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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:現代の英語音声学の問題を解いています)



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『現代の英語音声学』は持っておりませんが。 (1)~(3)はたぶん正解だろうと思います。 (4)はおそらく母音でしょう。F2 の値が大きくなれば前舌母音,小さくなれば奥舌母音ですよね。 (5)oral stop で,値に変化があるということは pa か ka のどちらかですね。 ただ困ったことに,英語では [pa] [ka] を単独で発音すれば,帯気音が生じるため,出だしの部分はフォルマントの変化がはっきりしません。 そこで帯気音は無視することにして,一般論で。 [kak] では,F2 と F3 がいったん離れてまた近づきます。 [pap] では F2 の数値が上昇-下降を示します。 実験音声学は久しぶりなので,間違っているかもしれませんが,「自信なし」ということで,あしからず。



いつもありがとうございます! だとしたら(4)は i ですね! F3 や F4 の値が大きいということは何を意味するのかは知りませんが、F2 の大小に前舌/奥舌が影響する、ということからは答えを導けないのでしょうか? あまりに専門的すぎるので最後の問題の答えはどちらでもいいような気がしてきました。 いつも本当に勉強させてもらってます!


  • 英語の心理学の問題

    英語の心理学の問題です。分からない所があるので、おねがいします。(少し前に質問したものの続きです。)選択肢の問題です。 1.The amount of REM sleep usually is increased by a. an increased amount of daytime stress. b. daytime fatigue. c. unusual amount of exercise or physical exertion. d. sleep-deprivation psychosis. (訳) 2.レム睡眠の量が増えるのは、 a.日常のストレスの増加量。 b.日常の疲労。 c.まれな運動や肉体的な激しい活動の量。 d.睡眠喪失の精神病(睡眠傷害?) (自分的な考え) 普通に考えてみて、bとcは違うかなと思うのですが。睡眠傷害などは睡眠が浅くなると思うので、これかなと思ったのですが、ストレスなどもレム睡眠を引き起こすと思うのですが。 2.Choose all of the following which occur during REM sleep. a. muscle paralysis b. arousal c. blood pressure fluctuations d. irregular heartbeat e. movement of the eyes f. acting out of dream g. change position (訳) 2.レム睡眠の間に起こるものを全て選べ。 a.筋肉の麻痺 b.奮起 c.血圧変動 d.不規則な心拍 e.目の動き f.夢遊(? acting out of dreams) g.寝返り(? changing of position) (自分的な考え) 殆どすべてだと思うのですが。とりあえず、eはレム睡眠の名前の由来にもなってるし、選びました。 この他の問題で、辞書を引いても載っていない単語があったのですが。 *Myoclonus *Hypnogogic imaging *Hypnic jerking (*Sleep spindling) このどれかが不眠症の15~20%の原因となっているみたいなんですが、単語が分からない為全くわかりません・・・。もし分かったら教えて下さい。 1つでも良いのでお願いします!

  • 英語について

    次の英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。???の部分に入る単語はどれだと思いますか? 1.Following your recent inquiry, I want to confirm we can supplu your company with all of your car engine needs at a ??? of the cost of our major competitors. (A)number (B)position (C)fraction (D)point 2.Our engines are all manufactured in Guangzhou,where we also perform our quality control inspections.These are carried out at regular ???. (A)promotions (B)intervals (C)frequencies (D)passages

  • pythonの問題ー解き方を教えて頂きたいです。

    プログラムのコードとどう考えればいいのかを教えていただきたいです。 言語はpythonです。 よろしくお願いします。 Write a function wheelOfFortune(letter, phrase) that plays one guess of the a letter within a phrase. The letter is a single character (that may be upper or lower case). The phrase is a string that is of any length with upper and lower case letters. The function should ignore the case of either the letter or the characters in the phrase. The function prints out the following messages: Example: wheelOfFortune(‘a’, ‘Hello World’) Sorry, there is no "a" Example: wheelOfFortune(‘w’, ‘Hello World’) There was 1 w found Found at position 6 Example: wheelOfFortune(‘L’, ‘Hello World’) There were 3 l's found Found at position 2 Found at position 3 Found at position 9 NOTE: When you print out the first line of how many letters are found, you should print out the letter in lower case always.

