• ベストアンサー


ところどころ翻訳できないのでチェックとアドバイスお願いします。 さまざまな景色 various scenery (?) さまざまな国の写真がのった本をみるのが大好きだった。 I liked to watch ~? 「どのくらいの国があるんだろう」と疑問に思っていたことを覚えています。 ↑まったく分かりません; 最近になって、全世界で200カ国ほどあると聞いた。 It was heard that there were about 200 countries all over the world recently. 最終的には~まで行きたい。 Finally, I want to go to ~. 世界一周するには200万円かかるそうだ。 I hear that it will cost two million yen to do a trip around the world. 国や土地によって違う文化や言葉も興味深いです。 A culture and a word different by the country and land are interesting.


  • ベストアンサー

さまざまな景色 various scenery (?) a variety of かな。 さまざまな国の写真がのった本をみるのが大好きだった。 I liked reading books that have pictures of various countries. とかどうでしょう。 「どのくらいの国があるんだろう」と疑問に思っていたことを覚えています。 ↑まったく分かりません; I remember I was wondering "how many....... 最近になって、全世界で200カ国ほどあると聞いた。 It was heard that there were about 200 countries all over the world recently. ->Recently I heard there are approximately 200 coutries in the world. 最終的には~まで行きたい。 I want to go to ~ at the end of the day. 世界一周するには200万円かかるそうだ。 I hear that it will cost two million yen to do a trip around the world. もしくは、to travel around the world 国や土地によって違う文化や言葉も興味深いです。 A culture and a word different by the country and land are interesting. --> It is interesting that culture and language varies from country to country, area to area. かな。



ご丁寧な回答ありがとうございました! やはり間違えばかりですね;; 大変助かりました!


その他の回答 (2)

  • miwamey
  • ベストアンサー率23% (89/371)

さまざまな景色 A variety of scenary さまざまな国の写真がのった本をみるのが大好きだった。 I liked looking at books with pictures from various countries. 写真の載った本は読むというより眺めるですから、Look atのほうが適切かと。大好きの大を強調したいのなら、I loved ...でも良いかと。 「どのくらいの国があるんだろう」と疑問に思っていたことを覚えています。 I remember wondering "how many countries exist (in the world)." 最終的には~まで行きたい。 I want to go to ~ by the end of the day. I want to go to ~ultimately 世界一周するには200万円かかるそうだ。 I hear that it costs two million yen to travel around the world.(To travel のほうが断然にいいです。Tripを使うなら、To take a tripです。)Apparently, it costs ....のほうがもう少しすっきりします。 国や土地によって違う文化や言葉も興味深いです。 I am interested in different cultures and languages from various countries and areas. これだと違った言葉や文化に興味がある。 It is interesting that cultures and langauges differ from countries to countries and areas to areas.これだと違った文化や言葉がある事実が興味深い。


varies は vary でした。SOrry



  • 英語に翻訳したいのですが、、、 2

    続きを訳したつもりなのですが、やはり難しいですね。 チェック、アドバイスお願いします。 現代の日本は、ネットなどの情報手段ですぐに何でも知れるが、自ら実感したり学ぶことをしようとしない人が多い。 There are a lot of people who do not try to do actually feeling voluntarily and learning though modern Japan can learn anything at once by the information means such as the Internet. だから実際に実感する経験があまりないので、目的を失ったり、何かに頼る人も多いと思う。 Therefore, because there is not so much experience of actually actually feeling it, I think that the purpose is lost or there are a lot of people who do not have the application either. ならば、まだ見たことのないものを見たり、すばらしい事に自ら気づくことが自分を変えるカギになるのではないだろうか。 Then, it is likely to become a key into which seeing the one not having seen yet, and noticing a wonderful thing voluntarily change me. そのためにも、これまでの本やインターネットからの情報を元にして、実際に世界を周り素晴らしい世界を実感し、世界中の人々に生きていることの喜びを、目標を失っている人に伝えたい。 It wants to actually feel the world that seems to be surrounding Motohare, to tell the world to people all over the world based on information from the book and the Internet, and to tell the pleasure of alive to the person who loses the target for that.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I care so much about you I care about you more than I can say. And that caring and that feeling have a meaning that is more precious and more special to me than I can explain. But let me try to tell you this... Stying ''I care'' means that I will always do everything I can to understand. It means that I will never hurt you. It means that you can trust me. It means that you can tell me. What's wrong. It means that I will try to fix what I can,that I will listen When you need me to hear,and that ~even in your most difficult moment ~all you have to do is say tha word,and your hand and my hand will not be apart. It means that whenever you speak to me,whether words are spoken through a smile or theouge a tear... I will listen with my heart. I do care about you... In a very special wey. メッセージカードの柄としてあったので気になりました。お願いします

