• ベストアンサー



  • kams
  • ベストアンサー率16% (1/6)

こんにちわ☆ 私なら、こう書きます。(間違ってたらごめんなさい。) We inform you in the case of sipping delay by rush of orders,or we don't ship the goods while we are going away on business. 1.そんなに気にはならなかったですが、一応ほかの言い方を考えて見ま した。 2.この場合は、動詞を入れなくても伝わるのではないでしょうか。  私の文で訳すと、「注文の集中のよって遅延する場合」となるので、 大丈夫だと思います。 3. 一回目で入れると文がおかしくなってしまうので、二回目の方に入 れると分かりやすくなるのではないでしょうか。 4.出張の表現は、「go away on business」なので正解です(^^) 最近英語に触れてなかったので、間違ってるかもしれないのですが、少しでも参考になればと思いました☆ お仕事頑張ってください!


  • 翻訳お願いします。

    海外のショップに問い合わせをして、その返信メールです。 翻訳をお願いします。 We ship to Japan often. We also ship orders to shops in Japan. On our website is a list of overseas shops that sell our threads and some tatting supplies. All of our orders we ship US Priority Mail. If your order was small enough we could ship it in a flat rate box which would be cheaper. To order you need to go to what threads you want, put in how many balls you want and click on “Add to Cart”. When you are done ordering you will need to finalize your order and enter all of your shipping and billing information. If you have more questions please ask.

  • 英文おかしくないですか ?

    この英文レベル的にはどうでしょうか ? 仕事で使ってはいますが、体系的な教育は受けてないのであまり自信はありません。多分古くさいかもとは思うのですが・・・ ----------------- Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for your e-mail. Thank you for your delivery confirmation for new XXX pcs of product A to be shipped with our P.O. Nos. 1 and 2. If you really can make the shipment at the end of May, 2009, we will be able to close the deal with our customer. However, just in case, we would like to have your confirmation that you can produce above XXX pcs without delaying the shipping dates of already-placed orders from both International and Japanese markets. If you foresee any kind of possible delay, please let us know. We eagerly want to get the order for the additional XXX pcs, but, we cannot delay the shipment dates of other orders.

  • 都合の良い日時を教えてください(英語で至急!)

    次回、東京にいらっしゃる日程で都合の良い日時を教えてください。 Could you please inform me of your availability next time you are in Tokyo? この英文はおかしいでしょうか。もっと良い表現がありましたら 是非教えてください。

  • 英語力が全くないので翻訳ソフトで訳してみましたが

    英語力が全くないので翻訳ソフトで訳してみましたが 以下のような意味であって居ますでしょうか 解決策も分かればお願いします。 注文有り難う御座います。 注文数は10本でよろしかったですか? あなたの指定したアドレスはカードの登録アドレスと違います。 その為出荷が出来ません。 電信送金でも支払いは可能です。 Thank you for your order. First we want to confirm you intended to order 10 items. Secondly, the address you selected to ship to is different than the address of the credit card you used to pay for the order- this resulted in an ‘unconfirmed address’. In order to protect our customers, unless previous arrangements have been made, we only ship to confirmed addresses. Paying by wire transfer is another option. Also, the shipping amount may not cover the entire order of 10 ukulele, but we will handle that when we have resolved the bigger problem of accepting your current method of payment. Is there a reason we will not be able to send these items to the same address as your credit card bill? Thank you.

  • ship or more logistics's

    In this region we currently provide Pick-up firstmile mode to stores that ship or more logistics's orders per calendar month with our service. 「ship or more logistics's orders per calendar month with our service.」この辺りは正しい英語でしょうか?なんと訳したらよろしいでしょうか?

  • 英語のできる方お願いします!!

    日本では手に入らないカバンがどうしても欲しくて、海外に注文しました。このようなメールが送られてきたのですが、どなたか訳していただけないですか? We received a request to reset the password of your account. If you made this request, plese follow the instructions below. If you did not request to change your password, you can safely ignore this email and make sure your customer account is safe. Click the link below to reset your password. If clicking doesn't seem to work, you can copy and paste the above link into your browser's address window. For security reasons your credit card number was deleted. Orders cannot be changed or cancelled once they are placed. We will ship your order just as soon as it arrives at our depot. You will receive tracking information as soon as we ship your order. Most orders will arrive within the following time frames. Please note that we are not responsible for delays caused by the store, the shipping carrier or customs. これは2回に分けられて送られてきました。長い文章で申し訳ありませんが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語のできるかた、日本語に訳してください。

    In an effort to provide you the best customer service possible as an international customer, we would like to inform you that there will be approximately 20% of the cost of your order in International taxes and duties fees. Whatever the cost of the taxes and duties, they must be paid in order for your shipment to clear customs. AAA is not responsible for these fees. Please reply within 72 hours with an acknowledgment that you will take full responsibility to pay any fees owed. Failure to comply will result in a delay of your order. Any abandoned package will be credited back minus any shipping, taxes, and duties fees and or charges. Please give us a call if you have any questions regarding this email. AAA=メールの送り主、ショップ名です。 72時間以内に返事くれ・・・みたいなこと書いてあると思うのですが 何を求めてきているのでしょう?

  • 【英語を】翻訳していただけないでしょうか【日本語に】

    Shipping cost is a minimum charge of $25 for each order or 25% of the net order total, whichever is greater. International shipments are given 30 calendar days to arrive from the date of shipment. Orders generally arrive well before the 30 day time frame, but we cannot make a guarantee of this. ⇒前半はわかるのですが、後半がよくわかっていません。配送はUSPSらしいのですが、届くまで30日以内ではあるがそのぐらいかかるということでしょうか?

  • 分かりづらい英語を日本語訳して頂けますか。

    次の内容を日本語訳して頂けますか。 yes 50% of invoice including charges fee to Nirita Address of importation is taking note of we will ship in 14working days once payment is done hope to read from you soon です。ピリオドがないので余計に分かりづらいかもしれませんが宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語、読める方、お願い致します。

    英語が読める方、↓の内容教えて下さい…。 よろしくお願い致します。 We just wanted to drop you a line and let you know we haven't forgotten about you. Part of your order (#1687936) has not yet shipped because one or more of the items you wanted are on backorder. Our typical ship time for backordered items is 3-6 weeks from the date of order, though at times it can take longer depending on the vendor. Please know we are doing our best to get this merchandise for you as soon as possible! Your credit card has not been charged for the backordered items; we do not charge your card until we ship the items to you. Also, you are free to cancel any or all unshipped items on your order. You can do so by using the Your Account function of the website (check the Help section for more information), or by contacting us with your order number. We apologize for the continued delay. If you ever have any questions about your order, please contact us at orders@eMerchandise.com or call us at 866-339-2691 (toll free in US and Canada), Monday through Friday, from 8:00am to 5:00pm (Pacific Time). When calling outside of the US and Canada, please dial +1-503-445-8081. Thank you for your patience and patronage!