  • レコーダーやサウンドバーなどの音声について

    レコーダーやサウンドバーなどの音声についての質問です。 BDレコーダーとNintendo SwitchとFireStickをHDMIセレクターにつけて、HDMIの音声分離につなげ、ディスプレイとサウンドバーに出力しています。  ┌[BDレコーダ]─[USB-HDD]  ├[Switch]  ├[FireStick] [HDMIセレクタ]  │ [HDMI音声分離]─(オプティカルケーブル)─[サウンドバー]  │ [ディスプレイ] BDレコーダ:パナソニックDMR-BRW1020 USB-HDD:I-O DATA EX-HD3CZ セレクタ:玄人志向 KRSW-HDR318RA 音声分離:Proster HDMI2.0 HDR 4K@60hz対応 ARC機能 96kHz サウンドバー:ソニーHT-S100F ディスプレイ:JAPANNEXT JN-IPS2770UHD BDレコーダの録画したもの(本体、USB-HDD関わらず)を再生するときだけ不具合が出ます。テレビ視聴時は問題ないです。不具合の内容は以下のとおりです。 ・映像が途切れたりする ・サウンドバーからの音声が出たり出なかったりを繰り返す ・サウンドバー止めてディスプレイの音声出力だとチリチリしたノイズが入る ○音声分離を挟まずセレクターからディスプレイに接続すると不具合解消 ○セレクタ使わずBDレコーダから音声分離経由してサウンドバー/ディスプレイに繋ぐと不具合解消 ○HDMIケーブルの規格をUHD/ハイスピードなど変えてみましたが解消せず 不具合の問題点、解消方法などわかる方がおられましたらご教授いただきたいです。よろしくおねがいします。

  • because of theの発音

    CNN ENGLISH EXPRESS10月号の英文の音声を聞いていたところ、疑問があったので質問させて頂きます。 It has tripled its price in London because of the high demand. のbecause "of the"の部分がavaって感じに聞こえます。今までofの後ろに子音があったらofのfが省略されて発音されるものだと思っていたのですが、of theのthの部分が発音されてof aのような発音に聞こえる場合もあったりしますか?

  • 英語の文章を訳して下さい。

    On 5 December 1915, Ottoman forces under the command of Halil Kut and the German commander Baron von der Goltz,surrounded an Anglo-Indian force of 25,000 men and began the Siege of Kut-Al Amara, a city 50 miles (80 km) south of Baghdad. Replying to pleas for help from Major Charles Townshend, Mesopotamian Theatre commander Sir John Nixon dispatched the British Tigris Corps of 19,000 men under Lieutenant General Sir Fenton Aylmer to relieve the besieged garrison. The first attempt to relieve Kut (the Battle of Sheikh Sa'ad) came on 6 January 1916. Aylmer's advance force, under Major-General George Younghusband, moved forward from Ali Al-Gharbi towards Sheikh Sa'ad along both banks of the Tigris. Younghusband's column made contact with the Ottomans on the morning of 6 January, 3.5 miles (5.6 km) east of Sheikh Sa'ad. British efforts to defeat the Ottomans were unsuccessful. British casualties were heavy amounting to 4,202, including 133 officers. Following this, the Ottoman forces voluntarily abandoned their position on 9 January for an unknown reason,and retired 10 miles (16 km) upstream to the Wadi.

  • 見本市の申込書記入方法

    現在、わたしの勤める会社で、 海外見本市[MIPEL]に参加する申し込み書を記入しているのですが、 下記の項目に当てはまるべき事柄が分かりません。 辞書を使っても、他の方に伺っても分からず、大変困っているのですが、お助け頂けますでしょうか。 Since (A) years and will exhibit the following merchandise (B) With the main kind of production (C) To produce in the following Countries (indicate with a percentage) (D) To be disposed to exhibit the products with the following trade mark (E) which is own trade marks (F) which is mark under license (G) To have in the last 5 years participated at the following promotional initiative of the sector (please specify name of the initiative and country where it takes place) (H) To have, during the previous year, drawn selling invoices for an amount of (I) (initial products) about (J) (exported products) about (K) To be registered at the Chamber of Commerce of (L) since (M) To have a number of employees of (N) To be registered at the Association (O) To have already been Mipel exhibitor (P) please specify the editions (Q)

