
  • 阪大の入試問題で、文の構造と下線部の和訳について質問があります。
  • 下線部では、Blandが自分の部屋について二つの異なる態度を抱いていることが示されています。
  • 具体的には、部屋から離れている時には、その場所を懐かしく思い、世界からの避難所として見ていますが、実際に部屋の中にいる時には、安全で温かく静かな環境が彼をイライラさせるということです。
  • ベストアンサー


阪大の入試問題です。 まず以下のような前置きがありまして… Home is where heart is. But at the same time, home is so sad. Bland's attitude towards his flat was the somewhat shifting point at which these two attitudes met. When he was away from it he thought of it longingly, as the place which would always provide him with a refuge from the world. ここから下線部が引かれています。 When he was actually inside it, safe and warm and quiet, as he had always wished to be, it irritated him, precisely on account of those same qualities for which he had felt such intense nostalgia. 下線部を和訳せよという問題なのですが、意味はなんとなくわかるのですが、構造がよくわかりません。 特にsafe and warm and quietというくだりです。 どうかご教授下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

When he was actually inside it, precisely on account of those same qualities for which he had felt such intense nostalgia.この文に、 下記のコンマで挟まれた二つの文が挿入されたもの。 safe and warm and quiet 挿入 as he had always wished to be 挿入 分かりにくいところがありましたら、補足質問してください。



なるほど…ちょっと難しく考えすぎていたようですね。 スッキリしました。 ありがとうございました。


  • 和訳を手伝って下さい

    when he was actually inside it , safe and warm and quiet , as he had always wished to be , it irritated him, precisely on account of those same qualities for which he had felt such intense nostalgia. 自分なりに訳してみるのですが、言葉の単語が単体で思い浮かぶだけで、まとまらず、意味がわかりません。 できれば、直訳で訳してくださるかた、意味を教えてください。 訳)それまでいつも望んでいたように、実際に安全で暖かく静かにして家族の中にいる時には、まさにあれほどまで激しい郷愁を感じていたその同じ特徴が理由で、家族は彼をいらいらさせた。

  • この文でのasの使われ方を教えてください!!

    Fashion in Europe and America was the same as it had always been in the 1960s. のasは関係代名詞ですか、接続詞ですか?? 関係代名詞だとすれば、it had been the same の補語であるthe same が先行詞になることができますか? どうぞ教えてください!

  • 構造はどうなってるでしょうか?

    It is idle to imagine what Schubert would have finally most excelled in had he lived to a good old age. He died when he was only thirty-one. この文の構造は一体どうなってるのでしょうか?最初It is idle to imagine~と始まるのですが仮主語でto以下を指しているまたはこの文は文の度中なので前に出てきてる何かを指してるのか、どちらにせよto以下で何故had he livedと倒置が起こってるのかwhatは何なのかわからないので構造がとれません・・・ よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳と構造、文法についてお願いします。

    John Galsworthyという作家の『THE CHOICE』という物語を読んでいるのですが、訳と構造と文法を教えてください。 It is uncertain whether he discussed this matter of the river versus the 'house with the dog, to whom he was always talking; but that they shared a certain fellow-feeling on the subject of exposure and advancing age is more than probable; for, as he would point out. The poor old feller's teeth were going; and the stiffness across his loins was always worse when it was wet. ('house=救貧院)     (1) that they shared a certain fellow-feeling on the subject of exposure     and advancing age is more than probableの構造について     that( they shared a certain fellow-feeling on the subject of exposure     and advancing age)・・・・かっこ内がthatにかかるのでしょうか?        (2) for, as he would point outの個所について      for「というのは」、as「ので」、wouldは「過去の習慣」ですか?      訳し方がよくわかりません。   (3) across his loins ・・・acrossは「いたるところ」という意味ですか? <訳> 彼が川(に飛び込む)対救貧院(に行く)についてのこのことを、その犬、彼はいつも(それに)話していたのですが、と議論したかどうかは不確かです。しかし彼らがさらされることと加齢について、ある種の共感を分け合ったことはいかにもありそうなことです。というのは、彼は目を向けていたので。貧しい歳を取った男の歯は抜けて行って、腰のいたるところの凝りは湿気があるときはいつもより悪くなりました。 (合っていますか?) よろしくお願い致します。 前文です。 "The 'house ain't for a man that respects himself," he would remark. And, since that was his conviction, such as respected themselves could not very well beg him to act against it. At the same time, it became increasingly difficult to pass him without wondering how much longer it would be before he finally sought shelter in the element of water, which was so apt to pour down on him day by day.

  • 文構造について教えてください

    文章の一部分を取ってきたものなので文脈がないのですがよろしくお願いします。それぞれの文は独立です。 Law prescribes no farther than is for general good of those under that law. 訳せません。no farther than が良くわからないです。 I will make an effort and try anew the same path on which I had entered yesterday, that is, proceed by casting aside all that admits of slightest dought, not less than if I had discovered it to be absolutely dought. "that is" のあとから良くわかりません。 University education will remain a reliable road to status for many Japanese, even if that status is neither as exalted nor as certain as it once was. "even if" 以下から文構造がわかりません。 For man could no more survive if he were deprived of culture than culture could survive without the human race carry it on. forを文頭で使える用法ってありました?

