• 締切済み


Although the house of the Medici is powerful and has produced two popes, it is much harder for it to keep control of the Florentine state than it was for Cosimo, a private citizen. Aside from his extraordinary ability, Cosimo was aided by the conditions of his times. With the help of only a few men, he was able to take and keep control of the government, without displeasing the many, who did not yet know freedom. Indeed, in his day, the middle and lowest classes were able to better their conditions every time the strong quarreled, and every time a revolution took place. Now that the people have had a taste of the Grand Council, however, it is no longer a matter of seizing or usurping power from the hands of four, six, ten, or twenty citizens, but from the entire people. And they are so attached to their liberty that there is no chance of having them forget it - not with all the kindness, with all the good government, or with all the recognition and exaltation of the people that the Medici or any other powers may attempt. After a brief exile, Cosimo returned to Florence in 1434, defeated the powerful rival family of the Albizzi, and became the power behind the Florentine government. Though few changes were made in the organization of the state, Cosimo dominated elections and voting lists, kept the favor of the public, and made other powerful families come to depend upon him. He enjoyed uncontested dominion until his death in 1464, when the city conferred upon him the title Pater Patriae. メディチ家は力強く、2人の教皇を輩出しているが、フィレンツェを保持していくことはきわめて困難だ。私的な一市民のコジモはそれほどの困難もなく保持しえた。彼の有り余る権力以外にコジモは時代の状況によって幸いした。少々の人の助けのおかげで、彼は未だ自由を知らない一般の人々の怒りを買うことなしに政権をコントロールし奪取できた。それどころか中流と下流の人々は有権者同士の争いのたびにそして騒動が起こるたびに状況を改善していた。しかしながら、人意図が大会議の味を知ってしまった今日、統治権を握ろうとしても4人、6人、10人あるいは20人の市民からそれを横領することはもはや問題にならない。統治権は全市民の手にあるので、彼ら全市民から奪うことが問題なのだ、しかも彼らは自由を目的としているのであらゆる柔軟さをもってしてもあらゆるよい統治をもってしても、あるいはメディチ家その他の勢力家が利用する一般大衆の幸福の増大をもってしても、彼らに自由を忘れさせる望みはないほどだ。 つかの間の追放後、コジモはアルビジの力強いライバルを破り、フィレンツェの政府の裏に権力となって1434年にフィレンツェに戻ってきた。少しも変化が週の組織になっていないが、コジモは選挙投票リストを支配し公共の支持を保ち他の強力な家族が彼を頼るようになった。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数3


  • purunu
  • ベストアンサー率42% (518/1214)

なかにはあっているところもあるでしょうが、 まあ、あっていません。 原文を読んでいなくても、 「人意図が大会議の味を知ってしまった」とか、 「少しも変化が週の組織になっていないが」 なんてある日本語があっているはずがないでしょう。 ひとつだけ:最後の Pater Patriae は 「祖国の父」といった意味です。





  • この英文の和訳が合っているのか不安です。。。

    Although the house of the Medici is powerful and has produced two popes, it is much harder for it to keep control of the Florentine state than it was for Cosimo, a private citizen. Aside from his extraordinary ability, Cosimo was aided by the conditions of his times. With the help of only a few men, he was able to take and keep control of the government, without displeasing the many, who did not yet know freedom. Indeed, in his day, the middle and lowest classes were able to better their conditions every time the strong quarreled, and every time a revolution took place. Now that the people have had a taste of the Grand Council, however, it is no longer a matter of seizing or usurping power from the hands of four, six, ten, or twenty citizens, but from the entire people. And they are so attached to their liberty that there is no chance of having them forget it - not with all the kindness, with all the good government, or with all the recognition and exaltation of the people that the Medici or any other powers may attempt. After a brief exile, Cosimo returned to Florence in 1434, defeated the powerful rival family of the Albizzi, and became the power behind the Florentine government. Though few changes were made in the organization of the state, Cosimo dominated elections and voting lists, kept the favor of the public, and made other powerful families come to depend upon him. He enjoyed uncontested dominion until his death in 1464, when the city conferred upon him the title Pater Patriae. メディチ家は力強く、2人の教皇を輩出しているが、フィレンツェを保持していくことはきわめて困難だ。私的な一市民のコジモはそれほどの困難もなく保持しえた。彼の有り余る権力以外にコジモは時代の状況によって幸いした。少々の人の助けのおかげで、彼は未だ自由を知らない一般の人々の怒りを買うことなしに政権をコントロールし奪取できた。それどころか中流と下流の人々は有権者同士の争いのたびにそして騒動が起こるたびに状況を改善していた。しかしながら、人々が大会議の味を知ってしまった今日、統治権を握ろうとしても4人、6人、10人あるいは20人の市民からそれを横領することはもはや問題にならない。統治権は全市民の手にあるので、彼ら全市民から奪うことが問題なのだ、しかも彼らは自由を目的としているのであらゆる柔軟さをもってしてもあらゆるよい統治をもってしても、あるいはメディチ家その他の勢力家が利用する一般大衆の幸福の増大をもってしても、彼らに自由を忘れさせる望みはないほどだ。 つかの間の追放後、コジモはアルビジの力強いライバルを破り、フィレンツェの政府の裏に権力となって1434年にフィレンツェに戻ってきた。少しも変化が州の組織になっていないが、コジモは選挙投票リストを支配し公共の支持を保ち他の強力な家族が彼を頼るようになった。

