• 締切済み


Edward had just begun to remove the lens board from the camera when he noticed activity outside the stall with the chunks of meteorite ore. A large figure wrapped in a bright red shawl dissapeared inside the iron bar gate. Edward hurriedly repacked the camera and sent the cabin boy ahead to the steamer with the equipment while he went to inquire about the purchase of the meteor irons. Recently there had been a great deal of excitement among archaeologists after a meteorite shaped into a frog was found atop the big pyramid at the Maya ruins of Cholula. です。お願いします。


  • Mell-Lily
  • ベストアンサー率27% (258/936)






  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    Realizing that the British might try to break the siege by advancing on the right bank, the Ottoman commander ordered the construction of the Dujaila redoubt. Aylmer later testified he chose to attack on the right bank because although the redoubt was sited atop the Dujaila depression, construction had only begun a few days after the Hanna battle in January 1916.By the time of the assault, the Ottomans had significantly improved the position, complete with a glacés estimated to be 25 feet high in some places.

  • 和訳

    こちらの文を和訳していただける方がいましたら よろしくお願いしますm(__)m But his thoughts did not appear on Albert Edward's clean-cut and distinguished features. He stood in 20 respectful but not obsequious attitude. He had in service before he was appointed to his ecclesiastical office, but only in very good houses, and his deport. ment was irreproachable. Starting as a page boy in the household of a merchant prince, he had risen by 25 due degrees from the position of fourth to first footman, for a year he had been single-handed butler to a widowed peeress, and, till the vacancy occurred at St Peter's, butler with two men under him in the house of a retired ambassador. He was tall, spare, grave, and dignified. He looked, if not like a duke, at least like an actor of the old school who specialized duke's parts. He had tact, firmness, and self- s assurance. His character was unimpeachable. The vicar began briskly. Foreman, we've got something rather unpleasant to say to you. You've been here a great many years and I think his lordship and the general agree with me that you've fulfilled the duties of your office to the satisfaction of everybody concerned. The two churchwardens nodded. 'But a most extraordinary circumstance came to my knowledge the other day and I felt it my duty to us impart it to the churchwardens. I discovered to my astonishment that you could neither read nor write.' The verger's face betrayed no sign of embarrass- ment. "The last vicar knew that, sir,' he replied. "He said a it didn't make no difference. He always said there was a great deal too much education in the world for 'is taste.

  • 英語の和訳

    この英文の和訳教えてください(>_<) ↓ ↓ Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He realized his father was very old,and thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements,hereceived a telegram telling him his father had passed away,and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things. When he arrived at his father's house,sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible,just as he had left it years ago. With tears,he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. And as he did, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name,the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag were the date of his graduation and the words PAID IN FULL.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Maxim didn't run to New York and give his opinion to a newspaper,but went to his laboratory and began trying to make a lamp after Edison's ideas.He had no success,however,and after a few weeks sent to Menlo Park an emissary who got in touch with Boehm.It was also said that the agent approached another of our men.The deportment of Boehm changed perceptibly and soon begame suspicious. Hw was changing his allegiance to that of Maxim.In fact,he soon departed Menlo Park and entered that electrician's employ.This as far I am aware was the only defection that ever occured at our laboratory in those early days.In a few months Boehm managed to place the Maxim laboratory incondition so that it was able to produce some incandescent lamps that had their light-giving element made of paper.While at Menlo Park Boehm had had the oppotunity of watching all the various processes by which Edison made a practical lamp,and that acquired knowledge he imparted to Maxim.With the compensation he received,he was enabled to return to Germany and study.After receiving the degree of Ph.D. from the University of Freiburg in 1886,he returned to America.

