• ベストアンサー

何故,as well asだけbyに前置できる?


  • boggie
  • ベストアンサー率39% (18/46)

 後ろに副詞句(by the induction of enemy prisoners and deserters)が来ていますよね。ということは,前置詞ではなく接続詞が来る必要があります。前置詞の後ろには名詞(句)が来なければならないからです。  (1)の「in addition」は副詞,toが付いて「in addition to」になっても前置詞です。したがって不正解です。  (2)のbeside(←besidesではないですか??)besideは「~のそばに」,besides「~のほかに,~に加えて」です。  (2):besideなら意味的に変です。  (2):besidesは副詞(=in addition),もしくは前置詞(=in addition to)です。したがっで不正解です。  (3)andは接続詞ですが, ~were often raised by the transport of regular troops overseas, conscription of local militiamen, and the induction of enemy prisoners and deserters. のように使うでしょう。この問題では,(3)はすぐに駄目だと判断できて,残りの(1)(2)(4)から選ばせるという意図でしょう。  (4)は接続詞です。He is my rival as well as my friend.(彼は私の友達であるだけでなくライバルでもある)のように前後に名詞が来ることもあれば,This toxin acts on humans as well as on insects(この毒は虫だけでなく人にも作用する)のように前後に副詞が来ることもあります。as well asは接続詞なので正解です。



ご説明有り難うございました。 おかげさまで納得できました。


  • 前置詞+oneselfの覚え方ありませんか?

    前置詞+oneselfがたくさんあってどうしても覚えられません!何か良い覚え方ないでしょうか?みなさまのお力をおかしください!! 例えば・・beside oneself、in oneself、for oneself、by oneself、of oneself、to oneselfなどです・・・(>_<)

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Colonies and dependencies Main article: German colonial empire Europe Upon its founding in 1871, the German Empire controlled Alsace-Lorraine as an "imperial territory" incorporated from France after the Franco-Prussian War. It was held as part of Germany's sovereign territory. Africa Germany held multiple African colonies at the time of World War I. All of Germany's African colonies were invaded and occupied by Allied forces during the war. Cameroon, German East Africa, and German Southwest Africa were German colonies in Africa. Togoland was a German protectorate in Africa.

  • as が3つもあるのですが

    The rich can buy large quantities of freedom; the poor must do without it even though, by law and theoretically, they have as good a right to just as much of it as have the rich. 上記の英文でas good a right to just as much of it as have the rich の部分を解剖していただけませんか? 意味は解っているつもりなんですが・・・ as goodのasは、 as muchのasと、 as have the richのasの両方に呼応しているのですか? 1つの英文内で、1つのasが2つのasにかかっているなんてお目にかかったことがないように思うのですが・・・私の経験不足でしょうか? それともjust as much of~が独立した熟語のようになっているのですしょうか? このjust as much of のasがよく分かりません。 right to ~は、~以下の権利と考えていいのですね? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • by the tight nature訳と働き

    By choosing to spend several million dollars each on commercials that will run simultaneously in more than a dozen states over the next 10 days -- and, in Mr. Obama’s case, on CNN and MSNBC as well -- Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton are being driven by the tight nature of the race thus far and by the bunching of Democratic nominating contests in 22 states on Feb. 5. >Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton are being driven by the tight nature of the race thus far オバマ氏、クリントン氏はこれまでのところびっしりと組まれた選挙日程に追い立てられている。 natureの働きを教えてください。

  • as equals について

    In the United States, men and women work side by side as equals. でなぜ equals になるのかがわかりません。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Army of Alsace advanced cautiously, as part of the main French offensive the Battle of Lorraine, by the First and Second armies into the province of Lorraine. The French reached the area west of Mulhouse by 16 August and fought their way into the city by 19 August. The German survivors were pursued eastwards over the Rhine and the French took 3,000 prisoners. Joffre ordered the offensive to continue but by 23 August, preparations were halted as news of the French defeats in Lorraine and the Ardennes arrived. On 26 August, the French withdrew from Mulhouse to a more defensible line near Altkirch, to provide reinforcements for the French armies closer to Paris. The Army of Alsace was disbanded, the VII Corps was transferred to the Somme area in Picardy and the 8th Cavalry Division was attached to the First Army, to which two more divisions were sent later. The German 7th Army took part in the counter-offensive in Lorraine, with the German 6th Army and was then transferred to the Aisne in early September.