  • 英文の構造、意味、訳の添削をお願い致します。

    John Galsworthyという作家の『THE CHOICE』という物語を読んでいるのですが、 訳の添削と質問の個所の回答をお願い致します。 *"The 'house ain't for a man that respects himself," he would remark. And, since that was his conviction, such as respected themselves could not very well beg him to act against it. At the same time, it became increasingly difficult to pass him without wondering how much longer it would be before he finally sought shelter in the element of water, which was so apt to pour down on him day by day. (the element of water=「四大元素の一つ(自然の力)としての水」:本の注釈より) (1) such as respected themselvesが訳出できませんでした。       And, since that was his conviction,    such as respected themselves could not very well beg him to act against it.      の英文の構造はどのようになっているのでしょうか? (2) how much longer it would beのitはhis convictionですか? (3) which was so apt to pour down on him day by dayについて      whichの先行詞はwaterですか? (4)  pour down on himは「彼にどんどん流れ出る」ですか?     意味がわかりにくいです。 <訳> 「救貧院は自尊心を持つ人間のためにあるものではない」と彼は述べていたものでした。そして、それは彼の信念だったのでそれに反して行動することを彼に請い求めることはあまりよくできませんでした。同時に、彼が自然の力としての水に保護をついに探し出す前に、そしてそれは日に日にややもすれば彼にどんどん流れ出るようだったのですが、それがどのくらいより長いことになるか疑問に思うことなく彼を見過ごすことは、ますます難しくなっていきました。 よろしくお願い致します。 前文です。 He was so entirely fixed and certain that he was "going in the river" before he went "in the 'house," that one hesitated to suggest that the time was at hand when he should cease to expose himself all day and every day. He had evidently pondered long and with a certain deep philosophy on this particular subject, and fortified himself by hearsay.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17 , 2155 , she wrote , “Today tommy found a real book..” It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather had heard about books like it When he was a little boy. He once said his grandfather had told them that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages , which were yellow. It was very funny to read the word. They stood still, instead of moving the way they were supposed to - on a screen , you know. And then , when they turned back to the page before , it had the same words on it. It was just the same as it had been when they read it the first time. “Oh,” said Tommy. “What a waste!” When you're through with the book , you just throw it away , I guess. Our television screen must have had a million books on it , and it's good for many more. “Same with mine ,” said Margie. She was 11 and hadn't seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was 13. She said , “Where did you find it?” “In my house.” He pointed without looking , because he was busy reading. “In the attic.” “What's it about?” “School.”

  • 関係詞の問題で困っています。

    関係詞の問題で困っています。だれかお願いします。 Q(  )に入る適当な語を記号で答えなさい。 1.(  ) surprised me most was a huge rock. (1)That (2)Who (3)Which (4)What 2.He is not (  ) he used to be. (1)which (2)who (3)that (4)what 3.This is the house (  ) Picasso lived as a child. (1)where (2)which (3)in where (4)when 4.This is the house (  ) John bought ten years ago. (1)where (2)which (3)in which (4)when 5.I went to Hong Kong,(  ) as warm as I had expected. (1)when wasn't (2)where it wasn't (3)where wasn't (4)which it wasn't 6.Tom said he was ill,(  ) was a lie. (1)who (2)which (3)that (4)when 7.The man (  ) I thought was a friend of mine turned out to be a stranger. (1)who (2)whose (3)whom (4)of which

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    翻訳機はなしで^^; Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2155, she wrote, 'Today Tommy found a real book." It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather had heard about books like it when he was a little boy. He once said his grandfather had told them that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages, which were yellow. It was very funny to read the words. They stood still, instead of moving the way they were supposed to - on a screen, you know. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it. It was just the same as it had been when they read it the first time. "Oh," said Tommy. "What a waste! When you're through with the book, you just throw it away, I guess. Our television screen must have had a million books on it, and it's good for many more. I wouldn't throw it away." "Same with mine," said Margie. She was 11 and hadn't seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was 13. She said, 'Where did you find it?' "In my house." He pointed without looking, because he was busy reading. "In the attic." "What's it about?" "School."

  • 割と簡単で短い文だと思います。英訳お願いします

    【父はめったに怒ったことはないが、最近怒られたことは私がピアスをあけたことでした。父は何においても自然なままがすきなので私が化粧をしたり、ピアスをあけたりするのをひどく嫌います】 【兄は私と似ているところがありません。例えば彼は日に焼けにくいので色が白い。でも私はその反対で焼けやすい。性格も違い、彼は物静かなとこがあります。】  を英語で言いたいのですがどういったら良いのかわかりません。 英語ができる方おねがいします。 【he rarely scolds me but (???)when I pireced ear. he likes (???)he dont like when I make up,and i pierced ear】 【there are not same things or charactors my brother and me.for example he doesn't get tanned easily.he is white face.but i get tanned easily.also his character is different from mine,he is quiet.】 と出来ないものの考えてみました。  お願いします。