaps the most carefully crafted portion of the entire offensive, the Canadian Corps launched an assault on Vimy Ridge. Advancing behind a creeping barrage and making heavy use of machine guns – eighty to each brigade, including one Lewis gun in each platoon – the corps was able to advance through about 4,000 yards (3,700 m) of German defences, and captured the crest of the ridge at about 13:00.

  • O.K.という長文の訳お願いします

    In the spring of 1840 political excitement was especially high in New York City. The Democrats were more than eager to re-elect Martin Van Buren as president. In their enthusiasm, some of Van Buren's friends in New York organized a club to further his political interests. On March 23, the secretary of this club placed an announcement in a New York City paper about the next meeting of the organization. This announcement began:"The Democratic O.K. Club are hereby ordered to meet..." The political enemies of the Democrats at once pounced upon this mysterious "O.K. Club," and speculated much on what O.K. might stand for. The Democrats, delighted that they had their opponents baffled, for a long time withheld any explanation of the mysterious abbreviation. Speculation once begun about O.K. went on for a little more than a hundred years, during which time all kinds of guesses were made about its origin and meaning. Then in July, 1941, an American professor came upon the solution to the puzzle. And what a simple one it was! O.K., he found, stood for "Old Kinderhook." The full name of the political club was "The Democratic old Kinderhook Club," this name being adopted by way of honoring Van Buren who had been born in Old Kinderhook, New York, not far from Albany

  • grind on

    I have recently become friends with two women from my college. I’m queer and they’re both lesbians, and I was excited to make more friends in the LGBT community. The problem is that they won’t stop hitting on me. I’m in a serious long-distance relationship with a man I love. At first I found their comments flattering, but they started going too far when they joked about “stealing” me away to my boyfriend’s face when he was visiting. One of them started grinding on me at a party and asked, “Are you wet yet?” ここでのgrind onとwet の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英文訳お願いします No3

    長いので4つに分けました! The research suggests that consumers lose around £1.2 billion every year. On average victims have a higher chance than non-victims of falling for another scam within 12 months of first being caught out, because their personal details are added to so-called 'sucker list' of people who have been taken in; the list is then sold to other scammers. While the elderly were more likely to be targeted by a scam, the highest percentage of vibtims were, surprisingly, aged between 35 and 44. Of those who fell for the scams, 32 percent said it was because of the legitimate and professional style of the communication, 25 percent said they were caught off guard, and 18 percent because of excitement at the prospect of getting a good deal or winning a prize. The research also highlighted the fact that whilst men and women are equally likely to be victims of scams, women are more likely to fall victim to miracle health scams and career opportunity scams, while men are more likely to lose money to investment scams and lottery scams. Most strikingly, the study found that less than five percent of those scammed reported their experience to the authorities, so the scale of the problem is far greater than had hitherto been thought. すいませんが 英文訳をお願いします!!

  • 日本語訳を!c14-6

    お願いします!  He did not speak in the fancy Sanskrit used by Brahmin priests,but instead in simple,easy-to-understand words in the local languages.He quickly became very popular and had soon gathered a large following,called a sangha-a community.His followers included princes and common people,kings,and farmers-inside of the sangha,no one bothered about varna,or class.When Buddha died at the age of 80,he was cremated and his ashes were distributed and buried in dome-shaped monuments called stupas.His followers continued his work.They wore simple yellow robes and traveled around the country eight months of the year preaching the Four Noble Truths that the Buddha had taught them.  The Buddha preached Four Noble Truths that helped a person gain release from the process of rebirth.This ultimate freedom is called nirvana.It is a state in which the individual's sense of him- or herself ceases to exist and there is nothing to be reborn.Instead of focusing on“me”and“mine,”a person who follows the teachings of Buddha begins to learn how to focus on“everything and nothing”at the same time.  Early Buddhist religious practices stayed away from what they thought were difficult and snobby rituals and costly sacrifices.Simple rituals included meditation,pilgrimages,and offerings of food to pilgrims.Eventually,faithful Buddhists began to build burial monuments,meditation halls,monasteries,and sacred monuments to remind each other about the Buddha and his teachings.