  • 和訳お願いします

    He seemed somewhat disappointed with his last conference with the English houses & with our inability to agree to the proposals he made to us then (a) with regard to a joint buying syndicate (b) to press the English Govr. to pass a strict Adulteration Act so I had to allow him to leave off steam on these points first. 長い文章ですみませんが、和訳を宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳お願いします

    On August 24,1887,the steam dynamo was running without a hitch,the underground system received its full pressure,and the staff at the station was well- satisfied with the results.Shortly,however,a police officer appeared at the station. He announced that some of the juice must be leking out at the corner of Nassau and Ann streets,because all horses passing a certain spot exhibited certain equestrium antics such as had never before been witnessed. It was a great day for journalism and the Hesrald,Times,Tribune,Sun,and other papers all printed amusing accounts of the affair.Some of the incidents they recorded fellow: 'A peddler of tinware,with a ten doller ''nag'',drove throught the crowd.At the moment he entered the charmed spot,his quadruped gave a snort,and,with ears erect and tail pointing to the North Star,dashed down the street at a 2:40 gait, Roars of laughter followed the terror-stricken peddler as he grasped the reins with one hand and with the other endeavored to hold down his dancing stock in trade.' 'A farmer with a sleepy sorrel plug also drove by.The old mare began a double-shuffle on the cobblestones.The farmer rubbed his eyes and gazed with astonishment at the remarkable evolutions of his hitherto peaceful beast.' 'Next came a big truck loaded with paper.No sooner had the horses stepped upon the magic spot than they dropped kicking their knees.' 'Next came a one-horse van of an express company.Again the crowd parted,making a lane in such a fashion that the horse had to pass over the mysterious spot,but they looked innocently at the driver in response to his inquiring gaze.When he turned around after the horse had bolted and he had him under control again,the puzzle was so intricate that he forgot to swear till he got to Beckman street.'

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    In November Ferry presented a report on the shortage of manpower. A secret session was held on 21 November about calling up the Class of 1918 followed by another a week later. On 27 November Briand proposed that Joffre be effectively demoted to commander-in-chief in northern France, with both he and Sarrail reporting to the War Minister, although he withdrew this proposal after Joffre threatened resignation. The Closed Session began on 28 November and lasted until 7 December. Briand had little choice but to make concessions to preserve his government, and in a speech of 29 November he promised to repeal Joffre's promotion of December 1915 and in vague terms to appoint a general as technical adviser to the government. Briand survived a confidence vote by 344-160 (six months earlier he had won a confidence vote 440-80).

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    和訳お願いします!! 1 What with heat and thirst,I wanted to get to the beach. 2 A bank is to a country what the heart is to the body. 3 I will offer what service I can. 4 I did what little had to be done. 5 He gave the beggar what little money he had. よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします 1The study of words is not merely something that has to do with literature.  2Picaso had very little to do with people.  3You have the nerve to ask me to go out with you when you haven't called me for months! 4He had the skill to gallop his horse down a narrow steep. 5Businessman advertise to make us feel like buying what they sell. 6It is well worth the sacrifice. よろしくおねがいします!!

  • 和訳を教えていただけますか?

    次の長文の和訳を教えていただけますか? So it isthat the country is getting less and less peaceful , at least on sunny week-ends in the warm season of the year. The towns are emptied, and the country hums with acitvity, particularly around main roads and beauty spots. In the past this was not the case. For although the Englishman had always been a lover of the country, it is only in recent times that he has had the leisure with a longer week-end and the means with a family car to satisfy his love. But now such is the intersity with which he is pursuing his love , that the is killing the country with too much kindness. The result is only to transfer the noise and bustle of the town to the country every week-end. 長い文章ですが、よろしくお願いします

  • NEC VALUESTARNX VC750J/2の通常モードで起動するとキーボード・マウスが固まってしまう問題が発生しています。
  • safeモードで起動してもキーボード・マウスが固まるため、強制終了が必要です。
  • マウス、キーボードとUSB Intell82801AAUSBUniversalHostCnntorollerのドライバーを削除して再起動しても、USB Intel 82801AAUSBUniversalHostCnntorollerを読み込む時にキーボードランプが消灯し、以降キーボード・マウスが固まる状態が続いています。再インストールCDは紛失しており、解決方法を教えていただきたいです。