• ベストアンサー


大学のコースについての説明の文章の中の長文です。 This course is intended to help you to develop and to strengthen your skills in promotional and persuasive writing by studying and practicing effective techniques applicable to public relations strategies and advertising campaigns. これを次のように区切りました。 This course is intended to help you to develop and to strengthen your skills in promotional and persuasive writing このコースは訴えかけるものがあり説得力があるライティングのスキルを伸ばす事を目的としています。 / by studying and practicing effective techniques applicable to public relations strategies and advertising campaigns. PR戦略及び広告キャンペーンに適切な効果的な技術を研究し、実習することによって、 全部で このコースは、PR戦略及び宣伝活動に適切な効果的な技術を研究し、実習することによって、印象的で説得力があるライティングのスキルを伸ばす事を目的としています。 と訳しました。 宜しくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • go_urn
  • ベストアンサー率57% (938/1643)

こんにちは! とてもよく出来た訳だと思います。 This course is intended to help you to develop and to strengthen your skills in promotional and persuasive writing このコースは訴えかけるものがあり説得力があるライティングのスキルを伸ばす事を目的としています。 (コメント)promotionは「販売促進」の意味でしょうから、promotional は、売り上げを伸ばすような、とか、購買意欲をそそるような、とかいった意味だと思います。  developはさらに発展させる、つまり、今無いものをさらに付け加えるという意味で、strengthen は今有るものをより強化するという意味で使い分けられているでしょう。 / by studying and practicing effective techniques applicable to public relations strategies and advertising campaigns. PR戦略及び広告キャンペーンに適切な効果的な技術を研究し、実習することによって、 (コメント)applicable は「適用できる」ということですから、 PR戦略及び広告キャンペーンに使えるような、ということでしょう。  コメントは、欲を言えばというようなもので、御訳でほぼ完璧な訳だと思います!





その他の回答 (1)


This course is intended to help you to develop and to strengthen your skills in promotional and persuasive writing このコースは訴求力と説得力があるライティングのスキルを伸ばす事を目的としています。 / by studying and practicing effective techniques applicable to public relations strategies and advertising campaigns. PR戦略及び広告キャンペーンに適切な効果的な技術を研究し、実習することによって、 特に問題ないと思いますが。 techniques / applicable で区切ると英語で理解するとしたらさらに解りやすいですが、日本語に訳すときは上記でよいと思います。



回答をありがとうございます。 「訴求力」という言葉を初めて知りました。



  • 文の組み立てがわかりません

    ジャーナリズムのライティングのコースの説明文からです。 This is a writing proficiency, WP, course; a grade of C- or better certifies writing proficiency for majors. この文の組み立てが全くわからず、ちょっと訳そうと試みたのですが、お手上げなので教えていただけないでしょうか。 途中までの和訳 これはライティングの技能(WP)で、専攻学習者のためのCまたはそれ以上のライティング技能成績です。 また、この文の前は A skills course that emphasizes the writing function in public relations and its importance to the organization’s overall communication program. Journalism majors in the PR/News Editorial option who earn below a C- in JOUR 341/321 are required to repeat the course and are expected to receive a C- or higher to receive writing proficiency credit. となっています。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 長い文の和訳を見て下さい

    大学のコースについての説明文です。 その中の、Course Objectivesの、一番最初の文です。 This course is intended to give you an overview of the public relations industry and help you to develop and strengthen your public relations abilities through in-depth study of the public relations function in organizations, the persuasion process, the four-step approach, and ethical decision making so that you can plan, implement, and evaluate an effective public relations program. コースの目的 効果的なパブリックリレーションズのプログラムを計画、実行、評価ができるようになるために、このコースはパブリックリレーションズ業界をおおまかに知らしめ、生徒の成長をうながし、組織、説得プロセス、4段階アプローチや倫理意思決定においてパブリックリレーションズ機能の徹底的な研究を通して生徒のパブリックリレーションズ能力を強化することを目的とします。 それから、ethical decision makingが何の事なのかよくわからないので、 それと合わせて教えていただけないでしょうか?

  • 和訳を見て下さい

    大学のコースを説明した文を和訳しました。荒削りですが、大きく勘違いしているといけませんので、見ていただけるでしょうか。 特に最後の(4)の意味がよくわかりません。 宜しくお願いいたします。 (1)During the semester, you will have a number of assignments intended to help you to develop and refine your writing skills as well as your ability to construct effective messages. (1)セメスターの間に、効果的なメッセージを作り上げることだけではなく、ライティングのスキルを向上させ磨きをかける事をも支援するように意図された数々の提出課題があります。 (2)The intent here is to build relationships between an organization and its various publics or markets. (2)この目的ですが、組織と様々な大衆または市場間のリレーションシップを構築するところにあります。 (3)Lab assignments are designed to test your skills under deadline pressure. (3)研究課題は締め切りのプレッシャー下でスキルを試すように考案されています。 (4)You will be assigned a corporation or organization on which to base your assignments and strategies. (4)提出課題と行動に基づいた会社または組織に割り当てられることになります。

  • 上手な日本語訳にしていただけませんか?

    上手な日本語訳にしていただけませんか? お願いします。 Historically, he says, KANBUN(Chinese writing) was skillfully adapted to create a vibrant and unique Japanese language - yet the average person still has the skills to grasp the meaning of a Chinese newspaper.He points to Japan's ability to absorb foreign culture, and praises the MEIJI ara translators who were able to create KANJI images ti convey Western consepts and ideas, a challenging intellectual tradition carried into the 20th century. As examples, he cites the KANJI sharacters for the " League of Nation " and " United Nation " abd such catchy creations an gorin (KANJI meaning " five circles ") to convey the concept of the Olympics.