  • as being, or is by ・・・ってどの様に解釈するのでしょうか?

    以下の文はある,情報提供者と被提供者間の秘密保持契約書のWhereas条項の部分の英文です。 質問したいのは英文で expressed as being, or is by implication, はどの様に訳せば良いのかと言う点です。  Disclosing Party may provide certain sensitive and/or confidential information to the Recipient and in consideration of this, the Recipient agrees to be bound by this confidentiality agreement with respect to the disclosure of information which is either expressed as being, or is by implication, sensitive and/or confidential information by Disclosing Party to Recipient. 質問(1) 質問部分の文章をシンプルにすると The disclosure of information which is either expressed as being, or is by implication by Disclosing Party to Recipient. と言う英語に直すと訳はどうなるのでしょうか? この部の文法的裏付けがないのですが,私の訳では; 「提供者による被提供者への示唆により,存在しているもの,或いは存在するものの何れかの形態で表現される情報の開示。」・・・この訳で正しいのでしょうか?  質問(2) as being, or is by の文法的説明をお願いします。 質問(3) 私の質問(1)の訳が正しい前提で全文の訳は以下のとおりでよろしいのでしょうか? 「提供者はある機密であり極秘の,或いはその一方の情報を被提供者に提供できる。 その点に鑑みて,提供者による被提供者への示唆,機密であり極秘の或いはその内の何れかの情報により,存在しているもの,或いは存在するものの何れかの形態で表現される情報の開示に関して,被提供者はこの守秘義務契約に拘束されることを同意する。」 以上宜しくご教示お願い致します。

  • 前置詞の訳

    例えばtoなら~するのために、という意味がありますよね。 これと同じように by,for,in,of,with,on,from,asこの8個の単語の訳を教えて下さい。

  • 英語の論文訳して下さい。お願いします。

    Corona charging may be used for both conductive and non-conductive liquids as the droplets are charged by ionic bombardment. Triboelectrification is only effective for insulating liquids. However, conduction and induction charging are restricted to conductive and semi-conductive liquids. In both cases there is a charge flow within the liquid prior to breakup. Conduction and induction charging are often assumed to be synonymous, with the only difference being that in conduction charging the DC power supply contacts the liquid to be sprayed whereas in induction charging the DC power supply is connected to an induction electrode adjacent to the point of droplet breakup. In an ideal (i.e. well isolated from adjacent grounds) twoelectrode geometry, conduction and induction charging have the same electric field distribution except for a polarity difference. However, for a threeelectrode geometry, as commonly used in practice, conduction and induction charging are different in many respects such as the charging mechanism, electric field distribution, energy conversion and the effect of space charge. The aim of this paper is to clarify these differences theoretically and experimentally.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Federal elections were held in Australia on 5 May 1917. All 75 seats in the House of Representatives and 18 of the 36 seats in the Senate were up for election. The incumbent Nationalist Party of Australia (a result of a merger between the Commonwealth Liberal Party and National Labor Party) led by Prime Minister of Australia Billy Hughes defeated the opposition Australian Labor Party (ALP) led by Frank Tudor. Hughes, at the time a member of the ALP, had become Prime Minister when Andrew Fisher retired in 1915. The Australian Labor Party split of 1916 over World War I conscription in Australia had led Hughes and 24 other pro-conscription Labor MPs to split off as the National Labor Party, which was able to form a minority government supported by the Commonwealth Liberal Party, led by Joseph Cook. Later that year, National Labor and the Liberals merged to form the Nationalist Party, with Hughes as leader and Cook as deputy leader. The election was fought in the aftermath of the 1916 plebiscite on conscription, which had been narrowly defeated. The Nationalists won a decisive victory, securing the largest majority government since Federation. The ALP suffered a large electoral swing against it, losing almost seven percent of its vote from 1914. The swing was magnified by the large number of former Labor MPs who followed Hughes out of the party.