  • 英語の文を和文に訳して下さい。

    The Germans thought that Botha's advance would be hampered by a lack of water and rough terrain, and were ill-prepared for the looming South African attack. At his disposal Botha had 3,500 cavalry compared to Ritter's 1,000 infantry and ten machine guns. Although heavily outnumbered, Ritter's forces did have the advantage of the high ground, as the territory they defended was quite mountainous. Despite this advantage, Ritter feared that his force would become surrounded and spread his forces out to lengthen his line of defense. Because Ritter's line of defense was so long, his flanks were unable to support each other. That, combined with his lack of forces to man such a wide perimeter adequately, caused his left flank to falter when the South African forces advanced upon it. Fearful his lines would break, Ritter pulled back to the hills of Otavifontein and to Otavi mountain. Despite the fact that these new positions held the high ground, the Germans had not prepared any fortifications there. With no artillery and no solid defensive positions, the German force easily broke into a general retreat when pressed by Botha's troops. By 1pm the battle had ended, with Ritter pulling back to positions near Gaub and leaving Botha with a clear path to the main German body at Tsombe. Eugen Mansfeld, who was present at the battle as a Reserve Leutnant in the German forces, laid the blame for German defeat squarely on Franke. Mansfeld stated that Major Ritter had occupied an excellent defensive position at Otavifontein, but that on the morning of 28 June 1915 Franke arrived with his staff officer and ordered a redisposition of Ritter's forces south of the original position, separating Ritter's three artillery batteries and leaving the companies of troops widely dispersed in no logical order. Mansfeld suggested that if the Germans had kept to Ritter's original plan, the South African forces—who were unable to transport water by railway—would have been forced to retreat to the nearest water station, with severe losses to their horses as a result.[8]Botha's victory was swift, with the South African advance being delayed only a day and suffering only four dead and seven wounded. The Germans had fled without putting up any committed defense, and Ritter's force fled largely intact with only three dead, eight wounded, and twenty captured. Although a delay of just two days by Ritter would have sufficed, Ritter's early withdrawal allowed Franke's unprepared forces to become nearly encircled. The German forces retreated to the farm of Khorab, where on 5 July 1915 they set up a defensive position around the farmhouse and reservoir. With no means of escaping further up the rail line and a general lack of will to pursue any other course of action, Franke had little choice but to surrender his forces to Botha on 9 July 1915, effectively ending all major German resistance in Southwest-Africa.

  • F1についての英文:訳が・・・

    4月末のF1サンマリノGPで、 ミハエル・シューマッハがアイルトン・セナを破って 通算ポールポジション獲得最多記録を打ち立てたときの 英文記事なのですが、 F1の知識が足りないためかわからない部分があります。 ミハエル・シューマッハが、アイルトンセナ・セナの記録を破って通算66回のポールポジション獲得最多記録を打ち立てた、という文章に続いて、 「Shumacher's Bridgestone-shod 248 F1 looked especially well hooked up as he stopped the clocks with a 1:22:795s,nearly two-tenths clear of the field.」 という文章になるのですが。。。 特に後方の、「nearly two-tenths clear of the field」 という部分が何のことなのかさっぱりわからないので全体の意味がつかめず、困っています。 F1の知識もあって、英語訳に強い方、どうか教えてください! よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語の迷惑メールの改訳して頂きたいです

    最近よく迷惑メールが届き、不快な思いをしています。 先日、届いたメールなのですが、英語で意味が分かりません。 だいたいで結構ですので、内容教えて頂けますか。 宜しくお願いします。 Here's To Biology: Nature's Own Nanomachines Dr. Steve Block, Biology and Applied Physics Big international commercial organization is looking for talented, honest, reliable representatives from different regions. The ideal candidate will be an intelligent person, someone who can work autonomously with a high degree of enthusiasm. We are looking for highly motivated professionals, with experience in marketing field. The position is home-based. We offer a part-time position with flexible working hours. And we would be happy to consider a full-time job share candidate. Our Company offers a very competitive salary to the successful candidate, along with an unrivalled career progression opportunity. If you think you have what it takes to take on this challenge and would like to apply please send the following information to: RodolfoMccormickVM@gmail.com 1) Full name 2) Contact phone numbers 3) Part time job/Full time You do not need to invest any sum of money and we do not ask you to provide us with your bank account requisites! We are engaged in completely legal activity. The preference is given to employees with knowledge of foreign languages. Thank you and we are looking forward to cooperate in long term base with you. If you received this message in error, or would like to unsubscribe, please send a blank email to: TreyReillyQF@gmail.com As the global energy demand continues to rise, the need for renewable energy sources has become ever more urgent. One candidate fuel for the future is hydrogen. Professor McGehee is hot on the trail, developing solar cells to generate electricity, which can then be used to zap water apart electrolytically into hydrogen (and oxygen) with 80% efficiency.

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