  • 英文和訳

    And should we defeat every enemy, and should we double our wealth and conquer the stars, and still be unequal to this issue, then we will have failed as a people and as a nation. For, with a country as with a person, "what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" There is no Negro problem. There is no Southern problem. There is no Northern problem. There is only an American problem.This was the first nation in the history of the world to be founded with a purpose. The great phrases of that purpose still sound in every American heart, North and South: "All men are created equal." "Government by consent of the governed." "Give me liberty or give me death." And those are not just clever words, and those are not just empty theories. In their name Americans have fought and died for two centuries and tonight around the world they stand there as guardians of our liberty risking their lives. Those words are promised to every citizen that he shall share in the dignity of man. This dignity cannot be found in a man's possessions. It cannot be found in his power or in his position. It really rests on his right to be treated as a man equal in opportunity to all others. It says that he shall share in freedom. He shall choose his leaders, educate his children, provide for his family according to his ability and his merits as a human being. To apply any other test, to deny a man his hopes because of his color or race or his religion or the place of his birth is not only to do injustice, it is to deny Americans and to dishonor the dead who gave their lives for American freedom. どなたかお願いします。

  • 英文の訳をお願いします

    以下の文章を訳していただけますか。お願いします。 He deeply desires, a true friend, someone whom he can express his feelings and thoughts to. People and relationships are important to him despite his independent exterior. He is interested in the lives and affairs of those close to him. He is an excellent arbitrator, negotiator and peace maker and meddler in other peoples problems. But not soft B, he is as forceful as he feels is necessary for achieving his own aims and ambitions, and if he feels others are not appreciative of what he is trying to do, then he will consider them unworthy of his time and efforts and he will take back what ever efforts he has made on their behalf, or whatever he has given then, When he gives to people it is not free, even if it just advice, it comes on loan. And at some point the loan is recalled. The favour owed is collected like a debt by him.

  • 英文の訳をお願いします!

    以下の英文が訳せなくて困ってます、、。すみませんが訳をお願い致します! The TWO MAIN TENDENCIES If film grows out of photography, the realistic and formative ten-dencies must be operative in it also.Is it by sheer accident that the two tendencies manifested themselves side by side immediately after the rise of the medium? As if to encompass the whole range of cinematic endeavors at the outset, each went the limit in exhausting its own possibilities.Their prototypes were Lumiere, a strict realist, and Melies, who gave free rein to his artistic imagination.The films they made embody, so to speak, thesis and antithesis in a Hegelian sense. Lumiere's films contained a true innovation, as compared with the repertoire of the zootropes or Edison's peep boxes ; they pictured everyday life after the manner of photographs. Some of his early pictures, such as Baby's Breakfast ( Le Dejeuner de bebe) or The Card Players (La Partie d'ecarte), testify to the amateur photographers's delight in family idyls and genre scenes. And there was Teasing the Gardener (L'Arroseur arrose), which enjoyed immense popularity because it elicited from the flow of everyday life a proper story with a funny climax to boot. A gardener is watering flowers and, as he unsuspectingly proceeds, an impish boy steps on the hose, releasing it at the very moment when his perplexed victim examines the dried-up nozzle. Water squirts out and hits the gardener smack in the face. Thet denouement is true to style, with the gerdener chasing and spanking the boy. This film, the germ cell and archetype of all film comedies to come, represented an imaginative attempt on the part of Lumiere to develop photog-raphy into a means of story telling. Yet the story was just a real-life incident. And it was precisely its photographic veracity which made Maxim Gorki undergo a shock-like experience. You think, he wrote about Teasing the Gardener, the spray is going to hit you too, and instinctively shrink back.

  • 私には難しい英文で・・・訳をお願い出来ませんか!?

    There are two types of basic sensations: “pressure” (associated with a “tension headache”) and “sharp pains” which might be due to a migraine if they are on one side and behind the eye. If you have a headache that lasts longer than normal you should get it checked. Like the word “nightmare,” a “headache” can describe a situation that is quite difficult or emotionally draining: On a less serious note, another problem related to skin is pimples, which often seem to come at the wrong time and in embarrassing places! There is a lot of speculation about some of the causes of pimples. Some doctors say that our diet is an influence, whereas others say it is not and encourage instead the use of various creams and steroids (more money for them of course).

