• 締切済み


お世話になります。 海外の仕事で会った外国人から交際の申し込みを受け、その度に、婚約者がいて無理であると、断ってきたのですが、諦めてくれず、私に会うために、「日本に長期滞在でやって来るつもりだ」と昨日、メールが来ました。返信を次のように考えました。どうしたらうまく断れるか、お知恵をお借りできればと存じます。 I think I have to tell you that I will get married soon. And I am sorry but there is no possibility that we will be closer. I apologize that this caused you pain, and it causes me pain as well to write a letter like this. But I believe that we are good colleagues from now on.I hope you will understand. 仕事上で関係は続くため、あまり邪険にもできないのですが、しっかり断った方がよいとも思っています。お忙しい中恐縮ですが宜しくお願い申し上げます。


  • Chris001
  • ベストアンサー率45% (25/55)

I have to tell you, I will get married with my fiance soon. の後に、次の一文を入れてみてはどうでしょうか? I really love him. 日本人は、愛を犠牲にしてまでも御見合いで結婚決めるという 不思議なイメージを持っている外国の方が、いまだに存在して いるので。 I apologize that this caused you pain, and it causes me pain as well to write a letter like this. 日本人的な表現で質問者さんの優しさが現れていますね。ただ、相手は日本人じゃないので誤解を招く可能性があるかと。一度も交際していないですし、これは無くてもいいのでは?代わりに、 I hope you meet your destiney in near future. としてみては、いかがでしょうか?







日本人女性特有の奥ゆかしさが出ていて余計その男性の恋心に火をつけてしまいそうな文章ですね。 I think I have to tell you that とか、it causes me pain などはいらないと思いますよ。 I will get married soon. There is no possibility that we will be closer. だけで良いと思います。




  • R-gray
  • ベストアンサー率39% (92/234)

私(男です)もこれは何度も無理といっているのに あきらめてくれないのならばビシッと断るべきではないかと思います。 「無理です。あなたとの関係は仕事だけです」と。





わたしも外国の人と接しますが、、この文章はあまり良くないですね。 日本人的には完璧な内容ですが、すでに何度も「婚約者がいて無理」と伝えているのにアプローチしてくる、あきらめの悪い人物でしょう? I apologize,,,以下は相手に「脈がある」という思い込みをさせるだけです。前段だけで終わり。短ければ短いほどいいです。もしまた何か言われたら「私の彼は世界一素敵な男性で、、」とのろけ以外一切言わないことです。お分かりと思いますが、、。



早速にお返事を頂きまして有難うございます。 何がこれまでいけなかったのか、少し分かった気がします。 大変勉強になりました。本当に有難うございました。



  • 英語の歌詞の訳をお願いします。

    英語の歌詞の訳をお願いします。 できれば大切な人に語りかけるような口調の訳だと 嬉しいです。 I know you think that I shouldnt still love you or tell you that But if I didnt say it, well, Id still have felt it Wheres the sense in that? I promise Im not trying to make your life harder or return to where we were But I will go down with this ship I wont put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door Im in love and always will be I know I left too much mess and destruction to come back again And I caused nothing but trouble I understand if you cant talk to me again And if you live by the rules of "Its Over" then Im sure that that makes sense And when we meet, which Im sure we will, all that was there will be there still Ill let it pass and hold my tongue And you will think that Ive moved on よろしくお願いします。

  • any difficulty this cause

    以下の文について教えてください。 We apologize in advance for any difficulty this causes and hope that the limited services we will be providing prove adequate. 1. any difficulty this causes の部分は、文法的どう解釈すればよろしいのでしょうか。 any 名詞 this 名詞(複数形) という形に見えるのですが、こういう使い方は一般的なのでしょうか。 2. difficulty causes を「本件によるご不便」と訳されていたのですが、 不便の意味で difficulty を使うのでしょうか。 また、causes を本件 => 今回の件(改装工事) という使い方もするのでしょうか。 ※ 話の流れでは、店の改装工事を行うという前提になっています。 以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I hope you are well. We have been informed that these red and grey mugs will not be arriving with us until March. Please let me know if you would like to keep this order on if you would prefer to cancel it for now and place a new order closer to when we have the stock available?

  • Harry Potterの洋書の中でのOne sentenceについて

    今、Harry Potterの英語版を読んでいます。 その中で一つセンテンスで判らないものがありました。 "I must also warn you that if you do anything like this again, I will have no choice but to expel you." とあります。 この最後の"I will have no choice BUT to expel you."の部分のButがわかりません。 "I will have no choice AND expel you."の方がしっくりきます。 でもアメリカ人の友達に聞いたら、”Andじゃ変だね”と言われたのですが何で変なのかが判りません。 他の本を読んでいても、このButの使い方が何度も出ていて、不思議で仕方がありませんでした。 どなたか、お願いします。教えて下さい。

  • 長文です(翻訳お願いします)

