• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • MSW
  • ベストアンサー率100% (2/2)

過去のことではなく、すべて現在のことを尋ねています。 どこが過去かというと、「asked」。 尋ねられたのが過去だったので、それに呼応する形でそれ以下がすべて過去形になっているだけです。受験用語(?)でいうと、直接話法ではなく間接話法。過去のことを尋ねたのであれば、それ以降が大過去になるはずです。 「彼は私にアメリカでの結婚について尋ねた。なぜ私がボーイフレンドや配偶者をもとうとしないのか。いったん結婚したら、専業主婦となって家に入りたくないかどうか、そしてそれはなぜか。」 このwouldは主語となる人物(ようはI=私)の「意思」を表しています。 蛇足ですが。 「家にはいりたいか」ではなく、「家に入りたくないかどうか」という聞きかたをしているあたり、現状、「専業主婦となって家に入りたがらない人がたくさんいる」ことを前提に質問しているような感じがします。



ありがとうございます。なんだか、過去と仮定のあたりがまだよくわかっていなくて混乱しています。 蛇足の部分、当たっています。その前に、彼女は専業主婦になることは女性にとってフェアーではないと続いてましたから。専業主婦になりたがらない人がアメリカでは多いといってました。 ありがとうございました。助かりました。


  • ざっくりと和訳してください。

    Your return of my shipping fees just got hit with a paypal transaction fee of $1. but why wouldn't I receive the full amount, as I didn't purchase shipping from you? You are reimbursing me. Why is this transaction continuing to be negative? please refund the full amount of my transaction. Once i receive the refund in full, i will cancel the original transaction as you requested.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Helpful info. Fortunate me I discovered your web site accidentally, and I am stunned why this accident didn’t took place in advance! I bookmarked it. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I have been married for five years and have totally separate finances—bank accounts, credit cards, nothing is shared. He makes significantly more money than I do and pays all of the bills with the exception of the mortgage, which I pay. He “gives” me money weekly for groceries and incidentals. Regardless, I am pretty much broke all of the time. We don’t have a joint credit card or bank account and I get really resentful when he spends lots of money on something and I am relegated to the local discount store, a place he wouldn’t consider gracing. I am relegated to the local discount store, a place he wouldn’t consider gracing.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします

    She is in a good playful mood-you can now see why they might have once gone out-they are comfortable as old boyfriend and girlfriend. おねがいします! 参照元 「FOUR WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL」より 動画はhttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16454787の5:30に該当(セリフではなく描写の文である)

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    "I have never come close to being married or engaged. I was with someone eight years ago when I questioned whether I wanted the pressure of being married or having children. I always felt that if pregnancy was to happen, it would happen; if it didn't, it didn't...I have security, I don't need a man in my life.” 某アーティストのインタビューからの抜粋です。特に最後の文に度々出てくる“it”は、それぞれ何を指すのかがわかりません。 やや急いでいます。お願いします!

  • よろしくお願いします

    When I was young, I had an affair with my boss. We fell in love, got married, and, 25 years later, are still happily together. When our affair began, we were both in unhappy relationships. Ending mine was simple—my boyfriend and I shared only a mortgage and a cat. My husband, however, was married with two young children. He and his wife had been fighting for years, and it was clear the marriage was going to end eventually. However, I didn’t know that at the time, and I only went ahead with the affair because I didn’t think about the repercussions. I’ve tried to be a good stepmother to the two girls. I’ve had a cordial relationship with their mother since their divorce, and when the girls were younger, I took my cues from their mother about attending “family” events. shared a mortgageとはどういうことでしょうか?あと、 took my cuesの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 辞書例文解釈 wonder- if 節内のnot

    以下の例文は ジーニアス辞典のwonder の項目からなのですが、この例文について質問です。 I wouldn’t [⦅英⦆shouldn’t] wonder if she got married to him. ⦅略式⦆彼女が彼と結婚しても驚かない 《◆I wouldn’t[shouldn’t]wonderの後の if 節は直説法または仮定法になる. くだけた話し言葉では疑いを強める場合に if 節に余分な not が入ることがある(一種の二重否定): I wouldn’t[⦅英⦆shouldn’t]wonder if she did[does]not get married to him.(→not 3) not が付くと、 疑いを強めるとのことですが、 「彼女か彼と結婚するということは、 まあ、ないだろうが、」「あったもしても 驚かないよ。」のように 疑いを強めているという理解であっているのか自信がないです。 解説お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    ドラマ内の台詞です。 1:「It's kind of weird you having a kid. Still, it's exciting, isn't it?」 2:「What, having some wrinkled little time clock ticking away? Reminding you that you're getting older by the minute. By the second.」 3:「Keep thinking like that, you're gonna end up prematurely gra-ay. Ooh, I think I see one. 」 4:「Why didn't somebody try and stop me?」 5:「Hello! Somebody did. But you wouldn't listen. You had to let Lindsay fill your head with all her bullshit flattery. 'Oh, you're so good-looking.' 'Oh, oh, y-y-you're so smart.' 'Oh-oh, you've got such great genes. And I don't mean your 501s.' And now you're stuck with a kid. For life.」 所々にわからない箇所があり、台詞をまとめました。 赤ちゃんができてしまったことに悩む友人との会話です。 2番と5番(And I don't mean your 501s.)がわからないので、そこだけでも構いません。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳をどうかお願いします

    You are a wonderful person but we are just in different stages in our life. I do want u to live a full life and I really don't have time to be in a relationship with anyone, I just need to concentrate on myself right now without other worries in my head. We always friends we both helped each other out a lot. I didn't want to hurt you and didn't know how to tell you that is why I been so distant

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    One of my closest friends from high school recently moved to my area (quite far from where we grew up) with her boyfriend. My husband and I went to their house for dinner to catch up and hopefully add some new people to our social circle. Everything was going very well until after dinner, when suddenly the boyfriend started spewing his racist views (using the N-word multiple times) and regaling us all with impossible tales from his childhood. The worst part is how they kept exclaiming how excited they were to finally know someone in the area and that they can’t wait to come over to our house. My husband and I agreed that we didn’t have a good time once the boyfriend started in, and we don’t want to continue or foster a close friendship with either of these people. However, I worry about the possibility of my friend breaking up with her boyfriend and not having anywhere to go. I also would be burning bridges on a nearly decadelong friendship. It doesn’t feel right. Is there a balance to be struck here? I also would be burning bridges on a nearly decadelong friendship. It doesn’t feel right. Is there a balance to be struck here? の和訳をよろしくお願いします