  • 英文の訳のとり方を教えてください。

    The fact that our taste is culturally determined is something of which we have to be aware, and this crops up throughout this book. Here, though, it is important to think about the social dimension of taste as having more to do with art as a process of social exclusion--we are meant to feel intimidated if we don't know who the artist is, or worse still if we don't feel emotionally moved through the 'exquisiteness' of the work. We have all read or heard the unmistakable utterances of these connoisseurs. But luckily their world does not belong to art history. この英文の二番目のセンテンスのas~asの個所がよくわからないのですが、 as~as・・・で、「・・・のように~」もしくは「・・・と同様~」と意味をとるのでしょうか? a process of social exclusion 社会的な排斥の過程? having more to do with art 芸術を用いてもっとすることを持つ? この二つをつなげて it is important to think about the social dimension of taste as having more to do with art as a process of social exclusionを訳すと "社会的な排斥の過程(工程?)と同様に芸術を用いてもっとすることを持っている観賞力の社会的重要性について考えることは重要である"、ですか? 意味が掴めない感じです。 また、 we are meant to feel intimidated if we don't know who the artist is, or worse still if we don't feel emotionally moved through the 'exquisiteness' of the work.について "私たちはもしその芸術家が誰なのか知らなかったり、さらにもっと悪いことにその作品の洗練されたものを通して情緒的に駆り立てられないならばぞっとすることになっている" と訳したのですが are meant to feel intimidated はbe meant to doで、~することになっている、ですか? ぞっとすることになっている、という訳がしっくりこない感じなのですが。 以下は前文になります。 Another aspect of connoisseurship is its relationship to our understanding of taste. A connoisseur's taste in relation to art is considered to be refined and discriminating. Our concept of taste in relation to art is quite complicated, and inevitably it is bound up in our ideas about social class. Let me take a little time to explore this more fully. I have already discussed the practice of art appreciation--art available for all and seen and enjoyed by all. By contrast, connoisseurship imposes a kind of hierarchy of taste. The meaning of taste here is a combination of two definitions of the word: our faculty of making discerning judgements in aesthetic matters, and our sense of what is proper and socially acceptable. But by these definitions taste is both culturally and socially determined , so that what is considered aesthetically 'good' and socially 'acceptable' differs from one culture or society to another. 『ART HISTORY--Connoisseurship』:Dana Arnold

  • この英文の訳を教えて下さい

    英文は nursing  Health care profession concerned with providing care to the sick and disabled and with promoting,maintaining,and restoring health.Nurses perform mamy different services,including research,education,andpatient consultation.They often coordinate their services with physicians and other health providers.  The need for nursing is uniuersal.The International Council of Nurses states that the function of nursing is fourfold-to promote health,prevent illness,restore health,and alleviate suffering-and that inherent in nursing is “the respect for life,dignity and the rights of man. It is unrestricted by considerations of nationality,race,creed,colour,age,sex,politics or social status. Nurses render health services to individuals,the family and the community and co-ordinate their services with those of related groups.” です。 訳がわからなくて困っています。 よかっから教えて下さい。 お願いします。

  • 英文訳お願いします!

    When automobiles first began to appear on the roads and streets of this country they did not have horns of any kind. The noise they made and the moderate speed at which they went made horns unnecessary. But in time it was felt that a warning device was needed. The first such signal was a hand-operated horn consisting of a rubber bulb on one end of a brass trumpet. In 1908 an inventor secured a patent on a horn that was electrically operated. He coined Klaxon as the trade-mark for his new product, and this word has now become popular. Klaxon is based upon the Creek verb klazein, which is related to the Latin word clangere from which "clang" comes. The Greek verb means to make a sound of some kind, its precise meaning depending on the source of the sound. When birds are referred to, it means "to scream," as the eagles and herons do. When dogs are the source of the sound, it means "to bark or bay." If things such arrows in a quiver are being talked of, klazein means "to clash or rattle." If the wind is spoken of, it means "to whistle." If people are referred to, the verb means "to shout or scream." It would be difficult to coin a word that has in it more of the element of sound than does Klaxon.

  • the hard material that the trunk and branches of a tree are made of ; this material when it is used to build or make things with , or as a fuel 英英辞典でwoodを引いたのですが、 どう訳せば良いか分かりません。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の訳をお願いします

    外国の友人から、私と家族にプレゼントが届いたのでお礼のメールをしたら以下の文が返ってきました。XXXには差し出し人の名前が入ります。 どうしてもわからないのが It is just a small gift to touch you and your family positively and to say I like you " just a little " As I said sit tight enjoy the ride with XXX it is either hell or heaven not in the middle. 宜しくお願いします!