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします

    長文ですが、次の英語の翻訳をお願いします。 ある俳優にファンが出演した映画について聞いています Q:I was going to ask you Randy about Lorton Lake. A:You know Danny finished that and like re-edited it and did something with it. The director, sorry, the director has had like full control of overall about whatever we make and then he is going to cut down. And I think he did some weird re-edit of it and it played at some places under a different name, but I don't actually have that in control over that anymore. I was like… Q:Don't know if we are going to get to see that then? A:I don't know, I should talk to him while I am here, I need to… Probably not. Q:There is so many things that you guys do that we don't get to see. A:I know, I know, but it's like not good enough for you guys yet, if you see it now. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    1, He saved as much as one million yen. =He saved no less than one million yen. 2, Any book will do as long as it is interesting よろしくお願いしますm(__)m。

  • 英語に翻訳したいのですが、

    中学で発表することになったのですが、英語が苦手なため意味がわからないところばかりですが、チェックとアドバイスをお願いします。 私は世界の素晴らしい文化や行事に興味があります。 I am interested in the culture and the event with a wonderful world. 例えば食文化。 For instance, gastronomic culture. フランスだと日本料理とは違った、王制時代の宮廷文化を背景にしたフランス料理が有名で、ワインの生産国としても名高く、広く国内に親しまれています。 When it is France, the French cuisine in the background of the court culture in a monarchy age different from Japanese food is famous, and it is famously, and widely familiar with the production country of wine within the country. (意味わからないですよね;;) 私はまだ未成年なので、いつかフランスでワインを飲みたい。 I want to wine in France some time because I am still a minority. それもまた、私の夢です。 It is my dream, too. そして、今日は8月○日ですか○日後の8月10日はイタリアの祝日「聖ロレンツォの日」です。 And, it is ○ day in August today or August 10 after the day of ○ is "Sage Lorenzo's day. " of holiday of Italy. イタリアでは365日、毎日が誰かの聖人の日なのですが、この「聖ロレンツォの日」は、1年で一番流れ星が見られる日なのです。 In Italy though every day for 365 days is someone's saint's days This "Sage Lorenzo's day" is a day when shooting stars are seen most in one year. この日になると、イタリア人は星に願い事をするそうです。 The Italian thinks that it makes the wish a star when becoming this day. この話は、昔本を見て知ったのですが、その本に描かれていた押し絵が強く印象に残っています。 Though the book is seen in old times and it knew this story. The barbola drawn in the book remains in the impression. (どうやって一文で伝わりやすくなるでしょうか;) もしも、私がこの祝日の日星にお願いするならば、世界一周はもちろんのこと、さまざまな国の言葉を習得し、さまざまな国の人々と通じ合えますように、と願います。 If I ask the day star of this holiday The word in various countries not to mention surroundings is acquired, and it wishes that the word run with people in various countries in the most in the world. (意味がわからない上に2文になってしまいました;) まだ途中分ですがよろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I will print off the photographs that you sent and send them to the Customs House. What does the receipt say that it written in Japanese related to the price paid of $70? I wanted to find out before it I mail it to the Customs House because the handbag would not be a “gift” if the receipt says that $70 was paid to you. I also wanted to be sure that the receipt does not include EBay. Many thanks for your help with translation.

  • 英語の翻訳

    自分で調べてみたのですがわかりません The Tokaido Shinkansen carries 150 million people a year, making it the busiest high-speed train line in the world. The nearly seven-hour train trip between Tokyo and Osaka became just four hours after the line opened in 1964. Today, the travel time is even shorter. It takes only two and a half hours on the Nozomi, the fastest train service on the Tokaido shinkansen. Traveling between Tokyo and Osaka takes longer by Shinkansen than it does by air. However, the Tokaido line is more convenient because of the stations' excellent downtown locations. The Shinkansen is also one of the safest ways to travel. 翻訳おねがいできませんか?

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 ネットショップで海外の方がカメラレンズを購入して頂いき、不具合があったとのメールがありました。その後に、少し返金致しますが、いかがですか?と送った後に来たメールです。 No thanks, I do not need a lens that does not go to infinity. Infinity focus is the priority need for me, doing panoramic photographs in the mountains. [www.alpinow.com] 👀 This is annoying. I do not want to keep it and I now are obliged to make a trip across the border to go to the post office in Slovenia to send back to you. 😕 Claudio Costerni よろしくお願いします。

  • この英語を日本語へ翻訳お願いします。

    なんとなくは分かるのですが、知らない単語があり的確に訳せません...。 お力添えお願いします。 don't think that way .... i understand your situation . i know how it feet to be in that type of situation . here is something to make you feel better . don't worry i still think that you are a wonderful person and thank you! for be in honest .... i respect you ... now think about this " ( That me think that you are the best person in the world and is happy for the way you are! ) " and only think about it all day so you feel better

  • 英語の翻訳

    以下、イギリス人とebyでやり取りの中です、google翻訳で何言ってるかわかりませんでした。 翻訳できる方お願いします。 What world do you live in where a buyer can dictate to a seller how much he can sell his good for ? I think it best if you found someone else to buy these parts from. Peculiar that you now know how to write in English. I find it very difficult to deal with fools who think they can tell me what they think and expect me to go along with it, I prefer not to deal with these people as is the case here.