    Hi Dear Makoto I know I can't give you the whole world, but I can promise you I will always love you if you let me. My heart will be yours, and even though I know I’ll make mistakes, I will never break your heart. I’ll be right beside you as we chase our dreams together, and you will never have to wonder if I still care. I think about you all day long. Is true that I met you not long ago but the fact is that since that time, I have grown to develop feelings for you so deeply. I have heard it said that online relationship don't last, but I disagree. I know that what we are doing may be considered wrong by some, but I also know what I feel in my heart, and I know that it's real. I know that we can't change the past and I know that we can't predict the future, but my heart does not lie. My beloved Makoto I want you to know that Tomorrow's hopes and dreams will never die as long as you believe in yourself and follow your heart. The kindnesses in your heart will guide you to accomplish many things in life and overcome all challenges and all obstacles. Never give up, always have faith in yourself, and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love you rightly deserve. Whatever you may do in the future, never let anyone stand in the way of you pursuing your dreams. Know that you will always have family and friends to rely on whenever you need them. No matter what you may decide to do in life, I will be right there to help, support, and love you. I wish you only the best as you continue chasing your dreams. I feel wonderful this afternoon after reading your message and it put me in the mood for love,because of you.. Am just hoping and praying you're not gonna change you're mind till we meet to each other.Who knows you are the answer That I seek for so long and God granted all my wishes and all my dreams comes true. I will love you and respect you for the rest of my life...Even though we are far to each other, it doesn't mean we cannot build-up our new relationships. While it's good to maintain our connection between you and me and shared the important values of this relationship, so it will last forever. We have to create our own future by all means with love and respect. I will stop here for now dear and please do take care of yourself for me and have a wonderful day out there. Hug and kisses for you sweetheart, Yours, Kelvin.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I'm starting new phase in my life, I'm closing my past and starting a new journey in life. We have to take chances in life and I'm confident that my choice is correct. I left my night job because it was the same company my friend works at too this way the connection with her will be cut. Hopefully we can still be friends but I think she has closed the connection with me already. As for myself my health is improving with every passing day. The feelings I had for her are getting weaker so I believe my new journey will begin and this will bring closer to this chapter in my life. I'm sorry if I cause you any confusion with my e-mails but now I know how I really feel. You are very kind and understanding through this time in my life and I'm grateful for that. I hope that we can start again together. ほぼ理解していますが、内容が内容だけに確実にわかりたいのでお願いします。

  • 要約をお願いします☆

    Is very glad to see your letter today. When I receive it, on mine The person always a smile, and in my heart warmly. After all when I read yours Letters, I start to represent that you stand nearby and speak to me about It. I do not know that occurs, but for that time that we are familiar with You, I have very much changed. As soon as possible I always hasten to To the computer to read your letter. I have a such Feeling that I became a little dependent on you. Because for days on end I think only of you, I represent your life there, is far from me. As You think, what is it? I am afraid to tell it, but it seems to me that it Love. I am afraid of this loud word, but I tell you the thoughts. After all we have agreed with you that we will tell all secrets each other. I trust you and I hope that you as trust me. Recently I began to think of how would be much Remarkably, if could meet and learn each other better. That You think of it? I think, it is difficult to speak about something only through Letters and phone. I wish to have with you live dialogue. But I do not know, What your thoughts that I have now written to you. My dear, do not worry, we will necessarily speak on msn! ok!? We will necessarily speak in msn, I promise to you! :) "Do you agree?" Is such expression is available in Russia. I do not know, how To you it to explain. You trust in destiny? It means:"nobody knows, That the destiny has prepared for us ". Understand me? Now I will finish the letter and I will wait for your early reply.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳サイトなどを使ってみたのですがいまいち分からなかったのでお願いします。 Thank you for contacting GameStop! I’ll be more than happy to assist you with your concerns. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you had with this order. We have carefully reviewed the information on this order, and found out that the processing is going fine, it has been accepted by the financial institution so at this point we just need to wait for the processing to be finished and the order to be shipped out. For now unfortunately we are not able to provide you with a definitive timeframe, but you will be notified with tracking information when this item is shipped. Thank you for contacting GameStop Customer Care, and I hope you have a wonderful day. If you have any further questions please feel free to reply to this email or call us Monday through sunday at 800-883--8895

  • 和訳してください!

    昔の友人?恋人のような男性から2年ぶりに連絡が来ましたがあまりにも自分が英語を忘れすぎて彼のメッセージが正確に理解できません。。。なんとなくはわかるのですが正確に知りたいので分かる方、和訳お願いいたします。 自分の名前はAとしています。 I am glad that u are fine...i am good too ... i wanna say a couple of things to you! Back there, when we were at LA, i thing that didn't treated you the way that you deserve, and i wanna say really sorry aboute that A...you deserve to know that i have a lot of good memories about you and the good times that we had in LA I know that all this things happened a long time ago, but i want to say sorry to you anyway... U always were so nice to me, and back there i was to young and too immature to know that... So, this is your Brazilian friend saying sorry to you about something that happened almost 2 years ago, but still care about that...i know that we live really far way, but anyway, i wanna be ok with you Miss you A

  • 個人輸入での翻訳お願いします。

    以下の翻訳お願いします。 Thank you for your email. We will back order those goods and ship to you as soon as they become available. At this time, we are unable to get blue and black 110’s – I am working on another Northwest company to make some for us but that project will take some time.

  • 針は新しいものに変えて、針釜の中も掃除したのですが、縫っていてガタンガタンとあたる音がするのですが、故障でしょうか?
  • 「PS401」という製品の針が縫っている最中にガタンガタンとあたる音がするため、故障しているのではないかと心配しています。
  • 新しい針を使用し、針釜も掃除したにもかかわらず、針が縫っている最中にガタンガタンとあたる音がしています。何が原因なのか教えていただきたいです。