  • 英文訳おしえてください泣

    早急に訳がしりたいです。 どうかご協力おねがいします。 And life more abundantly lived is what we seek. So, even at the same time as we yearn for place, we also yearn for the pro blematic. Explorers, sportspersons, gamblers, children playing hide-and-seek, teenage boys choosing up sides for a game of baseball, spectators cheering in a stadium - we all, in fact, seek out or create problematic situations of greater or lesser intensity. Such situations give us a sense of heightened energy, a storonger sense of life. And fiction, too, gives us that heightened awareness of life, with all the fresh opportunity to release the rich and emotional charge -tears, laughter, tenderness, sympathy, hate, love, and irory -that is stored up in us and can make us feel bored with the accustomed. Furthermore, the heightened awareness can be more fully enjoyed in fiction, because what in actuality would be the threat of the problematic is here restricted to more imagination, and because some kind of resolution of the problem is promised. The story promises us a resolution, and we wait in suspense to learn how h things will come out. We are in suspense, not only about what will happen, but even more about what the event will mean. We are in suspense about the story we are reading because we are in suspense abouy another story far closer and more important to us-the story of our own lives as we live them. 長々とすみませんが 翻訳にまかせてもうまく訳せません。 皆さんのお力をかしてください。

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (17) The priests who performed Tut's funeral had poured sacred oils over the mummy and the coffin. The oils glued the two together. Carter tried to loosen the resin by warming it in the hot desert sun, but it was no use. Tut was stuck. They called in a professor of anatomy to perform the examination on Tut's remains. The professor sliced away the linen wrappings only to find that it wasn't just the wrappings stuck to the coffin. The body was stuck, too. First the professor tried to chisel away the body, and when that didn't work, he tried heated knives. Finally, he hacked the torso in half and removed the body by sections. How much would we have been able to learn using today's scientific methods had the body not been so brutally handled? (18) The arm and leg bones pulled from their joints allowed the professor to calculate King Tut's age. He was about 18 years old when he died. He was thin, and five feet six inches all. Cause of death was never bonsidered.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    After the war, Churchill wrote, All they saw was that the British did not hesitate to hazard their greatest vessels as well as their light craft in the most daring offensive action and had escaped apparently unscathed. They felt as we should have felt had German destroyers broken into the Solent and their battle cruisers penetrated as far as the Nab. The results of this action were far-reaching. Henceforward, the weight of British Naval prestige lay heavy across all German sea enterprise ... The German Navy was indeed "muzzled". Except for furtive movements by individual submarines and minelayers, not a dog stirred from August till November. — Churchill The Germans knew nothing of our defective staff work or the risks we had run. — Churchill Lieutenant Stephen King-Hall on Southampton, later wrote about the battle that As may be deduced from these extracts the staff work was almost criminally negligent and it was a near miracle that we did not sink one or more of our submarines or that one of them did not sink us. Furthermore if anyone had suggested, say in 1917, that our battle-cruisers should rush about without anti-submarine protection and hundreds of miles away from the battle fleet in a mine infested area a few miles from the German battle fleet, he would have been certified on the spot. It was because the presence of unsupported battle-cruisers was absurd that the logical Germans were sitting in Wilhelmshafen unable to move because the tide was too low on the bar of the Jade river! I should like to be able to write that this important hydrographical circumstance was part of the plan, but it was only discovered long afterwards. Nevertheless the strategical and indeed political consequences of this affair were of great importance. The German Navy was manned by a personnel no less courageous and at least as well trained as our own; their ships were superior type for type; their gunnery was more accurate. Yet in the mind of every German seaman was the reflection that they were challenging the might of a navy which, by and large, had dominated the seas for four centuries. The German seaman had a respect and almost traditional veneration for the British Royal navy, and entered the war with an inferiority complex in striking contrast to the superiority complex which the German Army felt towards all other armies. It was therefore a rude shock to the German Navy ... to learn of this audacious manoeuvre and successful engagement literally within sight of the main German base. — King-Hall