  • 区切り方と和訳を見て下さい

    Course Descriptionの内容ですが、区切り方と和訳を見て下さい。 An introduction to the process and practice of public relations in contemporary business and not-for-profit institutions. この文を下のように区切りました。 An introduction / to the process and practice / of public relations / in contemporary business and not-for-profit institutions. 訳:現代ビジネスと非営利団体における/パブリックリレーションズの/プロセスと実践/入門 また、パブリックリレーションズとは何かを質問し、少しずつわかってきました。関連URLは下記です。 http://okwave.jp/qa3817095.html

  • 訳をお願いします

    The next day, about 100 people, including Bolortuya, attended a lighting ceremony. When the switch of the system was pressed, lights came on and a radio began to sound. Everyone burst into applause. Bolortuya's cheeks were wet with tears. The project was successful. "These lights brighten not only our school but also our future!" said one of the Mongolian students. Our activities did not end there. In March 2010, some our friends visited Bangladesgh and gave advice on solar power systems. We hope our knowledge and skills will help people in many other countries, too. ※Bolortuya(エンフボルド・ボロルトヤ) Mongolia(モンゴル)

  • 英語で書かれた論文の一部なのですが、訳が分かりません。

    英語で書かれた論文の一部なのですが、訳が分かりません。長文ですが、よろしくお願いいたします。。。 論文を読んでいる最中なので、早めに回答していただいた方にチップを差し上げます! 翻訳機では意味不明だったので。。。 自分の訳を載せないのは厚かましいとは思いますが、お願いいたします。。。 Using other people as information providers frowned on. Children and young adults routinely use other people as information providers. In addition to asking adults outright for information at the beginning of a search, Maureen discovered that the strategy used most frequently by her teenagers to establish the projects was to ask their teachers for verification. But, educators rarely consciously set assignments that allow their charges to refine their skills in soliciting information from other people. Techniques for selecting appropriate individuals and then forming effective questions are often ignored, despite the fact that the ability to use good questioning techniques can make or break the task. Often students did badly because the person asked did not know enough about the subject. It is not only teachers who are prone to underrate the use of other people for information purpose. Few IL models attach any great importance to the matter and there may be a tendency for information professionals to jump to the conclusion that our students are information illiterate because they go to people such as friends for information instead of using sources that may be deemed more authoritative. Nevertheless, unless the teachers involved have a particular interest in information skills, there is a danger that language education at primary level will be dominated by coverage of the basics, such as speaking and listening, reading, spelling, sentence construction, punctuation and hand writing, especially if these are stressed in the political climate of the day. For the information specialist, IL is obviously a crucial area but, to teachers whose main responsibilities lie elsewhere, even at primary level it will understandably form much less of a priority.

  • 日本語訳を! 4-(4)

    お願いします。  If the students' minds began to wander, the teacher would remind them with words like these in the Satire of the Trades, "I would have you love writing more than your mother and have you recognize its beauty." If the students continued to misbehave,the teacher might warn them about other professions like the "coppersmith at his toil at the mouth of his furnace his fingers like crocodile skin his stench worse than fish eggs." Or the gardener who carried a pole across his shoulders "and there is a great blister on his neck, oozing puss." Maybe then, practicing hieroglyphs wouldn't seem so bad. The students might even agree with the teacher that "it is greater than any profession, there is none like it on earth."  Once the scribes' schooling was done it was time to become an apprentice and to learn even more about the craft by serving a working scribe. We know from an inscription on a statue that a scribe named Bekenkhons spent 11 years as an apprentice in the royal stables after going to school for 4 years at the temple of Mut at Karnbk. There were plenty of job opportunities for scribes. Everything from personal letters to military secrets to magic spells was written by the scribes. Scribes calculated how many bricks it would take to build a wall, and how many loaves of bread it would take to feed the bricklayers. Scribes wrote out healing directions for doctors. They recorded births and deaths. Anything anyone wanted or needed written down required a scribe.  Over time, the slow-to-write hieroglyphs were replaced by an easier system of writing. Scribes still used the sacred way of writing on temples and tombs, but for everyday writing they used a shorthand they called sesh, which means "writing for documents." Later, the Greeks named this writing hieretic.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    自分なりに訳してあるので、 疑問に思うところは補足で質問させてください。 One such technique is to write down questions you want to ask. Plan what to say, the write the text of what to say and practice the beginnings lines. A second technique is to listen to the way peoplr begin or end conversations and choose the lines to in a similar situation. Finally, relaxation thechniques, such as practicing slow breathing to calm down and thinking about a positive memory, are useful ways to reduce the fear of contract with others. These techniques help a shy person stay calm, look others in the eye, and listen, and keep talking.

  • 英文の邦訳

    Long an object of managerial discretion, corporate philanthropy has been used as a form of public relations similar to advertising, an attempt to invest strategically in areas that will benefit the firm (such as schools), a response to social pressures within the business community, and even a reflection of the company's values. この文章の冒頭のLong an object of managerial discretionの一節の意味が分かりません。お分かりの方,邦訳を宜しくお願いします。

  • 気になる女の子との誕生日デート。焼肉やビーチの話から、彼女はどんな意図で誘っているのか?
  • 1回目のデートで誕生日を知られ、2回目のお出かけで焼肉やビーチの話をしていた女の子。誘いの意味は?
  • 誕生日に彼女からの誘い。焼肉やビーチの話を通じて、どういった意図があるのか考えてみよう。